What is the “Anti-corruption” Norm in Global Politics?

Norm Robustness and Contestation in the Transnational Governance of Corruption

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Corruption and Norms

Part of the book series: Political Corruption and Governance ((PCG))


In their investigation of anti-corruption at the global level, Gutterman and Lohaus address the robustness of the norm and instances of contestation. Judging by United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC)’s wide ratification, public opinion, and the spread of anti-corruption laws, the norm is very robust. Yet low levels of compliance and mixed reactions to norm violations raise some doubts about its impact. Anti-corruption is particularly contested in three dimensions: First, it clashes with notions of sovereignty. Second, develo** states in particular engage in applicatory contestation as they criticize corruption measurements and conflicts with local norms. Peer review in the United Nations also raises concerns. As a third point of contestation, the chapter addresses the evolution of anti-corruption advocacy, now that activists seek to broaden the norm beyond its relatively narrow, transactional focus on bribery.

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    As Deitelhoff and Zimmermann have pointed out, applicatory contestation might be “validity contestation in disguise.”

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    Staying with the analogy to human rights, the controversy about the International Criminal Court seems to follow a similar logic.

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Gutterman, E., Lohaus, M. (2018). What is the “Anti-corruption” Norm in Global Politics?. In: Kubbe, I., Engelbert, A. (eds) Corruption and Norms. Political Corruption and Governance. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-66254-1_12

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