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Journal of Business Ethics - Announcement from Springer and Editors in Chief

Springer Nature and the Editors-in-Chief of the journal are delighted to announce that Gazi Islam has been appointed as Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Business Ethics effective 1 January 2021. He replaces Ed Freeman who is step** down at the end of 2020 after a five-year tenure and joins incumbent Co-editor-in-Chief Michelle Greenwood.

Gazi is Professor of People, Organizations and Society at Grenoble Ecole de Management, and member of the research laboratory IREGE (Research Institute for Management and Economics). He has previously been a faculty member at Insper, Tulane University, and the University of New Orleans. His research interests revolve around the contemporary meanings of work, and the relations between identity, group dynamics and the production of group and organizational cultures. He actively participates in a range of academic communities including the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) and the Future of Work and Organizational Psychology forum. To give you an indication of Gazi’s agility and service, he currently serves on nine editorial boards: Academy of Management Learning and Education, Cadernos EBAPE, Journal of Management, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Management Research, Organizational Research Methods, Organization Studies, Organization Theory and Organization. Gazi has recently co-edited Business Ethics and Care in Organizations for the Routledge book series on studies in Business Ethics.

At the invitation of the Editors-in-chief, Gazi joined the Journal of Business Ethics in 2016 to found a section based on the discipline of psychology at the journal. His vision was to develop a multilevel, broad-based approach to research at the intersection of Psychology and Business Ethics. In an essay published in the journal entitled Psychology and Business Ethics: A Multi-level Research Agenda he notes, “psychology enriches business ethics theorizing by acknowledging the centrality of subjective experience—through affects, perceptions, practices—in the construction and maintenance of ethical relations in business and society” (Islam 2020, p. 10). Gazi joins us in our commitment to interrogating the oft-assumed divide between normative and social-scientific inquiry in business ethics.

As we move forward to the next stage of the exciting and eventful journey that is the Journal of Business Ethics, we would like to pay tribute to Ed Freeman who has served as co-editor-chief since January 2016. Ed brought a vast amount to the journal when, together with Michelle Greenwood, he accepted the invitation to co-edit the journal. A deep understanding of the field, clear vision, respect for all, and a great deal of love, provided the basis for a five-year partnership with an extraordinary team of editors. An enormous amount has been achieved including the opening of many new sections at the journal; the involvement of diverse range of excellent scholars as editors, reviewers and authors; and the challenging of taken-for-granted norms in academic publishing.

One personal objective that Ed held dearly during his tenure was the development of the depth and range of philosophy that is published in business ethics. To honour this aim, and the legacy of Ed Freeman at the journal, we are pleased to announce the establishment of the R. Edward Freeman Journal of Business Ethics Philosophy in Practice Best Paper Award. This award will be given annually to the best paper invoking a philosophical approach – be this theoretical, conceptual and/or methodological – for the purpose of examining and improving business in practice. To this effect, “philosophy in practice” is understood as philosophical inquiry that addresses real-world problems, that pursues goals of hope and freedom, that engages with the lived experiences of people, and which moves beyond mere truth-seeking. In Ed’s own words, when discussing the relevance of his mentor Richard Rorty to business research, “a more fruitful course would be to produce fine-grained narratives that focus on how we could live together better” (Freeman 2004, p. 130).

Thank you all for your incredible support for the journal. We look forward to many more years of collaborative endeavours.

Kind regards,

Michelle Greenwood, Monash University, Australia
Neil Olivier, Editorial Director, Springer Nature

Freeman, R. E. (2004). Book review essay: The relevance of Richard Rorty to management research. Academy of Management Review, 29(1), 127–130.
Islam, G. (2020). Psychology and business ethics: A multi-level research agenda. Journal of Business Ethics, 165(1), 1–13.
