
Multiscale Simulations of DNA from Electrons to Nucleosomes

An open call for contributions to a collection of articles focusing on the sequence dependent biophysical properties of DNA and new methods and models used to interpret these data from short atomistic scales to longer, more biologically pertinent scales.


  • Professor Wilma Olsen

    Professor Olsen is affiliated to the Chemistry & Chemical Biology/Center for Quantitative Biology, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA

  • Professor John H Maddocks

    Professor John H Maddocks is affiliated to the Laboratory for Computation and Visualization in Mathematics and Mechanics, EPFL, Lausane, Switzerland

  • Professor Pabolo D Dans

    Professor Pabolo D Dans is affiliated to the Department of Biological Sciences (CENUR Litoral Norte - UdelaR) & Institut Pasteur de Montevideo, Uruguay

  • Professor Thomas H. Cheatham, III

    Professor Thomas H. Cheatham, III is the Director of the Center for High Performance Computing at the University of Utah, USA

  • Professor Sarah Harris

    Professor Sarah Harris is affiliated to the Astbury Center for Structural Molecular Biology, University of Leeds, UK

  • Professor Charlie Laughton

    Professor Charlie Laughton is Professor of Computational Pharmaceutical Science, University of Nottingham, UK

  • Professor Modesto Orozco

    Professor Modesto Orozco is affiliated to the Institute for Research into Biomedicine, IRB Barcelona, Spain

  • Professor Lois Pollack

    Professor Lois Pollack is the John Edson Sweet Professor of Engineering, Cornell University, USA

Articles (10 in this collection)