1 Human pose estimation

Human pose estimation (HPE) recently has been significantly studied in the AI research community. HPE aims to obtain the posture of the human body from given sensor inputs. HPE is a crucial research study in the modern computer vision field and has been implemented into many applications, such as human–computer interaction (HCI) [14, 20], healthcare, motion analysis, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). Novel deep learning (DL) models outperformed classical methods in several research fields such as image classification, semantic segmentation, object and face detection. Subsequently, the HPE has also achieved outstanding achievement utilizing the DL methods. With the rapid advancement in the HPE research field, this work tracks recent progress and summarizes their achievements to provide readers with a clear understanding of current research on DL-based HPE.

Several review works are published on the 2D and 3D HPE topics. The authors of [20], in their survey study, presented only 2D HPE methods, including single- or multi-person approaches. In [14], the authors provide a review on 2D and 3D HPE methods with their related categories. Zheng et al. [41, 54, 120], human tracking [19, 39], virtual reality, video surveillance [2], movies and animation, human–computer interaction [105] was the first significant paper that applied Deep Learning to 2D HPE. It achieved SOTA performance and exceeded the existing models. DeepPose formulates the pose estimation as a CNN-based regression task toward body joints. Also, the pose estimates are refined by using a cascade of regressors to obtain a better result. The proposed approach does pose reasoning in a holistic manner. That is, even if certain joints are hidden, they can be estimated. The authors argue that CNNs naturally provide this sort of holistic reasoning and demonstrate strong results. The key point of the proposed model is implementing the refinement of the predictions using cascaded regressors. The initial coarse pose is refined, and a better estimate is achieved. Images are cropped around the predicted joint and fed to the next stage. In this way, the subsequent pose regressors see higher resolution images and thus learn finer scales, which ultimately leads to higher precision. In [105], the Cartesian coordinates of body joints are directly estimated using a multi-stage deep network and produced state-of-the-art achievement. Multi-stage CNN also progressively enlarges receptive fields and refines the pose estimation result. In addition, it is trainable with a graphical model. The CNN estimated 2D heatmaps [63] for each joint, and they were exploited as the unary term for the model. In [70], a stacked hourglass network was proposed, which repeats downsampling and upsampling to exploit multi-scale information effectively. Chu et al. [18] attempted to enhance the stacked hourglass network [70] by integrating it with a multi-context attention mechanism. In [13], an iterative error feedback-based HPE system was proposed. Ke et al. [43] presented a multi-scale structure-aware network to achieve a leading position in the publicly available HPE benchmark. Mask R-CNN [17] was proposed to perform human detection and key point localization in a single model. The proposed model crops human features from a feature map via the differentiable RoIAlign layer. The schematic view of the proposed DeepPose system is represented in Fig. 3. It consists of an AlexNet backed (8 layers) with an extra final layer, which outputs 2n coordinates—\((x_i, y_i) *2\), where \(i \in \{ 1, 2, \ldots , n \}\), and n is total number of joints. For training, the model uses \(L_2\) loss for regression and applies refinement of the predictions using cascaded regressors, resulting in achieving better estimates. Images are cropped around the predicted joint and fed to the next stage; in this way, the subsequent pose regressors see higher resolution images and thus learn features for finer scales which ultimately leads to higher precision.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Schematic view of the proposed DeepPose system [105]

2.1.1 Regression-based methods

There have been proposed several research works related to regression model predict human joint coordinates from the input image or video frame. AlexNet is one of the initial networks for deep learning-based 2D HPE approaches due to their simplistic architecture and remarkable performance. It was first trained to learn joint coordinates from full input images in a very straightforward manner. A cascade structure of multi-stage refining regressors was employed to refine the previous stage’s cropped images and showed improved performance. It was also applied for predicting the human pose in the videos using a sequence of concatenated frames as an input. Networks handling multiple closely related tasks of the human body may learn various features to improve the prediction of joint coordinates of the human pose. The AlexNet multi-task framework was also employed to handle the joint coordinate prediction task from the given input images regression. We briefly describe the layers of the AlexNet network as it plays a significant role in our research domain.

Fig. 4
figure 4

AlexNet system [20]

Figure 4 shows that the Alexnet has eight layers with learnable parameters. It consists of five layers with a combination of max-pooling layers followed by three fully connected layers and use a Relu activation in each of these layers except the output one. It was found that using the Relu as an activation function speeds up the training by almost six times. It also uses the dropout layers that prevent overfitting. The model is trained on the ImageNet dataset, with 14 million images.

2.2 2D multi-person pose estimation

The multi-person pose estimation has two main approaches: Top-down approach and Bottom-up approach (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5
figure 5

Two-staged approaches of multi-person pose estimation [71]

Top-down approach The top-down approach relies on a human detector that predicts bounding boxes of humans. The detected human image is cropped and fed to the pose estimation system. In other words, first is a person detection stage followed by the key point detection stage. These approaches still dominate the leaderboard of public benchmark datasets like MS COCO10 dataset [52, 78] and can be summarized based on the following aspects:

  • Context modeling

  • Effective training strategy

  • Post-processing techniques

[15, 34, 80, 102, 112, 115] researches are based on the top-down approach. Chen et al. [15] introduced a cascaded pyramid network whose cascaded structure refines an initially estimated pose by focusing on hard key points. **ao et al. [115] proposed a simple pose estimation network that consists of a deep backbone network and several upsampling layers. This model achieved state-of-the-art performance based on simple network architecture on the commonly used benchmark. Papandreou et al. [81] proposed 2D offset vectors and 2D heatmaps for each joint. They fused the estimated vectors and heatmaps to generate highly localized heatmaps.

Bottom-up approach The bottom-up approach localizes all human body key points in an input image and assembles them using proposed clustering algorithms in each work. In other words, this approach directly detects all key points from the picture and associates them with similar person occurrences. Bottom-up approaches are usually faster than top-down methods. [12, 36, 48, 69, 70] works are based on the bottom-up approach.

A novel method called DeepCut [84] formulated the assignment of the detected key points to each person in a given input image as an integer linear program. It improves the performance by introducing image-conditioned pair-wise terms. Part affinity fields (PAFs) [12] exposed the association between human body key points directly. Authors assembled the localized key points of all the people in the input image by using the estimated PAFs. Newell et al. [69] proposed a pixel-wise tag value to assign localized key points to a certain human. Pose residual network (PRN) [48] is a pose estimation model that can assign detected key points to each person while having the ability to jointly perform key point detection, person detection and person segmentation. Chen et al. [15] proposed a cascaded pyramid network (CPN) which consists of two structures: GlobalNet; RefineNet.

GlobalNet GlobalNet is based on a deep backbone network and upsampling layers with skip connections (Fig. 5).

RefineNet RefineNet is built to refine the estimation results from the GlobalNet by focusing on hard key points.

2.3 2D human pose refinement

Many methods endeavored to refine the approximated key point for more realistic representation. Chen et al. [15], Newell et al. [70], Bulat and Tzimiropoulos [9,10,11] exploited an end-to-end trainable multi-stage architecture-based network. The utilized model at each stage tries to refine the pose estimation results of the previous stage via end-to-end learning. The model proposed in [13] iteratively estimated error feedback from a shared weight model. The previous iteration’s output error feedback is transformed into the input pose of the next iteration, which is repeated several times for progressive pose refinement. These methods combine pose estimation and refinement into a single model. The refinement module is dependent on the estimation, and models have a refinement module with a different structure. Hence, they are not guaranteed to work appropriately, combining with other estimation methods. Moon et al. [65] proposed a pose refinement method independent of the estimation, where the results can be consistently improved regardless of the prior pose estimation method. Fieraru et al. [25] proposed a post-processing network to refine the pose estimation results of other methods, which is conceptually similar to [65]. The proposed model synthesizes pose for training and uses simple network structure that estimates refined heatmaps and offset vectors for each joint. It follows ad hoc rules [8, 96] to generate input pose, while the previous [65] approach is based on actual error statistics obtained through empirical analysis.

In [65], a refinement network PoseFix was proposed to estimate a refined pose from a tuple of an input image and a human pose. It takes pose estimation results of any other method with an input image and outputs an elegant pose. Multi-stage architectures have mainly performed pose refinement. However, this approach is positively related to the pose estimation model and requires careful refinement design. The authors proposed a model-agnostic pose refinement method that does not depend on the pose estimation model. The proposed model takes the input pose in a coarse form and estimates the refined pose in a finer form. The coarse input pose enables the model to focus not only on an exact location of the input pose but also around it. Besides, the finer form of the output pose enables to localize the location of the pose. PoseFix can be applied to the pose estimation results of any single- or multi-person pose estimation method. Figure 6 shows a pose refinement pipeline of the PoseFix.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Testing pipeline of the PoseFix [65]

The PoseFix model refines the input 2D coordinates of all the persons’ human body key points in an input image. It is built based on the top-down pipeline, which processes a cropped human image’s tuple and a given pose estimation result of that person. In the training stage, the input pose is synthesized on the ground-truth pose realistically and diversely. In the testing stage, the pose estimation results of any other methods can be the input pose to the system. The overall pipeline of the PoseFix is described in Fig. 7.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Overall pipeline of the PoseFix [65]

3 3D human pose estimation approaches

3D HPE predicts locations of the human body joints in 3D space from the given input image sources. The progress of 3D HPE from the input data can further improve the multi-view 3D HPE in constrained environments. This section will focus on the DL-based methods that estimate 3D human pose from the 2D RGB images and videos, including 3D single-person and 3D multi-person pose estimation approaches. Most of the previous 3D HPE methods are designed for a single-person case. They crop the human area in an input image with a ground-truth bounding box that is predicted from a human detection model. The cropped patch of a human body is fed into the 3D pose estimation module, which then estimates each key point’s 3D location. Estimating the absolute camera-centered coordinate of each key point is difficult because the models take the cropped image as input. Many approaches estimate the relative 3D pose to reference point in the body to manage this problem. The final 3D pose is obtained by adding the 3D coordinates of the root to the estimated root-relative 3D pose. Prior information on the bone length [83] or the ground-truth [102] has been commonly used to localize the root.

3.1 3D single-person pose estimation

3D HPE is challenging as it needs to predict the depth information of human body joints. Preparation of the training data is also not easy. The existing datasets for 3D HPE are obtained under constrained environments. In 3D single person pose estimation cases, the bounding box of the person is usually provided. 3D single person pose estimation is divided mainly into two: model-free and model-based categories.

Model-free methods The model-free 3D single-person pose estimation methods do not employ human body models as the predicted target. According to the input type, Current 3D single-person pose estimation methods can be categorized into three approaches: single-stage approach; two-stage approach; depth-based approach.

Single-stage approach The single-stage approach takes an RGB image as an input for the 3D human pose estimation model and directly localizes the 3D body key points from the input data. The compositional loss was proposed [100] to consider the joint connection structure. Soft-argmax operation was exploited [102] to obtain the 3D coordinates of body joints in a differentiable manner. Moreover, they introduced a multi-task framework that jointly trains both the pose regression and body part detectors. Tekin et al. [104] modeled high-dimensional joint dependencies by adopting an auto-encoder structure. Pavlakos et al. [83] extended the U-net shaped network to estimate a 3D heatmap for each joint. They used a coarse-to-fine approach to boost the performance. Martinez et al. [58] proposed a simple network that consists of consecutive fully-connected layers, which lifts the 2D human pose to the 3D space. Sharma et al. [95] combined a generative model and depth ordering of joints to predict the most reliable 3D pose corresponding to the estimated 2D pose. The 2D pose-based approach lifts the 2D human pose to the 3D space. Zhao et al. [123] generated a semantic GraphCNN to use spatial relationships between joint coordinates. Choi et al. [16] follow the 2D pose-based approach to make the Pose2Mesh more robust to the domain difference between the training set’s controlled environment and in-the-wild environment of the testing set.

Two-stage approach The two-stage methods utilize the high accuracy of 2D HPE. They localize body key points in a 2D space and lift them to a 3D area. Motivated by the recent success of 2D HPE, 2D pose-based 3D HPE estimation approaches that infer 3D human pose from the intermediately estimated 2D human pose have become a popular 3D HPE solution. Benefiting from the excellent performance of state-of-the-art 2D pose detectors, 2D pose-based 3D HPE approaches generally outperform direct image-based 3D HPE approaches. In the beginning stage, off-the-shelf 2D HPE models are applied to estimate 2D pose from the input data, and then in the next stage, 2D pose-based 3D HPE model is used to obtain the 3D pose. Martinez et al. [58] proposed a simple network that directly regresses the 3D coordinates of body joints from 2D coordinates. Yang et al. [118] utilized adversarial loss to handle the wild’s 3D HPE. Park et al. [82] estimated the initial 2D pose and utilized it to regress the 3D pose. Zhou et al. [125] introduced a geometric loss to facilitate weakly supervised learning of the depth regression module.

Depth-based 3D human pose estimation With the recent success of networks in the image generation process has been demonstrated the use of generative networks to guide the 3D HPE during the training process. Depth-based 3D HPE exploits depth maps from estimated skeletons of the human body. Depth-based 3D HPE methods also rely on: generative models and discriminative models.

Generative models The generative models estimate the posture by finding the similarities between the pre-defined body and input 3D point clouds. The ICP [64] algorithm is usually used for 3D body tracking problems. Template fitting with Gaussian mixture models also was proposed.

Discriminative models The discriminative models directly estimate the positions of body joints without requiring body templates. Conventional discriminative methods are mostly based on random forests. Haque et al. [30] proposed the viewpoint-invariant pose estimation method using CNN and multiple recurrent neural network rounds. The proposed approach learns viewpoint-invariant features, which makes the model robust to viewpoint variations.

3.2 3D multi-person pose estimation

3D multi-person HPE for crowded scenes is essential in many computer vision applications such as autonomous driving, surveillance, and robotics. However, estimating the 3D human pose from a crowded real-world setting is still challenging. A three-step process is commonly used in the multi-person 3D HPE problem: (1) detecting human body key points; (2) matching people across different views; (3) reconstructing 3D human pose. Unfortunately, the critical second step of matching people across different views is non-trivial. Pose estimation in group pictures with severe occlusions attracts much attention. The 3D multi-person pose estimation from multiview images aims to estimate each key point’s 3D coordinate rather than the 2D coordinate on the group image. Some joints may be more relevant to specific actions than others. Attention mechanism has been used to discover informative joints.

Estimation of a human pose can be very useful in many real-world AIoT scenarios, such as rehabilitation exercises monitoring and assessment, dangerous behavior monitoring and human–machine interaction. Some researches have been done on 3D multi-person pose estimation from a single RGB image. Mehta et al. [62] presented a bottom-up approach system. They proposed an occlusion-robust pose-map formulation that supports pose inference for more than one person through PAFs. In [91] was introduced a top-down approach called LCR-Net. The proposed system consists of: localization part; classification part; regression parts.

Localization part The first localization part detects a human from an input image.

Classification part And the next classification part classifies the detected human into several anchor-poses. The anchor-pose is defined as a pair of 2D and root-relative 3D pose. It is generated by clustering poses in the training set.

Regression part Then, the last regression part refines the anchor-poses.

A novel and general framework was proposed by Moon et al. [64] for 3D multiperson pose estimation from a single RGB image. The presented framework consists of three Networks: human detection DetectNet, 3D human root localization RootNet and root-relative 3D single-person pose estimation PoseNet models. The authors declared that existing human detection and 3D single-person pose estimation models could be plugged into their proposed framework as it is very flexible and easy to use.

DetectNet. Mask R-CNN was exploited as the framework of Detect-Net. Mask R-CNN consists of three parts: backbone; region proposal network; classification head network.

  • Backbone. It extracts useful local and global features from the input image by using a deep residual network (ResNet) [23, 31] and feature pyramid network [22, 24, 98].

  • Region proposal network. It proposes human bounding box candidates based on the extracted features.

  • Classification head network. The RoIAlign layer extracts each proposal’s features and passes them to the third part, which is the classification head network. The head network determines whether the given proposal is a human or not and estimates the bounding box refinement offsets.

RootNet. The RootNet localizes the human’s root \(R = (x_R, y_R, Z_R)\) from a cropped human image, where \(x_R\) and \(y_R\) are pixel coordinates, \(Z_R\) is absolute depth value. RootNet estimates the 2D image coordinates \((x_R, y_R)\) and the human root’s depth value separately. The 2D image coordinates are back-projected to the camera-centered coordinate space using the estimated depth value. The image provides sufficient information on where the human root is located in the image space. The 2D estimation part can learn to localize it easily. By contrast, estimating the depth only from a cropped human image is difficult because the input does not provide information on the camera and human’s relative position. The network architecture of the RootNet is visualized in Fig. 8.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Network architecture of the RootNet [64]

RootNet is trained by minimizing the \(L_1\) distance between the estimated and ground-truth coordinates. The loss function \(L_{root}\) is defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} { L }_{ root }={ \left\| R-{ R }^{ * } \right\| }_{ 1 } \end{aligned}$$

where \(*\) indicates the ground-truth.

PoseNet. The PoseNet estimates the root-relative 3D pose from a cropped human image as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} { P }_{ j }^{ rel }=\left( { x }_{ j },{ y }_{ j },{ Z }_{ j }^{ rel } \right) \end{aligned}$$

where j is the number of human joints. It was exploited by Sun et al. [102], as a current state-of-the-art method, and it consists of two parts: Backbone; Pose estimation.

  • Backbone. The first part, which is the backbone, extracts a useful global feature from the cropped human image using ResNet.

  • Pose estimation. It takes a feature map from the backbone part and upsamples it using three consecutive deconvolutional layers with batch normalization layers [5, 37, 74] and ReLU [35, 53] activation function. A 1-by-1 convolution is applied to the upsampled feature map to produce the 3D heatmaps for each joint. The soft-argmax operation is used to extract the 2D image coordinates \((x_j, y_j)\) and the root-relative depth values \({ Z }_{ j }^{ rel }\)

PoseNet is trained by minimizing the \(L_1\) distance between the estimated and ground-truth coordinates. The loss function \(L_{pose}\) is defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} { L }_{ pose }=\frac{ 1 }{ J } \sum _{ j=1 }^{ J }{ { \left\| { P }_{ j }^{ rel }-{ P }_{ j }^{ rel* } \right\| }_{ } } \end{aligned}$$

where \(*\) indicates the ground truth, and J is the total number of coordinates.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Overall pipeline of the proposed framework for 3D multi-person pose estimation from a single RGB image [64]

The network architecture of the proposed work, which consists of three components, is visualized in Fig. 9:

  • A human detection network (DetectNet) detects the bounding boxes of humans in an input image.

  • The proposed 3D human root localization network (RootNet) estimates the detected human roots’ camera-centered coordinates.

  • A root-relative 3D single-person pose estimation network (PostNet) estimates the root-relative 3D pose for each detected human.

3.3 Volumetric representation using depth information

Wu et al. proposed a depth image’s volumetric representation that surpassed the existing hand-crafted descriptor-based methods in 3D shape classification and retrieval problems. Each voxel was represented as a binary random variable and employed a convolutional deep belief network to learn the probability distribution for each voxel. Recent work [116] also represented 3D input data as a volumetric form for 3D object classification and detection. In [67], several types of volumetric representations were proposed to fully utilize the rich source of 3D information and efficiently deal with large amounts of point cloud data. Their presented CNN architecture and occupancy grids outperform state-of-the-arts in several available datasets.

4 3D human hand and mesh estimation methods

3D human pose and mesh estimation models were proposed to recover 3D human joint and mesh vertex locations simultaneously. This is a challenging task due to the depth and scale ambiguity, complexity of the human body and hand articulation. Recent deep learning-based methods have shown distinct performance improvement in solving this problem and outperformed all previous approaches. The deep learning-based methods rely on human mesh models and can be generally categorized into two approaches: model-based approach and model-free approach.

Model-based approach In the model-based approach, a network is trained to predict the model parameters and to generate a human mesh by decoding them [4, 6, 7, 38, 49, 77, 79].

Model-free approach In contrast, the model-free approach regresses a 3D human mesh coordinates directly [28, 50, 51]. Both given approaches compute the 3D human pose by multiplying the output mesh with a joint regression matrix defined in the human mesh models [16, 29, 32, 46, 86, 87, 92, 94].

Deep learning-based 3D human pose and mesh estimation models regress the pose and shape parameters of human mesh models. Even though they recently have shown significant improvement, they still have weaknesses: suffering from domain gap and unapproprite parameters.

Suffering from domain gap When tested on in-the-wild data, the models suffer from the gap that exists between the controlled and in-the-wild environment data. The data obtained from the controlled environments [7, 33, 60, 90, 113, 114] are considered as valuable train data in 3D human pose and estimation because it contains accurate 3D annotations. However, due to the significant difference in image appearance between the two domains, such as backgrounds and clothes, an image-based approach cannot fully benefit from the data.

Unapproprite parameters The pose parameters of the human mesh models might not be an appropriate regression target [50, 51]. The SMPL [6, 56] pose parameters represent 3D rotations in an axis-angle, resulting from the non-unique problem (i.e., periodicity). Although scientists [38, 77] tried to avoid the periodicity by utilizing a rotation matrix as the prediction target, it still has a non-minimal representation problem. Choi et al. [16] proposed Pose2Mesh as a solution to the above problems. Pose2Mesh is a graph convolutional network that recovers 3D human pose and mesh from the 2D human pose, in a model-free fashion. It has two advantages over existing methods: 2D poses from controlled and in-the-wild environments, and avoiding the representation issues. Tables 3, 4, 5 give a complete understanding of the discussed models and describe the taxonomy of the models, exploited networks, and experimental details, respectively.

Table 3 Taxonomy of pose estimation models
Table 4 Taxonomy of networks used in pose estimation models
Table 5 Experiment data of Networks used in pose estimation models

2D poses from controlled and in-the-wild environments The proposed method benefits from a relatively homogeneous geometric property of the input 2D pose from controlled and in-the-wild environments. They alleviate the appearance of domain gap problem and provide essential geometric information on human articulation. 2D poses can be estimated accurately from in-the-wild images since many well-performing methods [15, 65, 99, 115] are trained on large-scale in-the-wild 2D human pose datasets [1].

Avoiding the representation issues The next advantage is that the proposed method avoids the pose parameters’ representation issues while exploiting the human mesh topology. Pose2Mesh directly regresses the 3D coordinates of mesh vertices using a graph convolutional neural network (Graph CNN) with graphs constructed from the mesh topology.

Pose2Mesh. Pose2Mesh is designed in a cascaded architecture, which consists of PoseNet and MeshNet. The PoseNet lifts the 2D human pose to the 3D human pose. Moreover, the MeshNet takes both 2D and 3D human poses to estimate the 3D human mesh in a coarse-to-fine manner. The mesh features are initially processed in a coarse resolution and gradually upsampled to a fine resolution during the forward propagation. The overall pipeline of the proposed Pos2Mesh system is represented in Fig. 10.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Overall architecture of the Pose2Mesh network [16]

4.1 Depth-based 3D hand pose estimation

Depth-based 3D hand pose estimation methods can be divided into: generative methods; discriminative methods; hybrid methods.

Generative methods appropriate a pre-defined hand shape and fit it to the input depth image by minimizing hand-crafted cost functions. Particle swam optimization (PSO), iterative closest point (ICP), and their combination are the familiar algorithms used to obtain optimal hand pose [47] results.

Discriminative methods directly localize hand joints from an input depth map. Random forest-based methods [45] provide quick and precise representation. The CNN-based approaches outperform the existing methods and can learn useful features by themselves. CNN primarily was utilized to localize hand key points by estimating 2D heatmaps for each hand joint and then was extended by exploiting multi-view CNN to estimate 2D heatmaps. In [26, 27], the 2D input depth map was transformed to the 3D form and the 3D coordinates were calculated directly via 3D CNN.

Hybrid methods are a combination of the generative and discriminative approach. Oberweger et al. [73] suggested training the discriminative and generative CNNs by a feedback loop. Zhou et al. [126] proposed defining a hand model and estimating the model’s parameter then regress to 3D coordinates. Furthermore, in [119], the spatial attention mechanism and hierarchical PSO were utilized. Wan et al. [110] used two deep generative models with a shared latent space and training discriminator to estimate the posterior of the latent pose.

4.2 3D human hand and mesh estimation

A model-based approach trains a neural network to estimate the human mesh model parameters [56, 92]. The neural network has been widely used for the 3D human mesh estimation since it does not necessarily require 3D annotation for mesh supervision. Kanazawa et al. [38] used the adversarial loss to regress plausible SMPL parameters. Baek et al. [4] trained CNN to estimate the MANO model parameters using a neural renderer [40]. Omran et al. [77] introduced training a network with 2D joint coordinates, which takes human part segmentation as input. The advancement of fitting frameworks [6, 83] has motivated a model-free approach that estimates human mesh coordinates directly. Researchers could obtain 3D mesh annotation, which is essential for the model-free methods, from in-the-wild data. Ge et al. [26] utilized a GraphCNN to estimate vertices of hand mesh. Kolotouros et al. [50, 51] proposed a GraphCNN, which learns the template body mesh’s deformation to the target body mesh. Moon et al. [66] introduced a new heatmap representation, called lixel, to recover 3D human meshes. Choi et al. [16] presented a novel method Pose2Mesh that differs from the previous models, which are image based, in that it uses the 2D human pose as an input. The proposed Pose2Mesh system can benefit from the data with 3D annotations captured from controlled environments. As described in Fig. 10, it consists of two networks:

  • PoseNet

  • Meshnet

Fig. 11
figure 11

Network architecture of MeshNet [8 shows popular 3D HPE datasets which we have described above.

Table 8 Popular datasets for 3D HPE [14]

5.3 Evaluation metrics used in 2D HPE

Different datasets have different features and task requirements (single/multi-pose). Therefore, several metrics are used evaluate the performance in 2D HPE, which is tricky due to many factors that need to be considered. We will describe some of the commonly used metrics in the following.

Percentage of Correctly estimated body Parts (PCP) metric evaluates stick predictions, and it was used in early research studies. PCP reports the localization accuracy for human limbs. A human limb is correctly localized if its two endpoints are within a threshold from the corresponding ground truth endpoints. Besides, a mean PCP, some limbs PCP, such as the torso, upper legs, lower legs, upper arms, forearms, head, are also reported. Moreover, percentage curves for each limb can be obtained with the threshold variation in the metric. The similar metrics PCPm use \(50\%\) of the mean ground-truth segment length over the entire test set as a matching threshold.

Percentage of Correct Key points (PCK) measures the accuracy of the localization of the human body joints. A human body joint is considered correct if it falls within the threshold pixels of the ground-truth joint. Moreover, with the variation in a threshold, Area Under the Curve (AUC) can be generated for further analysis.

The Object Key point Similarity (OKS) and Average Precision (AP) of OKS consider scale and introduce the per-point constant to control falloff.

AP, Average Recall (AR) and their variants are also metrics used in evaluating multi-person pose estimation results. AP, AR and their variants are reported based on an analogous similarity measure: object key point similarity (OKS), which plays the same role as the Intersection over Union (IoU). In addition, AP/AR with different human body scales are also reported in the COCO dataset.

5.4 Evaluation metrics used in 3D HPE

There are several evaluation metrics for 3D HPE with different limitation factors. In this subsection, we will give a list of widely used evaluation metrics.

Mean Per Joint Position Error (MPJPE) is one of the most popular metrics to evaluate the performance of 3D HPE. It is based on Euclidean distance and calculates the distance from the estimated 3D joints to the ground truth, averaged over all joints in one image. In the set of frames cases, the mean error is averaged over all frames. Different datasets and protocols have different data post-processing of estimated joints before computing the MPJPE.

PMPJPE measure called a Reconstruction Error is the MPJPE after rigid alignment by post-processing between the estimated pose and the ground-truth one.

NMPJPE is defined as the MPJPE after normalizing the predicted positions in scale to the reference.

Mean Per Vertex Error (MPVE) measures the Euclidean distances between the ground truth vertices and the predicted vertices.

3DPCK is a 3D extended version of the PCK metric used in 2D HPE evaluation. An estimated joint is considered correct if the distance between the estimation and the ground truth is within a certain threshold, and mainly the threshold is set to 150 mm.

6 Open issues and challenges

HPE is still a hot topic in computer vision which recently has evolved along with DL approaches. Despite the significant development of 2D and 3D human hand, pose and mesh estimation with DL, some unresolved open issues and challenges still exist between academia and industry, for example issue of the influence of human body part occlusion and crowded people. Effective practical models and sufficient training data are essential for DL-based methods. The massive interest in HPE and its importance can be seen from the workshops and challenges on HPE, increasing. They gather researchers from academia and industry on HPE and discuss the current state-of-the-art and future research directions. Here we give some of them as we decide as recent and important ones: ICCV 2017—PoseTrack Challenge: Human Pose Estimation and Tracking in the Wild, CVPR 2018—3D humans 2018: 1st International workshop on Human pose, motion, activities and shape, ECCV 2018-PoseTrack Challenge: Articulated People Tracking in the Wild, CVPR 2019—Workshop On Augmented Human: Human-centric Understanding, CVPR 2019-3D humans 2019: 2nd International workshop on Human pose, motion, activities and shape, ACM Multimedia-2020 Large-scale Human-centric Video Analysis in Complex Events, CVPR 2020-Towards Human-Centric Image/Video Synthesis, ECCV 2020-3D poses in the wild challenge.

7 Conclusion

This paper reviewed and discussed recent published DL-based papers on the human pose, hand and mesh estimation approaches in great detail. We have comprehensively investigated the related theoretical and practical issues compared to existing methods in this HPE research field. Moreover, the pose estimation concepts and their applications are clearly explained in detail to provide readers with a deeper understanding of these topics. We also provided a clear taxonomy of the presented survey-based 2D and 3D pose, hand and mesh estimation, including single-person or multi-person, single-stage or double-stage categories. In addition, datasets and metrics used in the HPE research approaches are provided for both 2D and 3D HPE approaches. The taxonomy of the presented paper is based on the methodology, which includes single-person or multi-person, single-stage or double-stage pipelines. The comparisons are made among different frameworks and different pipelines of the HPE approaches. Moreover, we also summarized the datasets and evaluation metrics for DL-based 2D and 3D HPE approaches. We hope that the presented review work can motivate new research efforts to improve the HPE approaches with large-scale applications such as non-verbal and remote communication, including hand and body motion, VR, AR, human action recognition and computer games.

8 Future research directions

Despite the remarkable success in the HPE field, there are still various promising future directions to promote advances in HPE research. Further, we point out some of them:

3D HPE is usually used in visual tracking and analysis fields. Existing 3D human hand, pose and mesh estimation from the given videos is not smooth and continuous. It is because the evaluation metrics cannot evaluate the smoothness. Suitable frame-level evaluation metrics focusing on temporary consistency and action smoothness should be generated.

The slight noise can significantly affect the performance of the HPE network. DL-based networks in computer vision tasks are weak to adversarial attacks. The researches against adversarial attacks can improve the robustness of models and promote real-world HPE applications.