
Predicting gene function is a major goal of systems molecular biology in the post genome sequencing era. In this context, the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has emerged as the eukaryotic model organism of choice for large-scale functional genomic investigations. Yeast cells have been subjected to a number of high throughput investigations such as gene expression analysis [1], protein-protein interaction map** [2, 3] and synthetic genetic interaction analysis [4]. Much knowledge relating to the functions of yeast genes has been collated but a significant number of genes are still not characterized in this model organism [5]. Consequently, further studies are required to examine the function(s) of uncharacterized genes, and to investigate novel function(s) for genes that are not fully characterized.

Increased sensitivity of gene deletion mutant strains to inhibitory compounds has been used extensively to study gene functions [6, 7]. This approach is partly based on the theory that in general, the presence of redundant pathways compensates for genetic inactivation of a single pathway, with no phenotypic consequence [8]. However, the inactivity of a second functionally overlap** pathway, in this case using a chemical treatment, can cause a "double hit" effect and result in a phenotypic consequence that can be scored as a reduction in the rate of growth, or a sick/sensitive phenotype [4, 9]. Similarly, such chemical-genetic profile analyses can be used to study cellular target sites of various bioactive compounds [9], pharmaceuticals [10] and herbal extracts [11] whose mechanisms of action are unknown.

In general, chemical sensitivity profiling of yeast gene knockouts can be studied using three complementary high throughput approaches. In the first case, deletion mutants can be grown individually in liquid cultures and their growth rates monitored spectrophotometrically using a microplate reader. The growth curve of micro-cultivated mutant strains in the presence and absence of a bioactive compound is used to determine strain sensitivity [1214]. The second approach is based on synthetic lethality analysis on microarray (SLAM) [15]. A pool of tagged deletion strains are grown in the presence and absence of the target compounds. Owing to the presence of a specific barcode in each mutant strain, the relative growth of each strain can be determined using microarray methodology, and sensitivity is measured on the basis of the relative growth of a specific mutant strain in the presence of other strains. The third approach concerns colonies of yeast gene deletion mutant strains being arrayed on solid media in the presence and absence of the target compounds [9, 16]. The growth rates of individual colonies are estimated by their relative colony size relative to a control. Each of these techniques has inherent advantages and disadvantages. The results obtained from these methodologies are considered to be complementary [Full size image

Smaller clusters could represent additional target sites (side effects) of the drugs. For example, neomycin is known to inhibit the phospholipase C pathway and thus interfere with signal transduction in eukaryotic cells [28]. This could explain the observation that deletion of YIL050W (PCL7), which codes for a member of a metabolism-associated Pho85c kinase complex, confers cell sensitivity to neomycin. The smaller clusters could also represent novel secondary functions for certain genes, some of which may link translation to other cellular processes. For example, deletion of YER095W (RAD51) or YOL090W (MSH2) increased sensitivity to cycloheximide. YER095W and YOL090W are involved in repair of DNA strand breaks. Interestingly, YER095W is reported to have a genetic interaction (positive genetic) with the translation termination factor eRF3 gene YDR172W (SUP35) and the translation elongation factor YLR249W (YEF3) gene [29], and its product is reported to interact physically with glutamyl tRNA synthetase protein, YGL245Wp (Gus1p) [30]. Similarly, the gene product of YOL090W is reported to interact physically with the translation initiation factor eIF4A, YJL138C (TIF2) [31]. This is in agreement with the recently reported link between DNA damage response and translation [32]. Alternatively, the smaller clusters could represent false positive results. However, the most likely scenario is that each of the aforementioned cases represents a different integrated part of the data. For example, secondary target sites of a drug can be investigated with the prior knowledge that the smaller clusters could contain genes with novel secondary functions as well as a number of false positives. An interesting observation is that the overall distribution of genes within each functional cluster was similar for each of the five drugs investigated herein (Figure 1A). This could represent cross-talk between protein synthesis and the other four cellular processes. Based on our previous observations of chemical-genomic profiles of other inhibitory compounds with diverse modes of action such as calcoflour white, methyl methane sulfate, and sodium dodecyl sulfate, the profiles presented in Figure 1A are distinct (unpublished data).

As utilized previously [33], a hierarchical clustering approach to drug sensitivity was used to analyze the chemical profiles (Figure 1B). It is expected that compounds with similar modes of activity have similar profiles with considerable overlaps, and hence cluster together. As expected, the profiles for paromomycin and neomycin had considerable overlaps and hence these compounds were clustered together by hierarchical clustering using complete linkage. These aminoglycosides bind small ribosomal subunits and compromise translation fidelity and translocation. Cycloheximide and 3-AT also had considerable overlaps and were clustered together as expected; these drugs can affect the elongation phase of translation. Cycloheximide does so by binding the 60 S ribosomal subunit [19] whereas 3-AT causes starvation of amino acids needed for successful elongation. Interestingly, streptomycin, an aminoglycoside, had more overlap and was more closely associated with cycloheximide and 3-AT. Unlike other aminoglycosides, streptomycin does not bind the ribosomal A-site [34], implying that streptomycin binding to the ribosome could result in an alternative ribosomal conformation that resembles the action of cycloheximide and 3-AT. The effect of streptomycin on prokaryotic translation elongation, which is different from other aminoglycosides, is well documented [35].

The overlap of strain sensitivities to different drugs is represented in Figure 1C. A total of 1519 gene deletion mutants were identified with increased sensitivity to a minimum of one drug (Figure 1C); 408 were sensitive to two or more drugs. A mutant for the vacuole gene YDR495CΔ (vps3Δ) was sensitive to the five treatments. This mutant has been observed in other screens, suggesting non-specific involvement in multiple drug resistance. When analyzing the overlap** drug sensitive strains, the ratio of protein synthesis related genes did not increase significantly when sensitivities to two or more drugs were analyzed (Figure 1C and 1D and Additional file 1). Enrichment in the category of transport and stress related genes, into which multiple drug resistant genes generally fall, was observed for some multiple drug sensitive groups. This highlights that selection based on several drugs could partially target multiple drug resistant genes.

To investigate the accuracy of our large-scale approach to detect drug sensitive mutants, five deletion strains were selected and subjected to spot test analysis (Figure 2). This analysis confirmed that deletion of YPL009C confers increased sensitivity to cycloheximide, deletion of YDR056C increases sensitivity to streptomycin and neomycin, deletion of YJR111C increases sensitivity to streptomycin, and deletions of YIL137C and YPL183W-A increase sensitivity to 3-AT. These results are in agreement with the large-scale analysis and confirm that this approach can identify strains that are sensitive to the drugs used in this study.

Figure 2
figure 2

Strain sensitivity to different translation-inhibitory drugs. Wild type (WT) or gene deletion mutant strains (yploo9cΔ, yil137cΔ, ypl183w-a Δ, ydr056cC Δ and yjr111cΔ) were serially diluted to 10-3 to 10-6 and spotted on solid medium with sub-inhibitory concentrations of cycloheximide, paromomycin, 3-AT, streptomycin and neomycin as indicated, or without drugs (control). The plates were incubated at 30°C for 1-2 days. Deletion of ypl009c confers increased sensitivity to cycloheximide; yil137c and ypl183w-a to 3-AT, ydr056c to streptomycin and neomycin, and yjr111c to streptomycin.

Synthetic genetic array (SGA) analysis for TAE2, TAE3 and TAE4

The majority of mutants with increased sensitivity to the target drugs had deletions of genes with known functions in protein biosynthesis. Therefore, the activities of three mutants for genes that are not well characterized, YPL009C, YIL137C and YPL183W-A, were examined by studying genetic interactions with previously reported protein biosynthesis related genes. These genes have not been characterized but available literature and our unpublished data suggest possible associations with certain disease related-genes and phenotypes (see Discussion).

It is generally accepted that many genes/pathways in eukaryotic cells are functionally redundant and that compensation for loss of activity is prevalent [8]. However, deletion of a second functionally related gene/pathway could result in sickness or lethality, indicating an aggravating interaction. Consequently, the sickness of double mutants can be used to investigate genetic interaction and functional relationships between genes (synthetic genetic interaction analysis) [4]. The synthetic genetic interactions of YPL009C, YIL137C and YPL183W-A with other protein biosynthesis genes were investigated by systematically examining double gene deletions for alterations in colony size [4]. If our targeted genes are involved in protein biosynthesis, it would be expected on the basis of their molecular function that they would interact genetically with other translation genes with related functions. As presented in Figure 3 and Additional file 2, YPL009C, YIL137C and YPL183W-A interacted genetically with a number of translation genes as evidenced by the sick phenotype of the double mutants. These results suggest a functional association for our target genes with the process of protein biosynthesis. Therefore, the studied genes were named TAE2 (YPL009C), TAE3 (YIL137C) and TAE4 (YPL183W-A), or translation associated elements 2-4, respectively. The largest group of genes that interacted with TAE3 and TAE4 were those involved in translation associated RNA processing, with three and seven interactions, respectively. This group included genes such RNA exonuclease YLR059C (REX2), which is involved in rRNA maturation and processing, rRNA binding protein YHR066Wp (Ssf1p), which is a constituent of the 66 S pre-ribosomal subunit, and nuclear pore complex protein YKL068Wp (Nup100p), which is involved in mRNA and rRNA export and ribosomal protein import to the nucleus. TAE4 interacted with five genes related to different small ribosomal subunit proteins including YLR441C, which codes for S1A, and YJL190C, which codes for S22A. TAE2 had a general pattern of interaction and interacted with genes with differing functions. The largest groups of genes (three) that interacted with TAE2 had five members each, with functions in amino acid biosynthesis, small ribosomal subunit proteins and regulation of translation.

Figure 3
figure 3

Synthetic genetic interaction analysis for TAE2 , TAE3 and TAE4 with translation related genes. There are 72 interactions that represent synthetic genetic interactions for three query genes TAE2, TAE3 and TAE4, with 59 different translation genes. Genes are represented as nodes (circles) and interactions are represented as edges (lines). The interacting genes are further divided into eight functional categories. There are a number of shared interactions that highlight the interconnectivity of the network. The nodes are coloured according to functional groups. Black edges represent synthetic sick (aggravating) interactions, and the six pink thick edges represent synthetically rescue (alleviating) interactions.

In addition, some of the identified genetic partners were shared between the query genes (Figure 3). For example, YDR025W, which codes for the small ribosomal subunit protein S11A, interacted genetically with TAE2 and TAE4, and YFR009W (GCN20), which is involved in positive activation of GCN2 kinase, interacted with TAE3 and TAE4. Furthermore, a synthetic genetic interaction between TAE2 and TAE4 was observed.

In contrast to the aggravating interactions in which sickness of double mutants was investigated, interactions concerning double mutants with higher fitness than expected were examined. Such alleviating interactions, also known as synthetic rescue, are thought to exist between genes in the same pathway [36]. Six such interactions were identified in this study (Figure 3). In agreement with the synthetic sickness interactions, which showed that the largest functional interaction partners for TAE3 and TAE4 were involved in translation associated RNA processing, it was observed that TAE3 interacted with the RNA processing gene YLR107W (REX3) and with YKL068W (NUP100), a gene involved in RNA transport from the nucleus and associated with rRNA and tRNA export, and that TAE4 interacted with another RNA processing gene, YNL001W (DOM34). TAE2 had alleviating interactions with three genes with different functions, namely YKR059W (TIF1), which has a role in translation initiation, YDR494W (RSM28), which is involved in mitochondrial translation, and YDR450W (RPS18A), associated with the structure of small ribosomal subunits. The diversity of the interactions in which TAE2 is involved mirrors the results of the synthetic sick interactions, leading to the conclusion that it did not interact with one major functional group.

A recent genome-wide synthetic genetic interaction study used TAE3 and TAE4 as query genes and demonstrated that they formed synthetic sick and lethal interactions predominantly with genes involved in protein biosynthesis (P-values of 10-7 and 10-16 for TAE3 and TAE4, respectively) [37], confirming the results presented herein. Similarly, the synthetic sick and lethal interactions reported for TAE2 predominantly (P-value = 0.003) concerned protein biosynthesis genes.

Functional correlations for TAE2 and TAE4 with other protein synthesis related genes

Overexpression of a gene often compensates for a phenotypic consequence caused by the absence of a functionally related gene [38, 39]. Therefore, one approach to studying protein function would be to investigate whether its overexpression can compensate for the absence of proteins with known functions. This approach was used to investigate further the biological activity of the gene products for TAE2 and TAE4 by investigating whether their overexpression could reverse the phenotypic consequences caused by the absence of other translation genes (phenotypic suppression analysis). For an unknown reason our multiple attempts to isolate an overexpression plasmid for TAE3 from the yeast gene overexpression library were unsuccessful. Consequently, TAE3 was omitted from this part of the investigation. Reduced growth was used as the target phenotypic consequence for gene deletion strains cultured in the presence of neomycin and streptomycin. As indicated in Figure 4 (and Additional file 3), we observed that the growth defects in the presence of neomycin and/or streptomycin for a number of deletion strains for translation genes were compensated by the overexpression of TAE2 (Figure 4A) or TAE4 (Figure 4B). In agreement with the synthetic genetic interactions described previously, the two main functional categories that TAE4 overexpression rescued included genes involved in translation related RNA processing and 40 S ribosomal structure maintenance. For example, TAE4 overexpression rescued the sensitivity to drugs of deletion strains for the pre rRNA processing gene YGR159C (NSR1) and the 40 S ribosomal subunit protein S28 gene YGR118W (RPS23A). These observations can be explained by a role for TAE4 in 40 S biogenesis, which is in agreement with the synthetic sick and synthetic rescue interactions observed for TAE4.

Figure 4
figure 4

Overexpression of TAE2 and TAE4 suppresses the sensitivity of numerous translation genes to drug treatments. Overexpression of TAE2 and TAE4 suppresses the phenotype of a number of translation gene deletion strains against neomycin and/or streptomycin treatments. Genes are represented as nodes (circles) and interactions are represented as edges (lines). The interacting genes are divided into functional categories and colored accordingly. (A) TAE2 over-expression rescued 20 gene deletions with a variety of functions. (B) TAE4 over-expression rescued 18 gene deletions, the majority of which are 40 S subunit proteins (nine genes) or function as translation-associated RNA processing proteins (five genes). Blue letters represent genes that are rescued by the overexpression of both TAE2 and TAE4.

As was the case with the synthetic genetic interactions for TAE2, the phenotypic suppression analysis suggested a general role for TAE2 in translation. Overexpression of TAE2 compensated for the deletion of a number of genes with diverse roles in translation such as YMR242C (RPL20A), which codes for a 60 S ribosomal subunit protein, YDR462W (MRPL28), which codes for a mitochondrial ribosome protein, and YKR059W (TIF1), which codes for the translation initiation factor eIF4A.

Three of the rescued gene deletion strains, YDL083CΔ (rps16BΔ), YPL081W Δ (rps9AΔ) and YIL052C Δ (rpl34BΔ), were shared between TAE2 and TAE4. This is in accordance with the synthetic genetic interaction observed between these two genes (Figure 3). Such interactions highlight the interconnectivity of a genetic interaction map for translation genes.

Deletions of TAE2, TAE3 and TAE4 affect the process of protein synthesis

The genetic interaction analyses provide a direct link between TAE2, TAE3 and TAE4, and the process of protein biosynthesis. To investigate this link further we examined the effect of deletion of the target genes on translation efficiency, stop codon readthrough and ribosome biogenesis. If any differences were detected we would expect them to be subtle owing to the importance of protein biosynthesis for cell survival and the fact that the deletion of the target genes does not change the growth rate of the mutants under standard laboratory conditions.

We first investigated the involvement of TAE2, TAE3 and TAE4 in translation efficiency. Deletion mutants tae2 Δ, tae3 Δ and tae4 Δ were subjected to [35S] methionine incorporation analysis. tae2 Δ, tae3 Δ and tae4 Δ mutant strains demonstrated approximately 30%, 14% and 10% reduced levels of [35S] methionine incorporation, respectively (Figure 5A). To complement these findings, we investigated the rate of protein synthesis using an inducible β-galactosidase reporter construct (p416) under the control of a GAL1 promoter [40], which better highlights differences in translation efficiencies [18]. After four hours of induction, levels of β-galactosidase activity were six fold lower for tae2 Δ and tae3 Δ mutants, and five fold lower for tae4 Δ (Figure 5B) while their mRNA contents remained relatively unchanged (data not shown).

Figure 5
figure 5

Characterization of TAE2, TAE3 and TAE4 deletions. (A) Total protein synthesis was measured using [35S] methionine incorporation in wild type, tae2Δ, tae3Δ and tae4Δ strains. The average count for [35S] methionine incorporation for wild type was 11,356,073 (± 1,400,000) counts, which is set to 100%. On average, in the absence of Tae2p, Tae3p and Tae4p, [35S] methionine incorporation was reduced by approximately 30, 14 and 10%, respectively. (B) The efficiency of protein synthesis was measured using an inducible β-galactosidase reporter construct (p416). The average β-galactosidase activity for wild type was 7.5 (± 0.6) units, which is set to 100%. The β-galactosidase activity was measured after 4 h induction. Deletion of TAE2, TAE3 and TAE4 limited the expression of β-galactosidase to 13, 21 and 17% of that in wild type, respectively. (C) Deletion of TAE2, TAE3 and TAE4 resulted in increased levels of β-galactosidase from lacZ reporters with different premature stop codons (pUKC817 and pUKC818). The activity of β-galactosidase was determined by normalizing the activity of the mutant (pUKC817 and pUKC818) to the control (pUKC815). pUKC815 is the background construct without a premature stop codon and is used as a control. Bars represent standard deviations for the means. ( D) Ribosome profile analysis of yeast deletion strains tae3Δ and tae4Δ compared to wild type. Deletion of TAE3 decreased the levels of polysomes and increased free 60 S subunits. Deletion of TAE4 caused an increase in free 60 S subunits and a slight decrease in larger polysomes. Each experiment was repeated a minimum of three times. Ratios of free 60S:40 S were calculated from the areas under the curves.

A plasmid-based β-galactosidase system with different premature termination codons was used to study stop codon readthrough. In this approach alterations in translation fidelity lead to an increase in termination codon readthrough and thus elevate the production of full length functional β-galactosidase. To this end, target deletion strains were transformed with three different plasmids, pUKC815, pUKC817and pUKC818 [41], and the expression of β-galactosidase in each mutant was quantified. pUKC815 contains no in-frame premature termination codon and was used as a control. pUKC817 and pUKC818 contain in-frame termination codons UAA and UAG, respectively. Apparent from the increased relative productions of β-galactosidase shown in Figure 5C, deletion of TAE2, TAE3 and TAE4 resulted in higher levels of termination codon readthrough. Comparable levels of β-galactosidase mRNA were evident in each of the tested strains (data not shown) demonstrating that the observed increase s in β-galactosidase activity were not due to altered levels of mRNA.

A surprising observation was that deletion of TAE4 resulted in a higher readthrough for the UAA (pUKC817) stop codon but not UAG (pUKC818). Generally, it is expected that alterations in translation fidelity result in more readthrough for a less stringent stop codon, in this case UAG. This was observed for tae2 Δ and tae3 Δ but not tae4 Δ. A possible explanation is that deletion of TAE4 causes an alteration that is stop codon specific. For example, it could reduce the affinity of ribosomes for a specific translation release factor (RF) but not others.

Next, the ribosome profiles for tae2 Δ, tae3 Δ and tae4 Δ gene deletion strains were investigated. The profiles had three peaks associated with free 40 S and 60 S subunits and 80 S monosomes, followed by a series of peaks representing polysomes (Figure 5D). The ribosome profile for tae2 Δ was comparable to the wild type strain (data not shown). However, for tae3 Δ, a reduction in polysomes was observed, as was an increase in free 60 S subunit (Figure 5D). The free 60S:40 S subunit ratio for this mutant was 2.94 ± 0.51 in comparison to 1.77 ± 0.29 for the wild type. Similarly, the profile for tae4 Δ demonstrated a significant increase in free 60 S subunits, a slight increase in 80 S monosomes and a slight reduction in larger polysomes (Figure 5D). The free 60S:40 S subunit ratio for tae4 Δ was 5.34 ± 0.71. Reduction of polysomes could explain the observed reductions in the efficiency of protein synthesis for tae3 Δ and tae4 Δ. Alterations in the pool of free ribosomal subunits could relate to deficits in subunit biogenesis, suggesting that TAE3 and TAE4 could be involved in the process of ribosome biogenesis. The 40 S and 60 S subunits are in equilibrium with 80 S monosomes, therefore an increase in 60 S free subunits could relate to a defect in 40 S biogenesis [42] as observed for tae3 Δ and tae4 Δ mutants. A more precise calculation for measuring free 60S:40 S involves measuring 40 S and 60 S subunits separated on a sucrose gradient with low concentrations of Mg2+, but this was not carried out in the present study.