
Practice-based Papers Collection

This is a selection of practice-based paper published in the Journal of Business Ethics over the last few years. These papers were handled by the Practice in Business Ethics section of the journal which publishes articles that highlight thought-provoking examples of business ethics in practice and capture interesting phenomena that illuminate links between theory and practice, or lend themselves to further research and theory development. This section encourages collaboration between academic authors with organizations and practitioners. Ultimately, the work published in this section aims to bridge between theory and practice in business ethics, and in doing so improve ethics at work and working lives. As such, articles in this section generally take a different format compared to other sections in the journal, and appeal to both academic and practitioner audiences as practical ethical issue is central to the theoretical development, empirical research, discussion or practical implications of the article.

Section Editors, Adrian Keevil and Dorothee Baumann-Pauly


Articles (4 in this collection)