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Computational Visual Media
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Open access

Computational Visual Media - CVM Journal Award in 2020

Best Paper Award

Learning local shape descriptors for computing non-rigid dense correspondence


Jianwei Guo, Hanyu Wang, Zhanglin Cheng, **aopeng Zhang, and Dong-Ming Yan

Computational Visual Media Vol. 6, No. 1, 95–112, 2020

Honorable Mention Award

What and where: A context-based recommendation system for object insertion


Song-Hai Zhang, Zheng-** Zhou, Bin Liu, ** Dong, and Peter Hall

Computational Visual Media Vol. 6, No. 1, 79–93, 2020

A survey on deep geometry learning: From a representation perspective


Yun-Peng **ao, Yu-Kun Lai, Fang-Lue Zhang, Chunpeng Li, and Lin Gao

Computational Visual Media Vol. 6, No. 2, 113–133, 2020

Temporal scatterplots


Or Patashnik, Min Lu, Amit H. Bermano, and Daniel Cohen-Or

Computational Visual Media Vol. 6, No. 4, 385–400, 2020
