The topic study group on the mathematics education of prospective secondary teachers is dedicated to sharing and discussing significant new trends and developments in research and practices related to various aspects of the education of prospective secondary mathematics teachers from an international perspective. As Ponte and Chapman (2016) stated, teacher education is an area in which, although we have developed an understanding about the process of becoming a teacher, many questions still remain open. Our goal in this topic group is to address some of these questions. We discuss major areas in the field, including the nature and structure of teachers’ knowledge and its development, models and routes of mathematics teacher education, development of professional identities as prospective mathematics teachers, field experiences and their impact on prospective secondary mathematics teachers’ development of the craft of teaching, and use of various technological devices and resources in preparing prospective secondary mathematics teachers. To facilitate the discussion of these issues, the authors of this survey conducted a systematic literature review of studies published in nine international mathematics education research journalsFootnote 1 during the last decade focused on the following four areas:

  • Teacher Knowledge. Addressing the nature of prospective mathematics teacher knowledge, theoretical and methodological perspectives, relationship between teacher knowledge, teaching practice, and students’ learning as well as the process of prospective teachers’ knowledge development in teacher education programs.

  • Technologies, Tools and Resources. Comparing and synthesizing studies on how prospective mathematics teachers develop knowledge that relates technology, pedagogy and content knowledge.

  • Teachers’ Professional Identities. Synthesizing research findings on the conceptualization of teacher professional identities, the development of teacher identity through pre-service course work and field experiences.

  • Field Experiences. Synthesizing and discussing research findings on models; mechanisms; roles of prospective teachers, cooperating teachers, and university supervisors; and field experiences.

More details about the methodology adopted for the review are given in the report of each area.