
Applied Life Sciences: Innovative Approaches to Plant-Microbe Interactions for Global Health and Sustainability

This Collection focuses on pioneering research in the area of plant-microbe interactions, emphasizing their role in promoting good health and well-being, aligning with SDG 3 objectives. We invite contributions that explore novel mechanisms through which beneficial microbes enhance plant health, bolster crop resilience, and mitigate environmental stressors. Studies on microbial degradation of toxins, biocontrol agents, and microbial consortia fostering sustainable agriculture are particularly welcome. This Collection aims to bridge the gap between applied life sciences and health, showcasing how advances in understanding plant-microbe dynamics can lead to innovative solutions for improving agricultural productivity and human health. We encourage submissions that incorporate multidisciplinary approaches, including genomics, and biotechnological innovations, to offer comprehensive insights into the potential of plant-microbe interactions in achieving sustainable development goals. By highlighting cutting-edge research and fostering collaboration among scientists, this Collection seeks to contribute to the global effort of enhancing health and well-being through sustainable agricultural practices.

This Collection supports and amplifies research related to: SDG 3


  • Charles Obinwanne Okoye

    Charles Obinwanne Okoye, PhD, Jiangsu University, China. Dr. Charles Okoye is currently a lecturer at the Department of Zoology & Environmental Biology, University of Nigeria Nsukka and a research fellow at the School of Life Sciences, Jiangsu University, China. His research interests include ecology, conservation biology, plant protection, molecular biology, environmental microbiology, agricultural biotechnology, anaerobic fermentation, biotechnology, multi-omics techniques, and synthetic biology.


Articles will be displayed here once they are published.