
The increasing population and unpredictability evoked by global climate change have brought new demands to increase the productivity and quality of our crops [1]. Food production must increase 70% by 2050 to feed the increase in the world’s population [2]. The past few decades have witnessed a rapid evolution of sequencing and marker technologies alongside the widespread adoption of genome-based breeding approaches [3]. These technological revolutions have promoted innovations in crop breeding from conventional phenotype-based selection to genomics-assisted breeding and genetic engineering [4, 5].

While they harbor great potential, the development of breeding technologies and the explosive growth of biological information have also highlighted the insufficiencies in conventional genomics-assisted breeding strategies. The first of these insufficiencies is the use of a single reference genome. More and more evidences have shown that map** reads onto a single reference genome can result in reference bias and missing information in highly polymorphic regions and regions that are not present in the genome [6,7,8]. Thus, a more comprehensive way is to replace the single reference genome with a pan-genome, which represents the complete genetic repertoire of a species. With reduced sequencing costs in recent years, the desirability to construct pan-genomes has spread from Streptococcus agalactiae [9] to eukaryotic species [10,11,12], including many major crops, such as rice, bread wheat, soybean, and tomato [13,14,15,16]. Secondly, the conventional genomics-assisted breeding strategies majorly rely on single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and short insertions/deletions (InDels, hereafter representing insertions/deletions < 50 bp) because they could be easily acquired from low-depth resequencing of cultivated lines. However, SNPs/InDels do not represent the complete genetic repertoire of a species [17, 18]. Other genetic variations, such as structural variations (SVs), also play important roles in plant genetics [19, 20], and their potential should be harnessed for crop breeding and improvement. Besides, applying multi-omic (e.g., transcriptomic, proteomic, metabolomic, and epigenetic) bio-data to reveal genetic mechanisms is becoming more practical [21]. It is highly conceivable that systematic integration of multi-omics data could accelerate crop breeding and improvement [22, 23]. Given these considerations, it follows that to aid in increasing the productivity and quality of crops from the perspectives of genomics and genetics, we should (i) construct a genus-level crop pan-genome, or “super-pan-genome” [24], that includes both cultivated and wild accessions within a genus; (ii) include more genetic variations (e.g., SVs) in addition to SNPs/InDels into genomics-assisted crop breeding, and (iii) systematically integrate multi-omics evidence to accelerate crop breeding.

Maize is a staple crop and a model organism for genetic research [25]. Since the first release of the maize B73 reference genome in 2009 [26], more than 40 maize genomes have been released to date. Moreover, multi-omics maize data, including DNA resequencing [27,28,29,30,31], transcriptomic [32, 33], metabolomic [34, 39] and the population-level transcripts of hundreds of diverse lines [1: Fig. S8D–E. G Schematic of the variant graph genome representation for AGPv4 Chr2:171064-171220, with the SNP paths, short InDels, and a large deletion. H The identity and map** rate distribution of the simulated short reads from the genomes of the 26 NAM founders against the variant graph. Dark blue individuals are presented on the variant graph, whereas light blue individuals are not