
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

A software library is a collection of reusable programs, used by both industrial and open software client projects to help achieve shorter development cycles and higher quality software [8]. Many of these libraries are open source software and are readily available through online repositories such as the GitHubFootnote 1 repository. To incorporate bug fixes and new features, open source library projects often release newer and improved versions of their libraries. Based on user feedback, libraries evolve faster to reach the market, making it difficult for client projects to keep up with the latest version.

Ideally, a client user of a library should adopt the latest version of that library. Therefore, it is recommended that a client project should upgrade their library version as soon as possible. However, the latest version is not always better than previous versions [5, 9], as adoption of the latest version may include additional developer efforts to test and integrate changed features [7, 10, 13]. Developers of client projects may be especially wary of library projects that follow a rapid-release style of development, since such library projects are known to delay bug fixes [12]. Recent studies investigated the dependency relationships between evolving software systems and their libraries [5, 6, 15]. These tools makes it possible for developers to clarify and visualize these dependencies and aim to guide developers who are selecting possible candidate libraries for an upgrade.

In this study, our main goal is to better understand the relationship between the adoption of library versions and the library release cycle. Specifically, we conducted an empirical study of the release cycle of 23 libraries and how they were adopted by 415 Apache Software Foundation (ASF) client projects. These 23 libraries were used by over 50 software projects of our target ASF client projects. To guide our research, we address the following two research questions:

RQ1: Does the release cycle of a library project influence when it is adopted by a client project?

Recent studies [7, 10, 13] have found that open source software often has many issues soon after its release. Often these libraries are reactive in fixing issues based on user feedback. In other words, these software may be harmful in the early period after the release. Therefore, for RQ1, we would like to understand the effect of client project adoption on shorter release cycles.

RQ2: Does the release cycle of a library project influence whether the latest version is adopted by a client project?

Recent studies have shown that the newest version of a library is not always adopted by many client projects. For example, client projects may decide not to adopt the latest version to avoid untested bugs, especially if the library project has a shorter release cycle. Therefore, for RQ2, we would like to understand the effect of adopting the latest client project on shorter release cycles.

Our findings show that software projects are quicker to update earlier rapid-release libraries compared to library projects with a longer release cycle. Moreover, results suggest that software projects are more likely to adopt the latest version of a rapid-release library compared to libraries with a longer release cycles.

2 Background and Definitions

2.1 Motivation

Related work such as Almering et al. [1], Goel et al. [3] and Yamada et al. [14] all investigate when a software is ready to be used. These works use the Software Reliability Growth Model (SRGM) of the software evolution process to grasp the process of the convergence of defects discovered in software as the ‘growth curve of the S-Shape (Sigmond curve)’. Similarly, Mileva et al. [9] evaluated a library by its library usage by clients.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Adoption trends based on client usage (Color figure online)

Building on this work, we conducted an exploratory investigation of when developers adopted versions of a library. Figure 1 shows the release date (broken lines) for the library log4j and the number of ASF projects (solid lines) which have adopted the new library version in a time series. The figure shows users of the popular log4j library, mined from 797 software projects. From this work, we highlight two points: (1) library adoption is not organized, with no clear patterns of migration and (2) in many cases the latest version is not always selected as the default option. For instance, in Fig. 1 we can see ver.1.2.14 is still being used by some client projects (red dotted circle), even though the latest version is ver.1.2.17.

In this paper, we define the “release cycle” as the time until a new version is released. As a cycle, usually a project will have a fixed release timing from as quickly as 1 day to a span of across several years. Due to agile development trends, we assume that the release cycles may become faster. For instance, the Google Chrome project and the Mozilla Firefox project are working on rapid release to develop a new version in 6 weeks [4]. A rapid-release cycle is beneficial in that it can fix a bug and make a new component quickly. Sometimes, these projects can be reactive in bug fixing, for example, projects can get feedback from users soon after their release [8]. However, this rapid release style creates an influx of releases, which is likely to further confuse users on when to adopt a new version. Therefore, our motivation is to investigate when and how software projects adopt a new library relative to their release.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Release cycle and adoption period

2.2 Library Adoption and Release Timings

Figure 2 describes the evolution and adoption of a library during different release cycles. We use this figure to explain how we measure the timing of adoption relative to each release, including the relative definition of the latest release. This example shows a project S and two libraries (A, B). Library A has released versions A1 and A2, with A2 being the latest version. Similarly, Library B has released versions B1, B2, B3 and B4, with B4 being the latest version.

This example also shows library adoption. Specifically, we see that project version S3 imports the library A1, which is not the latest version at this point in time. This is because at this time, A2 was available for selection. S3 also imports library B3, which is the latest version at this time. However, we see that in the near future B4 will be released.

3 Empirical Study

Adopting the latest versions has the added benefits of new features, but adapting the latest version may also risk having untested bugs or removed features. Therefore, the goal of this study is to understand the impact of the release cycle on the developers decision whether to wait for the next library release or quickly adopt the latest version.

Table 1. Ranking of library users

3.1 Data Preparation

Table 1 shows the top 23 of 4,815 libraries which the 415 software projects used. In total, these 23 libraries were used by over 50 software projects. These libraries were originally extracted from 415 projects of 797 ASF projects which are using MAVEN dependency tool on July 21, 2016. To analyze the library adoption and release timings, we extracted histories of library dependency information. Our dataset comprises of JAVA programs managed by the MAVEN dependency tool. MAVEN stores explicitly in meta information files (POM.xml). The meta information contains the libraries’ names and the version number in which the software is adopted. By tracking the history of the POM.xml in a version control system, for any software, we can know when and which library version has been adopted.

3.2 Clustering Libraries by Release Cycle

In order to evaluate the impact of the release cycle, the rank and grou** of libraries based on their release cycles is needed. Hence, for each library, we compute and assign a [2] variable importance score for each library. We then use the Scott-Knott test [11] to group libraries into statistically distinct ranks according to their release periods. The Scott-Knott test is a statistical multi-comparison procedure based on cluster analysis. The Scott-Knott test sorts the percentage of release periods for the different libraries. Then, it groups the factors into two different ranks that are separated based on their mean values (i.e., the mean value of the percentage of release periods for each library). If the two groups are statistically distinct, then the Scott-Knott test runs recursively to further find new groups, otherwise the factors are put in the same group. The final result of the Scott-Knott test is a grou** of factors into statistically distinct ranks.

Table 2 shows the 6 categories (i.e., C1, ..., C6) in which each of the 23 studied libraries were categorized. Based on these 6 grou**s and the dataset, we are now able to address the research questions in our results.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

The release cycle of each library by boxplot. The target libraries are sorted by clustering (broken lines) from C1 to C6. The top figure shows the clustering number and the median of the release cycle days.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

The boxplot shows the adoption time of each library. The target libraries are sorted by clustering (broken lines) from C1 to C6. The top figure shows the clustering number and the median of the adoption time [days].

4 Results

RQ1: Does the release cycle of a library project influence when it is adopted by a client project?

To answer RQ1, we use the clustered libraries grou**s to compare release and adoption times. As a result, we make the following observations:

Observation1—All top frequent libraries are not released in one year. The boxplot in Fig. 3 shows the distribution of the periods between releases in each library. The libraries are sorted by the number of adopted software projects. While some library projects (e.g., jetty-server, jackson-mapper-asl, mockito-all) often release new versions in one year, other library projects (e.g., commons-cli, servlet.api, commons-logging) often release new versions after more than one year. In particular, releases for the commons-cli project were delayed for a consideration time.

Observation2—While older and established projects often release new versions after more than one year, beginner projects often release new versions in three months. Through our analysis, we found the different features between quick-release projects and late-release projects. Table 2 shows the working period with GitHub for each library project. Traditional projects that have worked for 10 years often release new versions after more than one year.

Table 2. Clustering by library release cycle and each library start of the release date

Observation3—While software projects have adopted the quick-release libraries soon after the release, they have not adopted the late-release libraries as quickly. The boxplot in Fig. 4 shows the distribution of the adopted periods for our target projects in each library. We found that software projects have adopted the quick-release libraries (sixth group). In other words, they often adopt new versions soon after their release. On the other hand, software projects have adopted the late-release libraries (1st–2nd). This means that they do not adopt new versions quickly after the release.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Figure showing the adoption status rate of each library. The black bar means the adoption rate of newest version. The gray bar means the adoption rate of previous version. As showing by rate, the vertical axis means 100%

In the group of the quick-release cycle, the adopted time of the mockito-all library is longer than the other libraries. To understand the reason, we analyzed software projects which adopted the mockito-all library. As we can see in Fig. 3, there are some outliers for mockito-all. Those are some versions which took a long time to release a new version. In particularly, version 1.9.0 was released approximately 1 year after releasing version 1.8.5. Also, version 1.10.0 was released approximately 2 years after releasing version 1.9.5. While waiting for the version 1.10.0, many software projects started using the mockito-all library just before releasing the version. In addition, although the Velocity library was adopted in a comparatively quick-release project, most software projects adopted the Velocity library a relatively long time after the release. The results show that many projects still started adopting the Velocity library after the project released the newest version on November 29th, 2010. Therefore, to answer RQ1, we find that:

figure a

RQ2: Does the release cycle of a library project influence whether the latest version is adopted by a client project?

To answer RQ2, we use the clustered libraries grou**s to investigate whether the latest version of a library was adopted. As a result, we make the following observations:

Observation4—Software projects do not always adopt new library versions in their projects. Figure 5 shows the percentage of the newest or previous versions which software projects adopted from each library. The black and gray bars show the newest adopted version and the previous version applied to the software projects. We found 8%–85% of software projects adopted the new library versions. The commons-cil library often adopted the newest version to the software. On the other hand, the jetty-server library was often adopted the previous version to the software.

Observation5—While the quick-release library often adopts the newest version to the software, the late-release library often adopts the previous version to the software. 85% of the commons-cli library changes were applied to the newest version. This library project has released only 4 new versions during our target period (16 years). This number of releases is fewer than for the other library projects. Furthermore, one of the versions contained a new feature and maintenance bug fixes. The other two versions contained dozens of bug fixes. From this analysis, the project just maintained the initial a stable version.

On the other hand, only 19% of the servlet.api library changes were applied to the newest version although it is a late-release library. This library project has released only 7 new versions during our target period. To understand this strange result, we analyzed the history of applying the library. We found that version 2.5 is the majority even if the project released newer versions.

92% of the jetty-server library changes were applied to the previous version. This library project has released 267 new versions with most release intervals ranging from 0 to 20 days during our target period. 267 new versions show a clear contradiction to the commons-cli library and servlet-api library. Furthermore, we found that version 6.1.26 is the majority, even if the project released newer versions. In sum, to answer RQ2, we find that:

figure b

5 Conclusions and Future Work

In this study, we revealed the relationship between the release cycle and the time it takes to adopt a library. Our results suggests that the shorter the release cycle, the shorter the time to be adopted, and that the rapid-release library will be adopted faster even in the same release cycle. Also, for libraries with majority versions, it is difficult to adopt the latest version. We find that it is especially difficult to generalize the reason for adopting a previous version. We think that the reasons are clarified by analysis of the released version. In detail, we believe that reasons will be clarified by analyzing the number of bug fixes and the number of added functions to the released version. These factors are important when selecting a library although there are still many challenges in finding other factors.

In this study, we considered the adoption situation only by the adoption time and whether the version is the newest adoption or a previous adoption of the OSS library. We confirmed that the version was adopted, but we did not also consider the state after adoption. When downgrading a version, we think that the reason should be extracted from the commit log. Further research is needed to confirm this. Also, there are cases where users changed to a version whose adoption was skipped or a library with the same function. Future work will include how to analyze these cases and to clarify what influence what this has on library selection.