Topical Collection on Psychiatry in Primary Care

ISSN: 1523-3812 (Print) 1535-1645 (Online)

In this topical collection (20 articles)

  1. No Access

    Psychiatry in Primary Care (BN Gaynes, Section Editor)

    Perinatal Depression: An Update and Overview

    Kaela Stuart-Parrigon, Scott Stuart Article:468
  2. No Access

    Psychiatry in Primary Care (BN Gaynes, Section Editor)

    Serious Mental Illness and the Role of Primary Care

    Claire Planner, Linda Gask, Siobhan Reilly Article:458
  3. No Access

    Psychiatry in Primary Care (BN Gaynes, Section Editor)

    PTSD in Primary Care—An Update on Evidence-based Management

    Jeffrey Sonis Article:373
  4. No Access

    Psychiatry in Primary Care (BN Gaynes, Section Editor)

    Treatment Resistant Depression: Strategies for Primary Care

    Taylor C. Preston, Richard C. Shelton Article:370
  5. No Access

    Psychiatry in Primary Care (BN Gaynes, Section Editor)

    Screening for Depression in Pediatric Primary Care

    Valerie L. Forman-Hoffman, Meera Viswanathan Article:62
  6. No Access

    Psychiatry in Primary Care (BN Gaynes, Section Editor)

    Toward an Emerging Role for Motivational Interviewing in Primary Care

    Robert Keeley, Matthew Engel, Alex Reed, David Brody Article:41
  7. No Access

    Psychiatry in Primary Care (BN Gaynes, Section Editor)

    What Should Primary Care Providers Know About the Changes in DSM-5?

    Ian M. Kronish, Ravi N. Shah, Nathalie Moise Article:30