Rudolf Diesel Industry Fellowship

Purpose: It is the Fellowship’s purpose to enhance collaboration and knowledge-sharing between research units at TUM and company research laboratories. To increase international collaboration, TUM-IAS especially welcomes applications from companies from outside Germany

Eligibility: 1. a nomination letter including a description of the facilities provided for the Fellow by the TUM Host institute. 2. a CV including a list of publications. 3. a statement of purpose jointly signed by the candidate and the hosting professor, describing the content of the. 4. joint research, its innovative potential and the concrete implementation plans (budget), including any planned. 5. events to enhance the Institute’s intellectual environment

Level of Study: Postgraduate

Type: Fellowship

Value: Up to €20,000

Frequency: Annual

Country of Study: Any country

Application Procedure: Please submit the following application documents: 1. a nomination letter including a description of the facilities provided for the Fellow by the TUM Host institute. 2. a CV (no more than 5 pages) and a list of publications. 3. a statement of purpose jointly signed by the candidate and the hosting professor, describing the content of the joint research, its innovative potential and the concrete implementation plans. This statement should also include. 4. a budget plan. 5. a time plan regarding the candidate’s projected periods of stay at TUM. 6. an identification of possible additional (interdisciplinary) collaboration partners both within TUM-IAS and within TUM as well as a short explanation as to why this collaboration would be beneficial. 7. an outline for an international, ideally interdisciplinary workshop/colloquium, to be organized during the active Fellowship period. 8. a letter of nomination from the Dean of the hosting faculty or another member of the EHP or Board of Trustees

Closing Date: 24 October

Funding: Private

Additional Information:

For further information contact:

Lichtenbergstrasse 2 a, D-85748 Garching, Germany.


(49) 89 289 10550
