Discrete Framelet Transforms

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Framelets and Wavelets

Part of the book series: Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis ((ANHA))

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Discrete wavelet/framelet transforms are the backbone of wavelet theory for its applications in a wide scope of areas. In this chapter we study algorithmic aspects and key properties of wavelets and framelets in the discrete setting. First, we introduce a standard (both one-level and multilevel) discrete framelet transform and filter banks. Then we investigate three fundamental properties of a standard discrete framelet transform: perfect reconstruction, sparsity, and stability; these properties are very much desired and crucial in successful applications of wavelets and framelets.

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Han, B. (2017). Discrete Framelet Transforms. In: Framelets and Wavelets. Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis. Birkhäuser, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-68530-4_1

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