1 Introduction

Vision-based artificial systems, as widely used to guide machines to perceive and understand the surroundings for better decision making, have been playing a significant role in the age of global automation and artificial intelligence. However, how to process the perceived information under specific requirements and understand the differences and/or relationships among multiple visual targets are crucial topics in various fields, including computer vision, pattern recognition, image analysis, security, and remote sensing. As a critical and fundamental problem in these complicated tasks, image matching, also known as image registration or correspondence, aims to identify then correspond the same or similar structure/content from two or more images. This technique is used for high-dimensional structure recovery as well as information identification and integration, such as 3-D reconstruction, visual simultaneous localization and map** (VSLAM), image mosaic, image fusion, image retrieval, target recognition and tracking, as well as change detection, etc.

Image matching has rich meaning in pairing two objects, thus deriving many specific tasks, such as sparse feature matching, dense matching (like image registration and stereo matching), patch matching (retrieval), 2-D and 3-D point set registration, and graph matching. Image matching in general consists of two parts, namely, the nature of the matched features and the matching strategy, which indicate what are used to match and how to match them, respectively. The ultimate goals are to geometrically warp the sensed image into the common spatial coordinate system of the reference image and align their common area pixel-to-pixel (i.e., image registration). To this end, a direct strategy, also known as area-based method, registers two images by using the similarity measurement of the original image pixel intensity or information after pixel-domain transformation in the sliding windows of predefined size or even the entire images, without attempting to detect any salient image structure.

Another classic and widely adopted pipeline called feature-based method, i.e., feature detection and description, feature matching, transform model estimation, image resampling and transformation, has been introduced in the prestigious survey paper (Zitova and Flusser 2003) and applied in various fields. The feature-based image matching is popular due to its flexibility and robustness and the capability of wide range applications. In particular, feature detection can extract the distinctive structure from an image, and feature description may be regarded as an image representation method that is widely used in image coding and similarity measurements such as image classification and retrieval. In addition, due to the strong ability in deep feature acquisition and non-linear expression, applying deep learning techniques for image information representation and/or similarity measurement, as well as parameter regression of image pair transformation, are hot topics in nowadays image matching community, which have been proven to achieve better matching performance and present greater potential compared with traditional methods.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Structure of this survey

In real-world settings, images for matching are usually taken from the same or similar scene/object while captured at different times, from different viewpoints or imaging modalities. In particular, a robust and efficient matching strategy is desirable to establish correct correspondences, thus stimulating various methods for achieving better efficiency, robustness and accuracy. Although numerous techniques have been devised over the decades, develo** a unified framework remains a challenging task in terms of the following aspects:

  • Area-based methods that directly match images often depend on an appropriate patch similarity measurement for creating pixel level matches between images. They can be computational expensive and are sensitive to image distortion, appearance changes by noise, varying illumination, and different imaging sensors, which can have negative impact on similarity measurement and match searching. As a result, usually these methods can only work well under small rotation, scaling, and local deformation.

  • Feature-based matching methods are often more efficient and can better handle geometrical deformation. But they are based on salient feature detection and description, feature matching, and geometrical model estimation which can also be challenging. On the one hand, in feature-based image matching, it is difficult to define and extract a high percentage and a large number of features belonging to the same positions in 3-D space in the real world to ensure the matchability. On the other hand, matching N feature points to N feature points detected in another image would create a total of N! possible matchings, and thousands of features are usually extracted from high-resolution images and dominated outliers and noise are typically included in the points sets, which lead to significant difficulties for existing matching methods. Although various local descriptors have been proposed and coupled with detected features to ease the matching process, the use of local appearance information will unavoidably result in ambiguity and numerous false matches, especially for images with low quality, repeated contents, and those undergoing serious nonrigid deformations and extreme viewpoint changes.

  • A predefined transformation model is often required to indicate the geometrical relation between two images or point sets. But it may vary on different data and is unknown beforehand thus hard to model. A simple parametric model is often insufficient for image pairs that involve non-rigid transformations caused by ground surface fluctuation and image viewpoint variations, multi-targets with different motion properties, and also local distortions.

  • The emergence of deep learning has provided a new way and has shown great potential to address image matching problems. However, it still faces several challenges. The option of learning from images for direct registration or transformation model estimation is limited when applied to wide baseline image stereo or registration under complex and serious deformation. The application of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) onto sparse point data for matching, registration, and transformation model estimation is also difficult, because the points to be matched–known as unstructured or non-Euclidean data due to their disordered and dispersed nature–make it difficult to operate and extract the spatial relationships between two or more points (e.g., neighboring elements, relative positions, and length and angle information among multi-points) using a deep convolutional technique.

Existing surveys are focused on different parts of image matching tasks and fail to cover the literature from the last decade. For instance, the early reviews (Zitova and Flusser 2003; Tuytelaars and Mikolajczyk 2008; Strecha et al. 2008; Aanæs et al. 2012; Heinly et al. 2012; Awrangjeb et al. 2012; Li et al. 2015) typically focus on handcrafted methods, which are not sufficient to provide a valuable reference for investigating CNN-based methods. Most recent reviews involve trainable techniques, but they merely cover a single part of image matching community, either focus on detectors (Huang et al. 2018; Lenc and Vedaldi 2014) or descriptors (Balntas et al. 2017; Schonberger et al. 2017) or specific matching tasks (Ferrante and Paragios 2017; Haskins et al. 2020; Yan et al. 2016b; Maiseli et al. 2017), and many others pay more attention on related applications (Fan et al. 3.2 Handcrafted Feature Descriptors

Handcrafted feature descriptors often depend on expert priori knowledge, which are still widely used in many visual applications. Following the construction procedure of a traditional local descriptor, the first step is to extract low-level information, which can be briefly classified into image gradient and intensity. Subsequently, the commonly used pooling and normalizing strategies, such as statistic and comparison, are applied to generate long and simple vectors for discriminative description with respect to the data type (float or binary). Therefore, handcrafted descriptors mostly rely on the knowledge of their authors, and description strategies can be classified into gradient statistic-, local binary pattern statistic-, local intensity comparison- and local intensity order statistic-based methods.

3.2.1 Gradient Statistic-Based Descriptors

Gradient statistic methods are often used to form float type descriptors such as the histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) (Dalal and Triggs 2005) as introduced in SIFT (Lowe et al. 1999; Lowe 2004) and its improvement versions (Bay et al. 2006; Morel and Yu 2009; Dong and Soatto 2015; Tola et al. 2010), and they are still widely used in several modern visual tasks. In SIFT, feature scale and orientation are respectively determined by DoG computation and the largest bin in a histogram of gradient orientation from a local circular region around the detected keypoint, thus achieving scale and rotation invariance. In the description stage, the local region of detected feature is first rectangularly divided into \(4\times 4\) non-overlap** grids based on the normalized scale and rotation, then a histogram of gradient orientation with 8 bins is conducted in each cell and embedded into a 128-dimensional float vector as the SIFT descriptor.

Another representative descriptor, namely, SURF (Bay et al. 2006), can accelerate the SIFT operator by using the responses of Haar wavelets to approximate gradient computation; integral images are also applied to avoid repeated computation in Haar wavelet responses, enabling more efficient computation than SIFT. Other improvements based on these two typically focus on discrimination, efficiency, robustness, and co** with specific image data or tasks. For instance, CSIFT (Abdel-Hakim and Farag 2006) uses additional color information to enhance the discrimination, and ASIFT (Morel and Yu 2009) simulates all image views obtainable by varying the two camera axis orientation parameters for fully affine invariance. Mikolajczyk and Schmid (2005) use a polar division and histogram statistics of gradient orientations. SIFT-rank (Toews and Wells 2009) has been proposed to investigate ordinal image description based on off-the-shelf SIFT for invariant feature correspondence. A Weber’s law-based method (WLD) (Chen et al. 2009) has been studied to compute a histogram by encoding differential excitations and orientations at certain locations.

Arandjelović and Zisserman (2012) used a square root (Hellinger) kernel instead of the standard Euclidean distance measurement to transform the original SIFT space to the RootSIFT space and yielded superior performance without increasing processing or storage requirements. Dong and Soatto (2015) modified SIFT by pooling the gradient orientation across different domain sizes and proposed DSP-SIFT descriptor. Another efficient dense descriptor for wide-baseline stereo based on SIFT, namely, DAISY (Tola et al. 2010), uses a log-polar grid arrangement and Gaussian pooling strategy to approximate the histograms of gradient orientations. Inspired by DAISY, DARTs (Marimon et al. 2010) can efficiently compute scale space and reuse it for descriptors, thus resulting in high efficiency. Several handcrafted float-type descriptors have also been proposed recently and shown promising performance; for example, the pattern of local gravitational force local descriptor (Bhattacharjee and Roy 2019) is inspired from the law of universal gravitation and can be regarded as a combination of force magnitude and angle.

3.2.2 Local Binary Pattern Statistic-Based Descriptors

Different from SIFT-like approaches, several intensity statistic-based methods, which are inspired by the local binary pattern (LBP) (Ojala et al. 2002), have been proposed in the past decades. LBP has properties that favor its usage in interest region description, such as tolerance against illumination change and computational simplicity. The drawbacks are that the operator produces a rather long histogram and is insignificantly robust in flat image areas. Center-symmetric LBP (CS-LBP) (Heikkilä et al. 2009) (using SVM for classifier training) is a modified version of LBP combining the strengths of SIFT and LBP to address the flat area problem. Specifically, CS-LBP uses a SIFT-like grid and replaces the gradient information with an LBP-based feature. To address the noise, center-symmetric local ternary pattern (CS-LTP) (Gupta et al. 2010) suggests the use of a histogram of relative orders in patch and a histogram of LBP codes, such as histogram of relative intensities. The two CS-based methods are designed to be more robust to Gaussian noise than previously considered descriptors. RLBP (Chen et al. 2013) improves the robustness of LBP by changing the coding bit; a completed modeling of the LBP operator and an associated completed LBP scheme (Guo et al. 2010) have been developed for texture classification. LBP-like methods are widely used in texture representation and face recognition community, and additional details can be found in the review literature (Huang et al. 2011).

3.2.3 Local Intensity Comparison-Based Descriptors

Another form of descriptors is based on the comparison of local intensities, which is also called binary descriptors and the core challenge is the selection rule for comparison. Because of their limited distinctiveness, these methods are mostly limited to short-baseline matching. Calonder et al. (2010) proposed the BRIEF descriptor built by concatenation of the results of a binary test of intensities for several random point pairs in image patch. Rublee et al. (2011) proposed rotated BRIEF combined with oriented FAST corners and selected robust binary tests using an machine learning strategy in their ORB algorithm to alleviate the limitations in rotation and scale change. Leutenegger et al. (2011) developed the BRISK method using a concentric circle sampling strategy with increasing radius. Inspired by the retina structure, Alahi et al. (2012) proposed the FREAK descriptor by comparing image intensities over a retinal sampling pattern for fast computing and matching with low memory cost while remaining robust to scale, rotation, and noise. Handcrafted binary descriptors and classical machine learning techniques are also widely studied and these shall be introduced in the learning-based subsection.

3.2.4 Local Intensity Order Statistic-Based Descriptors

Thus far, many methods have been devised using orders of pixel values rather than raw intensities, achieving more promising performance (Tang et al. 2009; Toews and Wells 2009). Pooling by intensity orders is invariant to rotation and monotonic intensity changes and also encodes ordinal information into descriptor; the intensity order-pooling scheme may enable the descriptors to be rotation-invariant without estimation of a reference orientation as SIFT, which appears as a major error source for most existing methods. To solve this problem, Tang et al. proposed the ordinal spatial intensity distribution (Tang et al. 2009) method, which normalizes captured texture information and structure information using an ordinal and spatial intensity histogram; the proposed method is invariant to any monotonically increasing brightness changes.

Fan et al. (2011) pooled local features based on their gradient and intensity orders in multiple support regions and proposed the multi-support region order-based gradient histogram and the multi-support region rotation and intensity monotonic invariant descriptor methods. A similar strategy was used in LIOP (Wang et al. 2011, 2015), to encode the local ordinal information of each pixel. In that work, the overall ordinal information was used to divide the local patch into subregions, which were used to accumulate LIOP. LIOP was further improved into OIOP/MIOP (Wang et al. 2015), which can then encode overall ordinal information for noise and distortion robustness. They also proposed a learning-based quantization to improve its distinctiveness.

3.3 Learning-Based Feature Descriptors

Handcrafted descriptors, as reviewed above, require expertise to design and may disregard useful patterns hidden in the data. This requirement has prompted the investigations on learning-based descriptors, which have recently become dominantly popular due to their data-driven property and promising performance. In the following, we will discuss a group of classical learning-based descriptors introduced before the deep learning era.

3.3.1 Classical Learning-Based Descriptors

The learning-based descriptors can be traced back to PCA-SIFT (Ke et al. 2004), in which principal component analysis (PCA) is used to form a robust and compact descriptor by reducing the dimensionality of a vector made of the local image gradients. Cai et al. (2010) investigated the use of linear discriminant projections to reduce dimensionality and improve the discriminability of local descriptors. Brown et al. (2010) introduced a learning framework with a set of building blocks for constructing descriptors by using Powell minimization and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) technique to find the optimal parameters. Simonyan et al. (2014) presented a novel formulation to represent the spatial pooling and dimensionality reduction in descriptor learning as convex optimization problems based on Brown’s work (Brown et al. 2010). Meanwhile, Trzcinski et al. (2012, 2014) applied the boosting trick to learn boosted, complex non-linear local visual feature representations from multiple gradient-based weak learners.

Apart from the above-mentioned float-valued descriptors, binary descriptors are also of great interest in classical descriptor learning due to their beneficial properties, such as low storage requirements and high matching speed. A natural way to obtain binary descriptors is to learn it from the provided float-valued descriptors. This task is conventionally achieved by the hashing methods, thus suggesting that compact representations of high-dimensional data should be learned while maintaining their similarity in the new space. Locality sensitive hashing (LSH) (Gionis et al. 1999) is arguably a popular unsupervised hashing method. This method generates embeddings via random projections and has been used for many large-scale search tasks. Some variants of LSH include kernelized LSH (Kulis and Grauman 2009), spectral hashing (Weiss et al. 2009), semantic hashing (Salakhutdinov and Hinton 2009) and p-stable distribution-based LSH (Datar et al. 2004). These variants are unsupervised by design.

Supervised hashing methods have also been extensively investigated, where different machine learning strategies have been proposed to learn feature spaces tailored to specific tasks. In this case, a plethora of methods have been proposed (Kulis and Darrell 2009; Wang et al. 2010; Strecha et al. 2012; Liu et al. 2012a; Norouzi and Blei 2011; Gong et al. 2013; Shakhnarovich 2005), among which image matching is considered an important experimental validation task. For example, the LDA technique is utilized in Strecha et al. (2012) to aid hashing. Semi-supervised sequential learning algorithms are proposed in Liu et al. (2012a) and Wang et al. (2010) to find discriminative projections. Minimal loss hashing (Norouzi and Blei 2011) provided a new formulation to learn binary hash functions on the basis of structural SVMs with latent variables. Gong et al. (2012) proposed searching a rotation of zero-centered data to minimize the quantization error of map** the descriptor to the vertices of a zero-centered binary hypercube.

Trzcinski and Lepetit (2012) and Trzcinski et al. (2017) reported that a straightforward way of develo** binary descriptors is to directly learn representations from image patches. In Trzcinski and Lepetit (2012), they proposed to project image patches to a discriminant subspace by using a linear combination of a few simple filters and then threshold their coordinates for creating the compact binary descriptor. The success of descriptors (e.g., SIFT) during image matching indicates that non-linear filters, such as gradient response, are more suitable than linear ones. Trzcinski et al. (2017) proposed to learn a hash function of the same form as an AdaBoost strong classifier, i.e. the sign of a linear combination of nonlinear weak learners, for each descriptor bit. This work is more general and powerful than Trzcinski and Lepetit (2012), which is based on simple thresholded linear projections. Trzcinski et al. (2017) proposed to generate binary descriptors that are independently adapted per patch. This objective is achieved by inter- and intra-class online optimization for descriptors.

3.3.2 Deep Learning-Based Descriptors

Descriptors using deep techniques are usually formulated as a supervised learning problem. The objective is to learn a representation that can enable the two matched features to be as close as possible while the unmatched ones are far apart in the measuring space (Schonberger et al. 2017). Descriptor learning is often conducted with cropped local patches centered on the detected keypoints; thus, it is also known as patch matching. In general, existing methods consist of two forms, namely, metric learning (Weinberger and Saul 2009; Zagoruyko and Komodakis 2015; Han et al. 2015; Kedem et al. 2012; Wang et al. 2017; Weinberger and Saul 2009) and descriptor learning (Simo-Serra et al. 2015; Balntas et al. 4.2 Area-Based Matching

Area-based methods aim for image registration and establish dense pixel correspondences by directly using the pixel intensity of the entire image. A similarity metric together with an optimization method is in need for geometrical transformation estimation and common area alignment by minimizing the overall dissimilarity between the target and warped moving images. Consequently, several manual similarity metrics are frequently used, including correlation-like, domain transformation, and mutual information (MI) methods. The optimization methods and transform models are also required to perform the final registration task (Zitova and Flusser 2003).

In the image registration community, correlation-like methods, which are regarded as a classical representative in area-based methods, correspond two images by maximizing the similarities of two sliding windows (Zitova and Flusser 2003; Li et al. 2015). For example, the maximum correlation of wavelet features has been developed for automatic registration (Le Moigne et al. 2002). However, this type of method may greatly suffer from the serious image deformations (can only be successfully applied when slight rotation and scaling are presented), windows containing a smooth area without any prominent details, and huge computational burden.

Domain transformed methods tend to align two images on the basis of converting the original images into another domain, such as phase correlation based on Fourier shift theorem (Reddy and Chatterji 1996; Liu et al. 2005; Chen et al. 1994; Takita et al. 2003; Foroosh et al. 2002), and Walsh transform-based methods (Lazaridis and Petrou 2006; Pan et al. 2008). Such methods are robust against the correlated and frequency-dependent noise and non-uniform, time varying illumination disturbances. Nevertheless, these methods have some limitations in case of image pairs with significantly different spectral contents and small overlap area.

Based on information theory, the MI, such as non-rigid image registration using MI together with B-splines (Klein et al. 2007) and conditional MI (Loeckx et al. 2009), is a measurement of statistical dependency between two images and works with the entire image (Maes et al. 1997). Thus, MI is particularly suitable for the registration of multi-modalities (Chen et al. 2003a, b; Johnson et al. 2001). Recently, Cao et al. (2020) proposed a structure consistency boosting transform to enhance the structural similarity in multi-spectral and multi-modal image registration problem, thus avoiding spectral information distortion. However, the MI exhibits difficulty in determining the global maximum of the entire searching space, inevitably reducing its robustness. Moreover, optimization methods (e.g., continuous optimization, discrete optimization, and their hybrid form) and transformation models (e.g., rigid, affine, thin plate spline (TPS), elastic body, and diffusion models) are considered sufficiently mature. Please refer to Zitova and Flusser (2003), Dawn et al. (2010), Sotiras et al. (2013) and Ferrante and Paragios (2017) for representative literature and further details.

The area-based methods are acceptable for medical or remote sensing image registration, which many feature-based methods are not workable anymore because the images often contain less textural details and large variance of image appearance due to the different imaging sensors. However, the area-based methods may greatly suffer from the serious geometrical transformations and local deformations. While deep learning has proven its efficacy, in which the early ones are usually employed as a direct extension of the classical registration framework, and later ones use a reinforcement learning paradigm to iteratively estimate the transformation, even directly estimate the deformative field in an end-to-end manner. The area-based matching with learning strategies will be reviewed in the part of learning-based matching.

4.3 Graph Matching Methods

Given the feature points extracted from an image, we can construct a graph by associating each feature point to a node and specifying edges. This procedure naturally provides convenience to investigate the intrinsic structure of image data, especially for the matching problem. By this definition, graph matching (GM) refers to the establishment of node-to-node correspondences between two or multiple graphs. For its importance and fundamental challenge, GM has been a long-standing research area over decades and is still of great interest to researchers. From the problem setting perspective, GM can be divided into two categories, namely, exact and inexact matching. Exact matching methods consider GM to be a special case of the graph or subgraph isomorphism problem. It aims to find the bijection of two binary (sub)graphs; consequently, all edges are strictly preserved babai2018groups,cook2006mining,levi1973note). In fact, this requirement is too strict for real-world tasks like computer vision. Hence researchers often resort to inexact matching with weighted attributes on nodes and edges. Such an approach enjoys good flexibility and utility in practice. Therefore, we primarily concentrate on the review of inexact matching methods in this survey.

To some extent, GM possesses a simple yet general formulation of the feature matching problem, which encodes the geometrical cues into the node affinities (first-order relations) and edge affinities (second-order relations) to deduce the true correspondences between two graphs. Aside from the geometrical cues, the high-level information of feature points can also be incorporated in GM (e.g. descriptor similarities as node affinities). This information only serves as a supplementary one and is not necessarily required. In the general and recent form, GM can be formulated as a Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP) (Loiola et al. 2007). Although different forms exist in the literature, the main body of research has focused on the Lawler’s QAP (Lawler 1963). Given two graphs \(G_1=(V_1,E_1)\) and \(G_2=(V_2,E_2)\), where \(|V_1| = n_1\), \(|V_2| = n_2\), each node \(v_i \in V_1\) or \(v_j \in V_2\) represents a feature point, and each edge \(e_i \in E_1\) or \(e_j \in E_2\) is defined over a pair of nodes. Without loss of generality we assume \(n_1 \ge n_2\), Lawler’s QAP formulation of GM then can be written as:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned}&\max J({\mathbf {X}}) = \text {vec}({\mathbf {X}})^\top {\mathbf {K}}\text {vec}({\mathbf {X}}), \\&s.t. \ {\mathbf {X}} \in \{0,1\}^{n_1 \times n_2}, \ {\mathbf {X}}{\mathbf {1}}_{n_2} \le {\mathbf {1}}_{n_1}, \ {\mathbf {X}}^\top {\mathbf {1}}_{n_1} = {\mathbf {1}}_{n_2}, \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

where \({\mathbf {X}}\) denotes the permutation matrix, i.e. \({\mathbf {X}}_{ij} = 1\) indicates that node \(v_i \in V_1\) corresponds to node \(v_j \in V_2\) and \({\mathbf {X}}_{ij} = 0\) otherwise, \(\text {vec}({\mathbf {X}})\) denotes the column-wise vectorization of \({\mathbf {X}}\), and \({\mathbf {1}}_{n_1}\) and \({\mathbf {1}}_{n_2}\)respectively denote the column vectors of all ones, \({\mathbf {K}}\) denotes the affinity matrix, whose diagonal and non-diagonal entries encode the first-order and second-order edge affinities between the two graphs. No universal approach can be utilized to construct the affinity matrix; however, a simple strategy is to use the similarities of feature descriptors [e.g. Shape Context (Belongie et al. 2001)] and differences of edge length to determine node and edge affinities.

The Koopmans–Beckmann’s QAP is another popular formulation. The form is different from Lawler’s QAP as expressed as:

$$\begin{aligned} J({\mathbf {X}}) = \text {tr}({\mathbf {K}}_p^\top {\mathbf {X}}) + \text {tr}({\mathbf {A}}_1{\mathbf {X}}{\mathbf {A}}_2{\mathbf {X}}^\top ), \end{aligned}$$

where \({\mathbf {A}}_1\) and \({\mathbf {A}}_2\) are the weighted adjacency matrices of the two graphs, respectively, and \({\mathbf {K}}_p\) is the node affinity matrix. In Zhou and De la Torre (2015), the relation between Koopmans–Beckmann’s and Lawler’s QAP has been investigated, which reveals that Koopmans–Beckmann’s QAP can be regarded as a special case of Lawler’s.

The GM problem is translated into finding the optimal one-to-one correspondences \({\mathbf {X}}\) that maximizes the overall affinity score \(J({\mathbf {X}})\). As a combinatorial QAP problem in general, GM is known to be NP-hard. Most methods relax the stringent constraints and provide approximate solutions in an affordable over head. In this regard, many relaxation strategies are introduced in the literature, thereby leading to a variety of GM solvers. In the following, we briefly review the influential ones through the development course of GM.

4.3.1 Spectral Relaxations

The first group of methods follow a strategy of spectral relaxation. Leordeanu and Hebert (2005) proposed to replace the one-to-one map** constraint and the binary constraint by constraining \(\Vert \text {vec}({\mathbf {X}})\Vert ^2_2 = 1\). In this case, the solution \({\mathbf {X}}\) can be obtained by solving an eigenvector problem. Each element in \({\mathbf {X}}\) is interpreted as the association of one correspondence with the optimal cluster (true correspondences). A discretization strategy is used to enforce the map** constraints. The idea was later improved by Cour et al. (2007), who explicitly considered enforcing the one-to-one map** constraint to achieve tighter relaxation. This method can also be solved in closed forms as an eigenvector problem. Liu and Yan (2010) proposed to detect multiple visual patterns by using a \(\textit{l}_1\)-norm-based spectral relaxation technique, i.e. constraining \(\Vert \text {vec}({\mathbf {X}})\Vert _1 = 1\). The solution can be efficiently obtained by replicator equation from evolutionary game theory. Jiang et al. (2014) presented a non-negative matrix factorization technique, which extends the constraint as \(\Vert \text {vec}({\mathbf {X}})\Vert _p = 1, p \in [1,2]\). Meanwhile, Egozi et al. (2012) presented a fairly different approach. In their work, they provided a probabilistic interpretation of spectral matching schemes and derived a novel probabilistic matching scheme wherein the affinity matrix is also updated in the iteration process. With Koopmans–Beckmann’s QAP formulation, the spectral methods (Umeyama 1988; Scott and Longuet-Higgins 1991; Shapiro and Brady 1992; Caelli and Kosinov 2004) relax \({\mathbf {X}}\) to be orthogonal, i.e. \({\mathbf {X}}^\top {\mathbf {X}} = {\mathbf {I}}\). This expression can be solved in a closed form as an eigenvalue problem. These methods possess the merit of efficiency due to the loose relaxation. However, the accuracy is not advantaged in general.

4.3.2 Convex Relaxations

Many studies have turned to investigating convex relaxations of the original problem to obtain theoretical advantages for solving the non-convex QAP issue. Strong convex relaxations can be obtained by lifting methods that add auxiliary variables representing quadratic monomials in the original variables. This enables the addition of additional convex constraints on the lifted variables. Semi-definite programming (SDP) is a general tool for combinatorial problems and has been applied to solving GM (Schellewald and Schnörr 2005; Torr 2003; Zhao et al. 1998; Kezurer et al. 2015). The SDP relaxation is quite tight and allows finding a strong approximation in polynomial time. However, the high computational cost prohibits its scalability. Some other lifting methods with linear programming relaxations have also been developed (Almohamad and Duffuaa 1993; Adams and Johnson 1994). The dual problem of the LP relaxations are recently extensively considered to solve GM (Swoboda et al. 2017; Chen and Koltun 2015; Swoboda et al. 2017; Torresani et al. 2012; Zhang et al. 2016), which has a strong link with the MAP inference algorithms.

4.3.3 Convex-to-Concave Relaxations

One useful strategy is to utilize the path-following technique. This approach gradually achieves a convex-to-concave procedure of the original problem to finally find a good solution with the constraints satisfied. The computational complexity is also much lower than those of the lifting methods. Zaslavskiy et al. (2009) adopted this strategy for GM problem with Koopmans–Beckmann’s QAP formulation, which is extended by to directed graphs (Liu et al. 2012b) and partial matching (Liu and Qiao 2014). Zhou and De la Torre (2015) presented a unified framework of GM based on the factorization of affinity matrix based on Lawler’s QAP. Such a framework effectively reduces the computational complexity and reveals the relation between Koopmans–Beckmann’s and Lawler’s QAPs. The (advanced) doubly stochastic (DS) relaxation methods improve upon these approaches by identifying tighter formulations (Fogel et al. 2013; Dym et al. 2009) proposed an efficient algorithm that optimizes in the (quasi) discrete domain via solving a sequence of linear assignment problems. Many famous optimization techniques, such as ADMM (Lê-Huu and Paragios 2017), tabu search (Adamczewski et al. 2015) and multiplicative update algorithm (Jiang et al. 2017a), have also been tested. Recent studies also include Jiang et al. (2017b) and Yu et al. (2018), which introduce new schemes to asymptotically approximate the original QAP, and Maron and Lipman (2018), which presents a new (probably) concave relaxation technique. Yu et al. (2020b) introduced a determinant regularization technique together with gradient-based optimization to relax this problem into continuous domain.

4.3.5 Multi-graph Matching

In contrast to the classic two-graph matching setting, jointly matching a batch of graphs with consistent correspondences, i.e. multi-graph matching, has recently drawn increasing attention due to its methodological advantage and potential to incorporate cross-graph information. Arguably, one central issue of multi-graph matching lies in the enforcement of cycle-consistency for a feasible solution. In general, this concept refers to the fact that the bijection correspondence between two graphs shall be consistent with a derived one through an intermediate graph. Put it more concretely, for any pair of graphs \(G_a\) and \(G_b\) with their node correspondence matrix \({\mathbf {X}}^{ab}\), let \(G_c\) be an intermediate graph, the cycle consistency constraint is enforced: \({\mathbf {X}}^{ac}{\mathbf {X}}^{cb} = {\mathbf {X}}^{ab}\), where \({\mathbf {X}}^{ac}\) and \({\mathbf {X}}^{cb}\) are the matching solutions of \(G_a\) and \(G_c\) and \(G_c\) and \(G_b\), respectively.

Existing multi-graph matching methods can be roughly grouped into three lines of works. For the methods falling into the first group, the multi-graph matching problem is solved by an iterative procedure for computing a number of two-graph matching tasks (Yan et al. 2013, 2014, 2015a, b; Jiang et al. 2020b). In each iteration, a two-graph matching solution is computed to locally maximize the affinity score, which can leverage off-the-shelf pairwise matching solvers, such as in Jiang et al. (2020b), both offline batch mode and online setting are considered to explore the concept of cycle-consistency over pairwise matching. Another body of work takes the initial (noisy) pairwise matching result as input, and aims to recover a globally consistent pairwise matching set (Kim et al. 2012; Pachauri et al. 2013; Huang and Guibas 2013; Chen et al. 2014; Zhou et al. 2015; Wang et al. 2018; Hu et al. 2018). In these methods, matching over all graphs is jointly and equally considered to form a bulk matrix that includes all pairwise matchings. The intrinsic structure of this matrix induced by the matching problem, such as cycle-consistency, is investigated. The last group utilizes clustering or low rank recovery techniques to solve multi-graph matching, which provides a new perspective in the feature space for the problem (Zeng et al. 2012; Yan et al. 2015c, 2016a; Tron et al. 2017). More recently, the multi-graph matching problem has been considered in the optimization framework with a theoretically well-grounded convex relaxation (Swoboda et al. 2019), or with projected power iterations to search for a feasible solution (Bernard et al. 2019).

4.3.6 Other Paradigms

Although the QAP formulation is prevalent in GM, the way of formulation is not unique. Numerous methods deal with GM from different perspectives or paradigms and also form an important category in this field.

Cho et al. (2010) provided a random walk view of GM and devised a technique to obtain solution by simulating random walks on the association graph. Lee et al. (2010) and Suh et al. (2012) introduced Monte Carlo methods to improve the matching robustness. Cho and Lee (2012) further devised a progressive GM method, which combines progression of graphs with matching of graphs to reduce the computational complexity. Wang et al. (2018a) proposed to use a functional representation of graphs and conduct matching by minimizing the discrepancy between the original and the transformed graphs. Subsequently, in order to suppress the matching of outliers, Wang et al. (2020) assigned zero-valued vectors to the potential outliers in the obtained optimal correspondence matrix. The affinity matrix plays a key role in the GM problem. However, the handcrafted \({\mathbf {K}}\) is vulnerable to scale and rotation differences. To this end, unsupervised (Leordeanu et al. 2012) and supervised (Caetano et al. 2009) methods are devised to learn \({\mathbf {K}}\). Zanfir and Sminchisescu (2018) recently addressed this issue with an end-to-end deep learning scheme. Wang et al. (2020) introduced a fully trainable framework for graph matching. In this framework, they utilized a graph network block module and simultaneously considered the learning of node/edge affinities and the solving of combinatorial optimization.

The extension of GM to a high-order formulation is a natural way to improve the robustness by mostly exploring the geometrical cues. This leads to a tensor-based objective (Lee et al. 2011) also called hypergraph matching:

$$\begin{aligned} J_H({\mathbf {X}}) = {\mathbf {H}}\otimes _1{\mathbf {x}}\otimes _2{\mathbf {x}}\ldots \otimes _m{\mathbf {x}}, \end{aligned}$$

where m is the order of affinities, H denotes the m-order tensor encoding the affinities between hyperedges in the graphs, \(\otimes _k\) is the tensor product, and \({\mathbf {x}} = \text {vec}({\mathbf {X}})\). Representative studies on hypergraph matching include Zass and Shashua (2008), Chertok and Keller (2010), Lee et al. (2011), Chang and Kimia (2011), Duchenne et al. (2011) and Yan et al. (2015d).

4.4 Point Set Registration Methods

Point set registration (PSR) aims to estimate the spatial transformation that optimally aligns two point sets. In feature matching, different formulations are adopted in PSR and GM. For two point sets, GM methods determine the alignment via maximizing the overall affinity score of unary correspondence and pairwise correspondences. By contrast, PSR methods determine the underlying global transformation. Given the two point sets \(\{{\mathbf {x}}_i\}_{i=1}^{n_1}\) and \(\{{\mathbf {y}}_i\}_{i=1}^{n_2}\), the general conventional objective can be expressed as

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned}&\min J({\mathbf {P}}, {{\varvec{\theta }}}) = \sum _{i,j} p_{ij}\Vert {\mathbf {y}}_j-T({\mathbf {x}}_i, {{\varvec{\theta }}})\Vert _2^2 + g({\mathbf {P}})\\&s.t. \ {{\varvec{\theta }}} \in \Theta , {\mathbf {P}} \in \{0,1\}^{n_1 \times n_2}, \ {\mathbf {P}}{\mathbf {1}}_{n_2} \le {\mathbf {1}}_{n_1}, \ {\mathbf {P}}^\top {\mathbf {1}}_{n_1} \le {\mathbf {1}}_{n_2}, \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

where \({{\varvec{\theta }}}\) denotes the parameters of the predefined transformation. The regularization term \(g({\mathbf {P}})\) avoids trivial solutions, such as \({\mathbf {P}} = {\mathbf {0}}\). Compared to GM, this model only represents the general principles, but does not necessarily cover all the algorithms for PSR. For example, a probabilistic interpretation or a density-based objective can be used, and the constraints for \({\mathbf {P}}\) may be only partially imposed during optimization, which all differ from the above formulation.

PSR poses a stronger assumption on the data, that is, the existence of a global transformation between point sets, which is the key feature that differentiates it from GM. Although the generality is restricted, this assumption leads to low computational complexity because of the few parameters needed for global transformation models. A sophisticated transformation model is developed from rigid to non-rigid ones in order to enhance the generalization ability. Various schemes are also proposed to improve robustness against degradations, such as noise, outliers, and missing points.

4.4.1 ICP and Its Variants

PSR has been an important research topic for the last few decades in computer vision, and the iterative closest point (ICP) algorithm is a popular method (Besl and McKay 1992). ICP iteratively alternates between hard assignments of correspondences for the closest points in two point sets and the closed-form rigid transformation estimation until convergence. The ICP algorithm is widely used as baselines due to its simplicity and low computational complexity. However, a good initialization is required because ICP is prone to be trapped into local optima. Numerous studies, such as EM-ICP (Granger and Pennec 2002), LM-ICP (Fitzgibbon 2003), and TriICP (Chetverikov et al. 2005), in the research field of PSR have been proposed to improve ICP. The reader is referred to a recent survey (Pomerleau et al. 2013) for a detailed discussion of ICP’s variants. The robust point matching (RPM) algorithm (Gold et al. 1998) are proposed to overcome the ICP limitations; the soft assignment and deterministic annealing strategy are adopted, and the rigid transformation model is generalized to a non-rigid one by using the thin-plate spline [TPS-RPM (Chui and Rangarajan 2003)].

4.4.2 EM-Based Methods

RPM is also a representative of the EM-like PSR methods, which form an important category in this field. The EM-like methods formulate PSR as an optimization problem of either a weighted squared loss function or the log-likelihood maximization of Gaussian mixture models (GMMs), and local optimum is searched through EM or EM-like algorithms. The posterior probability of each correspondence is computed in the E-step, and the transformation is refined in the M-step. Sofka et al. (2007) investigated the modeling of uncertainty in the registration process and presented a covariance driven correspondence method in an EM-like framework. Myronenko and Song (2010) proposed the well-known coherent point drift (CPD) method in which a probabilistic framework is established on the basis of GMM; here, the EM algorithm is utilized for maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters. Horaud et al. (2011) developed an expectation conditional maximization-based probabilistic method, which allows the use of anisotropic covariance for the mixture model components and improves over isotropic covariance case. Ma et al. (2016b) and Zhang et al. (2017a) exploited the unification of local feature and global feature in the GMM-based probabilistic framework. Lawin et al. (2018) presented a density adaptive PSR method via modeling the underlying structure of the scene as a latent probability distribution.

4.4.3 Density-Based Methods

Density-based methods introduce generative models to the PSR problem, in which no explicit point correspondence is established. Each point set is represented by a density function, such as GMM. Registration is achieved by the minimization of a statistical discrepancy measure between the two density functions. Tsin and Kanade (2004) were the first to propose such a method and used kernel density functions to model the point sets, and the discrepancy measure is defined as kernel correlation. Meanwhile, Glaunes et al. (2004) represented the point sets by using relaxed Dirac delta functions. They then determined the optimal diffeomorphic transformation that minimizes the distance of the two distributions. Jian and Vemuri (2011) extended this approach by using GMM-based representation and minimizing the L2 error between the densities. The authors also provided a unified framework of density-based PSR. Many popular methods, including Myronenko and Song (2010) and Tsin and Kanade (2004) can be regarded as special cases in theory. Campbell and Petersson (2015) proposed to use a support vector parameterized GMM for adaptive data representation. This approach can improve the robustness of density-based methods to noise, outliers, and occlusions. Recently, Liao et al. (2020) utilized fuzzy clusters to represent a scanned point set, then registed two point sets by minimizing a fuzzy weighted sum of distances between their fuzzy cluster centers.

4.4.4 Optimization-Based Methods

A group of optimization-based methods have been proposed as globally optimal solutions to alleviate the local optimum issue. These methods generally search in a limited transformation space for timing saving, such as rotation, translation, and scaling. Stochastic optimization techniques, including genetic algorithms (Silva et al. 2005; Robertson and Fisher 2002), particle swarm optimization (Li et al. 2009), particle filtering (Sandhu et al. 2010) and simulated annealing schemes (Papazov and Burschka 2011; Blais and Levine 1995), are widely used, but no convergence is guaranteed. Meanwhile, Branch and bound (BnB) is a well-established optimization technique that can efficiently search the globally optimal solution in the transformation space and form the theoretical basis of many optimization-based methods, including Li and Hartley (2007), Parra Bustos et al. (2014), Campbell and Petersson (2016), Yang et al. (2016) and Liu et al. (2018b). In addition to these methods, Maron et al. (2016) introduced a semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxation-based method, in which a global solution is guaranteed for isometric shape matching. Lian et al. (2017) formulated PSR as a concave QAP by eliminating the rigid transformation variables, and BnB is utilized to achieve a globally optimal solution. Yao et al. (2020) presented a formulation for robust non-rigid PSR based on a globally smooth robust estimator for data fitting and regularization, which is optimized by majorization-minimization algorithm to reduce each iteration in solving a simple least-squares problem. Another method in Iglesias et al. (2020) presents a study of global optimality conditions for PSR with missing data. This method applies Lagrangian duality to generate a candidate solution for the primal problem thus enables it to obtain the corresponding dual variable in a closed form.

4.4.5 Miscellaneous Methods

Apart from the commonly used rigid model or non-rigid transformation model based on TPS (Chui and Rangarajan 2003) or Gaussian radial basis functions (Myronenko and Song 2010), additional complex deformations are also considered in the literature. These models include simple articulated extensions, such as Horaud et al. (2011) and Gao and Tedrake (2019). A smooth locally affine model is introduced as the transformation model and developed under the ICP framework in non-rigid ICP (Amberg et al. 2007), which is also adopted in Li et al. (2008). However, this model should be used in conjunction with sparse hand selected feature correspondences as it allows many degrees of freedom. A different linear skinning model, which does not require user’s involvement in the registration process, has been proposed and applied in another work (Chang and Zwicker 2009).

Another line of PSR methods introduce shape descriptors into the registration process. Local shape descriptors, such as spin images (Johnson and Hebert 1999), shape contexts (Belongie et al. 2001), integral volume (Gelfand et al. 2005) and point feature histograms (Rusu et al. 2009) are generated. Sparse feature correspondences are established by a similarity constraint of descriptors. Subsequently, the underlying rigid transformation can be estimated using random sampling consensus (RANSAC) (Fischler and Bolles 1981) or BnB search (Bazin et al. 2012). Ma et al. (2013b) proposed a robust algorithm based on the \(L_2E\) estimator in a non-rigid case.

Some new schemes for PSR based on different observations have emerged. Golyanik et al. (2016) modeled point set as particles with gravity as attractive force, and registration is accomplished by solving the differential equations of Newtonian mechanics. Ma et al. (2015a) and Wang et al. (2016) proposed the use of context-aware Gaussian fields to address the PSR problem. Vongkulbhisal et al. (2017, 2018) proposed the discriminative optimization method. This approach learns the search direction from training data to guide optimization without the need of defining cost functions. Danelljan et al. (2016) and Park et al. (2017) considered the color information of point sets, whereas Evangelidis and Horaud (2018) and Giraldo et al. (2017) addressed the problem of joint registration of multiple point sets.

4.5 Descriptor Matching with Mismatch Removal

Descriptor matching followed by mismatch removal, also called indirect image matching, casts the matching task into a two-stage problem. This method commonly starts with establishing preliminary correspondences through the similarity of local image descriptors with the distance judging from the measuring space. Several common strategies, including fixed threshold (FT), nearest neighbor (NN) also called brute force matching, mutual NN (MNN), and NN distance ratio (NNDR), are available for the construction of putative match sets. Thereafter, the false matches are removed from the putative match sets by using extra local and/or global geometrical constraints. We briefly divide the mismatch removal methods into resampling-based, non-parametric model-based, and relaxed methods. In the following sections, we will introduce these methods in detail and provide comprehensive analysis.

4.5.1 Putative Match Set Construction

Suppose that we have detected and extracted M and N local features to be matched from the considering two images \(I_1\) and \(I_2\). The descriptor matching stage operates by computing the pairwise distance matrix with \(M\times N\) entries and then selecting the potential true matches through the aforementioned rule.

The FT strategy considers the matches with their distances below a fixed threshold. However, this strategy can be sensitive and may incur numerous one-to-many matchings in contrast to the one-to-one correspondence nature. This situation results in poor performance in feature matching task. The NN strategy can effectively deal with the data sensitivity problem and recall more potential true matches. Such a strategy has been applied in various descriptor matching methods, but it cannot avoid the one-to-many cases. In mutual NN descriptor matching, each feature in \(I_1\), looks for its NN in \(I_2\) (and vice versa), and the feature pairs that are mutual NN become candidate matches in the putative match set. This type of strategy can obtain high ratio of correct matches but may sacrifice many other true correspondences. The NNDR considered that the distance difference between first and second NN is significant. Hence, the use of the distance ratio with a predefined threshold would obtain robust and promising matching performance while not sacrifice many true matches. However, NNDR relies on the stable distance distribution of these descriptors even though the method is widely used and well performed in SIFT-like descriptor matching. In fact, NNDR is no longer applicable for descriptors of other types, such as binary or some learning based descriptors (Rublee et al. 2011; Ono et al. 2018).

The optimal choice of these methods for descriptor matching should rely on the property of descriptor and the specific application. For example, the MNN is stricter than others with high inlier ratio but may sacrifice many other potential true matches. By contrast, NN and NNDR tend to be more general in feature matching task with relatively better performance. Mikolajczyk and Schmid (2005) proposed a simple test about these candidate match selection strategies. Although various approaches are available for putative feature correspondence construction the use of only local appearance information and simple similarity-based putative match selection strategies, will unavoidably result in a large number of incorrect matches, particularly when images undergo serious non-rigid deformation, extreme viewpoint changes, low quality, and/or repeated contents. Therefore, a robust, accurate, and efficient mismatch elimination method is urgently required in the second stage to preserve as many true matches as possible while kee** the mismatch to a minimum by using additional geometrical constraints.

4.5.2 Resampling-Based Methods

Resampling technique is (arguably) a prevalent paradigm and is represented by the classic RANSAC algorithm (Fischler and Bolles 1981). Basically, the two images are assumed to be coupled by a certain parametric geometric relation, such as projective transformation or epipolar geometry. The RANSAC algorithm then follows a hypothesize-and-verify strategy: repeatedly sample a minimal subset from the data, e.g. four correspondences for projective transformation and seven correspondences for fundamental, estimate a model as hypothesis, and verify the quality by the number of consistent inliers. Finally, the correspondences consistent with the optimal model are recognized as inliers.

Various methods have been proposed to improve the performance of RANSAC. In MLESAC (Torr and Zisserman 1998, 2000), the model quality is verified by a maximum likelihood process, which albeit under certain assumptions, can improve the results and is less sensitive to the predefined threshold. The idea of modifying the verification stage is not only utilized but also further extended in many following studies due to the simple implementation. The modification of sampling strategy has also been considered in quite a few studies due to the appealing result of efficiency enhancement. In essence, diverse prior information is incorporated to increase the probability of selecting an all-inlier sample subset. Specifically, the inliers are assumed to be spatially coherent in NAPSAC (Nasuto and Craddock 2002), or exist with some grou**s in GroupSAC (Ni et al. 2009). PROSAC (Chum and Matas 2005) exploits a priori predicted inlier probability, and EVSAC (Fragoso et al. 2013) uses an estimate of confidence with extreme value theory of the correspondences. Another seminal work is the locally optimized RANSAC (LO-RANSAC) (Chum et al. 2003), with the key observation that taking minimal subsets can amplify the underlying noise and yield hypotheses that are far from the ground truth. This problem is addressed by introducing a local optimization procedure when arriving at the so-far-the-best model. In the original paper, local optimization is implemented as an iterated least squares fitting process with a shrinking inlier-outlier threshold inside an inner RANSAC. This has a large-than-minimal sampling and is applied only to the inliers of the current model. The computational cost issue of LO-RANSAC is addressed in Lebeda et al. (2012), where several implementation improvements are suggested. The local optimization step is augmented with a graph-cut technique in Barath and Matas (2018). Many improving strategies for RANSAC are integrated in USAC (Raguram et al. 2012).

More recently, Barath et al. (2019b) applyed \(\sigma \)-consensus in their MAGSAC, to eliminate the need of a user-defined threshold by marginalizing over a range of noise scales. Whereafter, observing that nearby points are more likely to originate from the same geometric model, Barath et al. (2005; Liu and Yan 2010) are available for such requirements and use quadratic models that incorporate pairwise geometric relations of correspondences to find the potentially correct ones. However, the results are often coarse.

Lipman et al. (2014) considered deformations that are piecewise affine; they then formulated feature matching into a constrained optimization problem that seeks for such a deformation consistent with the most correspondences and exerts a bounded distortion. Lin et al. (2014, 2017) proposed to identify true matches with likelihood functions estimated using nonlinear regression technique in a specially designed domain of correspondence, where motion coherence is imposed, while discontinuities are also allowed. This concept corresponds to enforcing a local motion coherence constraint. Ma et al. (2018a, 2019d) presented a locality preserving approach for matching, whereby a global distortion model for matching is relaxed to focus on the locality of each correspondence in exchange for generality and efficiency. The derived criterion has been proven able to rapidly and accurately filter erroneous matches. A similar method appeared in Bian et al. (2017) wherein a simple criterion based on local supporting matches to reject outliers is introduced. Jiang et al. (2020a) casted feature matching as a spatial clustering problem with outliers to adaptively cluster the putative matches into several motion consistent clusters together with an outlier/mismatch cluster. Another method in Lee et al. (2020) formulates the feature matching problem as a Markov random field that uses both local descriptor distance and relative geometric similarities to enhance the robustness and accuracy.

4.6 Learning for Matching

Apart from detectors or descriptors, learning-based matching methods are commonly used to substitute traditional methods in information extraction and representation or model regression. The matching step by learning can be roughly classified into image-based and point-based learning. Based on the traditional methods, the former aims to cope with three typical tasks, namely image registration (Wu et al. 2015a), stereo matching (Poursaeed et al. 2018) and camera localization or transformation estimation (Poursaeed et al. 2018; Erlik Nowruzi et al. 2017; Yin and Shi 2018). Such a method can directly realize task-based learning without attempting to detect any salient image structure (e.g. interest points) in advance. By contrast, point-based learning prefers conducting on the extracted point sets; such methods are commonly used for point data processing, such as classification, segmentation (Qi et al. 2017a, b) and registration (Simonovsky et al. 2016; Liao et al. 2017). Researchers have also used these for correct match selection and geometrical transformation model estimation from putative match sets (Moo Yi et al. 2018; Ma et al. 2019a; Zhao et al. 2019; Ranftl and Koltun 2018; Poursaeed et al. 2018).

4.6.1 Learning from Images

Matching methods of image-based learning often use CNNs for image-level latent information extraction and similarity measurement, as well as geometrical relation estimation. Therefore, the patch-based learning (Sect. 3.3: learning-based feature descriptors) is frequently used as an extension of area-based image registration and stereo matching. This is because traditional similarity measurements in a sliding window can be easily replaced with a deep manner, i.e., deep descriptors. However, the success achieved by researchers in using deep learning in spatial transformation networks (STN) (Jaderberg et al. 2015) and optical flow estimation (FlowNet) (Dosovitskiy et al. 2015) has aroused a wave of studies on directly estimating the geometrical transformation or non-parametric deformation field with deep learning techniques, even achieving an end-to-end trainable framework.

Image registration. For area-based image registration, early deep learning is generally used as a direct extension of the classical registration framework, and later use the reinforcement learning paradigm to iteratively estimate the transformation, even directly estimate the deformative field or displacement field for the registration task. The most intuitional approach is to use deep learning networks to estimate the similarity measurement for the target image pair in order to drive an iterative optimization procedure. In this way, the classical measure metrics, such as the correlation-like and MI methods, etc., can be substituted with more superior deep metrics. For instance, Wu et al. (2015a) achieved deformable image registration by using the convolutional stacked auto-encoder (CAE) to discover compact and highly discriminative features from the observed image patch data for similarity metrics learning. Similarly, to obtain better similarity measure, Simonovsky et al. (2016) used a deep network trained from a few aligned image pairs. In addition, a fast, deformable image registration method called Quicksilver (Yang et al. 2017b) has been devised by the patch-wise prediction of a deformation model directly using image appearance, whereby a deep encoder-decoder network is used for predicting the large deformation diffeomorphic model. Inspired by deep convolution, Revaud et al. (2016) introduced a dense matching algorithm based on a hierarchical correlation architecture. This method can handle complex non-rigid deformations and repetitive textured regions. Arar et al. (2020) introduced an unsupervised multi-modal image registration technique based on an image-to-image translation network with geometric preserving constraints.

Different from metric learning, a trained agent is used for image registration with a reinforcement learning paradigm, and typically for estimating a rigid transformation model or a deformable field. Liao et al. (2017) first used the reinforcement learning for rigid image registration, in which an artificial agent and a greedy supervised approach coupled with attention-driven hierarchical strategy are used to realize the “strategy learning” process and find the best sequence of motion actions to yield image alignment. An artificial agent, which explores the parametric space of a statistical deformation model by training from a large number of synthetically deformed image pairs, is also trained in Krebs et al. (2017) to cope with deformable registration problem and the difficulty in extracting reliable ground-truth deformable fields of real data. Instead of using a single agent, Miao et al. (2018) proposed a multi-agent reinforcement learning paradigm for medical image registration in which the auto-attention mechanism is used for receptive multiple image regions. However, the reinforcement learning is often used to predict iterative updates of the regression procedure and still consumes large computation in the iterative process.

To reduce the run time and avoid explicitly defining a dissimilarity metric, end-to-end registration in one shot has received increasing attention. Sokooti et al. (2017) first designed deep regression networks to directly learn a displacement vector field from a pair of input images. Another method in de Vos et al. (2017) similarly trained a deep network to regress and output the parameters of spatial transformation, which can then generate the displacement field to warp the moving image to the target image. However, a similarity metric between image pairs is still required to achieve unsupervised optimization. More recently, a deep learning framework has been introduced in de Vos et al. (2019) for unsupervised affine and deformable image registration. The trained networks can be used to register pairs of unseen images in one shot. Similar methods regarding deep networks as a regressor can directly learn the parameter transform model from image pairs, such as Fundamental (Poursaeed et al. 2018), Homography (DeTone et al. 2009; Kim et al. 2011; Zeng et al. 2010).

A more direct approach is to find a point-wise matching between (subsets of) points on shapes by minimizing the structure distortion. This formulation was developed by Bronstein et al. (2006), who introduced a highly non-convex and non-differentiable objective and generalized multidimensional scaling technique for optimization. Some researchers have also attempted to mitigate the prohibitively high computational complexity issue (Sahillioglu and Yemez 2011; Tevs et al. 2011) while considering the quadratic assignment formulation (Rodola et al. 2012, 2013; Chen and Koltun 2015; Wang et al. 2011) in graph matching.

The family of methods based on the functional map framework was first developed by Ovsjanikov et al. (2012). Instead of point-to-point matching in Euclidean space, these methods represent the correspondences using the functional map between two manifolds, which can be characterized by linear operators. The functional map can be encoded in a compact form by using the eigenbases of the Laplace-Beltrami operator. Most natural constraints on the map, such as landmark correspondences and operator commutativity, become linear in this formulation, leading to an efficient solution. This approach was adopted and extended in many follow-up works (Aflalo et al. 2016; Kovnatsky et al. 2015; Pokrass et al. 2013; Rodolà et al. 2017; Litany et al. 2017).

Point set learning in 3-D cases for registration is also a hot topic. Yew et al. (2020) proposed RPM-Net for rigid point cloud registration, in which it desensitizes initialization and improves convergence performance with learned fusion features. Gojcic et al. (2020) introduced an end-to-end multiview point cloud registration framework by directly learning to register all views of a scene in a globally consistent manner. Pais et al. (2020) introduced a learning architecture for 3D point registration, namely 3DRegNet. This method can identify true point correspondences from a set of putative matches, and regress the motion parameters to align the scans into a common reference frame. Choy et al. (2020) used high-dimensional convolutional networks to detect linear subspaces in high-dimensional spaces, then applied it for 3D registration under rigid motions and image correspondence estimation.

4.8 Summary

Given a pair of images of similar object/scene and with/without the feature detection and/or description, the matching tasks have been extended into several different forms, such as image registration, stereo matching, feature matching, graph matching, and point set registration. These different matching definitions are generally introduced for specific applications, with their own strengths presented.

Traditional image registration and stereo achieve dense matching by means of patch-wise similarity measuring together with optimization strategy to search the overall optimal solution. However, they are conducted on image pairs of high overlap** area (slight geometrical deformation) and binocular camera, and these may require large computational burden and the limited handcrafted measuring metrics.

The introduction of deep learning has promoted registration accuracy and disparity estimation due to advancements in network design and loss definition, as well as abundant training samples. However, we also find that using deep learning for these matching tasks is usually performed on image pairs undergoing slight geometrical deformation such as medical image registration and binocular stereo matching. Applying them for more complex scenarios, such as wide baseline images stereo or image registration with serious geometric deformations, still remains open.

Feature-based matching can effectively address the limitations in large viewpoint, wide baseline, and serious non-rigid image matching problems. Among those proposed in the literature, the most popular strategy is to construct the putative matches based on descriptor distance, followed by a robust estimator such as RANSAC. However, a large number of mismatches in the putative match sets may negatively affect the performance in subsequent visual task and also require considerable time for model estimation. Therefore, the mismatch removal method is required and integrated to preserve as many true matches as possible while maintaining the mismatch to a minimum level using extra geometrical constraints. Specifically, the resampling-based method, such as RANSAC, can estimate the latent parameter model and simultaneously remove the outliers. However, their theoretically required runtime grows exponentially with the increase in outlier rate, and they cannot process the image pairs that undergo more complex non-rigid transformations. The non-parametric model-based methods can handle the non-rigid image matching problem by using high-dimensional non-parametric model, but it is still challenging in defining the objective function and finding the optimal solution in a more complex solution space. Different from the global constraints in the resampling and non-parameter model-based methods, the relaxed mismatch removal methods are commonly conducted on a local coherent assumption of potential inliers. Thus, much simpler but efficient rules are designed to filter out the outliers while maintaining the inliers within an extremely short time. However, methods of this type are limited due to their parameter sensitivity; moreover, they are prone to preserve evident outliers, thereby affecting the accuracy of subsequent pose estimation and image registration.

In addition, the image patch-based descriptor may not be workable due to the matching request in less-texture images, shape, semantic images, and the raw points directly captured from specific device. Therefore, for performing the matching task of these situations, the graph matching and point registration methods are more suitable. The graph structure among neighboring points and the overall corresponding matrix are applied to optimize and find the optimal solution. However, these pure point-based methods are limited by restrictions in their computation burden and outlier sensitivity. Therefore, designing appropriate problem formulation and constraint conditions, and proposing more efficient optimization methods, are still open problems in image matching community and require further research attention.

Analogously to image-based learning, increasing studies have used deep learning in feature-based matching community. The latest techniques have shown great potential for matrix estimation (e.g. fundamental matrix) and point data classification (such as mismatch removal) with deep regressor and classifier, particularly for handling challenging data or scenarios. However, conducting convolutional networks on point data is not as easy as on raw images due to the unordered structure and dispersed nature of these sparse points. Nevertheless, recent studies have shown the feasibility of using the graph convolutional strategy and multi-layer perception methods, together with specific normalization on such point data. In addition to rigid transformation parameter estimation, matching on point data with non-rigid and even serious deformation by using deep convolutional techniques may be a more challenging and significant problem.

5 Matching-Based Applications

Image matching is a fundamental problem in computer vision and is considered a critical prerequisite in a wide range of applications. In this section, we briefly review several representative applications.

5.1 Structure-from-Motion

Structure-from-motion (SfM) involves recovering the 3-D structure of a stationary scene from a series of images, which are obtained from different viewpoints by estimating the camera motions corresponding to these images. SfM involves three main stages, namely, (i) feature matching across images, (ii) camera pose estimation, and (iii) recovery of the 3-D structure using the estimated motion and features. Its efficacy largely depends on the admissible set of feature matches.

In modern SfM systems (Schonberger and Frahm 2016; Wu 2018; Sweeney et al. 2015), the feature matching pipeline is widely adopted across images, i.e., feature detection, description, and nearest-neighbor matching, to provide initial correspondences. The initial correspondences contain a number of outliers. Thus, geometric verification is required, which is tackled via the estimation fundamental matrix using RANSAC (Fischler and Bolles 1981). This can potentially be addressed by mismatch removal methods.

Meanwhile, to enhance the SfM task, researchers have focused on performing robust feature matching, i.e., thus establishing rich and accurate correspondences. Evidently, advanced descriptors can greatly affect this task (Fan et al. 2007; Mur-Artal et al. 2015; Sturm et al. 2012) has received intensive attention over the decades.

In common SLAM systems, feature matching is needed to establish correspondences between frames, which then serve as the input for estimating the relative camera pose and localization. Similar to SfM, the full-fledged feature matching pipeline is used in most SLAM systems. Typically, in Endres et al. (2012), Endres et al. introduced a SLAM system that incorporates feature matching to establish spatial relations from the sensor data in the front-end. The well-known SIFT (Lowe 2004), SURF (Bay et al. 2008), and ORB (Rublee et al. 2011) algorithms are optionally used to detect and describe features, and RANSAC (Fischler and Bolles 1981) is subsequently used for robust matching.

An evaluation of different feature detectors and descriptors can be found in Gil et al. (2010). Recently, Lowry and Andreasson (2018) proposed a spatial verification method for visual localization, which is robust in the presence of a high proportion of outliers. For a SLAM system that percepts 3-D range scans, the point set registration methods (e.g. ICP) (Nüchter et al. 2007) are also used for scan matching and localizing the robot.

Loop closure detection–another core module in SLAM application–refers to accurately asserting that an agent has returned to a previously visited location. It is crucial to reduce the drift of the estimated trajectory caused by accumulative error. A group of appearance-based approaches have been developed to use image similarities to identify previously visited places. Feature matching results are naturally applicable to measure the similarity of two scenes and have been the bases of many state-of-the-art methods. For example, Liu and Zhang (2012) performed feature matching with SIFT between the current image and each previously visited image, after which they determined the closed loop on the basis of the number of accurate matches in the results. Zhang et al. (2011) used directed matching of raw features extracted from images for detecting loop-closure events. To achieve loop closure detection, Wu et al. (2014) used LSH as the basic technique by matching the binary visual features in the current view of a robot with the visual features in the robot appearance map. Liu et al. (2015a) developed a consensus constraint to prune outliers and verified the superiority of their methods for loop closure detection.

5.3 Visual Homing

Visual homing aims to navigate a robot from an arbitrary starting position to a goal or home position based solely on visual information. This is often accomplished by estimating a homing vector/direction (pointing from the current position to the home position) from two panoramic images, which are captured respectively at the current position and the home position. Conventionally, feature matching serves as the building block of correspondence methods in visual homing research (Möller et al. 2010). In this category, the homing vector can be determined by transforming the correspondences into motion flows (Ma et al. 2018b; Churchill and Vardy 2013; Liu et al. 2013; Zhao and Ma 2017).

Ramisa et al. (2011) combined the average landmark vector with invariant feature points automatically detected in panoramic images to achieve autonomous visual homing. However, the feature matches are solely determined by the similarity of the descriptors in the method, thus leading to a number of mismatches. The presence of outliers has been verified to be the reason of performance degradation for visual homing (Schroeter and Newman 2008). In order to resolve the degradation caused by mismatches, Liu et al. (2013) used a RANSAC-like method to remove mismatches. Meanwhile, Zhao and Ma (2017) proposed a visual homing method by simultaneously mismatch removal and robust interpolation of sparse motion flows under a smoothness prior. Ma et al. (2018b) also proposed a guided locality preserving matching method to handle extremely large proportions of outliers and improve the visual homing robustness.

5.4 Image Registration and Stitching

Image registration is the process of aligning two or more images of the same scene obtained from different viewpoints, at different times, or from different sensors (Zitova and Flusser 2003). In the past decades, feature-based methods in which the key requirement is feature matching have gained increasing attention due to its robustness and efficiency. Once the correspondence is established, image registration is reduced to estimate the transformation model (e.g., rigid, affine, or projective). Finally, the source image is transformed by means of the map** functions, which rely on some interpolation technique (e.g., bilinear and nearest neighbor). A large number of works have been proposed for feature matching and image registration. Ma et al. (2015b) proposed a Bayesian formulation for rigid and non-rigid feature matching and image registration. To further exploit the geometrical cues, the locally linear transforming constraint is incorporated. They also recently proposed a guided locality preserving matching method (Ma et al. 2018a). Their proposed method can significantly reduce the computational complexity and is able to deal with a more complex transformation model. For non-rigid image registration, Pilet et al. (2008) and Gay-Bellile et al. (2008) proposed solutions, where robust matching techniques are insensitive to outliers. Some efforts (Paul and Pati 2016; Ma et al. 2017b; Yang et al. 2017a) also attempted to modify feature detectors and descriptors to improve the registration process.

The problem of multi-modal image registration is more complicated due to the high variability of appearance caused by different modalities, which frequently arise in medical image and multi-sensor image analysis. For example, Chen et al. (2010) developed the partial intensity invariant feature descriptor (PIIFD) to register retinal images, whereas Wang et al. (2015) extended PIIFD in a more robust registration framework with SURF detector (Bay et al. 2008) and a single Gaussian point matching model. On the basis of the characteristics of multi-modal images, Liu et al. (2018a) proposed an affine and contrast invariant descriptor for IR and visible image registration. Du et al. (2018) also proposed an IR and visible image registration method based on scale-invariant PIIFD feature and locality preserving matching. Ye et al. (2017) proposed a novel feature descriptor based on the structural properties of images for multi-modal registration. A detailed discussion of feature matching-based, multi-modal registration techniques of the medical image analysis area, which are categorized as geometric methods, can be found in Sotiras et al. (2013).

Meanwhile, image stitching or image mosaic involves obtaining a wider field-of-view of a scene from a sequence of partial views (Ghosh and Kaabouch 2016). Compared to image registration, image stitching deals with low overlap** images and requires accurate alignment in the pixel-level to avoid visual discontinuities. Feature-based stitching methods are popular in this area because of their invariance properties and efficiency. For example, in order to identify geometrically consistent feature matches and achieve accurate homography estimation, Brown and Lowe (2007) proposed the use of the SIFT (Lowe 2004) feature matching and the RANSAC (Fischler and Bolles 1981) algorithm. Lin et al. (2011) used SIFT (Lowe 2004) to pre-compute matches and then jointly estimating the matching and the smoothly varying affine fields for better stitching performance. Interested readers can refer to the comprehensive survey (Ghosh and Kaabouch 2016; Bonny and Uddin 2016) for an overview of more feature-based image mosaic and stitching methods.

5.5 Image Fusion

To generate a more conducive image to subsequent applications, image fusion is adopted to combine the meaningful information from images acquired by different sensors or under different shooting settings (Pohl and Van Genderen 1998), wherein the source images have been accurately aligned in advance. The very premise of image fusion is to register source images using feature matching methods, and the accuracy of registration directly affects the fusion quality. Liu et al. (2017) used the CNN to jointly generate the activity level measurement and fusion rules for multi-focus image fusion. Meanwhile, Ma et al. (2019c) proposed an end-to-end model for infrared and visible image fusion, which generates images with a dominant infrared intensity and an additional visible gradient under the framework of generative adversarial networks. Subsequently, they introduced a detail loss and a target edge-enhancement loss to further enrich the texture details (Ma et al. 2020).

A group of methods aim to fuse images based on the local features, among which the dense SIFT is the most popular. Liu et al. (2015b) proposed the fusion of multi-focus images with dense scale invariant feature transform, wherein the local feature descriptors are used not only as the activity level measurement, but also to match the mis-registered pixels between multiple source images to improve the quality of the fusion results. Similarly, Hayat and Imran (2019) proposed a ghost-free multi-exposure image fusion technique using the dense SIFT descriptor with a guided filter, which can produce high-quality images using ordinary cameras. In addition, Chen et al. (2015) and Ma et al. (2016a) introduced a method that can perform image registration and image fusion simultaneously, thus fulfilling image fusion on unaligned image pairs.

5.6 Image Retrieval, Object Recognition and Tracking

Feature matching can be used to measure similarity between images, thereby enabling a series of high-level applications, including image retrieval (Zhou et al. 2017), object recognition, and tracking. The goal of image retrieval is to retrieve all images that exhibit similar scenes for a given query image. In local feature-based image retrieval, the image similarity is intrinsically determined by the feature matches between images. Thus, the image similarity score can be obtained by aggregating votes from the matched features. In Zhou et al. (2011), the relevance score is simply determined by the number of feature matches across two images. In Jégou et al. (2010), the scoring function is defined as a cumulation of the squared term frequency inverse document frequency weights on shared visual words, which is essentially a bag of features of inner products.

Moreover, geometric context verification, a common technique for refining initial image retrieval result, is directly related to feature matching. By incorporating the geometrical information, geometric context verification technique can be used to address the false match problem caused by the ambiguity of local descriptor and the quantization loss. For image retrieval, a large group of methods estimate the transformation model in an explicit approach to verify the tentative matches. For example, Philbin et al. (2007) used a RANSAC-like method to find the inlier correspondences, whereas Avrithis and Tolias (2014) developed a simple spatial matching model inspired by Hough voting in the transformation space. Another line of works address geometric context verification without explicitly handling a transformation model. For example, Sivic and Zisserman (2003) utilized the consistency of spatial context in local feature groups to verify the tentative correspondences. Zhou et al. (2010) proposed the spatial coding method, whereby the valid visual word matches are identified by verifying the global relative position consistency.

With the function of measuring similarity, feature matching also plays an important role in object recognition and tracking. For example, Lowe et al. (1999) used SIFT features to match sample images and new images. In their proposed method, the potential model pose is identified through a Hough transform hash table and then through a least-squares fit to achieve a final estimate of model parameters. The presence of the object is strongly evident if at least three keys agree on the model parameters with low residuals. Modern attempts for object recognition also include some specifically handcrafted features (Dalal and Triggs 2005; Hinterstoisser et al. 2012) and, more recently, deep learning approaches (Wohlhart and Lepetit 2015).

Tracking basically refers to estimating the trajectory of an object over images. Feature matching across images is the basis of feature-based tracking, and a variety of algorithms for these tasks have been proposed in the literature. The feature matching pipeline is adopted in most visual tracking systems, except that the matching is constrained to those of the known features that are predicted to lie close to the encountered position. The readers are referred to a comprehensive evaluation of different feature detectors and descriptors for tracking by Gauglitz et al. (2011), and the recently presented benchmark (Wu et al. 2015b), which covers a review of modern object tracking methods as well as the role played by feature representation methods.

6 Experiments

Diverse methods for image matching have been proposed, particularly when the deep learning techniques are becoming increasingly popular. However, the question of which method would be suitable for specific applications under different scenarios and requirements still remains. We are encouraged to conduct more comprehensive and objective comparative analysis of these classical and state-of-the-art techniques.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Examples of the five datasets. The ground truth is given using colored correspondences. The head and tail of each arrow in the motion field correspond to the positions of feature points in two images (blue = true positive, black = true negative). For visibility, in the image pairs, at most 100 randomly selected matches are presented, and the true negatives are not shown (Color figure online)

Fig. 3
figure 3

Quantitative performance of the state-of-the-art mismatch removal algorithms on the introduced five datasets. The statistics of precision, recall, F-score and runtime are reported for each dataset, and the average values are given in the legend. From top to bottom, the statistics of DAISY, DTU, Retina, RemoteSensing and VGG. The results are presented in cumulative distribution, a point on the curve with coordinate (x, y) denotes that there are \((100*x)\) percents of image pairs which have the performance value (i.e., precision, recall, F-score or runtime) no more than y

6.1 Overview of Existing Reviews

To evaluate the existing matching methods at an early time, the classical image registration survey (Zitova and Flusser 2003) provided several definitions for evaluation of registration accuracy including localization error, matching error, and alignment or registration error. In 2005, Mikolajczyk et al. evaluated affine region detectors (Mikolajczyk et al. 2005) and local descriptors (Mikolajczyk and Schmid 2005) against changes of viewpoint, scale, illumination, blur, and image compression on their own proposed VGG (a.k.a. Oxford) datasets. They also presented a comprehensive comparison on repeatability and accuracy for detectors and recall, \(1-precision\) for descriptors. Subsequently, Strecha et al. (2008) published a dense 3-D dataset for wide-baseline stereo and 3-D geometrical and camera pose evaluation.

In addition, Aanæs et al. (2012) evaluated some representative detectors using a large dataset of known camera positions, controlled illumination, and 3-D models, namely, DTU. At the same time, Heinly et al. (2012) compared the traditional float and binary feature operators in 2012 and evaluated their matching performance with the inter-combination of existing detectors and descriptors on the public and their own datasets. The evaluation was conducted on more systematic performance metrics consisting of putative match ratio, precision, matching score, recall, and entropy. Similarly, using inter-combination strategy, Mukherjee et al. (2015) provided a comparative experimental analysis for selecting appropriate combination of various detectors and descriptors in order to solve the problems of image matching using different image data.

More recently, inspired by emerging deep learning techniques, Balntas et al. (2017) reported that existing defective datasets and evaluation metrics may lead to unreliable comparative results. Thus, they proposed and publicized a large benchmark for handcrafted and learned local image descriptors called Hpathes. They also comprehensively evaluated the performance of widely used handcrafted descriptors and recent deep ones with extensive experiments on patch recognition, patch verification, image matching, and patch retrieval. Schonberger et al. (2017) conducted an experimental evaluation of learned local features, including classical machine learning based variants of SIFT and recent CNN-based techniques, in which they considered that finding additional true matches between similar images does not necessarily improve performance when matching images under extreme viewpoint or illumination changes. Mitra et al. (2018) provided a PhotoSynth (PS) dataset for training local image descriptors. Komorowski et al. (2018) provided a stability evaluation for handcrafted and learning-based interest point detectors on ApolloScape street dataset (Huang et al. 2018). A comprehensive comparison of local image feature detectors based on both classical and CNN techniques is conducted on public datasets (Lenc and Vedaldi 2014). That work proposed a modified repeatability for detection evaluation, which is more robust to feature scale variety. ** et al. (2020) introduced a benchmark for local features and robust estimation algorithms, focusing on the accuracy of the reconstructed camera pose as their practical evaluation. In addition, Bellavia and Colombo (2020) provided a comprehensive analysis and evaluation about the descriptor design based on SIFT.

From the above mentioned, we can know that several comprehensive and thorough evaluation of feature detectors and descriptors can be found in Komorowski et al. (2018), Lenc and Vedaldi (2014), Heinly et al. (2012) and Schonberger et al. (2017). However, in order to evaluate the local feature methods, many studies compared the matching performances on a 3-D reconstruction task, including the works of Fan et al. (2019) and Schonberger et al. (2017). In the 3-D case, Tombari et al. (2013) presented a thorough evaluation of several state-of-the-art 3-D keypoint detectors, and Guo et al. (2016) compared ten popular local feature descriptors in the contexts of 3-D object recognition, 3-D shape retrieval, and 3-D modeling. Several matching related applications, such as image retrieval (Zheng et al. 2018) and visual localization (Piasco et al. 2018), have also been evaluated recently. We refer the readers to these works for a detailed discussion of their performance. For mismatch removal, point set registration, graph matching, and the application performance of pose estimation and loop-closure detection, we will present both quantitative and qualitative comparisons.

6.2 Results on Mismatch Removal

We conduct experiments on five image matching datasets with ground truth. Our primary aim is to evaluate different mismatch removal methods. The features of each image are assumed to be detected and described, and the open source VLFeat toolbox is used to determine the putative correspondence using SIFT (Lowe 2004). The details of the adopted datasets are described as follows, and some representative image matching examples from the used datasets are illustrated in Fig. 2. The ground truth of each dataset is checked by the provided geometrical transform matrix, such as homograph, or provided in the manner that each match is manually labeled as true or false. The experiments of this part are performed on a desktop with 3.4 GHz Intel Core i5-7500 CPU, 8GB memory.

DAISY (Tola et al. 2010): The dataset consists of wide baseline image pairs with ground truth depth maps, including two short image sequences and several individual image pairs. We match each two images in one sequence and all the individual pairs are used, which creates in total 47 image pairs for evaluation. This dataset is a challenging one due to the large number of matches, which is up to 8000. The average numbers of matches and inlier rate are 1191.6 and \(77.99\%\), respectively.

DTU (Aanæs et al. 2016): The dataset is originally designated for multiple-view stereo evaluation, which involves a number of different scenes with a wide range of objects. The ground truth camera positions and internal camera parameters have high accuracy. Two scenes are selected for this dataset (i.e., Frustum and House), after which we create 130 image pairs for evaluation. These scenes generally have large viewpoint changes in the scenes. The average numbers of matches and inlier rate are 729.3 and \(58.83\%\), respectively.

Retina (Ma et al. 2019d) It consists of 70 retinal image pairs with non-rigid transformation. Due to different modalities between images, ambiguous putative matches are generated, resulting in a small number of correct matches and a low inlier ratio. The average numbers of matches and inlier rate are 158.4 and \(41.56\%\), respectively.

RemoteSensing (Ma et al. 2019d) There are 161 remote sensing image pairs including color-infrared, SAR, and panchromatic photographs. The feature matching task for such image pairs typically arises in image-based positioning as well as navigating and change detection. The average numbers of matches and inlier rate are 767.6 and \(68.50\%\), respectively.

VGG (Mikolajczyk and Schmid 2005) It contains 40 image pairs either of planar scenes or captured by a camera in a fixed position during acquisition. Hence, the image transformation can be precisely described by homography. The ground truth homographies are included in the dataset.

These abovementioned datasets are collected and available at.Footnote 3 In addition, a small UAV image registration dataset (SUIRD) is also provided for image registration or matching research. This dataset includes 60 pairs of low-altitude remote sensing images captured by small UAV and their groundtruth. The image pairs contain viewpoint changes in horizontal, vertical, their mixture and extreme patterns which produce problems of low overlap, image distortion and severe outliers.Footnote 4 Throughout the experiments, we use three evaluation metrics: precision, recall, and F-score. Given the number of true positives (TP), true negatives (TN), false positives (FP) and false negatives (FN), the precision is obtained by:

$$\begin{aligned} P = \frac{TP}{TP + FP}. \end{aligned}$$

The recall is given as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} R = \frac{TP}{TP + FN}. \end{aligned}$$

The F-score, as a summary statistic of precision and recall, is obtained as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} F = \frac{2 \times P \times R}{P + R}. \end{aligned}$$
Table 1 Quantitative performance of the state-of-the-art mismatch removal algorithms on the introduced five datasets

The mismatch removal methods include: RANSAC (Fischler and Bolles 1981) (abbreviated as RS), SM (Leordeanu and Hebert 2005), ICF (Li and Hu 2010), GS (Liu and Yan 2010), LO-RANSAC (Lebeda et al. 2012) (abbreviated as LRS), VFC (Ma et al. 2014), LPM (Ma et al. 2019d), GMS (Bian et al. 2017), and LFGC (Moo Yi et al. 2018).

Fig. 4
figure 4

2-D shape contours used in our experiments, from left to right, fish, whale, fu, bei**g

Figure 3 shows the performance on the five datasets evaluated by precision, recall, F-score, and runtime with cumulative distribution. In addition, the average values of each statistic is summarized in Table 1 for a more straightforward comparison. The graph matching methods, SM and GS, have shown relatively weak performances given the graphical model, albeit with strong generality, only excavates the shallow pairwise geometric constraints. Random sampling methods, RS and LRS, hold the key assumption that the image pairs are related by parametric models. This assumption seems to work well in the datasets; however, their time costs are not favorable. The non-parametric interpolation method VFC is relatively robust and outperforms ICF. However, its computational cost is higher than that of some other strong competitors, e.g., LPM. LPM is simple to implement. It utilizes a more relaxed geometric constraint, yet it achieves surprisingly excellent performance and becomes the best performer considering the time cost. Compared with GMS, it obtains much better performance with only a slight increase in runtime. The recent trend has suggested a deep learning paradigm for differentiating mismatches, e.g. LFGC. LFGC has proven to be much more effective than the traditional methods. However, in our case, it has a restricted performance with low recall and high accuracy, resulting in the failure in RemoteSensing. This finding indicates that the learning methods are data-dependent with limited generality.

6.3 Results on Point Set Registration

The experiments for point set registration consist of two parts: non-rigid registration with 2-D shape contour data and rigid registration with 3-D point cloud data. In the 2-D case, six representative methods, namely, TPS-RPM (Chui and Rangarajan 2003), GMM (Jian and Vemuri 2011), CPD (Myronenko and Song 2010), \(L_2E\) (Ma et al. 2013b), PR-GLS (Ma et al. 2015a), and APM (Lian et al. 2017) are evaluated. In the 3-D case, the rigid versions of GMM and CPD as well as ICP (Besl and McKay 1992) and GoICP (Yang et al. 2016) are evaluated. The experiments of this part are performed on a desktop with 3.4 GHz Intel Core i5-7500 CPU, 8GB memory.

Fig. 5
figure 5

The bunny and wolf pattern of 3-D point cloud used in our experiments

Fig. 6
figure 6

Quantitative evaluation of non-rigid 2-D shape contour registration

Fig. 7
figure 7

Quantitative evaluation of rigid 3-D point cloud registration

The point data are normalized as inputs, thus allowing the use of a fixed threshold to evaluate the registration performance. Specifically, a point is accurately aligned if its distance to the ground truth corresponding point is below a given threshold. Thus, we can define the accuracy of registration as the percentage of accurately aligned points. In our experiment, the threshold is empirically set to 0.1. Four patterns are collected to evaluate the non-rigid 2-D registration results, as shown in Fig. 4. We also create five deformed shapes for each pattern as the data to be registered, generating a total of 20 instances. We also conduct noise, outlier, and rotation experiments on these instances. For the 3-D case, as shown in Fig. 5, two patterns are used, and we exert random rotation to create 20 instances for each pattern. Noise and outlier experiments are also conducted on these 40 instances.

The results of non-rigid 2-D registration are presented in Fig. 6. The outlier experiments of APM are excluded due to its prohibitive runtime with the increase in data points. The experimental setting is relatively challenging, and the weaknesses of each method have emerged. For instance, TPS-RPM is generally robust to outliers, but it can be degraded in the case of severe noises. CPD and GMM have similar performances and are sensitive to outliers. \(L_2E\) and PR-GLS utilize the information of shape context descriptor to guide the registration, but their performances are unstable. APM can only deal with affine deformation, thus leading to its inferior performance. However, compared to other methods that are only locally convergent and fail to handle violent rotations, APM is invariant to rotation owing to its global optimality.

The results of rigid 3-D point cloud registration are presented in Fig. 7. In our random rotation settings, the locally convergent methods, i.e., GMM, CPD, and ICP, fail to accurately register the point clouds. In this regard, the globally optimal method, GoICP, outperforms them by a large margin.

6.4 Results on Graph Matching

Graph matching represents an alternative means to establish correspondences between two feature sets. Here, we evaluate seven state-of-the-art methods in the literature, namely, SM (Leordeanu and Hebert 2005), SMAC (Cour et al. 2007), IPFP (Leordeanu et al. 2009), RRWM (Cho et al. 2010), TM (Duchenne et al. 2011), GNCCP (Liu and Qiao 2014), and FGM (Zhou and De la Torre 2015) on several extensively used and publicly available datasets. These datasets include the CMU house sequence (Cho et al. 2010; Zhou and De la Torre 2015), the car and motorbike dataset (Zhou and De la Torre 2015; Leordeanu et al. 2012), and the Chinese character dataset (Liu and Qiao 2014; Zhang et al. 2016). The experiments of this part are performed on a desktop with 3.4 GHz Intel Core i5-7500 CPU, 8GB memory.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Quantitative evaluation on the CMU house dataset. Top row (from left to right): illustration of equal-size matching with ground-truth correspondence, 30 versus 30 matching results and its runtime statistics. Bottom row (from left two right): example of unequal-size matching with ground-truth correspondence, 25 versus 30 matching results and 20 versus 30 matching results

Fig. 9
figure 9

Quantitative evaluation on car and motorbike dataset. Top row (from left to right): example of equal-size matching with ground-truth correspondence, car image matching results and the runtime statistics. Bottom row (from left two right): example of unequal-size matching with ground-truth correspondence, motorbike matching results and the runtime statistics

The CMU house sequence consists of 111 images of a toy house captured from different viewpoints. Each image has 30 manually marked landmark points with known correspondences. We match all images spaced by \(5, 10, \ldots , 110\) frames and compute the average performance per separation gap. The large gaps indicate more challenging scenes due to the increasing perspective changes. We build the graph using Delaunay triangulation and construct the affinity matrix simply by the edge distance as in Zhou and De la Torre (2015), except for TM, which has high order. Different from the original equal-size 30-node to 30-node matching, we remove some nodes and conduct unequal-size matching experiments with the corresponding settings of 25 versus 30 and 20 versus 30 on this dataset to test the robustness of these algorithms, as presented in Fig. 8. The figure shows that in the equal-size matching, most GM methods can achieve near-optimal performance, except for the spectral relaxed baselines. For unequal-size matching, the performance gap has emerged. In summary, FGM achieves the best performance with the highest time cost, and RRWM is the most balanced algorithm, which is only inferior to FGM in accuracy but is much more efficient.

The car and motorbike dataset consists of 30 pairs of car images and 20 pairs of motorbike images obtained from the PASCAL challenges (Everingham et al. 2010). Each pair contains 30–60 ground-truth correspondences. We consider the most general graph wherein the edge is directed and the edge feature is asymmetrical. Similarly, the graph is built with Delaunay triangulation, and the affinity matrix is constructed as in Zhou and De la Torre (2015) except for TM. To test the robustness to outliers, \(2\sim 20\) outliers are randomly selected from the background. As shown in Fig. 9, the path following algorithms, i.e., GNCCP and FGM, outperform all other methods, except for TM with the highest time cost. The RRWM remains competitive with high accuracy and low runtime. The higher-order TM has achieved remarkable performance in this experiment with consistent optimal performance. Moreover, its runtime is reasonable due to the adopted random sampling strategy used for constructing the three-order affinity matrix. The direct comparison of pairwise and higher-order graph matching methods can be unfair, but the results still exhibit the efficacy of utilizing higher-order information in GM.

The Chinese character dataset has four hand-written Chinese characters with marked features wherein each character has 10 samples. We create matching instances between all pairs of samples for each character, i.e. 45 instances each. The average performance is summarized in Table 2 and the example is shown in Fig. 10. The scene is relatively challenging, and we use simple edge distances to construct affinity matrix, resulting in the relatively low accuracy for all methods. However, the superior performers are still evident. FGM and TM perform similarly, but TM is more efficient.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Examples of the Chinese character dataset

Table 2 Evaluation by average accuracy and runtime on Chinese character dataset (best in bold)

6.5 Results on Pose Estimation

Table 3 mAP performance of representative methods for pose estimation on YFCC100M and SUN3D datasets

The camera pose estimation aims to determine the position and orientation of the camera with respect to the object or scene, which is a significant step in 3-D computer vision tasks, such as SfM, SLAM, and visual localization for self-driving cars and augmented reality. Here, the camera pose estimation of traditional approaches estimates the pose from a set of 2-D versus 3-D matches between pixels in a query image and 3-D points in a scene model. However, the 3-D model is typically obtained via SfM, thus leading to potentially inaccurate pose estimates. To address this problem, one alternative is to perform a set of 2-D versus 2-D correspondences between two or more images of the same scene.

To estimate the camera pose, the putative sparse feature correspondences must also be constructed with off-the-shelf feature matcher, such as SIFT. Moreover, the most classical pipeline is the combination of SIFT and RANSAC. The geometric model can be estimated and converted into the relative camera pose, i.e., rotation matrix and translation matrix. Many advanced handcrafted methods and trainable ones are considered as good options for their superior performance. Here, we integrate some typical mismatch removal methods between SIFT and RANSAC, while some learning-based methods can intrinsically output the transform matrix from their networks, which can be directly used for this task. In addition, two different datasets, including indoor and outdoor scenes, are used in this experiment. The performance is characterized by the mean average precision (mAP), as depicted in Table 3. The experiments of this part are performed on a server with 2.00 GHz Intel Xeon CPU, 128 GB memory.

In the following, we briefly introduce the datasets and evaluation metrics to be used and provide quantitative comparisons and analyses.

Outdoor scenes. We adopt the Yahoo’s YFCC100M dataset (Thomee et al. 2016), with 100 million publicly accessible tourist photos from the Internet and subsequently curate into 72 image sequences for SfM. From this dataset, 68 sequences are selected as valid raw data. Next, we use the Visual SfM (Heinly et al. 2015) to recover the camera poses and generate the ground-truth. This dataset is divided into disjoint subsets for training (60%), validation (20%), and test (20%). For fairness, all learning-based methods are re-trained on the same training set.

Indoor scenes. We adopt the SUN3D dataset (**.

Appearance-based loop-closure detection only uses image similarity to identify previously visited places. This category commonly starts with the construction of a set of putative correspondences by a feature operator, such as SIFT, between the current image and each previously visited image. Then, the closed loop is determined on the basis of the number of accurate matches using mismatch removal methods. This solution is simple but relatively effective.

Moreover, the computational requirement in directly realizing feature matching between the current image and each previously visited image would be largely increased. To ensure the real-time performance of loop-closure detection, we use a two-step approach. In the first step, loop-closure candidates are selected by the BoW method with presupposed score threshold, which is fast and easy to implement. However, the BoW method only considers whether or not a feature exists and neglects the spatial arrangement of the features, thereby leading to perceptual aliasing problem. Thus, in the second step, a robust feature matching algorithm is required to determine whether a loop-closure candidate is a true loop-closure event.

To evaluate the effectiveness and compare the performance of the loop-closure detection methods based on feature matching, we conduct extensive experiments on four different datasets, including NewCollege, CityCentre, Lip6Indoor, and Lip6Outdoor. The performance is characterized by the maximum recall that can be achieved at \(100\%\) precision, as shown in Table 4. The experiments are performed on a desktop with 2.6 GHz Intel Core CPU, 16GB memory.

The NewCollege and CityCentre datasets are obtained from the work of Cummins and Newman Cummins and Newman (2008). The NewCollege dataset contains 1, 073 images with size of \(640\times 480\), and the CityCentre dataset contains 1, 237 images with size of \(640\times 480\). The images were recorded by means of the vision system of a wheeled robotic platform while traversing 2.2km through a college’s campus grounds and adjoining parks with buildings, roads, gardens, cars, and people. The environment is outdoor and dynamic.

The Lip6Indoor and Lip6Outdoor datasets are obtained from Angeli et al. (2008). The Lip6Indoor dataset has 388 images with size of \(240\times 192\); it is an indoor image sequence with strong perceptual aliasing problem. While the Lip6Outdoor dataset has 1, 063 images with size of \(240\times 192\); it is a long outdoor image sequence of a street with many buildings, cars, and people. Both image sequences are grabbed with a single-monocular handheld camera. In addition, a binary matrix is defined as the ground truth for each dataset, whose rows and columns correspond to images at different time indices. Each element in this binary matrix denotes the presence (set to 1) or absence (set to 0) of a loop-closure event between the corresponding frame pair.

To generate consistent maps, the loop-closure detection module should obtain true positive detections to provide information for the back-end optimization, thereby reducing the drift of the estimated trajectory caused by accumulative error. However, the loop-closure detection result must also include no false positive detections as this can affect the performance of a full SLAM system and result in a completely inaccurate map result. In summary, the loop closure mechanisms should work at \(100\%\) precision while maintaining high recall rate. In such cases, the evaluation of loop-closure detection algorithm is performed in terms of precision-recall metrics. Here, precision is the ratio of the number of true positive loop-closure detections to the number of total positive loop-closure detections identified by the system, and recall is the ratio between the true positive loop closure detections and the total actual loop-closure events defined by the ground truth of dataset. Combining the analysis and the curve, we focus on the maximum recall that can be achieved at \(100\%\) precision, indicating that the loop-closure detection result includes no false positive detection and avoids the influence in a full SLAM system.

Some of the representative mismatch removal methods are adopted for comparison in our experiment. The quantitative comparisons, with respect to maximum recall rate at precision of \(100\%\) on different datasets, are presented in Table 4. From the results, we can see that the methods that pursue relaxed geometric constraints, i.e., LPM (Ma et al. 2019d), GMS (Bian et al. 2017), GS (Liu and Yan 2010), SM (Leordeanu and Hebert 2005), ICF (Li and Hu 2010) and VFC (Ma et al. 2014), are less favored in this task. In comparison, the resampling methods that exploit parametric models of the correspondences, i.e., RANSAC (Fischler and Bolles 1981) and LORANSAC (Lebeda et al. 2012), can give better results for loop-closure detection.

7 Conclusions and Future Trends

Image matching has played a significant role in various visual applications and has attracted considerable attention. Researchers have also achieved significant progress in this field in the past few decades. Therefore, we provide a comprehensive review of the existing image matching methods–from handcrafted to trainable ones–in order to provide better reference and understanding for the researchers in this community.

Image matching can be briefly classified into area- and feature-based matching. Area-based methods are used to achieve dense matching without detecting any salient feature points from the images. They are more welcomed in high overlap** image matching (such as medical image registration) and narrow-baseline stereo (such as binocular stereo matching). The deep learning-based techniques have drawn increasing attention for such a pipeline. Therefore, we provide a brief review of these types of methods in Sect. 4 and focus more on the learning-based methods.

The feature-based image matching can effectively address the limitations in large viewpoint, wide baseline, and serious non-rigid image matching problems. It can be used in a pipeline of salient feature detection, discriminative description, and reliable matching, often including transformation model estimation. Following this procedure, feature detection can extract the distinctive structure from the image. Meanwhile, feature description may be regarded as an image representation method, which is widely used for image coding and similarity measurement. The matching step can be extended into different types of matching forms, such as graph matching, point set registration, descriptor matching and mismatch removal, as well as the matching task in 3-D cases. These are more flexible and applicable than area-based methods, thereby receiving considerable attention in image matching area. Therefore, we review them with the core idea that they are used from traditional techniques to classical learning and deep learning. Moreover, to provide a comprehensive understanding of the significance in image matching, we introduce several applications related to image matching. We also provide comprehensive and objective comparisons and analyses of these classical and deep learning-based techniques through extensive experiments on representative datasets.

Despite the considerable development in both theory and performance, image matching remains an open problem with challenges for further efforts.

  • The two-stage strategy for feature matching, which has been widely adopted in the literature, performs mismatch removal on only a small set of potential correspondences with sufficiently similar descriptors. However, this may lead to restricted performance in recall, which can be problematic for some scenarios.

  • In a different scenario, correspondences are sought not between projections of physically the same points in different images, but between semantic analogs across different instances within a category. This requires new paradigms for feature matching in feature description and mismatch removal.

  • Joint matching of multiple images has been proven to drastically boost the matching performance of pairwise matching and has attracted considerable attention in recent years. However, the complexity is still the main concern of the problem. Thus, practical and efficient algorithms are required.

  • In recent years, deep learning schemes have rapidly evolved and shown tremendous improvements in many research fields related to computer vision. However, in the literature of feature matching, most works have applied deep learning techniques to feature detection and description. Thus, the potential capacity for accurate feature matching can be further explored in the future.

  • Image matching among multi-modal images is still an unsolved problem. In the future, deep learning techniques can be used for better feature detection and description performance.

  • Feature matching is a fundamental task in computer vision. However, its application has not been sufficiently explored. Thus, one promising research direction is to customize modern feature matching techniques to satisfy different requirements of practical vision tasks, e.g., SfM and SLAM.