A Theoretical Model of Weighting and Evaluating the Elements Defining the Change of Organizational Culture

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Tourism, Culture and Heritage in a Smart Economy


The objective of this manuscript is to create a new theoretical model of weighting and evaluating specific elements that determine the change of organizational culture at: individual, group, organizational, industry and national level. Through the processing of the results of the theoretical review it became clear that the process of organizational culture change can be directed through three alternative directions. Each direction has unique characteristics but share the common objective of transforming the old organizational culture into a new one. The first direction is based on a specific change program imposed by the management of an organization, so it is named “formal/revolutionary”. The second direction is not based on a specific program, but on long-term changes based on development, competition and conflict of opposing forces and it is named “informal/evolutionary”. The third direction is a combination of the previous two thus named “hybrid”. The scientific and empirical contribution of this manuscript is the creation of a new theoretical model that summarizes and presents in a convenient way the elements that compose the three directions of cultural change in organizations.

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Stavrinoudis, T., Kakarougkas, C. (2017). A Theoretical Model of Weighting and Evaluating the Elements Defining the Change of Organizational Culture. In: Katsoni, V., Upadhya, A., Stratigea, A. (eds) Tourism, Culture and Heritage in a Smart Economy . Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-47732-9_16

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