1 Introduction

The complexity of the Indonesian landscape and the unique climatic regime the country is exposed to make it prone to landslides (Cepeda et al. 2010; Kirschbaum et al. 2015). The number of landslide occurrences has locally seen a significant increase in the last decade (BNPB 2021). Specifically, 5822 landslides have been documented in Indonesia from 2010 to 2020, out of which approximately 79% took place solely within Java (BNPB 2021). As a result, at least 1044 lives were lost, to which an appalling count of 971 people injured and 119 missing still need to be added. These numbers attest to the high-risk locals exposed to landslides (Cepeda et al. 2010; Sartohadi et al. 2010; Hadmoko et al. 2017). These studies also stressed the need for a suitable early warning system (EWS) meant to inform the population of the threat they may face and the appropriate response to be taken in imminent situations of hydro-morphological hazard.

One EWS for landslides (LEWS) is already in place in Indonesia (Hidayat et al. 2019), employing the rainfall threshold valid for the entire Indonesian landscape. A single rainfall threshold might be problematic as it may not reflect the climatic regime responsible for landslide occurrences in such a diverse territory, nor the terrain characteristics. As a result, the warnings issued for specific areas may be unsuitable, thus leading to false alarms or landslide events that have not been forecasted (Guzzetti et al. 2008; Segoni et al. 2014). This issue is relatively common, with examples of national thresholds failing when their performance is assessed on a local basis (Guzzetti et al. 2020). For this reason, scientific efforts have been made to create a spatially distributed network of rainfall thresholds for specific countries. For instance, Wang et al. (2021) subdivided the Chinese landscape according to six geomorphological regions and assigned a different threshold to each one. Moreover, Peruccacci et al. (2017) defined thresholds over environmental sub-zones in Italy clustered based on topography, lithology, land use, land cover, climate, and meteorology. An example from another tropical country comes from Malaysia, whose territory is divided into six zones, each relying on an independent EWS (Althuwaynee et al. 2015). However, even assigning thresholds to sub-zones of a given country may not be sufficient to support LEWS, and an even higher spatiotemporal detail may be required.

For operational LEWS, rainfall thresholds are typically derived for territorial units or alert zones surrounding a reference rain gauge (e.g., Lagomarsino et al. 2013; Segoni et al. 2014; Piciullo et al. 2017). The representation of the rainfall over the zone depends on the spatial distribution of the rain gauge. This distribution and spatial variability of the rainfall led to significant uncertainties in the estimation of landslide-triggering rainfall (Nikolopoulos et al. 2014), especially in complex topography and in case of localized convective rainfall (Segoni et al. 2018). The temporal resolution of the rain gauge data also contributes to the uncertainty. Previous studies showed that the usage of daily rainfall may underestimate rainfall thresholds, leading to false alarm if the thresholds are implemented in a LEWS (Marra 2019; Gariano et al. 2020). Nevertheless, rain gauge data represent direct measurement of rain amount that reach the surface.

On the other hand, defining thresholds over large territories also has advantages because one can safely rely on satellite-based precipitation products (SPPs) to describe the spatiotemporal rainfall distribution. For instance, the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission/TRMM rainfall estimates (Huffman et al. 2007) were used to derive rainfall thresholds in Papua New Guinea (Robbins 2016) and Indonesia (Hidayat et al. 2019). However, due to its coarse resolution, the TRMM product failed to capture the spatially heterogeneous rainfall patterns within a catchment in Indonesia (Chikalamo et al. 2020). Brunetti et al. (2018) explored various SPPs to assess their capabilities to forecast landslides using rainfall thresholds for Italy and found better accuracy when using higher spatiotemporal resolution. Recent developments are attempting to mitigate the coarse-resolution issue with new-generation satellite products such as the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency's (JAXA) Global Satellite Map** of Precipitation/GSMaP (Kubota et al. 2020) and the Climate Prediction Center/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (CPC/NOAA) morphing technique (CMORPH) (** a lahar rainfall threshold for the merapi volcano using a bayesian approach. J Disaster Res 14:811–828. https://doi.org/10.20965/jdr.2019.p0811 " href="/article/10.1007/s11069-023-06208-2#ref-CR30" id="ref-link-section-d122383665e1003">2019). Furthermore, human settlements are situated on gentle slopes or very steep slopes, the instability of which is aggravated due to slope-cut and slope-fill practices to build houses (Hadmoko et al. 2010). In addition, Tropical Cyclone Cempaka, which hit the southern coast of Java on November 27, 2017 (BMKG 2017), caused floods and landslides in the catchment, among other affected areas.

2.2 Landslide inventory

We collected landslide information from authorized sources, including (1) online reports of landslide events compiled by the National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB) and Regional Agency for Disaster Management (BPBD), (2) event reports by the territorial police department, (3) reports of disaster compiled by the Center for Health Crisis, Indonesian Ministry of Health, and (4) technical report by the Volcanology Survey Indonesia. We also gathered information on landside occurrences from online mass media. The landslide information collected and stored included (1) the exact landslide location, (2) the date and the time of the slope failures, (3) the type of landslide, and (4) the trigger. Since most of the reports were prepared by agencies responsible for disaster response, not all information is available in the inventory. The landslide locations were primarily reported by mentioning the name of the governmental administrative unit where the landslide occurred. The administrative unit includes Province, Regency/City, District, Village/Sub-district, and Hamlet, where the province is the highest level while Hamlet is the lowest. However, the lowest level of the administrative unit up to which the landslide location was reported varied. Only a few reports provided location coordinates. The coordinates are essential for determining objectively the representable rain station for determining rainfall event responsible for a landslide (Sect. 3.2). Therefore, we geocoded the locations through Google Geocoding API using the ggmap R package (Kahle and Wickham 2013) based on the names of the administrative units reported. The coordinates were used to select the representative automatic rain gauge station from which the rainfall event triggering the landslide was identified. Since the timing of landslide occurrences is crucial to derive a rainfall threshold, only the landslide events with at least a known date of occurrence were considered.

After reviewing the inventory, we obtained 214 landslide events in the study area from 2012 to 2021, out of which 213 events have a known date of occurrence. Note that the same rainfall event can trigger multiple landslides. The precise or approximate time of landslide occurrence was known for 110 (51.6%) events for these dated events.

2.3 Rainfall datasets

We used measurements by automatic rainfall stations and rainfall estimates obtained from SPPs to identify the dynamical rainfall thresholds triggering landslides in the study area. The SPPs include the Global Satellite Map** of Precipitation (GSMaP) data by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and the Climate Prediction Center morphing method (CMORPH) by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Climate Prediction Center (NOAA CPC). The products have been provided by their respective data owner for the World Meteorological Organization Space-based Weather and Climate Extremes Monitoring (SWCEM). Kuleshov et al. (2019) demonstrated that the two SPPs provide valuable information for monitoring heavy rainfall over the Maritime Continent.

2.3.1 GSMaP-GNRT data

JAXA's GSMaP Near-real-time Gauge-adjusted Rainfall Product version 6 (hereafter GSMaP-GNRT) is processed 4 h after observation and distributed with a spatial resolution of 0.1° × 0.1° and hourly temporal resolution (Kubota et al. 2020). The dataset is available from April 2000 to the present. For the Southeast Asia region and Pacific Ocean, the data can be obtained from (ftp://swcem@hokusai.eorc.jaxa.jp/EAWP/GSMaP_GNRT/DATA/, last accessed 10 July 2022). The accuracy of the gauge-adjusted product is generally higher than the uncorrected ones (Kubota et al. 2020; Zhou et al. 2009). Meanwhile, CMORPH retrieves rainfall estimates only from passive microwave data and uses the moving vector of cloud systems derived from infrared data to propagate precipitation estimated based on passive microwave data (Joyce et al. 2004; **e et al. 2017). A study at 3-hourly temporal resolution showed that CMORPH-CRT could accurately capture the amplitude of the diurnal cycle over the Maritime Continent (Rauniyar et al. 2017).

2.3.3 Automatic rain stations data

The data measured by automatic rain stations were obtained from the Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG). The automatic stations record cumulative rainfall every 10 min starting from past midnight and ending at midnight Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The distribution of rain stations with such high temporal resolution in Indonesia is inhomogeneous and sparse in mountainous areas (please see BMKG 2022 for the map of the automatic weather station network). The network density is sparser than the density of a gauge network that typically measures at 3-hourly and daily periods at fixed synoptic hours (Kidd et al. 2017).

Before processing the data for analysis, we undertook a test to check for gross errors. Missing time intervals were added to create a complete 10-min time series. To detect implausible values, we checked if they fell within a range of 0–300 mm, the measure of the instruments. Values out of range were then manually inspected. If the implausible values were likely caused by mistakes in the algorithm for recording the rainfall value, the values were corrected using the appropriate formula. For instance, in case the values recorded in each 10-min interval during a day were 10-min intensity, instead of accumulation, we corrected the value by accumulating from the starting time of accumulation for the day. Otherwise, the values were considered suspicious and excluded from the analysis. Suppose there are dips or empty values, while the preceding and following values are the same and occur before the accumulated ending hours. In that case, the value is corrected as the same as the preceding value.

After the gross check, the 10-min data were aggregated into hourly rainfall to match the lowest temporal resolution of SPPs used in this study. The data were also aggregated into daily data for consistency checks with nearby sites. We inspected if the rainfall values > 20 mm/h (very heavy rainfall) had fallen over the site by comparing the daily data to the rainfall of the collocated observations. We accepted the value if the collocated observation exhibited a rainfall event with a comparable amount. Otherwise, we excluded the suspicious value. In the absence of collocated observation, we compared the data with rainfall observations from the neighboring site(s), typically within a distance of ~ 7 km.

Considering the length of rainfall time series, non-missing value > 70% from the available time series, and landslide area representativeness, we selected nine automatic rainfall stations within and near the study (Fig. 1). The data availability and information of each station are shown in Table 1.

3 Method

The rainfall estimates of SPPs are indirect measurements of rain rates. Hence, we first benchmark the performance of SPPs against the surface measurements by the automatic rainfall stations in the study area. Considering the data availability, a performance evaluation period of 1 October 2017–31 December 2021 was used. Afterward, we identified the rainfall events that triggered past landslides in the study area. Ultimately, we derived the rainfall thresholds based on the accumulated rainfall and the duration of the rainfall events.

3.1 Statistical metrics

We evaluated the detection capacity of SPPs using four indicators based on a standard contingency table that includes (1) hit (H), where both SPP and rain station detect the rain occurrence; (2) miss (M), the rain station detects the rain occurrence, but the SPP does not; (3) false alarm (FA), SPP detects rain occurrence that does not occur; and (4) correct negative, neither the rain station nor the SPP detects the rain occurrence. The indicators are the probability of detection (POD), success ratio (SR), bias score (BIAS), and critical success index (CSI) (Wilks 1995). POD indicates the fraction of observed rains that SPP correctly detects. SR denotes the fraction of rain occurrences detected by SPP that actually occur. BIAS reflects whether the SPP tends to underestimate (BIAS < 1) or overestimate (BIAS > 1) rain events. CSI measures the overall fraction of rain occurrences correctly detected by SPP. Those four indicators are summarized in a performance diagram (Roebber 2009). To measure the discrepancy between SPP rain estimates and ground observations, we calculated the statistical metrics such as mean absolute error (MAE), relative bias (RB), and correlation coefficient (CC). The formula, range, and perfect score for each metric are listed in Table 2. The statistical metrics were calculated and visualized using the verification R package (NCAR 2015).

Table 2 Statistical metrics for evaluating the performance of SPPs

Following Haile et al. (2013), we calculated the statistical metrics for paired datasets of rainfall rates greater than a threshold value of rain detection for at least one of the two datasets. This approach was carried out to minimize the effects of rainless hours. Rain rates of 0.1 mm/h are considered suitable for defining no-rain conditions since such a low intensity is unlikely to generate surface ponding and runoff (Dunkerley 2015). To assess the performance of the SPPs in capturing higher rainfall intensities, we extended the rain detection threshold for other values: 0.2 mm/h, 0.5 mm/h, 1 mm/h, 5 mm/h, and 10 mm/h.

3.2 Determination of rainfall events

When the exact or estimated location and the date of landslide events were known, we selected the representable rain station based on the nearest distance. We also considered the station elevation by finding the minimum difference in elevation between the station and the landslide location. However, we prioritized the distance over elevation due to the sparseness of the automatic rain station network that records in a sub-hourly time scale in the study area. If the station with the minimum difference in elevation was at a distance beyond twice SPP spatial resolution (20 km), we opted for the nearest station.

Once the appropriate rain station was identified and the precise or approximate time of landslide occurrence was known, we determined the possible rainfall event that triggered the landslide. We took the time of rainfall measurement coinciding with the time of landslide occurrence as the ending time of rainfall event. When the approximate time of landslide occurrence was unknown, we identified the ending time of rainfall as the time of peak rainfall intensity during the day of the landslide event. Considering the temporal variation of rainfall at the sub-daily scale, identifying the starting time of rainfall events might be complicated. Therefore, we considered a minimum of 24 h of consecutive no-rain to separate two rainfall events. The rainfall event defined in this manner is equivalent to the effective cumulative rainfall in Hong et al. (2018). The interval between the starting and ending times is the duration of the rainfall event. The procedure allows us to have any duration of rainfall events, hence a dynamic time window. We then accumulated the rainfall from the starting to the ending time. In the end, we had a pair of accumulated rainfall and duration for each landslide event to derive rainfall thresholds (Sect. 3.3). The same procedure was applied to the SPP rainfall database extracted from the grid corresponding to the location of the reference rain stations.

For threshold performance evaluation, the non-triggering rainfall events were taken into account. Using the similar definition above, we extracted the non-triggering rainfall events from the period between the oldest and the most current landslide event in our inventory.

3.3 Calculation of rainfall thresholds

To derive an empirical rainfall threshold, we adopted the frequentist method (Brunetti et al. 2010, 2018; Peruccacci et al. 2012) that assumes a threshold curve of power-law form, relating the accumulated rainfall E (mm) to the rainfall duration D (hour):

$$E=\left(\alpha \pm \Delta \alpha \right){\, \cdot\, D}^{\left(\gamma \pm \Delta \gamma \right)}$$

where ⍺ is a scaling constant (the intercept), and γ is the shape parameter that defines the slope of the threshold curve. We use accumulated rainfall instead of rainfall intensity for several reasons. First, using peak rainfall intensities instead of the actual triggering intensity may lead to overestimating rainfall thresholds (Staley et al. 2013). Moreover, when using SPPs, one should consider the SPPs' capacity performance in detecting high-intensity rainfall. As we show later in Sect. 4.1, the SPPs' skill in representing high-intensity rainfall is limited even at an hourly time scale. Secondly, the mean intensity that represents the average value of rainfall over a period of time has different physical meanings for short and long periods (Guzzetti et al. 2007). Since mean intensity has a functional dependency on duration through the accumulated rainfall, using accumulated rainfall to derive rainfall thresholds statistically is more appropriate (Peruccacci et al. 2012).

Multiple thresholds corresponding to different non-exceedance probabilities were derived, ranging from 1 to 50%. The non-exceedance probability level of 50% corresponds to the best-fit line of all (D, E) scatter points, while lower levels represent threshold lines parallel to the best-fit line. When the rainfall in the study area exceeds the threshold, a landslide is likely to occur.

In order to be statistically robust, following Brunetti et al. (2018), we randomly selected 70% of the landslide-triggering rainfall events and used the remaining to assess the threshold performance. This procedure was repeated 100 times, allowing us to obtain the mean and standard deviation of α and γ in Eq. 1 and to construct a contingency table. The contingency table lists four possible outcomes with the threshold as a binary classifier of the rainfall conditions ((D, E) points) that triggered or did not trigger landslides. A landslide-triggering (D, E) located above the threshold is a true positive (TP), and below the threshold is a false negative (FN). A non-triggering (D, E) above the threshold is a false positive (FP), and below the threshold is a true negative (TN). Using the contingency table, we calculated three skill scores, i.e., true positive rate (TPR) and false positive rate (FPR) (Fawcett 2006), as well as true skill statistic (TSS):


TPR represents the proportion of the landslide-triggering (D, E) above the threshold (correctly predicted), and FPR is the proportion of non-triggering (D, E) above the threshold (incorrectly predicted). TSS measures the performance of the rainfall threshold to separate the triggering- and non-triggering rainfall events, where value of 1 indicates the best performance and value of 0 or less suggests a performance no better than a random chance. TSS is also known as Hanssen and Kuipers discriminant (Hanssen and Kuipers 1965).

For each non-exceedance probability, we classified the rainfall events (E, D) into four categories of contingency (TP, FP, FN, and TN) and calculated TPR and FPR skill scores. We then constructed a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) graph (Fawcett 2006) based on TPR and FPR to evaluate the predicting capability of rainfall threshold for different non-exceedance probability levels. The area under the ROC curve (AUC) measures the goodness of each dataset. AUC values range from 0 (perfectly inaccurate) to 1 (perfectly accurate). In general, an AUC of 0.5 indicates no discrimination (i.e., landslide/no-landslide-triggering rainfall events), 0.5 < AUC < 0.7 is considered poor, 0.7 ≤ AUC < 0.8 is considered acceptable, 0.8 ≤ AUC < 0.9 is considered excellent, and AUC ≥ 0.9 is considered outstanding (Hosmer et al. 2013).

4 Results

4.1 Performance of GSMaP-GNRT and CMORPH-CRT

The capacity of GSMaP-GNRT and CMORPH-CRT in detecting the hourly rainfall observed by automatic rain stations in the study area is summarized in performance diagrams (Fig. 2). Given the perfect scores of statistical metrics shown in Table 2, a perfect detection capacity lies in the upper right of the performance diagram. In general, the detection capacity of both SPPs over each station site lies in approximately the same location, i.e., near the center for low rainfall intensities (Fig. 2a–d) and lower left for higher rainfall intensity (Fig. 2e, f). The performance diagrams suggest that the capability of SPPs in detecting rainfall at an hourly time scale tends to be poorer as the threshold of rain detection increases. In general, the performance of GSMaP-GNRT is comparable to that of CMORPH-CRT, and both SPPs do not exhibit a trend with regard to the station elevation. However, there are two groups in the performance diagrams depicting the detection of low rain intensity (Fig. 2a–d). Specifically, if we inspect this figure further, the lower group exhibiting poorer performance represents the performances of the SPPs over the stations located leeward of the mountain and hill ranges, i.e., ARG Pakisdadu and ARG Temanggung. Except for BIAS, the performance indicator values of this group are persistently lower than those of the upper group.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Performance diagram summarizing POD, SR, CSI, and BIAS of SPPs. Light gray contours represent CSI, whereas the dashed lines denote BIAS. Rain DT above each graph indicates the rain detection threshold (in mm/hour)

POD values imply that < 63% of low rainfall intensity observed by automatic rain stations in the study area are correctly detected by both SPPs (Fig. 2a–d). Less than 26% of the rain rates ≥ 5 mm/h observed in the study area were correctly detected by GSMaP-GNRT and CMORPH-CRT (Fig. 2e). The fraction even has a lower value for rain rates ≥ 10 mm/h, below 16% (Fig. 2f). Along with low POD values, low SR values are observed as well. Since SR equals to 1—false alarm ratio, the low SR values imply that the SPP algorithms detected a significant number of rains that did not occur. Less than 43% of low rain intensity detected by either GSMaP-GNRT or CMORPH-CRT were observed at the surface in the study area, and the proportion is even less (< 24%) for higher rainfall intensity. The combination of low POD and SR values resulted in low CSI values, indicating that the overall fraction of rainfall correctly detected by both SPPs is relatively small. BIAS values suggest that both GSMaP-GNRT and CMORPH-CRT tend to overestimate the low-intensity rainfall (Fig. 2a–d) and underestimate the high-intensity rainfall in our study area (Fig. 2f). The SPPs’ skill in detecting low-intensity rainfall varies from station to station. Overall, both SPPs have very low skill in detecting high rain intensity at an hourly time scale.

Based on the performance in detecting rain over various detection thresholds described above and the spread of the indicators in the performance diagram, we consider using 0.2 mm/h as the basis for rain/no-rain cut-off in the subsequent analysis. At this rain detection threshold, the spread of BIAS values is the narrowest among other detection thresholds for low-intensity rainfall.

Figure 3 shows a significant scatter between GSMaP-GNRT hourly rain estimates and the corresponding surface measurements at automatic rain stations in Progo Catchment. Few data points spread along the diagonal line, and false detection (missed rain) by the GSMaP-GNRT along the vertical (horizontal) axis is observed (Fig. 3). As shown in Fig. 3, GSMaP-GNRT tends to overestimate low rainfall intensity and underestimate high-intensity rainfall. However, most of the rain estimates and rain observed in the stations are low intensity. Therefore, GSMaP-GNRT exhibits very low CC at an hourly time scale (Table 3). This result suggests that GSMaP-GNRT could not reproduce hourly rainfall variation. Moreover, GSMaP-GNRT appears to provide rain estimates with a maximum value of ~ 30 mm/h.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Scatter plots of GSMaP-GNRT and hourly rain rates observed at automatic rain stations in the study area. Each black dot represents a pair of observations, with at least one of the pair having a value of ≥ 0.2 mm/h. Box and whisker plot at horizontal (vertical) axis shows the spread of observed rain at the station (GSMaP-GNRT rain estimates) at hourly time scale. The whiskers extend to the minimum and maximum values

Table 3 Values of statistical metrics for hourly GSMaP-GNRT and CMORPH-CRT rain estimates with a rain detection threshold of 0.2 mm/h over the Progo Catchment

A significant scatter also can be found between CMORPH-CRT rain estimates and the corresponding observed rain data from rain stations (Fig. 4). There are few data points spread along the diagonal line, while false detection and missed rain are visible. Like GSMaP-GNRT, CMORPHT-CRT could not capture hourly rainfall observed in the Progo Catchment.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Similar to Fig. 3, but the scatter plots compare CMORPH-CRT and hourly rain rates observed at automatic rain stations in the study area

In general, the performance of GSMaP-GNRT in detecting rain ≥ 0.2 mm/h is comparable to that of CMORPH-CRT in terms of MAE, RB, and CC (Table 3). MAE and CC values are relatively unvarying from station to station in the Progo Catchment. GSMaP-GNRT has MAE values ranging from 2.32 mm (in Temanggung) to 3.03 mm (in Pakem), while MAE of CMORPH-CRT ranges from 2.37 mm (in Temanggung) to 2.94 (in Pakem). Regarding the RB indicator, RB values vary from station to station but do not show a trend regarding elevation. The values support the results in Fig. 2b, where GSMaP-GNRT and CMORPH-CRT slightly overestimate the rain observed at almost all stations except at AWS Pakem and ARG Waduk Sermo. The largest RB is observed at ARG Temanggung. The large bias is likely related to the fact that the station is located between two mountains on the leeward side. Regarding correlation, CC values show a very weak relationship between rain estimates obtained from each SPP and observed rain in all stations in the Progo Catchment at an hourly time scale.

4.2 Empirical rainfall thresholds

The duration of rainfall events (D) measured by automatic rain stations that triggered landslides in the Progo Catchment ranged from 1 to 289 h (~ 12 days) with an average of ~ 87 h. GSMaP-GNRT provided the duration of rainfall events triggering landslides ranging from 1 to 903 h (~ 38 days) with an average of 130.5 h. CMORPH-CRT produced a duration of rainfall events triggering landslides ranging from 1 to 387 h (~ 16 days) with an average of ~ 90 h. Note that the temporal resolution of the rainfall datasets to calculate the thresholds might contribute to the minimum duration of 1 h.

As for the accumulated rainfall (E) triggering landslides, measurements by automatic rain stations show the values ranged from 0.2 to 314.6 mm with an average of 102.2 mm. GSMaP-GNRT showed accumulated rainfall between 0.2 and 755.4 mm with an average of 121.9 mm. CMORPH-CRT produced accumulated rainfall as low as 0.2 mm and as high as 390.3 mm, with an average of 92.3 mm.

From the reconstructed rainfall events (D, E) for each dataset that triggered landslides in our landslide inventory, we calculated rainfall thresholds at several levels of non-exceedance probability. Table 4 presents equations of threshold curves defined from each dataset at several levels of non-exceedance probability, ranging from 1 to 50%. Close inspection of the equations shows that the station data generally produced the lowest thresholds at non-exceedance probability levels of 1–20%. At non-exceedance probability levels of 20–35%, station data exhibited only slightly lower thresholds than those derived from GSMaP-GNRT. However, station data produced slightly higher thresholds than GSMaP-GNRT for D > 17 h, > 1.3 h, and > 5.5 h at non-exceedance probability levels of 40%, 45%, and 50%, respectively. Compared to CMORPH-CRT, the station data exhibit higher thresholds for shorter rainfall duration but higher for longer duration. The rainfall duration cut-off of this transition rises as the non-exceedance probability level increases. For instance, at level of 5%, the station data produce a lower threshold for D < 15 h. In comparison, at level of 20%, the data exhibit a lower threshold for D < 5 days. Comparing the thresholds derived from GSMaP-GNRT and CMORPH-CRT, at non-exceedance probability levels of 1–35%, GSMaP-GNRT consistently produces higher thresholds higher than CMORPH does, except for rainfall duration longer than ~ 11 days. At non-exceedance probability levels of 40%, 45%, and 50%, CMORPH-CRT exhibits higher thresholds for rainfall duration longer than 7 days, 3 days, and ~ 6 days, respectively.

Table 4 Equations describing rainfall ED thresholds at different non-exceedance probability levels (labeled as Tx) derived for Progo Catchment

We assessed the performance of the thresholds using the remaining 30% of the landslide-triggering rainfall events and the landslide-non-triggering rainfall events. Figure 5 represents one out of 100 samples of derived rainfall thresholds at the non-exceedance probability level of 5% for three different datasets. The total number of rainfall events in each category of a contingency table for performance evaluation is also provided in Fig. 5. Note that the number of landslide-triggering rainfall events captured by the three datasets might be different because rainfall data were sometimes unavailable. Figure 6 shows the constructed ROC describing the performance of the threshold at different levels of non-exceedance probability. It can be seen from Fig. 6 that the automatic rainfall station dataset provides slightly better performance compared to GSMaP-GNRT, particularly at a non-exceedance probability level below 15%. CMORPH-CRT performs the worst for all non-exceedance probabilities.

Fig. 5
figure 5

A sample of rainfall thresholds at a non-exceedance probability level of 5% derived from automatic rain stations (a), GSMaP-GNRT (b), and CMORPH-CRT (c) datasets using the frequentist method. The number inside the square bracket denotes the number of rainfall events (E-D pairs) corresponding to the categories in a contingency table

Fig. 6
figure 6

ROC curves built based on TPR and FPR skill scores for three datasets: automatic rain station (blue), GSMaP-GNRT (green), and CMORPH-CRT (orange). Each dot corresponds to the mean value of TPR and FPR skill scores of the repeated samplings. The labels beside the points represent the non-exceedance probability levels of rainfall thresholds

Further, a summary statistic of ROC in terms of AUC was calculated to be more objective. The results show that the AUC for automatic rainfall station, GSMaP-GNRT, and CMORPH-CRT is 0.72, 0.73, and 0.64, respectively. The AUC values also suggest that automatic rainfall station data and GSMaP-GNRT have acceptable capacity in discriminating the occurrence/non-occurrence of rainfall events resulting in landslides, while CMORPH-CRT has poor capacity.

Since the aim of defining rainfall thresholds is for an early warning system, choosing at which non-exceedance probability level the threshold provides the minimum number of false alarms (FP) and missed occurrences (FN) is essential. In other words, we find the threshold that maximizes TPR and minimizes FPR and consequently maximizes TSS, which is commonly applied (e.g., Leonarduzzi et al. 2017; Brunetti et al. 2018). Figure 7 presents TSS scores at different non-exceedance probability levels of rainfall thresholds for the three datasets. The figure shows that the maximum TSS for automatic rain station data is achieved when the threshold is defined at a non-exceedance probability level of 10%. For GSMaP-GNRT (CMORPH-CRT) data, the highest TSS is obtained by defining the threshold at a non-exceedance probability level of 20% (15%), which also maximizes TPR.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Values of true skill statistics (TSS) obtained at different non-exceedance probability levels of rainfall thresholds for the three datasets

5 Discussion

Comparison of GSMaP-GNRT and CMORPH-CRT rainfall estimates to rain gauge data showed that the performance of these products at hourly time scale is less than excellent despite the bias-corrections using gauge-based analysis data. Both SPPs tend to overestimate low-intensity rain and underestimate high-intensity rain. This result corroborates the findings of previous studies for other regions with different climatic characteristics and varied topography, e.g., in Mexico (Bruster-Flores et al. 2019), Myanmar (Yuan et al. 2019), Ethiopia (Haile et al. 2013), and Tibetian Plateau (Li et al. 2021). The same tendency persists at a daily time scale in different mountainous regions around the world (Derin et al. 2016). These results may be explained partially by the fact that both SPPs correct their rainfall estimates using the NOAA Climate Prediction Center (CPC) daily gauge analyses (Chen et al. 2008), whose accuracy depends on the rain gauge network density (Chen et al. 2008; Barros and Arulraj 2020) and the representativeness of the gauges (Derin et al. 2016). Moreover, both SPPs perform poorly over mountainous areas despite the high spatial resolution and incorporation of an orographic rainfall detection scheme. This result is likely related to the technical limitations of satellite sensors in detecting orographic rainfall regarding ground-clutter effects, heterogeneity in the vertical and horizontal structure of cloud systems, satellite viewing angle, and overpass frequency (Barros and Arulraj 2020).

The comparison results also show a weak correlation between SPP rainfall estimates and gauge observations. One explanation for this weak correlation is that the satellite algorithms failed to capture rainfall events with a duration shorter than or equal to satellite retrieval intervals (Haile et al. 2013). The point-area comparison also contributes to significant differences since high-intensity rainfall commonly occurs over an area much smaller than the SPP pixel size (Haile et al. 2013).

Another finding is that GSMaP-GNRT failed to capture rain rate > 30 mm/h. This finding reflects that of Turk and **an (2013), who also found that GSMaP products do not sufficiently capture the rainfall extremes at a sub-daily scale. Turk and **an (2013) suggested that the failure could be attributed to the effect of Kalman filtering that averages the extreme values.

The above results may indicate that potential bias may arise if hourly rainfall estimates of those SPPs are used as direct input for a hydrological model to simulate hourly hydrological response and potential landslides in the study area. Current studies that evaluated GSMaP products demonstrated that the newer version of the product is not superior to the previous one (Huang et al. 2021; Aryastana et al. 2022). Those studies and the evaluation results presented here highlight the importance of improving the SPP capacity in detecting rainfall (both high intensity and lower intensity) and of using hourly ground observations.

Rainfall events determined from automatic rain stations, GSMaP-GNRT, and CMORPH-CRT that resulted in landslides have a duration of up to ~ 12 days, ~ 38 days, and ~ 16 days, respectively. These results indicate that landslides in Progo Catchment can also be triggered by less intense but prolonged rainfall. von Ruette et al. (2014) suggested that prolonged rainfall resulted in highest landslide activity. On the other hand, the existing LEWS in Indonesia limited the antecedent days up to 3 days to define the threshold (Hidayat et al. 2019; Yuniawan et al. 2022). Therefore, it is possible that the amount of rainfall triggering landslides was underestimated by the existing LEWS, leading to more false alarms.

The analysis of rainfall thresholds showed that the rainfall measured at the stations performed slightly better than the estimated rainfall from GSMaP-GNRT, particularly at a non-exceedance probability level below 15% (Fig. 6). Meanwhile, CMORPH-CRT performs the worst at all non-exceedance probabilities. AUC values indicated that the performance of the thresholds derived using SPPs is comparable to those derived using automatic rain station data in Progo Catchment. However, GSMaP-GNRT outperformed CMORPH-CRT in discriminating the occurrence/non-occurrence of landslide-triggering rainfall events. Brunetti et al. (2021) showed that satellite-derived rainfall products outperformed ground observations for landslide prediction in India. However, their ground observation dataset has a coarser spatiotemporal resolution compared to satellite-derived rainfall products. Therefore, these results support previous studies that suggested a high temporal dataset is more appropriate for determining rainfall threshold for landslide early warning (Brunetti et al. 2018; Gariano et al. 2020).

For early warning purposes, the rainfall threshold is selected based on the non-exceedance probability level at which the TSS value is maximum. For automatic rain station data, TSS is maximum when the threshold is derived at a non-exceedance probability level of 10% (the equation with label T10 for automatic rain station dataset presented in Table 4). The threshold at a non-exceedance probability level of 20% is suitable for GSMaP-GNRT (the equation with label T20 for the GSMaP-GNRT dataset presented in Table 4). The levels are higher than the level applied by other studies, i.e., 5% (e.g., Vennari et al. 2014; Roccati et al. 2018; Leonarduzzi and Molnar 2020) but within the threshold levels at 10–25% suggested by Brunetti et al. (2018). It is important to bear in mind that this direct comparison might be unfair because of the differences in data sources, resolution, climate, and the coverage area valid for the early warning. To issue a warning, accumulated rainfall at different time intervals is calculated and compared to the threshold to confirm if the value exceeds the threshold. The warning should be regarded as a first-level warning of LEWS since the location of slope failures likely to occur is unknown. Based on this warning, a follow-up by hydrological experts can be taken by applying a physical-based hydrological model to predict the location (second-level warning).

This study is subject to uncertainties and has limitations. The first source of uncertainty is the landslide inventory we compiled for this study. Considering our sources of landslide information, the inventory is very likely spatial biased toward landslides occurring in populated areas and creating damage to infrastructure. Another source of uncertainties is the representation of area-average hourly rainfall in the grid-scale of each SPP as a point measurement of rain gauge (Apip et al. 2010; Haile et al. 2013). However, this is unavoidable due to the limited number of rain stations in our study area. Because the rainfall thresholds derived here are based on landslide events that occurred in Progo Catchment only, the thresholds might be untransferable to other areas due to differences in the local weather system and landslide preparatory factors of catchments. Moreover, different catchments might have different hydrological responses to various rainfall events (e.g., Marin et al. 2020; Jaramillo-Gonzalez et al. 2023). Nevertheless, given a sufficient inventory of landslides, the approach presented here can be adopted for other areas. A study by Johnston et al. (2021)showed that landslide hazard in urbanized areas is sensitive to rainfall variations. However, in our analysis, we did not distinguish landslide events in urbanized and non-urbanized areas due to the limited number of events and the spatial bias of our inventory. Finally, our datasets have no rainfall forecast value. Nevertheless, considering the relatively short latency, they can be applied for nowcasting (van Natijne et al. 2020; Hartke et al. 2020; Stanley et al. 2021).

6 Conclusion

This study set out to derive and evaluate new rainfall thresholds for landslides in the Progo Catchment using various high-resolution rainfall datasets. The determination of the thresholds involved a frequentist approach. Results show that the performance of GSMaP-GNRT and CMORPH-CRT at an hourly time scale is less than excellent. The poor capacity in correctly detecting hourly rainfall might limit the usage of SPP for hydrological modeling to simulate hydrological response and potential landslides. Nevertheless, when the rainfall estimates were aggregated according to the definition of rainfall events corresponding to landslides in our study area, the results showed that both SPPs could be used to determine rainfall thresholds as the basis for a landslide early warning. The performance of the thresholds derived using SPPs is comparable to those derived using automatic rain station data, particularly GSMaP-GNRT thresholds. For early warning purposes, the suitable threshold is the threshold derived using automatic rain station data at a non-exceedance probability level of 10% or the GSMaP-GNRT threshold at 20%.

Our study is the first attempt to be a statistically rigorous probabilistic approach that has not been carried out before for a region in Indonesia. The results may assist the existing LEWS, which applies a fixed threshold limited to up to 3 days of rainfall amount. Conversely, we offer a dynamic window of rainfall events to determine rainfall thresholds that show a range of possible rainfall conditions in terms of accumulation and duration that trigger the landslides in the Progo Catchment. The dynamic time window, applied to hourly rainfall data, implicitly accounts for rainfall intermittency and antecedent rainfall that influence predisposing conditions of landslides.

The major limitation of this study is that the datasets used to determine rainfall thresholds have no prediction value. Further study should be done using high-resolution numerical weather prediction (NWP) models that generate weather forecasts. Since both satellite products and NWP output have their uncertainties, it is unlikely to directly translate the thresholds derived here to the thresholds for NWP output. Therefore, a technique such as bias correction for adjusting NWP model output to ensure that its statistical properties are coherent with observations (e.g., Rogelis and Werner 2018; Jabbari and Bae 2020; Schauwecker et al. 2021) needs to be implemented before applying the model output into an operational early warning system. Since the NWP model is sensitive to the choice of physical parameter schemes (e.g., Umer et al. 2021), it is essential to assess the performance skills of the model in forecasting large/mesoscale weather systems producing the rainfall events associated with the landslides in the study area. Such studies eventually could help advance the landslide early warning system.