
1 Introduction

In recent times, brain computer interface (BCI) has earned immense popularity for its inherent advantages in understanding the biological basis of cognitive processes, involving perception, memory, emotion and sensory-motor coordination. Emotion is regarded as the conscious experience concerning the pleasure, neutrality and displeasure levels of cognitive reaction of the brain in response to external stimulation.

Among different types of brain stimulation, music is one of the common modalities [4] of emotion arousal. Although no scientific justification on the role of music to emotion arousal is known till date, it is noticed that slow tempos, minor harmonies and a fixed pitch of a music is responsible of arousal of sadness [5]. Similarly, fast tempos, cacophonous and a wide range of pitch and dynamics have correlation with arousal of fear. Similar characterizations of stimuli for arousal of specific emotion has been ascertained by different research groups [6].

Most of the existing techniques attempt to classify emotion experienced by a subject based on the external manifestation of his/her emotion, such as change in facial expressions, voice qualities and physiological characteristics (like body temperature and skin conductance). A few well-known works that need special mention in this regard are listed below.

Das et al. [2] and Halder et al. [1] report novel techniques of emotion recognition using facial expression, voice and EEG analysis [9]. Wu et al.reported the change in brain wave synchronization during listening to music [3]. Furthermore, Mathur et al. [5] demonstrate the role of Indian classical music structure in emotional arousal. Banerjee et al. [6] studied the effect of music in human brain and body.

However understanding the cognitive underpinnings of emotional arousal needs more studies based on brain-imaging and cellular neuro-dynamics. We, here, employ functional Near Infra-Red Spectroscopy (fNIRs 1100) device to capture the pre-frontal brain response during emotion arousal with an aim to recognize the emotion from the brain response along with interpreting the involved brain regions [7]. The main focus of the present study is to model intra-personal and inter-personal uncertainty in the feature space of the fNIRS data obtained from the subjects, when the subjects experience musical stimuli. The uncertainty captured by the model is used later by an interval type-2 fuzzy set induced pattern classifier to recognize emotion. Besides, the results of emotion classification for given fNIRS features obtained from one or more voxels in the pre-frontal regions explains the engagement of the brain modules in the arousal process of emotion.

The paper is divided into four sections. Section 2 presents all the main steps, including normalization and pre-processing of the fNIRS signals, feature extraction, feature selection and the proposed Interval Type-2 fuzzy classifier for emotion recognition. Section 3 deals with experiments on feature selection and classifier performance. Conclusions are listed in Sect. 4.

2 Principles and Methodologies

This section reports all the required tools and techniques to resolve the proposed problem. The following steps are performed to classify hemodynamics responses associate with emotional arousal from music: (1) Scaling of the raw data, (2) Processing of the raw data and artifact removal, (3) Feature extraction from the oxyhemoglobin (HbO) and de-oxyhemoglobin (HbR) data obtained from fNIRS signals, (4) Feature selection based on evolutionary algorithm and (5) Classification of hemodynamic features using Interval Type-2 Fuzzy classifier.

2.1 Scaling of the Raw Data and Artifact Removal

The scaling of the raw data is performed using a max-min technique adopted from the protocol of De et al. [4]. Such transformation returns normalized HbO and HbR in [0, 1].

Different physiological and environmental artifacts are removed by means of elliptical IIR low-pass filter with cut-off frequency o 0.5 Hz [7, 8].

2.2 Feature Extraction

We use an fNIRs system having four sources and ten detectors that forms (4 sources) \(\times \) (4 detectors) = 16 channels. The temporal hemodynamics in 16 channels is represented by (i) HbO and (ii) HbR absorption curve.

In the present scheme we used music to induce emotions, and these measured HbO(t) and HbR(t) at t = kT, where T is the samples interval, and k = 0, 1, 2, . . . . Here we have taken the HbO(t) and HbR(t) responses for 90 s, which are divided into 6 time-windows of 15 s each. We select a sampling rate of 2 Hz, i.e., 2 samples/second. Thus for 15 s duration, we have (15 \(\times \) 2) = 30 samples denoted by HbO(t) and HbR(t) for k = 0 to 29; and T = 0.5 s.

Features: We have taken difference d(t) = HbO(t) - HbR(t) per window and obtain the Static Features [7] Mean(m), Variance(v), Skewness(sk), Kurtosis(ku) and Average Energy(E) from the standard definitions. To obtain the dynamic behavior, we compute the change in m, var, sk, ku and E over the transitions between each consecutive window of 15 s in a time frame of 90 s. For 5 transitions of windows we have (5 \(\times \) 5) = 25 features. Coinciding Static and Dynamic features together, we have as many as (30 + 25) = 55 features. Thus for 16 voxels we have (16 \(\times \) 55)= 880 features.

2.3 Feature Selection

We adopt an evolutionary algorithm based feature selection [10] to reduce 880 features into 200 features. The algorithm used for feature selection attempts to maximize inter-class separation and minimize intra-class separation. The following two objectives are designed to attain the above requirements. It is given that \(\overrightarrow{a}_i^x=\overrightarrow{a}_{i,1}^x,...., \overrightarrow{a}_{i,R}^x\)is the i-th feature vector having R numbers of components falling in class x, \(b_j^x\) and \(b_j^y\) denote the component of class centroids for class x and y respectively, the two objective functions are as

figure a

where P represents the number of classes, Q the number of data points, and R is the number of features. We have attempt to optimize \(J=J_1-J_2\) using evolutionary algorithm.

2.4 Fuzzy Classification

For the present emotion recognition problem, we considered 30 subjects and have performed repeated experiments of 10 times per subject. Let \(f_i\) be a feature. Then its ten instances are \(f_i^{1}, f_i^{2}, . . . ., f_i^{10}\). We take the mean and variance of \(f_i^1, f_i^2, . . . ., f_i^{10}\) and denote them by \(m_i\) and \(\sigma _i\). We adopt Gaussion membership function to represent the membership of feature \(f_i\). Now, for 30 experimental subjects we have 30 such Gaussion membership functions (MF) for a given feature \(f_i\). We take the maximum and minimum of these 30 MFs to obtain the Interval Type- 2 Fuzzy set (IT2FS) [1].

Classifier Rule:

\(Rule_i\): If \(f_1\) is closed to its center, \(f_2\) is closed to its center,....., and \(f_n\) is closed to its center, then class = \(emotion_i\).

To resolve the classification problem, we determine the degree of firing strength of all the classifier rules. The rule having the highest firing strength represents the true emotion class.

Firing strength Computation: Let \(f_1, f_2, . . . . , f_n\) be the measurement points. We obtain

$$\begin{aligned} LFS_i=Min(\underline{\mu }_{\tilde{A}_1}(f_1),\underline{\mu }_{\tilde{A}_2}(f_2),.....,\underline{\mu }_{\tilde{A}_n}(f_n)\end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} UFS_i=Min(\overline{\mu }_{\tilde{A}_1}(f_1),\overline{\mu }_{\tilde{A}_2}(f_2),.....,\overline{\mu }_{\tilde{A}_n}(f_n) \end{aligned}$$

where \(LFS_i\) and \(UFS_i\) denote the lower and upper firing strength of the i-th rule. We take the average of \(LFS_i\) and \(UFS_i\) to denote the average strength of firing of the rule i. We denote this by \(FS_i\).

Thus for n classes, we need to fire n rules with the same measurements and determine their firing strength \(FS_i\), \(i= 1\) to n. Let the i-th rule have the different firing strength, i.e.; \(FS_j > FS_k\) for all \(k \ne i\). Then we declare the j-th emotion class as the solution for the classification task (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Computing firing strength of an activated IT2FS induced rule

3 Experiments and Results

This section reports experimental protocols, the results from experimental instances and the inference derived from the experimental analysis.

3.1 Experimental Setup

30 right handed student volunteers, whose ages are between 20 to 27 took part in this experiment. Musical stimulus (Indian classical music) is presented by the head-phones mounted over the ears over a period of 90 s. Each participant undergoes 10 trials for each kind of music and a total set of six songs. 15 s interval, which generates maximum emotional depth, is considered as classification winsow. The hemodynamic data is recorded after removal of the base line.

3.2 Biological Inference of Hemodynamics in Emotion

Experimental analysis reports different emotion induced activations in prefrontal brain region. We adopt voxel plot approach from De et al. [11] (Fig. 3) using MATLAB 2015b to detect the spatial brain activation considering the mean HbO concentration during the specified 15 sec window of emotional activation. Here, we observe the least activation of the DorsoLateral Pre-frontal Cortex (DLPFC) [4] in happiness. The activation tends to rise in processing sadness and becomes highest in fear. Orbito-Frontal Cortex (OFC) shows a similar trend. The voxel plot for three emotions: (a) happiness, (b) sadness and (c) fear, is presented in Fig. 3 (due to lack of space the voxel plot of disgust is omitted). It also helps us to classify the different spatial pattern of brain activation due to emotional exposure from music.

3.3 Experiment 1: Feature Selection by Evolutionary Algorithm

Here, the feature dimension is reduced by using Evolutionary Algorithm. The best 200 features are selected among total 880 features. Figure 2 shows the discrimination of the selected 200 features by their relative amplitudes for each of the four classes: \(c_1\) describing Happiness, \(c_2\) describing Sadness, \(c_3\) defining Fear and \(c_4\) representing Disgust.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Testing discrimination level of selected features

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Voxel plot of average HbO concentration

3.4 Experiment 2: Classifier Performance Analysis

To study the performance analysis, we compare the relative performance of the proposed IT2FS algorithm with three traditional emotion classification algorithms like Type-1 Fuzzy Classifier, multiclass Support Vector Machine (m-SVM) Classifier, Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP) algorithm. Table-I reveals that the final measure of the classification accuracy is the highest for the IT2FS method.

Table 1. Average Ranking of IT2FS over Three Traditional Classifiers according to their mean classifier accuracy

3.5 Experiment 3: Statistical Comparison of Classifier Performance Using Friedman Test

To validate the importance of the work, we examine the performance of the classifier algorithms (IT2FS, Type-1 Fuzzy classifier, m-SVM and MLP) on four different databases using Friedman test. The Friedman Statistic used in this test has the standard definition as mentioned in [1]. The Friedman Statistic score is computed as \(\chi ^2_F = \)11.095 with \(N=4\) and \(k=4\), which is greater than \(\chi ^2_{3,0.05} = 7.815\). Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected at 3 degree of freedom with 78% accuracy suggesting that the classifier performance can be ranked according to their mean accuracy percentages. The average ranking of the classifiers computed using Friedman test is given in Table 1.

4 Conclusion

The paper introduces a novel approach to recognize music-induced emotion of subjects from their pre-frontal IR response. It is evident from the experimental results that the evolutionary algorithm based feature selection and the IT2FS induced classification approach together outperforms other conventional techniques. The IT2FS-induced classifier classifies the reduced 200 dimensional feature vectores into 4 emotion classes: happiness, sadness, fear and disgust with classification accuracies 83%, 92%, 84% and 78.89% respectively. The justification of IT2FS induced classifier is apparent due to its significance in intra-class and inter-class feature variation in the fNIRS signals. Experimental results further reveal that the DLPFC and OFC region of the brain is least activated during stimulation of happiness; the activation grows in sadness to disgust and with the highest response in fear.