
Endocrine surgery

In this topical collection many experienced colleagues, involved and dedicated to various fields of the endocrine surgical super specialty, are cooperating to contribute to the field of endocrine surgery to form this monothematic issues of Updates in Surgery.


  • Rocco Bellantone

    Department of Endocrine and Metabolic Surgery, Catholic University, Policlinico Gemelli, Rome, Italy

  • Celestino Pio Lombardi

    Department of Endocrine Surgery, Catholic University, Policlinico Gemelli, Rome, Italy

  • Paolo Miccoli

    Department of Surgical Pathology, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy

Articles (23 in this collection)

  1. Endocrine surgery: an update


    • Rocco Bellantone
    • Celestino Pio Lombardi
    • Paolo Miccoli
    • Content type: FOREWORD
    • Published: 16 June 2017
    • Pages: 117 - 117