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Considerations in Qualitative Research Reporting: A Guide for Authors Preparing Articles for Sex Roles

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Qualitative inquiry is frequently used to deepen understanding, improve empathy, and inspire social change, making it particularly appropriate for researchers using feminist, critical or other frameworks that encourage readers to consider issues of power and privilege. Gender researchers using qualitative inquiry are able to select from within a multitude of qualitative approaches to address the purpose of any given research study. The availability of so many approaches makes it challenging to provide one set of “best practices” for qualitative inquiry. The purpose of the present paper is to address this challenge by providing a combination of general and approach-specific guidelines for authors who aspire to write qualitative original research articles for publication in Sex Roles. I begin by providing broad guidelines, follow with approach-specific considerations, and finish the paper with advice related to common practices in qualitative research reporting. I also provide a sample of authoritative sources authors might wish to consult and cite in their research papers.

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Thanks to Jennifer McGarry, as well as Karen Elizabeth Dill-Shackleford, Russell Luyt, and C.J. Pascoe, for their valuable input on drafts of the present paper.

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Chatfield, S.L. Considerations in Qualitative Research Reporting: A Guide for Authors Preparing Articles for Sex Roles. Sex Roles 79, 125–135 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11199-018-0930-8

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  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11199-018-0930-8

