Knowledge Building Model for Educational and Pedagogical Innovation and Cultural-Contextual Influences

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International Handbook on Education Development in Asia-Pacific


Globalisation, knowledge economies, technology explosion, and COVID-19 pandemics have brought about unprecedented changes and the pervasive needs to cultivate learners’ problem-solving, innovation, and creative capacity for knowledge work. This chapter discusses the knowledge building model that brings knowledge creation to classrooms for educational and pedagogical innovation, drawing from international and Asia-Pacific research. Originating in Canada, knowledge building is now implemented in K-12 and tertiary classrooms internationally and in the Asia-Pacific, including Singapore, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, and New Zealand. Knowledge building emphasises student agency and collective responsibility; students are engaged directly in knowledge work pursuing sustained idea development, the foundational practice of knowledge creation. Knowledge Forum® (KF) is a custom-built knowledge-building technology developed in tandem with advances in knowledge-building theory and practice. This chapter first introduces the knowledge building model’s theory, pedagogy, and technology featuring principle-based pedagogical innovation. Four major lines of knowledge-building research from the Asia-Pacific are discussed, including (a) Fostering and designing knowledge-building environments, (b) Examining effects and impacts of knowledge building, (c) Teacher learning, professional development and systemic change, and (d) Technological and methodological advances. This chapter also discusses cultural-contextual challenges and opportunities, including the examination culture and the paradox of the Chinese learner, for adopting innovation in Asian classrooms. The contributions and implications of knowledge building research for advancing educational and pedagogical innovation internationally and in the Asia-Pacific are discussed.

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Chan, C.K.K., Tan, S.C. (2023). Knowledge Building Model for Educational and Pedagogical Innovation and Cultural-Contextual Influences. In: Lee, W.O., Brown, P., Goodwin, A.L., Green, A. (eds) International Handbook on Education Development in Asia-Pacific. Springer, Singapore.

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