
Ovarian cancer (OC) is the seventh most common malignancy worldwide, with 238,719 newly diagnosed cases in 2012 [1]. The incidence of OC has appreciable geographic variation worldwide [1]. OC is more frequently diagnosed at an advanced stage, and its prognosis is poor, which makes this cancer the most lethal gynaecological malignancy [2]. Thus, understanding the aetiology of OC and identifying the causal factors and populations at high risk are essential for primary prevention.

To better understand the effect of lifestyle factors or reproductive patterns on OC incidence, we conducted an age–period–cohort analysis to explore the effect of birth cohort [3,4,5,6]. Birth cohort effects can reflect the long-established generational effect of causal factors in cancer incidence [3,4,5,6]. For example, a recent age–period–cohort analysis in Japan, the Republic of Korea and Singapore indicated that the increased risk of OC in younger birth cohorts was caused by changes in reproductive patterns and a shift towards a westernized lifestyle and dietary factors [4]. To date, no study has examined global trends in OC by an age–period–cohort analysis, which has been found to be more useful than a conventional cross-sectional analysis in evaluating trends [7].

We aimed to explore global geographical patterns of OC incidence and temporal trends from 1973 to 2015 for 41 countries. In particular, we aimed to analyse the birth cohort effect to examine the importance of changes in lifestyle or reproductive patterns, identify countries with increasing risk of OC and highlight trends that deserve closer attention by public health and cancer prevention specialists.


OC incidence data were categorized according to the International Classification of Disease for Oncology (ICD-O), 3rd edition (C56). The data for the age-standardized rate (ASR) of OC incidence in 2012 for regions and 184 countries worldwide were drawn from the GLOBOCAN 2012 database [8], which formulated national estimates of cancer incidence from the best available data source (often based on data from Cancer Incidence in Five Continents (CI5)) and weighted averages of regional data in each country, with variable levels of accuracy depending on the extent and validity of locally available data [9]. We also extracted long-term data from the CI5, Volumes IV–X, the CI5plus database, and online databases published by governments. CI5 is the main source of high-quality global cancer incidence data for validity, completeness, and comparability [10]. Incidence data for the United States (USA) were extracted from the Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results Program (SEER), which represents the most reliable data source of cancer incidence in the USA [11]. Although these databases, including GLOBOCAN, CI5 and SEER, have been used extensively in studies examining the global patterns and trends in the incidence of various cancers [12,13,14], there are some possible heterogeneities of these databases and different registries in our study. For example, GLOBOCAN includes simulated figures different from the active data collection of CI5 and SEER. The discrepancy between simulated figures of GLOBOCAN and the accurate data of CI5 and SEER is likely to be greater in countries with lower quality cancer registry data. The accuracy of data in these databases also varies from region to region and in different registries, especially for develo** countries. Caution should be taken when interpreting the findings of develo** countries.

To examine the trends in OC incidence, the inclusion requirement in our study was a continuous data of at least 15 years and containment in the last volume of the CI5 series (Volume X) to avoid statistical instability and ensure the quality of the data [6, 15]. Finally, 41 countries were selected. Of these countries, the incidence data for 26 countries were at the national level. For the remaining countries with two or more cancer registries, we pooled the cases and population data in all registries to cover the largest geographic area with an estimated national level [3].

We calculated a summary ASR using direct standardization with the world standard population [16]. To examine the geographic diversity in OC incidence, ASR by region and 184 countries in 2012 were plotted. To graphically present the trend in OC ASR, we performed locally weighted scatterplot smoothing (LOWESS) regression to fit smoothed lines [17]. To examine the changes in ASR, we performed a joinpoint regression model to calculate the annual percent change and the average annual percent change (AAPC) [17].

We conducted age-period-cohort analyses in all 41 countries. We subtracted the midpoints of 5-year age groups (20–24, 25–29, …, 80–84) from the corresponding 1-year calendar periods of diagnosis to obtain birth cohorts. Finally, we described the magnitude of the rates λ(a, p) as a function of age (a), period (p) and birth cohort (c) using a log-linear model, with Poisson distribution and with the log of the person-years at risk defined as an offset [3, 5, 6]:

$$ \left[\log \Big(\uplambda \left(\mathrm{a},\mathrm{p}\Big)\right)={\upalpha}_{\mathrm{a}}+{\upbeta}_{\mathrm{p}}+{\upgamma}_{\mathrm{c}}\right] $$

We applied a full age–period–cohort model to estimate birth cohort effects with incidence rate ratio (IRR) relative to the reference birth cohort. To overcome the non-identifiability problem of the linear dependence between three factors, we constrained the linear component of the period effect to have a zero slope, assuming that the linear changes in OC incidence resulted from cohort-related factors [3, 5, 6]. This statistical method has been widely applied in many published papers about global trends in the incidence of other cancers [3, 5, 6].

The global map was depicted by using ArcGIS (version 10.2). The figures were drawn by using Sigma Plot (version 12.5). Joinpoint regression models were performed by the Joinpoint Regression Program (version The age–period–cohort model analyses and graphs were conducted using APCfit in Stata (version 13.0).


There were an estimated 238,719 incident cases of OC and an ASR of 6.1 per 100,000 women worldwide in 2012 (Table 1). Approximately 9.2 per 100,000 women of ASR occurred in more developed regions and 5 per 100,000 women in less developed regions. The highest ASR was observed in Central and Eastern Europe, with 11.4 per 100,000 women, while the lowest ASR was observed in Micronesia, with 3.0 per 100,000 women (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2).

Table 1 Estimated number of ovarian cancer incident cases by region of the world in 2012
Fig. 1
figure 1

Estimated international variation in age-standardized (world) ovarian cancer incidence rates for all ages. National OC incidence estimates in 2012 for 184 countries were extracted from the GLOBOCAN 2012 database ( The map was depicted by ourselves using ArcGIS v10.2 software

Fig. 2
figure 2

Estimated age-standardized (world) ovarian cancer incidence rates for all ages for all regions. Data were extracted from the GLOBOCAN 2012 database (

Table 2 shows temporal trends of ASR from 1973 onward as well as the AAPC values for the last 10-year period. The scatter plots with LOWESS regression curves are shown in Fig. 3, Additional file 1: Figure S1 and S2 (nine exemplary countries are shown in the text and the remaining countries are shown in supplemental figures to make the figure clearer). Over the entire study period, the ASR increased continually in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Germany, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the United Kingdom (UK), Spain, Bulgaria, Poland, Slovakia, India, Japan and Thailand. For the most recent 10-year period, increasing trends were mainly observed in Central and South America, Asia and Central and Eastern Europe (Additional file 1: Figure S3). Larger significant increases were observed in Brazil (AAPC = 4.4%), the Republic of Korea (AAPC = 2.1%) and Japan (AAPC = 1.7%), whereas larger decreases were found in Austria (AAPC = − 3.7%), Israel (AAPC = − 3.2%) and the Czech Republic (AAPC = − 2.8%) (Additional file 1: Figure S3).

Table 2 Trends in ovarian cancer age-standardized rates for all ages
Fig. 3
figure 3

Temporal trends in age-standardized (world 1960 Segi population) ovarian cancer incidence rates per 100,000 women for nine selected countries from each region for all ages from 1973 to 2015

Figure 4, Additional file 1: Figure S4 and S5, shows the 5-year age-specific OC incidence rates by birth cohort. The non-parallel appearance of the observed incidence rates versus the birth cohort across age groups indicates a strong cohort effect, as seen in almost all countries. For countries with age-specific differences, the incidence rate increased in the recent birth cohorts with age > 70 years in Denmark and Germany, age > 65 years in Finland, age > 50 years in Poland and Thailand, age > 40 years in Ecuador, age > 35 years in Latvia and age > 30 years in Korea. The other age groups of these countries show a decreasing trend. The incidence rate increased in the recent birth cohorts with age < 30 years in the Netherlands, Ireland and France, age < 35 years in Norway, age < 45 years in Russia, New Zealand and Singapore, age < 50 years in the UK, Slovenia and Estonia, and age < 70 years in Japan. The incidence rate decreased in the Netherlands between 30 and 65 years old, in France between 30 and 70 years old, and in the UK between 50 and 60 years old.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Ovarian cancer incidence rates per 100,000 women by year of birth for nine selected countries from each region. For each graph, the rates in 5-year age groups (e.g., 20–24, 25–29, …, 80–84) are plotted

Figure 5, Additional file 1: Figure S6 and S7, depicts the graphs for the age and cohort effects. The incidence rates increased sharply with age in most countries. We observed four patterns of IRR for birth cohort effects. First, a continuous increase was found in Bulgaria, Estonia, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, the UK, Australia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, India, Japan, Singapore and Thailand. Second, a trend in IRR analogous to a v-shaped curve was observed in Iceland, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Finland and the Philippines. The IRR in the Philippines decreased among birth cohorts from 1900 to 1920 and increased rapidly from 1920 onwards, while that in Iceland decreased slightly before the 1960–1970 birth cohort and increased from 1970 onwards, and that in the Netherlands, Finland and New Zealand increased after the 1970–1980 birth cohort. Third, a trend in IRR similar to an inverted v-shaped curve was observed in several countries. For example, the IRR of cohort effects in the USA and the USA White population increased among birth cohorts from 1890 to 1920 and decreased from 1920 onwards; that in France increased among birth cohorts from 1890 to 1930 and decreased from 1930 onwards; that in Norway and Switzerland increased among birth cohorts from 1890 to 1940 and decreased from 1940 onwards; that in Czech Republic and Ireland decreased from 1950 onwards; that in Croatia, Latvia, Poland, Canada, Israel and the USA Black populations decreased from 1960 onwards; and that in China, Spain, Colombia and the Republic of Korea decreased from 1970 onwards. Fourth, a consistent decrease in IRR was detected in Austria, Denmark and Sweden. For recent generations of the 41 countries, the IRR increased in Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Lithuania, the UK, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Malta, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, India, Japan, the Philippines and Thailand.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Fitted age-specific ovarian cancer incidence rates per 100,000 women (left) and incidence rate ratios by birth cohort (right) in nine selected countries from each region. The default is for the reference points at the median value (with respect to the number of cases) for the cohort to be variable


In this study, we observed a large global variation in the ASR of OC. During the most recent 10-year period, increasing trends were mainly observed in Central and South America, Asia and Central and Eastern Europe. We also found visibly increasing IRR among recent birth cohorts in most countries worldwide.

The birth cohort effect indicates that individuals born in the same time period tend to adopt similar lifestyles that may influence their carcinogenic risks in specific ways. Changing lifestyle habits, including cigarette smoking, diet and oral contraceptive pills (OCPs), and obesity could have crucial impacts on the birth cohort risk of OC and hence influence national OC incidence trends.

There is a biological plausibility between smoking and OC; that is, researchers have discovered adducts of benzo(a) pyrene in the ovarian follicular cells of women who have ever smoked, and these adducts would increase DNA damage risk through a direct carcinogenic effect [18]. Women who have ever smoked had a 6% higher risk of OC than did those who have never smoked [19]. The global smoking prevalence among females (≥15 years old) declined from 10.6% in 1980 to 6.2% in 2012, with a decline of 1.7% every year [20]. From 1980 to 2012, smoking prevalence among females mainly declined in the Americas and Oceania countries, especially in North America, Australia, and New Zealand, while prevalence started to decline moderately during recent years in European countries and has changed little in Asian countries [20]. For example, the smoking prevalence in Canada, the USA, Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, the United Kingdom and Israel was higher than 20% in 1980 and declined by greater than 2% annually, whereas the prevalence in Bulgaria, which was similar to that of the above-mentioned countries in 1980, increased with statistical significance since 1980 [20]. The trends in smoking prevalence could partly explain OC trends in these regions and countries for the study period, especially for the most recent 10 years. In 2012, the greatest smoking prevalence among females occurred in European regions, followed by Oceania and North America, while smoking prevalence in Asian and African countries was low; that is, smoking prevalence across high-income countries in 2012 varied greatly, from less than 15% in Canada, Iceland, Israel, Japan, Sweden, and the USA to greater than 26% in Bulgaria and France, while in many middle-income countries, the smoking prevalence never exceeded 5% [20]. The global smoking prevalence pattern in 2012 also seems to explain the global patterns in OC incidence in 2012 from our study that the highest ASR for OC was observed in Central and Eastern Europe, Northern Europe, Southern Europe, North America, and Oceania. Generation-specific smoking prevalence data can also help explain the trends of OC better. In Japan, smoking prevalence continuously increased in the 1930s–1970s birth cohort among women [21]. In Germany, the smoking prevalence increased from 20% in the 1926–1930 birth cohort to approximately 50% in the 1966–1970 birth cohort among women [22]. This finding seems to be consistent with the increasing birth cohort risk of OC in these countries in our study.

Mechanistically, red meat and processed meat are sources of iron, high salt content, saturated fats, and several mutagens, including N-nitroso and nitrosamine compounds, heterocyclic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which are associated with DNA damage and an increased risk of OC [23]. A healthy dietary pattern was associated with a reduced 14% risk of OC, and a western-style dietary pattern, such as high intakes of red meat and processed meat, was associated with an 19% increased risk of OC [24]. In 2010, the average red meat intake met the recommended standards of ≤1 (100 g) serving/week in only 5 of 187 countries (representing 20.3% of the world’s population). Global average red meat consumption increased by 1.5 g/day from 1990 to 2010, while the consumption significantly increased by 8.3 g/day in East Asia [25]. The greatest increases in intake occurred in Latvia (+ 15.2 g/day) and the Republic of Korea (+ 13.4 g/day), while a large decline was observed in Canada (− 7.1 g/ day), the Netherlands (− 6.1 g/day) and the USA (− 4.7 g/day) [25]. The average processed meat intake met the recommended standards of ≤1 (50 g) serving/week in 55 of 187 countries (representing 38.5% of the world’s population) in 2010 [25]. Some countries consume more red meat and processed meat (e.g., American nations, such as Colombia; and European nations, such as Poland, Russia, Latvia and Lithuania) [25]. The change in red meat intake and the dietary pattern worldwide also seems to partly explain the pattern and trends in OC incidence in the regions and countries examined in our study. Notably, the birth cohort effect implies the importance of diet in early life. Diet may explain part of the increased OC risk of recent birth cohorts in Japan, since Japanese dietary patterns have shifted greatly to Western-style meals over recent decades [26]. The increasing risk for the cohort born after the 1920s in Korea from our study might be partly explained by the gradual westernization of lifestyles and dietary pattern towards increased meat and fat consumption in Korea [27].

Compared with normal weight women, obese women would reduce serum progesterone levels because of an increase in anovulatory cycles, while progesterone has a protective impact on ovarian carcinogenesis [28]. In addition, obesity increased insulin and insulin–like growth factor–1 levels, which would increase OC risk [29]. Hence, overweight women had a 7% higher risk of OC, and obese women had a 28% higher risk [30]. A population-based study indicated that the estimated population attributable fraction of OC cases in 2012 associated with excess body mass index (defined as 25 kg/m (2) or greater) is 33% for Eastern Europe, 30% for Northern Europe, 30% for Southern Europe and 34% for North America [31]. These findings may partly explain the highest ASR of OC in Europe and North America in 2012. The proportion of adults with body mass index ≥25 kg/m2 increased from 29.8 to 38.0% for females from 1980 to 2013 worldwide [32]. The proportion of women with a high body mass index increased even faster than the global average in the high-income countries included in our study (except Japan) [32]. The increasing prevalence of obesity due to lifestyle changes is likely to cause a birth cohort effect. In Australia, a quasi–V-shaped obesity trend was observed for females for birth cohorts from 1915 to 1980 [33], which seems to be consistent with the changes in the birth cohort risk of OC in our study. The prevalence of obesity among women increased from 5.0 to 10.1% from 1993 to 2009 in China [


The major finding of our study is the increasing IRR of OC observed by birth cohort for most countries in Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, and Central and South America. The increasing trends may be due to the increased prevalence of smoking, the westernized dietary patterns, obesity, and the decreased prevalence of parity, while the decreasing trends may be due to the increased prevalence of OCPs and the decreased prevalence of HRT. Public health and cancer prevention specialists should pay more attention to countries with increasing risk of OC. The reason for the increasing OC risk for recent birth cohorts in these countries should be investigated with further epidemiology studies.