
1 Introduction

Software code review is a process in which reviewers and committers verify patches. In particular, Open Source Software (OSS) projects conduct a review to release higher quality and readability source codes [1]. Endorsed by McIntosh et al. [2], a code review with a sufficient discussion is one of the most useful practices to contribute to a more effective bug detection process. In addition, a code review has proved to be very helpful in providing important feedbacks to developers for future developments [3].

Nowadays, we have various dedicated tools for managing the code review process. For example, GerritFootnote 1 and ReviewBoardFootnote 2 are commonly used by OSS practitioners to improve the quality of their source codes. Technically, conducting a code review process using these tools is done through patch submissions and reviews, and voting is known to be one of the most commonly used practices to decide whether or not a patch should be integrated into a version control system (i.e., to be accepted or not). In general situation, a patch with higher quality will more likely be accepted than a patch with lower quality; however, not all submitted patches are of high quality. In such cases, voting results can be varied and thus adding more difficulty in deciding whether or not to use those patches. In other words, a final decision cannot be made unless reviewers and committers have reached a consensus.

In our previous study [4], in practice, consensus is not usually reached through the voting system. As a continuation of our previous study, this study further investigates how often a reviewer disagrees with a review conclusion, and what the impact is of a reviewer with a low level of agreement. Hence, we conduct a case study using Qt and OpenStack project datasets to address the following research questions:

RQ1: How often does a reviewer disagree with a review conclusion?

Results: A more experienced reviewer is likely to have a higher level of agreement than a less experienced reviewer.

RQ2: What is the impact of a reviewer with a low level of agreement in a code review?

Results: A review assigned to a reviewer with a lower level of agreement is more likely to take a longer reviewing time and discussion length.

This paper is arranged as follows. Section 2 describes the background to this paper, related work, and a motivating example. Section 3 provides the design of our two research questions and datasets. Section 4 presents the results with respect to our two research questions. Section 5 discusses a qualitative analysis of our research questions, and addresses the threats to validity. Finally, Sect. 6 concludes this paper and describes our future work.

2 Background

2.1 Modern Code Review (MCR)

In recent years, MCR has become popular and widely used in both proprietary software and open source software [5]. The use of MCR has made the review process more traceable, which in turn, has created opportunities for empirical software engineering researchers to analyze this process [2, 3, 68]. For example, Hamasaki et al. [6, 9, 10] collected rich code review datasets from a collection of open source projects using the Gerrit and ReviewBoard code review tools.

2.2 Patch-Related Activities in MCR

Jiang et al. noted that a submitted patch is not always merged into a version control system [11]. Examples of abandoned patches include patches with unfixed bugs, irrelevant comments, or duplicate patches [12]. To verify the patches adequately, McIntosh et al. [2] suggested that reviewers discuss the patches carefully and try to reach a consensus in their discussions. In this way, the final decision of whether or not to use a patch can be made simply based on the reviewers’ discussions.

Figure 1 provides an overview of a code review process when using a code review tool. In particular [3], the code review process after patch submission acts as follows:

Fig. 1.
figure 1

An overview of modern code review processes

  1. (1)

    A patch owner clones a source code repository from a web-based version control system service such as GitHub to their local computers. Next, the patch owner creates patches to fix a bug or to enhance patches. After that, the owner submits the patches to a web-based code review tool.

  2. (2)

    The patch owner requests that reviewers verify the submitted patches. The reviewers verify the changes. Next, the reviewers post an approving positive vote or a disapproving negative vote, and sometimes also post comments.

  3. (3)

    If the patch owner needs to revise his or her patches, he or she will update the patches.

  4. (4)

    If the patches are approved by the reviewers and a committer, the committer will \(\varvec{Merge}\) the patches into the main repository. On the other hand, if the patches are not approved by the reviewers and a committer, the committer will \(\varvec{Abandon}\) the patches. In this paper, Merge and Abandon are referred to as a final review conclusion.

Weißgerber et al. [13] found that a smaller patch is more likely to be accepted. In addition, Tao et al. [12] investigated reasons why a patch was rejected through quantitative and qualitative analysis. Furthermore, to verify a patch adequately, Thongtanunam et al. [3] and **a [14] proposed approaches to recommend a appropriate reviewer for patches submitted by a patch owner based on reviewers’ experiences.

2.3 A Motivating Example: The Code Review Collaboration Among Reviewers

Based on practical observations explained in the following of this section, we would like to seek a better understanding of disagreements among reviewers and committers.

Table 1. The voting patterns made in the final review conclusion in Qt.
Table 2. The voting patterns made in the final review conclusion in OpenStack.

Tables 1 and 2 show the number of patches in each voting pattern in the two projects when a committer makes the final review conclusion using Qt and OpenStack project data. Each cell has #Merged patches (a value on the left) and #Abandoned patches (a value on the right). These two tables show the patches with less than seven positive votes or negative votes. Then, 91 % of patches in Qt and 91 % of patches in OpenStack are covered in whole patches.

15 % of patches in the Qt and 31 % of patches in the OpenStack of all the patches do not follow the majority rule that selects alternatives which have a majority. For example, in Table 2, 467 patches are abandoned, even though #Positive is greater than #Negative in this case. This indicates that even if a patch received higher #Positive, in practice, the patch is not guaranteed to be accepted. Therefore, we believe that not all reviewers who post a vote, which later be in agreement with the final review conclusion in the code review discussion. Thus, in this paper, we study the impact of a reviewer with a low level of agreement in a code review collaboration.

3 Case Study Design

This study considers two research questions to understand the impact of a reviewer who disagrees with the review conclusion of a patch in a code review collaboration. In the following section, we provide detailed explanations of the case study designed to answer these research questions, and address our experimental Dataset.

3.1 Research Questions

RQ1: How often does a reviewer disagree with a review conclusion?

Motivation. Rigby et al. [15] pointed out that code reviews are expensive because they require reviewers to read, understand, and assess a code change. Thongtanunam et al. [3, 14, 16] showed that to effectively assess a code change, a patch owner should find an appropriate reviewer who has a deep understanding of the related source codes to closely examine code changes and find defects. In other words, the appropriate reviewer is more likely to assess the patches adequately. However, this reviewer might not always agree with a review conclusion.

Approach. To answer the first research question, we analyze the differences of a reviewer’s agreement according to a reviewer’s experience (the number of votes in the past). A committer confirms the reviewers’ votes to decide a final review conclusion (Merge or Abandon). To analyze the review decision results, we scan comments for the known patterns of automatically generated voting comments in Gerrit as shown in Table 3. Table 3 illustrates five level validating scores (“+2”, “+1”, “0”, “−1”, “−2”) in Gerrit. A reviewer can vote “+1”, “0” and “−1” score. On the other hand, a committer can vote “+2”, “+1”, “0”, “−1” and “−2” for the score [17]. In our study, we use these vote scores “+2”, “+1”, “0”, “−1” and “−2” to analyze assessments by reviewers and committers.

Table 3. The patterns of automatically generated voting comments in the Gerrit.
Table 4. The definition of agreement and disagreement patterns

Next, to identify the frequency of votes that disagreed with the review conclusions, we track the voting history of each reviewer. We count the number of times that a reviewer disagreed with the review conclusion of a patch in the past. We need to be careful when calculating the frequency, because some patches have often been updated. In the case where a patch has been updated twice, a reviewer will have two chances to post a vote. In this case, we count the votes twice. Figure 2 shows an example of a voting process. A reviewer X reviews two patches, namely and As shown in the figure, his or her first positive vote disagrees with the first review conclusion, which was decided upon to be “Updated”, because a positive vote implies that this patch does not have any problems. After the patch is updated, his or her second vote is still positive. Finally, the vote of the reviewer X agrees with the final conclusion, which is “Merged”. In this case, the rate of agreed upon votes for reviewer X is \(\frac{1}{2}=0.5\) (Reviewer X’s level of agreement = 50 %). Also, a reviewer Y posts a negative vote for only The rate of agreed votes for the reviewer Y is \(\frac{1}{1}=1.0\) (Reviewer Y’s level of agreement = 100 %). The level of agreement has a range between 0.0 and 1.0. In summary, Table 4 describes the definition of the agreement and disagreement votes. If a reviewer posts a positive vote (+2 or +1) for a patch and a committer decides to merge this patch, the vote is a vote of agreement. On the other hand, if the committer decides to abandon this patch or a patch owner updates this patch, the vote is a vote of disagreement.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

An example of a voting process.

RQ2: What is the impact of a reviewer with a low level of agreement in a code review?

Motivation. In a code review, when a discussion does not always reach a consensus among reviewers and committers, it may take much longer time to completely finish the code review. In addition, it may not be simple to identify which vote a committer should believe. In this second research question, we investigate the impact of code review collaboration with a reviewer who often disagrees with a review conclusion using the reviewer’s level of agreement measured in the RQ1.

Approach. In this research question, we focus on the minimum level of agreement of reviewers as calculated in each individual review. According to Fig. 2, a minimum level of agreement in this example is the level of agreement of reviewer X’s, which is 0.5. The minimum level of agreement has a range between 0.0 and 1.0. When the value of a minimum level of agreement is low, it can be implied that the review has a reviewer who often disagrees with a review conclusion. In our opinion, a lower level of minimum agreement has a negative effect on the code review process. To further analyze the negative effect, we define two technical terms as follows:

Reviewing Time: The time in days from the first patch submission to the final review conclusion. We hypothesize that a reviewer with a lower level of agreement may take much longer time to reach a consensus in the discussion. To reduce the chance of a release postponement, the Reviewing Time should be shorter.

Discussion Length: The number of comments which reviewers post into a reviewing board. We hypothesize that a reviewer with a lower level of agreement may disagree more often, so that such a code review needs a much longer discussion period to reach a consensus among reviewers and committers.

3.2 Experimental Dataset

We conduct a case study on two large and successful OSS projects, namely, QtFootnote 3 and OpenStackFootnote 4. These two projects are commonly found in the literature on OSS studies, such as in [24, 6, 9, 18] mainly because these projects contains a large amount of reviewing activity using a code review tool.

Table 5. Summary of the studied datasets

Table 5 shows that originally Qt and OpenStack had 70,705 and 92,984 review reports, respectively. However, we are concerned that reports consisting of no votes or only bot tests’ votes are not useful because we focus on a human reviewer. Therefore, we filter out those review reports prior to our case studies. In more detail, we exclude the earliest (oldest) 10 % from the two datasets. Based on our observations, most of the data points falling in this range have insufficient beneficial information for the reviewer’s agreement’s calculation. The review reports used in this study includes 55,523 review reports in the Qt project and 56,038 review reports in the OpenStack.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

The relationship between a reviewer’s level of agreement and the number of votes.

4 Case Study Results

4.1 RQ1: How Often Does a Reviewer Disagree with a Review Conclusion?

Figure 3 shows the relationship between a reviewer’s level of agreement and the number of votes in the past using a Hexagon binning plot. We define a reviewer who has a lower number of votes than the median of the total votes as a less experienced reviewer, and one who has a higher number of votes than this median value as a more experienced reviewer, where the median values of the number of votes in Qt and OpenStack are 8 and 11 votes without an outlier, respectively. From this figure, we found that the more experienced reviewers are more likely to have a higher level of agreement than the less experienced reviewers.

Previous studies [3, 14] suggested identifying an appropriate reviewer based on expertise; however, expertise is not necessarily associated with the agreement of a review conclusion. We therefore suggest one more criteria when choosing an appropriate reviewer based on the results of this experiment. That is, if a patch owner needs the reviewers to reach a consensus for their patches as soon as possible, we suggest that the patch owner invites reviewers with a higher level of agreement.

4.2 RQ2: What Is the Impact of a Reviewer with a Low Level of Agreement in a Code Review?

We begin the investigation for our RQ2 with a quantitative analysis of the reviews disagreed upon among reviewers in the two projects. After that, we further analyze the impact of a reviewer with a low level of agreement in terms of Reviewing Time and Discussion Length.

Figure 4 shows the rate of the patches disagreed upon according to a minimum agreement of Qt and OpenStack, respectively. In both projects, we found that 11 % of reviews in the Qt and 65 % of reviews in the OpenStack did not reach a consensus among reviewers and a committer. In more detail, when a patch owner invites a reviewer who has a minimum level of agreement between 10 % and 20 %, we found that 64 % of reviews in the Qt and 70 % reviews in the OpenStack did not reach a consensus among reviewers and a committer. Observed by correlation, we found that the rate of disagreed upon reviews and the minimum level of agreement exhibited strongly negative values (\(r=-\)0.79 in Qt and \(r=-\)0.90 in OpenStack). This means that a decision made by a reviewer with a lower level of agreement is less likely to reach a consensus among those of the other reviewers.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

The rate of review disagreements

Reviewing Time. Figure 5 shows the distribution of reviewing time according to a minimum level of agreement. From this figure, in the Qt project, many patches with a reviewer who has a minimum level of agreement between 70 %–90 % are more likely to take a much longer reviewing time than others. On the other hand, in OpenStack, the minimum level of agreement appears to be inapplicable to explaining whether or not a reviewer would take a longer reviewing time. Since the features of these distributions seems to be dependent on an individual project, we therefore perform a further analysis of these two projects using a statistical method.

Figure 6 classifies the reviews into two groups, i.e., the Top 50 % and the Remaining 50 % of the population, where the cut-off is determined using the median values of the minimum level of agreement for each project. In Qt, the values of the minimum, the lower quartile, the median, the upper quartile and the maximum are 0.00, 0.78, 0.83, 0.88 and 1.00, respectively, and that of the OpenStack project are 0.00, 0.40, 0.54, 0.70 and 1.00, respectively. We found that the reviews of the Top 50 % are likely to take a shorter reviewing time than those of the Remaining 50 %. Confirmed by the Wilcoxon signed-rank test with a p-value less than 0.01, we found that the difference in the distributions between the Top 50 % and the Remaining 50 % in both Qt and OpenStack are statically significant.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

The distribution of Reviewing Time

Fig. 6.
figure 6

The difference of the Reviewing Time between the Top 50 % and the Remaining 50 %

Discussion Length. Figure 7 shows that the distribution of discussion length (the number of comments in a review) according to the minimum level of agreement. From this figure, in Qt, many patches with a reviewer who has a minimum level of agreement between 60 %–90 % more likely to take a much longer time for discussion than others. On the other hand, in OpenStack, many patches with a reviewer who has a minimum level of agreement with less than 20 % more likely to take a much longer time for discussion than others. Similar to the Reviewing Time, we found that the features of these distributions also depend on an individual project. Hence, we further perform an analysis based on statistical method as done when we observed the Reviewing Time. Figure 8 shows that the Top 50 % are more likely to take a shorter Discussion length. These results were also confirmed by Wilcoxon signed-rank test as being statistically significant with a p-value less than 0.01.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

The distribution of the Discussion Length

Fig. 8.
figure 8

The difference of the Discussion Length between the Top 50 % and the Remaining 50 %

5 Discussion

In this section, we conduct a qualitative analysis to better understand why the reviewers with a low level of agreement often disagrees with a review conclusion and make the review process longer by reading actual review discussions. In addition, this section also discloses the threats to validity of this study.

5.1 A Qualitative Analysis

A reviewer with a lower level of agreement is more likely to overlook problems of source codes. We read an actual review report ID 8141Footnote 5 and found that a reviewer named Claudio had overlooked the problem of the test cases, and we found that he disagreed with the final review conclusion (Abandon) of the review. To prove that our approach can explain this case, we calculated the level of agreement of this reviewer and found that the level of agreement of this reviewer was low (classified as Remaining 50 %). In addition, we also found similar casesFootnote 6\(^{,}\)Footnote 7 as being in agreement with the analysis result of the review ID 8141.

Inviting another reviewer might take a longer discussion period. We read an actual review report ID 28,257Footnote 8 and found that a record saying that reviewers assigned to this review could not complete this review and therefore asked another reviewer to verify the patches. For example, in a review ID 28,257, the first reviewer who had a low level of agreement (classified as the Remaining 50 %) posted a positive vote and the second reviewer who had a high level of agreement (classified as the Top 50 %) posted a negative vote. Therefore, this discussion did not reach a consensus among reviewers. In the detailed record of this review, we found that the second reviewer said that “I recommend asking JsonDb maintainer / developers to review this change before rubber stam** it”, indicating that it seemed not to be easy for the second reviewer to make a review conclusion using the first reviewer’s review. In addition, we also found cases similar to this review report ID 28,257, which areFootnote 9\(^{,}\)Footnote 10. We therefore suggest that a patch owner invites an appropriate reviewer (i.e., with a higher level of agreement) in order to reach a final review conclusion more easily.

5.2 Threats to Validity

External validity. We found that a reviewer with a lower level of agreement takes a longer reviewing time and discussion length. We might obtain new findings if we investigate another project with different characteristics than Qt and OpenStacks. Nonetheless, as our results were subject to a robust statistically significant test, we believe that the results probably would not be much different than what we did found in this study.

Internal validity. Not all disagreed upon reviews have problems. It is possible that a reviewer might disagree with a committer’s decision, but the both opinions could be correct. This situation might express a valuable discussion. We will investigate deeply the disagreed upon discussion process to determine whether or not a disagreed upon discussion is valuable for a patch integration.

In addition, we should also take into consideration the rank of the reviewer’s role in the Gerrit system. A maintainer and committer have stronger rights compared to a reviewer, so that a reviewer is likely to agree with their opinions. Therefore, we would like to investigate the level of agreement by considering the rank of the reviewer’s role.

6 Conclusion

In this study, we have investigated the impact of reviewers with a low level of agreement using Qt and OpenStack. In our research questions, we found that a more experienced reviewer is more likely to have a higher level of agreement than those who have less experience, and a review assigned to a reviewer with a lower level of agreement is more likely to take a longer reviewing time and discussion length. In our discussion, we found that a reviewer with a lower level of agreement often overlooks problems presented in source codes. From the findings of this study, we suggest that a patch owner should invite an appropriate reviewer to review the patch, where appropriateness is to be determined by using the level of agreement calculated in the entire project. In the future, we will propose a more sophisticated method to invite an appropriate reviewer based on additional important criteria. We believe that this future direction will contribute to a more efficient code review process.