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An International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics AIMETA

Publishing model:

Meccanica - Special Issue: 100 Years of ICTAM

Guest Editors:
Prof. Anna Pandolfi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Prof. Claudia Comi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Prof. Elías Cueto, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain
Prof. Paolo Luchini, University of Salerno, Italy

Submission Status: Open   |   Submission Deadline: 1 September 2024

This Special Issue commemorates the 100th anniversary of ICTAM, celebrated during the ICTAM Conference in Daegu, Republic of Korea. Contributions are not limited to a specific mechanics topic but are welcome among all fields of mechanics in a broad sense. As per the historical organization of Meccanica, anticipated contributions span solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, machine mechanics and general mechanics. However, submissions in emerging areas of mechanics are also welcome, including micromechanics, biomechanics, stochastic mechanics and the application of diverse forms of artificial intelligence to the field of mechanics.

This Special Issue is by invitation only.

Submission guidelines
All papers must be prepared in accordance with the Instructions for Authors. Authors should submit online via the online submission site and select article type “SI - 100 Years of ICTAM”.

Submitted papers should present original, unpublished work, relevant to one of the topics of the Special Issue. All papers will be evaluated on the basis of relevance, significance of contribution, technical quality, scholarship, and quality of presentation by at least two reviewers. It is the policy of the journal that no submission, or substantially overlap** submission, be published or be under review at another journal or conference at any time during the review process. Final decisions on all papers are made by the Editor-in-Chief.

Meet the Guest Editors:
New Content ItemAnna Pandolfi is a professor of structural mechanics at Politecnico di Milano and visiting associate at Caltech, USA. She is Editor-in-Chief of Meccanica since 2021, elected Member of the Euromech Council (2016-2021) and coordinator of the Italian Group of Computational Mechanics (2015-2019). She has authored more than 90 publications in international peer-reviewed journals in the field of computational mechanics (fracture tracking techniques, particle methods, material models for plasticity, metamaterials, micro-structured tissues), and biomechanics of soft passive and active tissues.

New Content ItemClaudia Comi is a professor of solid and structural mechanics at Politecnico di Milano, Italy. She has authored more than 170 scientific publications in various fields of solid mechanics and 5 patents on microsystems. Her main research interests concern theoretical and computational mechanics with focus on damage modelling, on bifurcation phenomena and nonlocal models for elastoplastic and damaging one-phase and multi-phase materials. Her more recent research is devoted to modelling of auxetic and locally resonant metamaterials, and to design and reliability of microsystems.

New Content ItemElías Cueto is a professor of continuum and computational mechanics at Universidad de Zaragoza, and serves as President of SEMNI (Spanish Society of Computational Engineering and Mechanics). His research interests include development of numerical methods and application to forming process, real-time simulations, haptics, computational surgery, data-intensive computational mechanics, thermodynamics-informed neural networks and Augmented/Mixed Reality.

New Content ItemPaolo Luchini is a professor emeritus at the University of Salerno. He authored about a hundred peer-reviewed papers, and the book Undulators and Free-electron Lasers. He received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa from the Université de Toulouse, France, is a fellow of the American Physical Society and of the European Mechanics Society. He was the president of AIMETA (2014-2017), and editor of the European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids (1999-2019). His interests span both fluid dynamics and electron optics, particularly flow instability, turbulence and its control and, in the past, free-electron lasers.
