How can we describe the system which we would like to design and how can we represent intermediate design information? Models and description techniques for initial specifications as well as for intermediate design information will be shown in this chapter. First of all, we will capture requirements for modeling techniques. Next, we will provide an overview of models of computation. This will be followed by a presentation of popular models of computations, in combination with examples of the corresponding languages. The presentation includes models for early design phases, automata-based models, data-flow, Petri nets, discrete event models, von Neumann languages, and abstraction levels for hardware modeling. Finally, we will compare different models of computation and present exercises.

2.1 Requirements

Consistent with the simplified design flow (see Fig. 1.8), we will first of all describe requirements and approaches for specifying embedded and cyber-physical systems. Specifications for such systems provide models of the system under design (SUD). Models can be defined as follows:

Definition 2.1 (Jantsch [268])

A model is a simplification of another entity, which can be a physical thing or another model. The model contains exactly those characteristics and properties of the modeled entity that are relevant for a given task. A model is minimal with respect to a task if it does not contain any other characteristics than those relevant for the task”.

Models are described in languages. Languages should be capable of representing the following features:Footnote 1

  • Hierarchy: Humans generally cannot comprehend systems containing many objects (states, components) having complex relations with each other. The description of all real-life systems needs more objects than humans can understand. Hierarchy (in combination with abstraction) is a key mechanism hel** to solve this dilemma. Hierarchies can be introduced such that humans need to handle only a small number of objects at any time.

    There are two kinds of hierarchies:

    • Behavioral hierarchies: Behavioral hierarchies are hierarchies containing objects necessary to describe the system behavior. States, events, and output signals are examples of such objects.

    • Structural hierarchies: Structural hierarchies describe how systems are composed of physical components.

      For example, embedded systems can be comprised of components such as processors, memories, actuators, and sensors. Processors, in turn, include registers, multiplexers, and adders. Multiplexers are composed of gates.

  • Component-based design [489]: It must be “easy” to derive the behavior of a system from the behavior of its components. If two components are connected, the resulting new behavior should be predictable. For example, suppose that we add another component (say, some GPS unit) to a car. The impact of the additional component on the overall behavior of the system (including buses, etc.) should be predictable.

  • Concurrency: Real-life systems are distributed, concurrent systems composed of components. It is therefore necessary being able to specify concurrency conveniently. Unfortunately, humans are not very good at understanding concurrent systems, and many problems with real systems are actually a result of an incomplete understanding of possible behaviors of concurrent systems.

  • Synchronization and communication: Components must be able to communicate and to synchronize. Without communication, components could not cooperate, and we would use each of them in isolation. It must also be possible to agree on the use of resources. For example, it is necessary to express mutual exclusion.

  • Timing behavior: Many embedded and cyber-physical systems are real-time systems. Therefore, explicit timing requirements are one of the characteristics of such systems. The need for explicit modeling of time is very obvious from the term “cyber-physical system.” Time is one of the key dimensions in physics. Hence, timing requirements must be captured in the specification of embedded/cyber-physical systems.

    However, standard theories in computer science model time only in a very abstract way. The \({\mathcal {O}}\)-notation is one of the examples.Footnote 2 This notation just reflects growth rates of functions. It is frequently used to model run-times of algorithms, but it fails to describe real execution times. In physics, quantities have units, but the \({\mathcal {O}}\)-notation does not even have units. So, it would not distinguish between femtoseconds and centuries. A similar remark applies to termination properties of algorithms. Standard theories are concerned with proving that a certain algorithm eventually terminates. For real-time systems, we need to show that certain computations are completed in a given amount of time, but the algorithm as a whole should possibly run until power is turned off.

    According to Burns and Wellings [80], modeling time must be possible in the following four contexts:

    • Techniques for measuring elapsed time:

      For many applications, it is necessary to check how much time has elapsed since some computation was performed. Access to a timer would provide a mechanism for this.

    • Means for delaying of processes Footnote 3 for a specified time:

      Typically, real-time languages provide some delay construct. Unfortunately, typical implementations of embedded systems in software do not guarantee precise delays. Let us assume that process τ should be delayed by some amount Δ. Usually, this delay is implemented by changing τ’s state in the operating system from “ready” or “run” to “suspended.” At the end of this time interval, τ’s state is changed from “suspended” to “ready.” This does not mean that the process actually executes. If some higher-priority task is executing or if preemption is not used, the delay will be larger than Δ.

    • Possibility to specify timeouts:

      There are many situations in which we must wait for a certain event to occur. However, this event may actually not occur within a given time interval, and we would like to be notified about this. For example, we might be waiting for a response from some network connection. We would like to be notified if this response is not received within some amount of time, say Δ. This is the purpose of timeouts. Real-time languages usually also provide some timeout construct. Implementations of timeouts frequently come with the same problems which we mentioned for delays.

    • Methods for specifying deadlines and schedules:

      For many applications, it is necessary to complete certain computations in a limited amount of time. For example, if the sensors of some car signal an accident, airbags must be ignited within about 10 ms. In this context, we must guarantee that the software will decide whether or not to ignite the airbags in that given amount of time. The airbags could harm passengers if they go off too late. Unfortunately, most languages do not allow to specify timing constraints. If they can be specified at all, they must be specified in separate control files, pop-up menus, etc. But the situation is still bad even if we are able to specify these constraints: many modern hardware platforms do not have a very predictable timing behavior. Caches, stalled pipelines, speculative execution, process preemption, interrupts, etc. may have an impact on the execution time which is very difficult to predict. Accordingly, timing analysis (verifying the timing constraints) is a very hard design task.

  • State-oriented behavior: It was already mentioned in Chap. 1 on p. 17 that automata provide a good mechanism for modeling reactive systems. Therefore, the state-oriented behavior provided by automata should be easy to describe. However, classical automata models are insufficient, since they cannot model timing and since hierarchy is not supported.

  • Event-handling: Due to the reactive nature of embedded systems, mechanisms for describing events must exist. Such events may be external events (caused by the environment) or internal events (caused by components of the system under design).

  • Exception-oriented behavior: In many practical systems, exceptions do occur. In order to design dependable systems, it must be possible to describe actions to handle exceptions easily. It is not acceptable that exceptions must be indicated for each and every state (such as in the case of classical state diagrams).

    Example 2.1

    In Fig. 2.1, input k might correspond to an exception.

    Fig. 2.1
    figure 1

    State diagram with exception k

    Specifying this exception at each state makes the diagram very complex. The situation would get worse for larger state diagrams with many transitions. On p. 24 we will show how all the transitions can be replaced by a single one (see Fig. 2.12). ∇

  • Presence of programming elements: Popular programming languages have proven to be a convenient means of expressing computations that must be performed. Hence, programming language elements should be available in the specification technique used. Classical state diagrams do not meet this requirement.

  • Executability: Specifications are not automatically consistent with the ideas in people’s heads. Executing the specification is a means of plausibility checking. Specifications using programming languages have a clear advantage in this context.

  • Support for the design of large systems: There is a trend toward large and complex embedded software programs. Software technology has found mechanisms for designing such large systems. For example, object orientation is one such mechanism. It should be available in the specification methodology.

  • Domain-specific support: It would of course be nice if the same specification technique could be applied to all the different types of embedded systems, since this would minimize the effort for develo** specification techniques and tool support. However, due to the wide range of application domains including those listed in Sect. 1.2, there is little hope that one language can be used to efficiently represent specifications in all such domains. For example, control-dominated, data-dominated, centralized, and distributed application domains can all benefit from language features dedicated toward those domains.

  • Readability: Of course, specifications must be readable by humans. Otherwise, it would not be feasible to validate whether or not the specification meets the real intent of the persons specifying the system under design. All design documents should also be machine-readable in order to process them in a computer. Therefore, specifications should be captured in languages which are readable by humans and by computers.

    Initially, such specifications could use a natural language such as English or Japanese. Even this natural language description should be captured in a design document, so that the final implementation can be checked against the original document. However, natural languages are not sufficient for later design phases, since natural languages lack key requirements for specification techniques: it is necessary to check specifications for completeness and absence of contradictions. Furthermore, it should be possible to derive implementations from the specification in a systematic way. Natural languages do not meet these requirements.

  • Portability and flexibility: Specifications should be independent of specific hardware platforms so that they can be easily used for a variety of target platforms. Ideally, changing the hardware platform should have no impact on the specification. In practice, small changes may have to be tolerated.

  • Termination: It should be feasible to identify terminating processes from the specification. This means that we would like to use specifications for which the halting problem (the problem of figuring out whether or not a certain algorithm will terminate; see, e.g., [494]) is decidable.

  • Support for non-standard I/O devices: Many embedded systems use I/O devices other than those typically found in a PC. It should be possible to describe inputs and outputs for those devices conveniently.

  • Non-functional properties: Actual systems under design must exhibit a number of non-functional properties, such as fault tolerance, size, extendability, expected lifetime, power consumption, weight, disposability, user-friendliness, and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). There is no hope that all these properties can be defined in a formal way.

  • Support for the design of dependable systems: Specification techniques should provide support for designing dependable systems. For example, specification languages should have unambiguous semantics, facilitate formal verification, and be capable of describing security and safety requirements.

  • No obstacles to the generation of efficient implementations: Since embedded systems must be efficient, no obstacles prohibiting the generation of efficient realizations should be present in the specification.

  • Appropriate model of computation (MoC): The von Neumann model of sequential execution combined with some communication technique is a commonly used MoC. In this model, specifications will typically consist of tasks, processes, or threads, which can be defined as follows:

    Definition 2.2 ([393])

    A task is an “assigned piece of work often to be finished within a certain time”.

    In the context of embedded systems, tasks will typically correspond to computations that have to be performed.

    Definition 2.3 ([525])

    A process is a program being executed.

    A more precise definition will be provided in Definition 4.1. Sometimes, tasks are more abstract than processes. In this case, they have to be mapped to processes within an operating system. However, sometimes the terms “process” and “task” are used interchangeably. The term “thread” is very similar to the term “process.”

    Definition 2.4

    A thread is a lightweight process. This means that switching between the execution of threads causes less overhead than switching between processes. Usually, threads can communicate with each other via shared memory.

    The term “thread” will be more precisely defined in Definition 4.2.

    The von Neumann model has a number of serious problems, in particular for embedded system applications. Problems include:

    • Facilities for describing timing are lacking.

    • von Neumann computing is implicitly based on accesses to globally shared memory (such as in Java). It has to guarantee mutually exclusive access to shared resources. Otherwise, multithreaded applications allowing preemptions at any time can lead to very unexpected program behaviors.Footnote 4 Using primitives for ensuring mutually exclusive access can, however, very easily lead to deadlocks. Possible deadlocks may be difficult to detect and may remain undetected for many years.

      Example 2.2

      Edward Lee [331] provided a very alarming example in this direction. Lee studied implementations of a simple observer pattern in Java. For this pattern, changes of values must be propagated from some producer to a set of subscribed observers. This is a very frequent pattern in embedded systems but is difficult to implement correctly in a multithreaded von Neumann environment with preemptions. Lee’s code is a possible implementation of the observer pattern in Java for a multithreaded environment:

      Method addListener subscribes new observers; method setValue propagates new values to subscribed observers. In general, in a multithreaded environment, threads can be preempted any time, resulting in an arbitrarily interleaved execution of these threads. Adding observers while setValue is already active could result in complications, i.e., we would not know if the new value had reached the new listener. Moreover, the set of observers constitutes a global data structure of this class. Therefore, these methods are synchronized in order to avoid changing the set of observers while values are already partially propagated. This way, only one of the two methods can be active at a given time. This mutual exclusion is necessary to prevent unwanted interleavings of the execution of methods in a multithreaded environment. Why is this code problematic? It is problematic since valueChanged could attempt to get exclusive access to some resource (say, R). If that resource is allocated to some other method (say, A), then this access is delayed until A releases R. If A calls (possibly indirectly) addListener or setValue before releasing R, then these methods will be in a deadlock: setValue waits for R; releasing R requires A to proceed; A cannot proceed before its call of setValue or addListener is serviced. Hence, we will have a deadlock.

      This example demonstrates the existence of deadlocks resulting from using multiple threads which can be arbitrarily preempted and therefore require mutual exclusion for their access to critical resources. Lee showed [331] that many of the proposed “solutions” of the problem are problematic themselves. So, even this very simple pattern is difficult to implement correctly in a multithreaded von Neumann environment. This example shows that concurrency is really difficult to understand for humans and there may be the risk of oversights, even after very rigorous code inspections. ∇

      Lee came to the drastic conclusion that “nontrivial software written with threads, semaphores, and mutexes is incomprehensible to humans” and that “threads as a concurrency model are a poor match for embedded systems. …they work well only …where best-effort scheduling policies are sufficient” [330].

      The underlying reasons for deadlocks have been studied in detail in the context of operating systems (see, e.g., [507]). From this context, it is well-known that four conditions must hold at run-time to get into a deadlock: mutual exclusion, no preemption of resources, holding resources while waiting for more, and a cyclic dependency between threads. All four conditions are met in the above example. The theory of operating systems provides no general way out of this problem. Rare deadlocks may be acceptable for a PC, but they are clearly unacceptable for a safety-critical system.

    We would like to specify our SUD such that we do not have to care about possible deadlocks. Therefore, it makes sense to study non-von Neumann MoCs avoiding this problem. We will study such MoCs from the next section onward. It will be shown that the observer pattern can be easily implemented in other MoCs.

From the list of requirements, it is already obvious that there will not be any single formal language meeting all these requirements. Therefore, in practice, we must live with compromises and possibly also with a mixture of languages (each of which would be appropriate for describing a certain type of problems). The choice of the language used for an actual design will depend on the application domain and the environment in which the design has to be performed. In the following, we will present a survey of languages that can be used for actual designs. These languages will demonstrate the essential features of the corresponding MoC.

2.2 Models of Computation

Models of computation (MoCs) describe the mechanism assumed for performing computations. In the general case, we must consider systems comprising components. It is now common practice to strictly distinguish between the computations performed in the components and communication. This distinction paves the way for reusing components in different contexts and enables plug-and-play for system components. Accordingly, we define models of computation as follows [267,268,269, 329]:

Definition 2.5

Models of computation (MoCs) define

  • Components and the organization of computations in components: Procedures, processes, functions, and finite state machines are possible components.

  • Communication protocols: These protocols describe methods for communication between components. Asynchronous message passing and rendezvous-based communication are examples of communication protocols.

Relations between components can be captured in graphs. In such graphs, we will refer to the computations also as processes or tasks. Accordingly, relations between these will be captured by task graphs and process networks. Nodes in the graph represent components performing computations. Computations map input data streams to output data streams. Computations are sometimes implemented in high-level programming languages. Typical computations contain (possibly non-terminating) iterations. In each cycle of the iteration, they consume data from their inputs, process the data received, and generate data on their output streams. Edges represent relations between components. We will now introduce these graphs at a more detailed level.

The most obvious relation between computations is their causal dependence: many computations can only be executed after other computations have terminated. This dependence is typically captured in dependence graphs. Figure 2.2 shows a dependence graph for a set of computations.

Fig. 2.2
figure 2

Dependence graph

Definition 2.6

A dependence graph is a directed graph G = (τ, E), where τ is the set of vertices or nodes and E is the set of edges. E ⊆ τ × τ imposes a relation on τ. If (τ 1, τ 2) ∈ E with τ 1, τ 2 ∈ τ, then τ 1 is called an immediate predecessor of τ 2, and τ 2 is called an immediate successor of τ 1. Let E be the transitive closure of E. If (τ 1, τ 2) ∈ E , then τ 1 is called a predecessor of τ 2, and τ 2 is called a successor of τ 1.

Such dependence graphs form a special case of task graphs. Task graphs may contain more information than modeled in Fig. 2.2. For example, task graphs may include the following extensions of dependence graphs:

  1. 1.

    Timing information: Tasks may have arrival times, deadlines, periods, and execution times. In order to show them graphically, it may be useful to include this information in the graphs. However, we will indicate such information separately from the graphs in this book.

  2. 2.

    Distinction between different types of relations between computations: Precedence relations just model constraints for possible execution sequences. At a more detailed level, it may be useful to distinguish between constraints for scheduling and communication between computations. Communication can also be described by edges, but additional information may be available for each of the edges, such as the time of the communication and the amount of information exchanged. Precedence edges may be kept as a separate type of edges, since there could be situations in which computations must execute sequentially even though they do not exchange information.

    In Fig. 2.2, input and output (I/O) are not explicitly described. Implicitly it is assumed that computations without any predecessor in the graph might be receiving input at some time. Also, they might generate output for the successor, and this output could be available only after the computation has terminated. It is often useful to describe input and output more explicitly. In order to do this, another kind of relation is required. Using the same symbols as Thoen [538], we use partially filled circles for denoting input and output. In Fig. 2.3, partially filled circles identify I/O edges.

    Fig. 2.3
    figure 3

    Graph including I/O nodes and edges

  3. 3.

    Exclusive access to resources: Computations may be requesting exclusive access to some resource, for example, to some input/output device or some communication area in memory. Information about necessary exclusive access should be taken into account during scheduling. Exploiting this information might, for example, be used to avoid the priority inversion problem (see p. 213). Information concerning exclusive access to resources can be included in the graphs.

  4. 4.

    Periodic schedules: Many computations, especially in digital signal processing, are periodic. This means that we must distinguish more carefully between a task and its execution (the latter is frequently called a job [347]).Footnote 5 Graphs for such schedules are infinite. Figure 2.4 shows a graph including jobs J n−1 to J n+1 of a periodic task.

    Fig. 2.4
    figure 4

    Graph including jobs

  5. 5.

    Hierarchical graph nodes: The complexity of the computations denoted by graph nodes may be quite different. On the one hand, specified computations may be quite involved and contain thousands of lines of program code. On the other hand, programs can be split into small pieces of code so that in the extreme case, each of the nodes corresponds only to a single operation. The graph node complexity is also called their granularity. Which granularity should be used? There is no universal answer to this. For some purposes, the granularity should be as large as possible. For example, if we consider each of the nodes as one process to be scheduled by a real-time operating system (RTOS), it may be wise to work with large nodes in order to minimize context switches between different processes. For other purposes, it may be better to work with nodes modeling just a single operation. For example, nodes must be mapped to hardware or to software. If a certain operation (such as the frequently used discrete cosine transform, or DCT) can be mapped to special-purpose hardware, then it should not be buried in a complex node that contains many other operations. It should rather be modeled as its own node. In order to avoid frequent changes of the granularity, hierarchical graph nodes are very useful. For example, at a high hierarchical level, the nodes may denote complex tasks, at a lower-level basic blocks,Footnote 6 and at an even lower-level individual arithmetic operations. Figure 2.5 shows a hierarchical version of the dependence graph in Fig. 2.2, using a rectangle to denote a hierarchical node.

    Fig. 2.5
    figure 5

    Hierarchical task graph

As indicated above, MoCs can be classified according to the models of communication (reflected by edges in the task graphs) and the model of computations within the components (reflected by the nodes in the task graphs). In the following, we will explain prominent examples of such models:

  • Models of communication:

    We distinguish between two communication paradigms: shared memory and message passing. Other communication paradigms exist (e.g., entangled states in quantum mechanics [62]), but are not considered in this book.

    • Shared memory: For shared memory, communication is performed by accesses to the same memory from all components. Access to shared memory should be protected, unless access is restricted to reads. If writes are involved, exclusive access to the memory must be guaranteed while components are accessing shared memories. Segments of program code, for which exclusive access must be guaranteed, are called critical sections. Mechanisms for guaranteeing exclusive access to resources include semaphores, mutexes, conditional critical regions, monitors, and spin locks (see books on operating systems like Stallings [507]). Shared memory-based communication can be fast but is difficult to implement in multiprocessor systems without a common physical memory.

    • Message passing: In this case, messages are sent and received. Message passing can be implemented easily even if no common memory is available. However, message passing is generally slower than shared memory-based communication. We distinguish between three kinds of message passing:

      • Asynchronous message passing, also called non-blocking communication: In asynchronous message passing, components communicate by sending messages through channels which can buffer the messages. The sender does not need to wait for the recipient to be ready to receive the message. In real life, this corresponds to sending a letter or an e-mail. A potential problem is the fact that messages must be stored and that message buffers can overflow. There are variations of this scheme, including communicating finite state machines (see p. 34) and data-flow models (see p. 40).

      • Synchronous message passing or blocking communication, rendezvous -based communication: In synchronous message passing, available components communicate in atomic, instantaneous actions called rendezvous. The component reaching the point of communication first has to wait until the partner has also reached its point of communication. In real life, this corresponds to physical meetings or phone calls. There is no risk of overflows, but performance may suffer. Examples of languages following this model of computation include CSP (see p. 83) and Ada (see p. 84).

      • Extended rendezvous , remote invocation: In this case, the sender is allowed to continue only after an acknowledgment has been received from the recipient. The recipient does not have to send this acknowledgment immediately after receiving the message but can do some preliminary checking before actually sending the acknowledgment.

  • Organization of computations within the components:

    • Differential equations: Differential equations are capable of modeling analog circuits and physical systems. Hence, they can find applications in cyber-physical system modeling.

    • Finite state machines (FSMs): This model is based on the notion of a finite set of states, inputs, outputs, and transitions between states. Several of these machines may need to communicate, forming so-called communicating finite state machines (CFSMs).

    • Data flow: In the data-flow model, the availability of data triggers the possible execution of operations.

    • Discrete event model: In this model, there are events carrying a totally ordered time stamp, indicating the time at which the event occurs. Discrete event simulators typically contain a global event queue sorted by time. Entries from this queue are processed according to this order. The disadvantage is that this model relies on a global notion of event queues, making it difficult to map the semantic model onto parallel implementations. Examples include VHDL (see p. 71), SystemC (see p. 70), and Verilog (see p. 82).

    • von Neumann model: This model is based on the sequential execution of sequences of primitive computations.

  • Combined models: Actual languages are typically combining a certain model of communication with an organization of computations within components. For example, StateCharts (see p. 23) combines finite state machines with shared memories. SDL (see p. 34) combines finite state machines with asynchronous message passing. Ada (see p. 84) and CSP (see p. 84) combine von Neumann execution with synchronous message passing. Table 2.1 gives an overview of combined models most of which we will consider in this chapter. This table also includes examples of languages for many of the MoCs.

    Table 2.1 Overview of MoCs and languages considered

Let us look at MoCs with a defined model for computations within components. For differential equations, Modelica [399], commercial languages such as Simulink® [533], and the extension VHDL-AMS [245] of the hardware description language VHDL are examples of languages.

Scoreboarding and the Tomasulo algorithm are data flow-driven techniques for dynamically scheduling instructions in computer architectures. They are described in books in computer architecture (see, e.g., Hennessy and Patterson [211]) and not presented in this book.

Some MoCs have advantages in certain application areas, while others have advantages in others. Choosing the “best” MoC for a certain application may be difficult. Being able to mix MoCs (such as in the Ptolemy framework [120, 460]) can be a way out of this dilemma. Also, models may be translated from one MoC into another one. Non-von Neumann models are frequently translated into von Neumann models. The distinction between the different models is blurring if the translation between them is easy.

Designs starting from non-von Neumann models are frequently called model-based designs [421]. The key idea of model-based design is to have some abstract model of the system under design (SUD). Properties of the SUD can then be studied at the level of this model, without having to care about software code. Software code is generated only after the behavior of the model has been studied in detail, and this software is generated automatically [477]. The term “model-based design” is usually associated with models of control systems, comprising traditional control system elements such as integrators, differentiators, etc. However, this view may be too restricted, since we could also start with abstract models of consumer systems.

In the following, we will present different MoCs, using existing languages as examples for demonstrating their features. A related (but shorter) survey is provided by Edwards [147]. For a more comprehensive presentation, see [187].

2.3 Early Design Phases

The very first ideas about systems are frequently captured in a very informal way, possibly on paper. Frequently, only descriptions of the SUD in a natural language such as English or Japanese exist in the early phases of design projects. They are typically using a very informal style. These descriptions should be captured in some machine-readable document. They should be encoded in the format of some word processor and stored by a tool managing design documents. A good tool would allow links between the requirements, a dependence analysis as well as version management. DOORS® [228] exemplifies such a tool.

2.3.1 Use Cases

For many applications, it is beneficial to envision potential usages of the SUD. This way, we can make sure that the final system performs as expected in the envisioned context. Usages are captured in use cases. Use cases describe possible applications of the SUD. Different notations for use cases could be used.

Support for a systematic approach to early specification phases is the goal of the so-called UML standardization effort [166, 207, 432]. UML stands for “Unified Modeling Language.” UML was designed by leading software technology experts and is supported by commercial tools. UML primarily aims at the support of the software design process. UML provides a standardized form for use cases.

For use cases, there is neither a precisely specified model of the computations nor a precisely specified model of the communication. It is frequently argued that this is done intentionally in order to avoid caring about too many details during the early design phases. Nevertheless, attempts have been made to define the semantics more formally.

Example 2.3

Figure 2.6 shows some use cases for an answering machine.Footnote 7 There are five use cases for the owner of the answering machine and one for potential callers. We have to make sure that all six use cases can be implemented correctly.∇

Fig. 2.6
figure 6

Use case example

Use cases identify different classes of users as well as the applications to be supported by the SUD. In this way, it is possible to capture expectations at a very high level.

2.3.2 (Message) Sequence Charts and Time/Distance Diagrams

At a more detailed level, we might want to explicitly indicate the sequences of messages which must be exchanged between components in order to implement some use of the SUD. Sequence charts (SCs)—earlier called message sequence charts (MSCs)—provide a mechanism for this. Sequence charts use one dimension (usually the vertical dimension) of a two-dimensional chart to denote sequences and the second dimension to reflect the different communication components. SCs describe partial orders between message transmissions, and they display a possible behavior of a SUD. SCs are also standardized in UML. UML 2.0 has extended SCs with elements allowing a more detailed description than UML 1.0.

Example 2.4

Figure 2.7 shows one of the use cases of the answering machine as an example. Dashed lines are so-called lifelines. Messages are assumed to be ordered according to their sequence along the lifeline. We assume that, in this example, all information is sent in the form of messages. Arrows used in this diagram denote asynchronous messages. This means several messages can be sent by a sender without waiting for the receipt to be confirmed. Boxes on top of lifelines represent active control at the corresponding component. In the example, the answering machine is waiting for the user to pick up the phone within a certain amount of time. If he or she fails to do so, the machine signals a pick-up itself and sends a welcome message to the caller. The caller is then supposed to leave a voice-mail message. Alternative sequences (e.g., an early termination of the call by the caller or the callee picking up the phone) are not shown. ∇

Fig. 2.7
figure 7

Answering machine in UML

Complex control-dependent actions cannot be described by SCs. Other MoCs must be used for this. Frequently, certain preconditions must be met for a SC to apply. Such preconditions, a distinction between sequences which might happen and those which must happen, as well as other extensions are available in the so-called Live Sequence Charts [117].

Time/distance diagrams (TDDs) are a commonly used variant of SCs. In time/distance diagrams, the vertical dimension reflects real time, not just sequence. In some cases, the horizontal dimension also models the real distance between the components. TDDs provide the right means for visualizing schedules of trains or buses.

Example 2.5

Figure 2.8 exemplifies modeling a schedule of trains between Amsterdam, Cologne, Brussels, and Paris using a TDD. Trains can run from either Amsterdam or Cologne to Paris via Brussels. Aachen is included as an intermediate stop between Cologne and Brussels. Vertical segments correspond to times spent at stations. For one of the trains, there is a timing overlap between the trains coming from Cologne and Amsterdam at Brussels. There is a second train which travels between Paris and Cologne which is not related to an Amsterdam train. This example and other examples can be simulated with the levi simulation software [498].

Fig. 2.8
figure 8

Time/distance diagram

Example 2.6

A larger, more realistic example is shown in Fig. 2.9. This example [224] describes simulated Swiss railway traffic in the Lötschberg area. Different station names are shown along the horizontal lines. The vertical dimension reflects real time. Slow and fast trains can be distinguished by their slope in the graph. Slow trains are characterized by steep slopes, possibly also containing significant waiting time at the stations (vertical slopes). For fast trains, slopes are almost flat. Trains are stop** only at a subset of the stations. In the presented example, it is not known whether the timing overlap at stations happens coincidentally or whether some real synchronization for connecting trains is required. Furthermore, permissible deviations from the schedule (min/max timing behavior) are not visible. ∇

Fig. 2.9
figure 9

Railway traffic displayed by a time/distance diagram (courtesy H. Brändli, IVT, ETH Zürich), ⒸETH Zürich

SCs and TDDs are very frequently used in practice. For example, they are valuable for applications of the IoT. One of the key distinctions between SCs and TDDs is that SCs do not include any reference to real time. TDDs are appropriate means for representing typical schedules. However, SCs and TDDs both fail to provide information about necessary synchronization.

UML was initially not designed for real-time applications. UML 2.0 includes timing diagrams as a special class of diagrams. Such diagrams enable referring to physical time, similar to TDDs. Also, certain UML “profiles” (see p. 94) allow additional annotations to refer to time [368].

2.3.3 Differential Equations

Differential equations can be written in the language of mathematics. Inputs for design tools typically require certain variants of this language. We exemplify such a variant with Modelica [399], a language aiming at modeling cyber-physical systems. Modelica has graphical as well as textual forms. Using the graphical form, systems can be described as sets of interconnected blocks. Each block can be described by equations. Connections between blocks denote common variables in the sense of mathematics. The information about each block together with information about connections can be transformed into a global set of equations. This process is called flattening of the hierarchy. Just like in mathematics, equations (and connections) have a bidirectional meaning (in contrast to programming languages).

Example 2.7

The following modelFootnote 8 represents the bouncing ball example of p. 11:

In the equations part, the velocity v is defined as the derivative of the height h. The derivative of v (the acceleration) is set to standard gravity (− 9.81), unless the ball is already sticking to the surface. Equations have a bidirectional meaning. For this set of equations, there are boundary conditions defined in the initial equation part. Mathematical equations can be integrated numerically. This procedure is exploited in the description of the bouncing: when clauses can be used to define events which happen while solving the equations. In the particular example, an event is generated when the height becomes less or equal to zero. Whenever this event is generated while the velocity is still sufficiently large, the velocity is inverted and reduced by a factor of s, called restitution. The reinit clause effectively defines another boundary condition.

However, if the velocity is smaller than eps, the ball is assumed to become sticky, and the velocity is set to zero, suppressing all future activities. The resulting model can be simulated, for example, with OpenModelica.Footnote 9

After being released, the ball travels at a speed and a distance as shown in the mathematical background below:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \begin{array}{rcl} v& =&\displaystyle g t{} \end{array} \end{aligned} $$
$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \begin{array}{rcl} x& =&\displaystyle \frac{g}{2} t^2 {} \end{array} \end{aligned} $$

This stops when the ball reaches the bottom (x = h 0). We call this partially elastic collision 0 (or bounce 0), the corresponding time t 0, and the corresponding velocity v 0. From Eqs. (2.1) and (2.2), we compute

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \begin{array}{rcl} v_0& =&\displaystyle g t_0 \end{array} \end{aligned} $$
$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \begin{array}{rcl} h_0& =&\displaystyle \frac{g}{2} t_0^2 \end{array} \end{aligned} $$

and, hence

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \begin{array}{rcl} t_0& =&\displaystyle \frac{v_0}{g} {} \end{array} \end{aligned} $$
$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \begin{array}{rcl} t_0& =&\displaystyle \sqrt{\frac{2}{g} h_0} \end{array} \end{aligned} $$
$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \begin{array}{rcl} v_0& =&\displaystyle \sqrt{2 g h_0} \end{array} \end{aligned} $$

After bouncing, the ball travels at speed

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \begin{array}{rcl} v& =&\displaystyle -s v_0 + gt {} \end{array} \end{aligned} $$

until the velocity becomes 0. Let this happen at time \(t^{\prime }_1\). Equation (2.8) leads to

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \begin{array}{rcl} 0& =&\displaystyle -s v_0 + g t^{\prime}_1 \\ t^{\prime}_1& =&\displaystyle s \frac{v_0}{g} \end{array} \end{aligned} $$

Compared to Eq. (2.5), the partially elastic collision has reduced the trip time by a factor of s. Next, the ball drops again, traveling downward as long as it traveled upward. Hence, the next collision (bounce 1) happens

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \begin{array}{rcl} t_1& =&\displaystyle 2 t^{\prime}_1=2 s \frac{v_0}{g} \end{array} \end{aligned} $$

time units after the initial bounce. In each direction, trip times for bounce 1 are shorter by a factor of s compared to the time for bounce 0. The same shortening of times will happen for the other bounces. Hence, bounce n happens at time

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \begin{array}{rcl} t_{n}= \frac{v_0}{g} + \frac{2 v_0}{g}\sum_{k=1}^{n}s^k = \frac{2 v_0}{g}\sum_{k=0}^{n}s^k - \frac{v_0}{g} \end{array} \end{aligned} $$

As long as s < 1, this (geometric) series converges to

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \begin{array}{rcl} t_{final}=\lim_{n\to \infty} \frac{2 v_0}{g}\sum_{k=0}^{n}s^k - \frac{v_0}{g} = \frac{2v_0}{g(1-s)} - \frac{v_0}{g} \end{array} \end{aligned} $$

This means that there is an upper bound on the time for the bounces, but not on the number of bounces. This corresponds to the fact that, mathematically speaking, infinite series may be converging to a finite value.Footnote 10

Using sets of equations involving derivatives in Modelica brings us close to the language of mathematics and physics. However, events introduce sequential behavior. The implicit numerical integration procedure also introduces the hazard of numerical precision problems. In fact, already the test h < =  0.0 reflects that we might miss the case of h being exactly 0. Another hazard is present in the published model for the non-sticky ball [541]: numerical precision problems result in an OpenModelica solution for which the ball penetrates the floor for large times t. This problem is caused by not generating events if the time distance between bounces is too small.

This example demonstrates very nicely the advantages and limitations of Modelica: on the one hand, it is feasible to describe even the physical part of cyber-physical systems. On the other hand, we are not exactly using the language of mathematics, and in this way, we are introducing modeling hazards. ∇

2.4 Communicating Finite State Machines (CFSMs)

In the following sections, we will consider the design of digital systems only. Compared to early design phases, we need more precise models of our SUD. We mentioned already on p. 17 and on p. 4 that we need to describe state-oriented behavior. State diagrams are a classical means of doing this. Figure 2.10 (the same as Fig. 2.1) shows an example of a state diagram, representing a finite state machine (FSM).

Fig. 2.10
figure 10

State diagram

Circles denote states. We will consider FSMs for which only one of their states is active. Such FSMs are called deterministic FSMs. Edges denote state transitions. Edge labels represent events. Let us assume that a certain state of the FSM is active and that an event happens which corresponds to one of the outgoing edges for the active state. Then, the FSM will change its state from the currently active state to the one indicated by the edge. FSMs may be implicitly clocked. Such FSMs are called synchronous FSMs. For synchronous FSMs, state changes will happen only at clock transitions. FSMs may also generate output (not shown in Fig. 2.10). For more information about classical FSMs, refer to, for example, Kohavi et al. [301].

2.4.1 Timed Automata

Classical FSMs do not provide information about time. In order to model time, classical automata have been extended to also include timing information. Timed automata are essentially automata extended with real-valued variables. “The variables model the logical clocks in the system, that are initialized with zero when the system is started, and then increase synchronously with the same rate. Clock constraints, i.e., guards on edges, are used to restrict the behavior of the automaton. A transition represented by an edge can be taken when the clocks’ values satisfy the guard labeled on the edge. Clocks may be reset to zero when a transition is taken” [45].

Example 2.8

Figure 2.11 shows the state diagram of an answering machine. The machine is usually in the initial state on the left. Whenever a ring signal is received, clock x is reset to 0, and a transition into a waiting state is made. If the called person lifts off the handset, talking can take place until the handset is returned.

Fig. 2.11
figure 11

Servicing an incoming line in an answering machine

Otherwise, a transition to state play text can take place if time has reached a value of 4. Once the transition took place, a recorded message is played and this phase is terminated with a beep. Clock y ensures that this beep lasts at least one time unit. After the beep, clock x is reset to 0 again and the answering machine is ready for recording. If time has reached a value of 8 or if the caller remains silent, the next beep is played. This second beep again lasts at least one time unit. After the second beep, a transition is made into the final state. In this example, transitions are either caused by inputs (such as lift-off) or by so-called clock constraints. ∇

Clock constraints describe transitions which can take place, but they do not have to. In order to make sure that transitions actually take place, additional location invariants can be defined. Location invariants x <=  5, x <=  9, and y <=  2 are used in the example such that transitions will take place no later than one time unit after the enabling condition became true. Using two clocks is for demonstration purposes only; a single clock would be sufficient.

Formally speaking, timed automata can be defined as follows [45]: Let C be a set of real-valued, non-negative variables representing clocks. Let Σ be a finite alphabet of possible inputs.

Definition 2.7

A clock constraint is a conjunctive formula of atomic constraints of the form x ∘ n or (x − y) ∘ n for x, y ∈ C, ∘∈{≤, <, =, >, ≥} and \(n \in \mathbb {N}\).

Note that constants n used in the constraints must be integers, even though clocks are real-valued. An extension to rational constants would be easy, since they could be turned into integers with simple multiplications. Let B(C) be the set of clock constraints.

Definition 2.8 (Bengtson [45])

A timed automaton is a tuple (S, s 0, E, I) where:

  • S is a finite set of states.

  • s 0 is the initial state.

  • E ⊆ S × B(C) × Σ× 2C × S is the set of edges. B(C) models the conjunctive condition which must hold and Σ models the input which is required for a transition to be enabled. 2C reflects the set of clock variables which are reset whenever the transition takes place.

  • I : S → B(C) is the set of invariants for each of the states. B(C) represents the invariant which must hold for a particular state S. This invariant is described as a conjunctive formula.

This first definition is usually extended to allow parallel compositions of timed automata. Timed automata having a large number of clocks tend to be difficult to understand. More details about timed automata can be found, for example, in papers by Dill et al. [133] and Bengtsson et al. [45].

Simulation and verification of timed automata is possible with the popular tool UPPAAL.Footnote 11 UPPAAL supports concurrency and data variables.

Timed automata extend classical automata with timing information. However, many of our requirements for specification techniques are not met by timed automata. In particular, in their standard form, they do not provide hierarchy and concurrency.

2.4.2 StateCharts: Implicit Shared Memory Communication

The StateCharts language is presented here as a very prominent example of a language based on automata and supporting hierarchical models as well as concurrency. It does include a limited way of specifying timing.

The StateCharts language was introduced by David Harel [203] in 1987 and later described more precisely in [141]. According to Harel, the name was chosen since it was “the only unused combination of flow orstatewithdiagramorchart”. Modeling of Hierarchy

The StateCharts language describes extended FSMs. Due to this, they can be used for modeling state-oriented behavior. The key extension is hierarchy. Hierarchy is introduced by means of superstates.

Definition 2.9

States comprising other states are called superstates.

Definition 2.10

States included in superstates are called substates of the superstates.

Example 2.9

The StateCharts diagram in Fig. 2.12 is a hierarchical version of the diagram in Fig. 2.10. Superstate S includes states A, B, C, D, and E.

Fig. 2.12
figure 12

Hierarchical state diagram

Suppose the FSM is in state Z (Z will also be called an active state). Now, if input m is applied to the FSM, then A and S will be the new active states. If the FSM is in S and input k is applied, then Z will be the new active state, regardless of whether the FSM is in substates A, B, C, D, or E of S. In this example, all states contained in S are non-hierarchical states. ∇

In general, substates of S could again be superstates consisting of substates themselves. Also, whenever a substate of some superstate is active, the superstate is active as well.

Definition 2.11

States which are not composed of other states are called basic states.

The FSM of Fig. 2.12 can only be in one of the substates of substate S at any time. Superstates of this type are called OR-superstates.Footnote 12

Definition 2.12

Superstate S is called an OR-superstate if the system comprising S is in exactly one substate of S whenever it is in S.

In Fig. 2.12, k might correspond to an exception for which state S has to be left. The example already shows that the hierarchy introduced in StateCharts enables a compact representation of exceptions.

StateCharts allows hierarchical descriptions of systems in which a system description comprises descriptions of subsystems which, in turn, may contain descriptions of subsystems. The hierarchy of the entire system can be represented by a tree. The root of the tree corresponds to the system as a whole, and all inner nodes correspond to hierarchical descriptions (called super-nodes in StateCharts). The leaves of the hierarchy are non-hierarchical descriptions (called basic states in StateCharts).

So far, we have used explicit, direct edges to basic states to indicate the next state. With this approach, the internal structure of superstates cannot be hidden from the environment. In a true hierarchical environment, we should be able to hide the internal structure so that it can be described later or changed later without affecting the environment. This is possible with other mechanisms for describing the next state.

The first additional mechanism is the default state mechanism. It can be used in superstates to indicate the particular substates that will become active if the superstates become active. In diagrams, default states are identified by edges starting at small filled circles.

Example 2.10

Figure 2.13 shows a state diagram using the default state mechanism.

Fig. 2.13
figure 13

State diagram using the default state mechanism

The diagram is equivalent to Fig. 2.12. The filled circle itself is not a state. ∇

Another mechanism for specifying next states is the history mechanism. With this mechanism, it is possible to return to the last substate that was active before a superstate was left. The history mechanism is symbolized by a circle containing the letter H. Do not confuse circles comprising this letter with states! We will be using a different font for states and the history mechanism in order to reduce the risk of confusion. In order to define the next state for the initial transition into a superstate, the history mechanism is frequently combined with the default mechanism.

Example 2.11

Consider the state diagram in Fig. 2.14. The behavior of the FSM is now somewhat different. If we input m while the system is in Z, then the FSM will enter A if this is the very first time we enter S, and otherwise it will enter the last state that we were in before leaving S. This mechanism has many applications. For example, if k denotes an exception, we could use input m to return to the state we were in before the exception. States A, B, C, D, and E could also call Z like a procedure. After completing “procedure” Z, we would return to the calling state. In this way, we are adding elements of programming languages to StateCharts. Figure 2.14 can also be redrawn as shown in Fig. 2.15. In this case, the symbols for the default and the history mechanism are combined. ∇

Fig. 2.14
figure 14

State diagram using the history and the default state mechanism

Fig. 2.15
figure 15

Combining the symbols for the history and the default state mechanism

Specification techniques must be able to describe concurrency conveniently. For this, StateCharts provides a second class of superstates, so-called AND-superstates.

Definition 2.13

Superstates S are called AND-superstates if the system containing S will be in all of the substates of S whenever it is in S.

Example 2.12

An AND-superstate is included in the answering machine example shown in Fig. 2.16. An answering machine normally performs two tasks concurrently: it is monitoring the line for incoming calls and the keys for user input. In Fig. 2.16, the corresponding states are called Lwait and Kwait. Incoming calls are processed in state Lproc, while the response to pressed keys is generated in state Kproc. State Lproc is left whenever the caller hangs up the phone. Returning to state Lwait due to call termination by the owner is not modeled. Hence, this model provides no protection against stalking.

Fig. 2.16
figure 16

Answering machine

For the time being, we assume that the on/off switch (generating events key-off and key-on) is decoded separately and pushing it does not result in entering Kproc. If the machine is switched off, the line monitoring state and the key monitoring state are left and reentered only if the machine is switched on. At that time, default states Lwait and Kwait are entered. While switched on, the machine will always be in the line monitoring state as well as in the key monitoring state. ∇

For AND-superstates, the substates entered as a result of entering the superstate can be defined independently. There can be any combination of history, default and explicit transitions. It is crucial to understand that all substates will always be entered, even if there is just one explicit transition to one of the substates. Accordingly, transitions out of an AND-superstate will always result in leaving all the substates.

Example 2.13

For example, let us modify our answering machine such that the on/off switch, like all other switches, is decoded in state Kproc (see Fig. 2.17).

Fig. 2.17
figure 17

Answering machine with modified on/off switch processing

If pushing that key is detected in Kwait, transitions are assumed first into state Kproc and then into the off state. The second transition results in leaving the line-monitoring state as well. Switching the machine on again results in also entering the line-monitoring state. ∇

AND-superstates provide the key mechanism for describing concurrency in StateCharts. Each substate can be considered a state machine by itself. These machines are communicating with each other, forming communicating finite state machines (CFSMs). This term has been used as the title of this section.

Summarizing, we can state the following: states in StateCharts diagrams are either AND-superstates, OR-superstates, or basic states. Timers

Due to the requirement to model time in embedded systems, StateCharts also provides timers. Timers are denoted by the symbol shown in Fig. 2.18 on the left.

Fig. 2.18
figure 18

Timer in StateCharts

After the system has been in the state containing the timer for the specified time, a timeout will occur, and the system will leave the specified state. Timers can also be used hierarchically.

Timers can be employed, for example, at the next lower level of the hierarchy of the answering machine in order to describe the behavior of state Lproc. Figure 2.19 shows a possible behavior for that state. The timing specification is slightly different from the one in Fig. 2.11.

Fig. 2.19
figure 19

Servicing the incoming line in Lproc

Due to the exception-like transition for hangups by the caller in Fig. 2.16, state Lproc is terminated whenever the caller hangs up. For hangups (returns) by the callee, the design of state Lproc results in an inconvenience: if the callee hangs up the phone first, the telephone will be dead (and quiet) until the caller has also hung up the phone.

The StateCharts language includes a number of other language elements. For a full description, refer to Harel [203]. A more detailed description of the semantics of StateCharts is described by Drusinsky and Harel [141]. Edge Labels and StateMate Semantics

Until now, we have not considered outputs generated by our extended FSMs. Generated outputs can be specified using edge labels. The general form of an edge label is “event [condition]/reaction.” All three label parts are optional. The reaction part describes the reaction of the FSM to a state transition. Possible reactions include the generation of events and assignments to variables. The condition part implies a test of the values of variables or a test of the current state of the system. The event part refers to a test of current events. Events can be generated either internally or externally. Internal events are generated as a result of some transition and are described in reaction parts. External events are usually described in the model environment.


  • on-key/on:=1 (Event test and variable assignment),

  • [on=1] (Condition test for a variable value),

  • off-key [not in Lproc]/on:=0 (Event test, condition test for a state, variable assignment. The assignment is performed if the event has occurred and the condition is true).

The semantics of edge labels can only be explained in the context of the semantics of StateMate [141], a commercial implementation of StateCharts. StateMate assumes a step-based execution of StateMate descriptions, as shown in Fig. 2.20. Steps are assumed to be executed each time events or variables have changed. The set of all values of variables, together with the set of events generated (and the current time), is defined as the status Footnote 13 of a StateMate model. After executing the third phase, a new status is obtained.

Fig. 2.20
figure 20

Steps during the execution of a StateMate model

The notion of steps allows us to define the semantics of events more precisely. The visibility of events is limited to the step following the one in which they are generated. Thus, events behave like single bit values which are stored in permanently enabled registers at one clock transition and have an effect on the values stored at the next clock transition. They do not live forever.

Variables, in contrast, retain their values until they are reassigned. According to StateMate semantics, new values of variables are visible to all parts of the model from the step following the step in which the assignment was made onward. That means that StateMate semantics implies that new values of variables are propagated to all parts of a model between two steps.

Each step consists of three phases:

  1. 1.

    In the first phase, the impact of external changes on conditions and events is evaluated. This includes the evaluation of functions which depend on external events. This phase does not include any state changes. In our simple examples, this phase is not actually needed.

  2. 2.

    The next phase is to calculate the set of transitions that should be made in the current step. Variable assignments are evaluated, but the new values are only assigned to temporary variables.

  3. 3.

    In the third phase, state transitions become effective and variables obtain their new values.

The separation into phases 2 and 3 is important in order to guarantee a reproducible behavior of StateMate models.

Example 2.14

Consider the StateMate model of Fig. 2.21.

Fig. 2.21
figure 21

Mutually dependent assignments

In the second phase, new values for a and b are stored in temporary variables, say a’ and b’. In the final phase, these variables are copied into the user-defined variables:

As a result, the values of the two variables will be swapped each time an event e happens. This behavior corresponds to that of two cross-coupled registers (one for each variable) connected to the same clock (see Fig. 2.22) and reflects the operation of a synchronous (clocked) finite state machine including those two registers.Footnote 14

Fig. 2.22
figure 22

Cross-coupled D-type registers

Without the separation into phases, the same value would be assigned to both variables. The result would depend on the sequence in which the assignments were performed. ∇

The separation into (at least) two phases is quite typical for languages that try to reflect the operation of synchronous hardware. We will find the same separation in VHDL (see p. 80). Due to the separation, the results do not depend on the order in which parts of the model are executed by the simulation. This property is extremely important. Otherwise, there could be simulation runs generating different results, all of which would be considered correct. This is not what we expect from the simulation of a real circuit with a fixed behavior, and it could be very confusing in design procedures. There are different names for this property:

  • Kahn [278] calls this property determinate.

  • In other papers, this property is called deterministic. However, the term “deterministic” is employed with different meanings:

    • It is used in the context of deterministic finite state machines, FSMs which can only be in one state at a time. In contrast, non-deterministic finite state machines can be in several states at the same time [221].

    • Languages may have non-deterministic operators. For these operators, different behaviors are legal implementations. Approximate, non-deterministic computations would be a relevant special case of non-deterministic operators.

    • Many authors consider systems to be non-deterministic if their behavior depends on some input not known before run-time.

    • The term “deterministic” has also been used in the sense of “determinate,” as introduced by Kahn.

In this book, we prefer to reduce possible confusion by following Kahn.Footnote 15 Note that StateMate models can be determinate only if there are no other reasons for an undefined behavior. For example, conflicts between transitions may be allowed (see Fig. 2.23).

Fig. 2.23
figure 23

Left, conflict between different nesting levels; right, conflict at the same nesting level

Consider Fig. 2.23 (left). If event A takes place while the system is in the left state, we must figure out which transition will take place. If these conflicts would be resolved arbitrarily, then we would have a non-determinate behavior. Typically, priorities are defined such that this type of a conflict is eliminated. Now, consider Fig. 2.23 (right). There will be a conflict for, e.g., x = 15. Such conflicts are difficult to detect. Achieving a determinate behavior requires the absence of conflicts that are resolved in an arbitrary manner.

Note that there may be cases in which we would like to describe non-determinate behavior (e.g., if we have a choice to read from two inputs). In such a case, we would typically like to explicitly indicate that this choice can be taken at run-time (see the select statement of Ada on p. 85).

Implementations of hierarchical state charts other than StateMate typically do not exhibit determinate behavior. These implementations correspond to a software-oriented view onto hierarchical state charts. In such implementations, choices are usually not explicitly described. Evaluation and Extensions

StateMate implicitly assumes a broadcast mechanism for updates on variables. Hence, StateCharts or StateMate can be implemented easily for shared memory-based platforms but are less appropriate for message passing and distributed systems. These languages essentially assume shared memory-based communication, even though this is not explicitly stated. For distributed systems, it will be very difficult to update all variables between two steps. Due to this broadcast mechanism, StateMate is not an appropriate language for modeling distributed systems.

Hence, StateCharts’ main application domain is that of local, control-dominated systems. The capability of nesting hierarchies at arbitrary levels, with a free choice of AND-and OR-superstates, is a key advantage of StateCharts. Another advantage is that the semantics of StateMate is defined at a sufficient level of detail [141]. Furthermore, there are quite a number of commercial tools based on StateCharts. StateMate [229] and StateFlow [382] are examples of commercial tools based on StateCharts. Many of them are capable of translating StateCharts into equivalent descriptions in C or VHDL (see p. 71). From VHDL, hardware can be generated using synthesis tools. Therefore, StateCharts-based tools provide a complete path from StateCharts-based specifications down to hardware. Generated C programs can be compiled and executed. Hence, a path to software-based realizations exists as well.

Unfortunately, the efficiency of the automatic translation is sometimes a concern. For example, we could map substates of AND-superstates to processes at the operating system level. This would hardly lead to efficient implementations on small processors. The productivity gain from object-oriented programming is not available in StateCharts, since it is not object-oriented. StateCharts do not comprise program constructs for describing complex computation and cannot describe hardware structures or non-functional behavior. StateCharts allows timeouts. There is no straightforward way of specifying other timing requirements.

Commercial implementations of StateCharts typically provide some mechanisms for removing the limitations of the model. For example, C code can be used to represent program constructs, and module charts of StateMate can represent hardware structures.

UML includes a variation of StateCharts and hence allows modeling state machines. In UML, these diagrams are called state diagrams in version 1 of UML and state machine diagrams from version 2.0 onward. Unfortunately, the semantics of state machine diagrams in UML is different from StateMate: the three simulation phases are not included.

2.4.3 Synchronous Languages Motivation

Describing complex SUDs in terms of state machine diagrams is difficult. Such diagrams cannot express complex computations. Standard programming languages can express complex computations, but the sequence of executing several threads may be unpredictable. In a multithreaded environment with preemptive scheduling, there can be many different interleavings of the different computations. Understanding all possible behaviors of such concurrent systems is difficult. A key reason for this is that, in general, many different execution orders are feasible, i.e., the execution order is not specified. The order of execution may well affect the result. The resulting non-determinate behavior can have a number of negative consequences, such as problems with verifying a certain design. For distributed systems with independent clocks, determinate behavior is difficult to achieve. However, for non-distributed systems, we can try to avoid the problems of unnecessary non-determinate semantics.

For synchronous languages, finite state machines and programming languages are merged into one model. Synchronous languages can express complex computations, but the underlying execution model is that of finite automata. They describe concurrently operating automata. Determinate behavior is achieved by the following key feature: “…when automata are composed in parallel, a transition of the product is made of the “simultaneous” transitions of all of them” [197]. This means we do not have to consider all the different sequences of state changes of the automata that would be possible if each of them had its own clock. Instead, we can assume the presence of a single global clock. In each clock tick, all inputs are considered, new outputs and states are calculated, and then the transitions are made. This requires a fast broadcast mechanism for all parts of the model. This idealistic view of concurrency has the advantage of guaranteeing determinate behavior. This is a restriction if compared to the general communicating finite state machines (CFSM) model, in which each FSM can have its own clock. Synchronous languages reflect the principles of operation in synchronous hardware and also the semantics found in control languages such as IEC 60848 [231] and STEP 7 [488]. See Potop-Butucaru et al. [458] for a survey on synchronous languages. Examples of Synchronous Languages: Esterel, Lustre, and SCADE

Guaranteeing a determinate behavior for all language features has been a design goal for the synchronous languages Esterel [61, 154] , Lustre [199], and Quartz [480].

Esterel is a reactive language: when activated with an input event, Esterel models react by producing an output event. Esterel is a synchronous language: all reactions are assumed to be completed in zero time, and it is sufficient to analyze the behavior at discrete moments in time. This idealized model avoids all discussions about overlap** time ranges and about events that arrive while the previous reaction has not been completed. Like other concurrent languages, Esterel has a parallelism operator, written ||. Similar to StateCharts, communication is based on a broadcast mechanism. In contrast to StateCharts, however, communication is instantaneous. Instantaneous in this context means “within the same clock cycle.” This means that all signals generated in a particular clock cycle are also seen by the other parts of the model in the same clock cycle, and these other parts, if sensitive to the generated signals, react in the same clock cycle. Several rounds of evaluations may be required until a stable state is reached. The computation of resulting worst case reaction times is performed, for example, by Boldt et al. [56]. The propagation of values during the same macroscopic instant of time corresponds to the generation of a next status for the same moment in time in StateMate, except that the broadcast is now instantaneous and not delayed until the next round of evaluations like in StateMate. For more and updated information about Esterel, refer to the Esterel home page [154].

Esterel and Lustre use different syntactic techniques to denote CFSMs. Esterel appears as a kind of imperative language, whereas Lustre looks more like a data-flow language (see p. 40 for a description of data flow). SyncCharts is a graphical version of Esterel. In all three cases, semantics are explained by the closely related underlying CFSMs. The commercial graphical language SCADE [19] combines elements of all three languages. The so-called SCADE suite® is used for a number of safety-critical software components, for example, by Airbus.

Due to the three simulation phases in StateMate, this tool has the key attributes of synchronous languages, and it is determinate if conflicts are resolved. According to Halbwachs, “StateMate is almost a synchronous language and the only feature missing in StateMate is the instantaneous broadcast” [198].

2.4.4 Message Passing: SDL as an Example Features of the Language

StateCharts is not appropriate for modeling distributed communicating finite state machines. For distributed systems, message passing is the better communication paradigm. Therefore, we present a case of communicating finite state machines with asynchronous message passing.

We use SDL (specification and description language) as an example. SDL was designed for distributed applications. It dates back to the 1970s. Formal semantics have been available since the 1980s. The language was standardized by the ITU (International Telecommunication Union). The first standards document is the Z.100 Recommendation published in 1980 with updates, for example, in 1992, 1999, 2011, and 2016 [482]. The update of 1999 is known as SDL-2000.

Many users prefer graphical specification languages, while others prefer textual ones. SDL pleases both types of users since it provides textual as well as graphical formats. Processes are the basic elements of SDL. Processes represent components modeled as extended finite state machines. Figure 2.24 shows the symbols used in the graphical representation of SDL.

Fig. 2.24
figure 24

Symbols used in the graphical form of SDL

Example 2.15

Let us consider an FSM similar to that of Fig. 2.13. The FSM of Fig. 2.25 is similar to that of Fig. 2.13, except that output has been added, state Z has been deleted, and the effect of signal k has been changed.

Fig. 2.25
figure 25

FSM to be described in SDL

Figure 2.26 contains the corresponding graphical SDL representation.

Fig. 2.26
figure 26

SDL representation of Fig. 2.25

The representation in Fig. 2.26 is equivalent to the state diagram of Fig. 2.25. ∇

As an extension to FSMs, SDL processes can perform operations on data. Variables can be declared locally for processes. Their type can either be predefined or defined in the SDL description itself. SDL supports abstract data types (ADTs). The syntax for declarations and operations is similar to that in other languages. Figure 2.27 shows how declarations, assignments, and decisions can be represented in SDL.

Fig. 2.27
figure 27

Declarations, assignments, and decisions in SDL

SDL also contains programming language elements such as procedures. Procedure calls can also be represented graphically. Object-oriented features became available with version SDL-1992 of the language and were extended with SDL-2000.

Extended FSMs are just the basic elements of SDL descriptions. In general, SDL descriptions will consist of a set of interacting processes, or FSMs. Processes can send signals to other processes. Semantics of interprocess communication in SDL is based on asynchronous message passing and conceptually implemented through first-in first-out (FIFO) queues associated with processes. There is exactly one input queue per process. Signals sent to a particular process will be placed into the corresponding FIFO queue (see Fig. 2.28).

Fig. 2.28
figure 28

SDL interprocess communication

Each process is assumed to fetch the next available entry from the FIFO queue and check whether it matches one of the inputs described for the current state. If it does, the corresponding state transition takes place and output is generated. The entry from the FIFO queue is ignored if it does not match any of the listed inputs (unless the so-called SAVE mechanism is used). FIFO queues are conceptually thought of as being of infinite length. This means in the description of the semantics of SDL models, FIFO overflow is never taken into account. In actual systems, however, infinite FIFO queues cannot be implemented. They must be of finite length. This is one of the problems of SDL: in order to derive realizations from specifications, safe upper bounds on the length of the FIFO queues must be proven.

Process interaction diagrams can be used for visualizing which of the processes are communicating with each other. Process interaction diagrams include channels used for sending and receiving signals. In the case of SDL, the term “signal” denotes inputs and outputs of modeled automata.

Example 2.16

Figure 2.29 shows a process interaction diagram B1 with channels Sw1 and Sw2. Brackets include the names of signals propagated along a certain channel. ∇

Fig. 2.29
figure 29

Process interaction diagram

There are three ways of indicating the recipient of signals:

  1. 1.

    Through process identifiers: By using identifiers of recipient processes in the graphical output symbol (see Fig. 2.30 (left)).

    Fig. 2.30
    figure 30

    Left, process name identifies recipient; right, channel identifies recipient

    The number of processes does not need to be fixed at compile time, since processes can be generated dynamically at run-time. OFFSPRING represents identifiers of child processes generated dynamically by a process.

  2. 2.

    Explicitly: By indicating the channel name (see Fig. 2.30 (right)). Sw1 is the name of a channel.

  3. 3.

    Implicitly: If signal names imply the channel names, those channels are used. Example: For Fig. 2.29, signal B will implicitly always be communicated via channel Sw1.

No process can be defined within any other (processes cannot be nested). However, they can be grouped hierarchically into so-called blocks. Blocks at the highest hierarchy level are called systems. A system will not have any channels at its boundary if the environment is also modeled as a block. Process interaction diagrams are special cases of block diagrams. Process interaction diagrams are one level above the leaves of the hierarchical description.

Example 2.17

Block B1 of Example 2.16 can be used within intermediate level blocks (such as within B in Fig. 2.31).

Fig. 2.31
figure 31

SDL block

At the highest level in the hierarchy, we have the system (see Fig. 2.32). Figure 2.33 shows the hierarchy modeled by the block diagrams in Figs. 2.29, 2.30, 2.31, and 2.32.

Fig. 2.32
figure 32

SDL system

Fig. 2.33
figure 33

SDL hierarchy

This example demonstrates that process interaction diagrams are next to the leaves of the hierarchical description , while system descriptions represent their root. ∇

Some of the restrictions of modeling hierarchy are removed in version SDL-2000 of the language. With SDL-2000, the descriptive power of blocks and processes is harmonized and replaced by a general agent concept.

In order to support the modeling of time, SDL includes timers. Timers can be declared locally for processes. They can be set using the SET primitive. This primitive has two parameters: an absolute time and a timer name. The absolute time defines a time at which the timer elapses. The built-in function now can be used to refer to the time at which the SET primitive is executed. Once a timer is elapsed, a signal is stored in the input queue. The name of this signal is obtained from the second parameter of the SET call. The signal will then typically cause a certain transition to take place in the FSM. However, this transition may be delayed by other entries in the input queue which have to be processed first. Hence, this timer concept is designed for soft timing constraints typically found in telecommunications and inappropriate for hard timing constraints. A second built-in function expirytime can be used to avoid some of the limitations of the now function.

Timers can be reset using the RESET primitive. This primitive will stop the counting process and—in case the signal has already been stored in the input queue—removes the signal from it. An implicit RESET is executed at the very beginning of executing a SET.

Example 2.18

Figure 2.34 shows the use of a timer Z. The diagram corresponds to that of Fig. 2.26, with the exception that timer Z is set to the current time now plus T during the transition from state D to E. For the transition from E to A, we now have a timeout of T time units. If these time units have elapsed before signal f has arrived, a transition to state A is taken without generating output signal v. Strictly periodic processing with a period of T is difficult to achieve this way, due to the possible delays by other entries in the input queue. ∇

Fig. 2.34
figure 34

Using timer Z

Example 2.19

SDL can be used to describe protocol stacks found in computer networks, and SDL is very appropriate for this. Figure 2.35 shows three processors connected through a router. Communication between processors and the router is based on FIFOs. The processors as well as the router implement layered protocols (see Fig. 2.36). Each layer describes communication at a more abstract level. The behavior of each layer is typically modeled as a finite state machine. The detailed description of these FSMs depends on the network protocol and can be quite complex. Typically, this behavior includes checking and handling of error conditions, as well as sorting and forwarding of information packets. ∇

Fig. 2.35
figure 35

Small computer network described in SDL

Fig. 2.36
figure 36

Protocol stacks represented in SDL

Available tools for SDL include interfaces to UML (see p. 93) and SCs (see p. 15). A comprehensive list of tools is available from the SDL forum [483].

Estelle [74] is another language which was designed to describe communication protocols. Similar to SDL, Estelle assumes communication via channels and FIFO buffers. Attempts to unify Estelle and SDL failed. Evaluation of SDL

SDL is excellent for distributed applications, and it is very useful as a reference model for asynchronous message passing. SDL is not necessarily determinate (the order, in which signals arriving at some FIFO at the same time are processed, is not specified). Reliable implementations require the knowledge of an upper bound on the length of the FIFOs. This upper bound may be difficult to compute. The timer concept is sufficient for soft deadlines, but not for hard ones. Hierarchies are not supported in the same way as in StateCharts. There is no full programming support (but revisions of the standard changed this) and no description of non-functional properties. SDL has been used, for example, for specifying ISDN. Currently, there seems to be a trend for a generalization of discussions, from the specific case of SDL toward general system description techniques [482].

2.5 Data Flow

2.5.1 Scope

Data flow is a very “natural” way of describing real-life applications. Data-flow models reflect the way in which data flows from component to component [146]. Each component transforms the data in one way or the other. The following is a possible definition of data flow:

Definition 2.14 ([582])

Data-flow modeling “is the process of identifying, modeling, and documenting how data moves around an information system. Data flow modeling examines processes (activities that transform data from one form to another), data stores (the holding areas for data), external entities (what sends data into a system or receives data from a system), and data flows (routes by which data can flow).”

A data flow program is specified by a directed graph where the nodes (vertices), called actors, represent computations and the arcs represent communication channels. The computation performed by each actor is assumed to be functional, that is, based on the input values only. Each process in a data flow graph is decomposed into a sequence of firings, which are atomic actions. Each firing produces and consumes tokens.

Example 2.20

Figure 2.37 describes the flow of data in a video-on-demand (VOD) system [298]. Viewers are entering the system via the network interface. Their admission request is added to the customer queue. Once they are admitted, their requests are scheduled for the file system. The file system, in cooperation with storage control, makes videos available to the customer. ∇

Fig. 2.37
figure 37

Video-on-demand system (blue, storage; yellow, processing; green, I/O)

For unrestricted data flow, it is difficult to prove requested system properties. Therefore, restricted models are commonly used.

A special type of data flow is used for implementing out-of-order execution of instructions in computer architectures. This type of execution is also known as dynamic scheduling of instructions. Two algorithms for dynamic scheduling are well-known: scoreboarding and the Tomasulo algorithm [544]. Both algorithms are covered in detail in books on computer architecture (see, e.g., Hennessy et al. [211]). Therefore, they are not included in this book. There are variants of these algorithms which are applied at task level (e.g., see Wang et al. [564]).

2.5.2 Kahn Process Networks

Kahn process networks (KPN) [278] are a special case of data-flow models. Like other data-flow models, KPNs consist of nodes and edges. Nodes correspond to computations performed by some program or task. KPN graphs, like all data-flow graphs, show computations to be performed and their dependencies, but not the order in which the computations must be performed (in contrast to specifications in von Neumann languages such as C). Edges imply communication via channels containing potentially infinite FIFOs. Computation times and communication times may vary, but communication is guaranteed to happen within a finite amount of time. Writes are non-blocking, since the FIFOs are assumed to be as large as needed. Reads must specify a single channel to be read from. A node cannot check whether data is available before attempting a read. A process cannot wait for data on more than one port at a time. Read operations block whenever an attempt is made to read from an empty FIFO queue. Only a single process is allowed to read from a certain queue, and only a single process is allowed to write into a queue. So, if output data has to be sent to more than a single process, data must be duplicated inside processes. There is no other way for communication between processes except through FIFO queues. In the following example, τ1 and τ2 are incrementing and decrementing the value received from the partner:

Figure 2.38 shows a graphical representation of this KPN.

Fig. 2.38
figure 38

Graphical representation of KPN

Obviously, we do not really need the FIFOs in this example, since messages cannot accumulate in the channels. This example and other examples can be simulated with the levi simulation software [496].

The mentioned restrictions for read and write operations are resulting in the key beauty of KPNs: the order in which a node is reading data from its channels is fixed by the sequence of read operations and does not depend on the order in which producers are transmitting data over the channels. This means that the sequence of operations is independent of the speed of the nodes producing data. For a given set of input data, KPNs will always generate the same results, independently of the speed of the nodes. This property is important, for example, for simulations: it does not matter how fast we are simulating the KPN; the result will always be the same. In particular, the result does not depend on using hardware accelerators for some of the nodes, and a distributed execution will give the same result as a centralized one. This property has been called “determinate” and we are following this use. SDL-like conflicts at FIFOs do not exist. Due to this nice property, KPNs are frequently used as an internal representation within a design flow.

Sometimes, KPNs are extended with a “merge” operator (corresponding to Ada’s select statement, see p. 85). This operator allows for queuing read commands containing a list of channels. The operator completes execution after the first of these channels has generated data. Such an operator introduces a non-determinate behavior: the order of processing inputs is not specified if both inputs arrive at the same time. This extension is useful in practice, but it destroys the key beauty of KPNs.

In general, Kahn processes require scheduling at run-time, since it is difficult to predict their precise behavior over time. These problems result from the fact that we do not make any assumptions regarding the speed of the channels and the nodes. Nevertheless, execution times are actually unknown during early design phases, and therefore this model is very adequate.

KPNs are Turing-complete, which means whatever can be computed by a Turing machine (the standard model for computability) can also be computed by a KPN. The proof is based on the fact that KPNs are a superset of so-called Boolean dataflow (BDF) and according to Buck [73] BDF can simulate Turing machines. However, the number of processes has to be fixed at design time, which is an important limitation for many applications.

Whether or not finite-length FIFOs are sufficient for an actual KPN model is undecidable in the general case. However, useful scheduling algorithms [293] or proofs of the boundedness of the FIFOs [99] exist for some special cases. For example, bounds can be derived for polyhedral process networks (PPNs). For PPNs, the code for each of the nodes includes loops with bounds known at compile time. Derin [125] exploits knowledge about the code of the nodes for dynamic task migration.

2.5.3 SDF

Scheduling becomes significantly easier, and questions regarding buffer sizes can decidably be answered if we impose sufficient restrictions on the timing of nodes and channels. For SDF [328], this is the case. Initially, the acronym SDF was a shorthand for synchronous data flow. Today, it is increasingly interpreted to denote static data flow.

SDF can be introduced by referring to its graphical notation. SDF models include a directed graph, i.e., SDF models contain nodes and directed edges. Nodes are also called actors. Edges can store tokens, by default an unlimited number of them. Some of the edges will initially contain some tokens. Each edge has an incoming and an outgoing weight. The execution of an SDF model assumes a clock. For an actor to be enabled, it is necessary that for each of the edges leading to that actor, the number of tokens on that edge is at least equal to the outgoing weight for the edge.

Example 2.21

Figure 2.39 (left) shows an SDF graph. Actors A and B denote computations. Input edges like the one shown at the top for actor A are assumed to supply an infinite stream of tokens. Actor B is enabled since there is a sufficient number of tokens on the edges leading to B. Actor A is not enabled. At each clock tick, enabled actors can fire, but they do not have to. If they fire, the number of tokens on the incoming edges gets decreased by the incoming weight, and the number of tokens on the outgoing edges is increased by the outgoing weight. In our example, the resulting number of tokens is shown in Fig. 2.39 on the right. Obviously, the number of tokens produced or consumed in a particular firing is static (does not vary during the execution of the model). ∇

Fig. 2.39
figure 39

Graphical representation of SDF: left, initial situation; right, after firing B

In practice, tokens will represent data, actors will represent computations, and edges should correspond to FIFO buffers. Buffers on the edges imply that SDF uses asynchronous message passing. Instead of using the default unlimited buffer capacities, we can express limited buffer capacities with backward edges. The initial number of tokens on these backward edges corresponds to the capacity of the FIFO buffer. This is shown in Fig. 2.40. The two models shown in Fig. 2.40 are equivalent. For example, the first firing of A will consume three tokens from the backward edge, leaving only one token on the backward edge, corresponding to the one empty FIFO slot after the first firing of A on the left.

Fig. 2.40
figure 40

Replacing explicit FIFO buffers by backward edges

The property of producing and consuming a static number of tokens makes it possible to determine execution order and memory requirements at compile time. Hence, complex run-time scheduling of executions is avoided. SDF graphs can be translated into periodic schedules.

Example 2.22

Let us have a closer look at schedules of SDF models. Consider the example shown in Fig. 2.41. Suppose that initially there are six tokens for edge e 1. Then, Table 2.2 (left) shows the resulting schedule for firings. Due to the limited number of initial tokens, only sequential firings are feasible. Now, let us assume that there are nine initial tokens for edge e 1. Assuming that all actors fire as soon as possible, the schedule of Table 2.2 (right) is produced. Under this assumption, A and B fire synchronously. ∇

Fig. 2.41
figure 41

SDF loop

Table 2.2 Schedules for loop in SDF: left, six initial tokens on e 1; right, nine initial tokens on e 1

During the generation of schedules, we could also consider constraints and objectives such as a limited number of available processors [57].

In this example, using edge labels 2, 3, 4, and 6 resulted in different execution rates of actors A and B. In general, edge labels facilitate the modeling of multi-rate signal processing applications, applications for which certain signals are generated at frequencies that are multiples of other frequencies. For example, in a TV set, some computations might be performed at a rate of 100 Hz, while others are performed at a rate of 50 Hz. Ignoring some initial transient phase and considering longer periods, the number of tokens sent to an edge must be equal to the number of tokens consumed. Otherwise, tokens would accumulate in the FIFO buffers, and no finite FIFO capacity would be sufficient. Let n s be the number of tokens produced by some sender per firing, and let f s be the corresponding rate. Let n r be the corresponding number of tokens consumed per firing at the receiver, and let f r be the corresponding rate. Then, we must have

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \begin{array}{rcl} n_s * f_s & =&\displaystyle n_r * f_r \end{array} \end{aligned} $$

This condition is met in the steady state for the example shown in Table 2.2.

SDF graphs may include delays, denoted by the symbol D on an edge (see Fig. 2.42).

Fig. 2.42
figure 42

SDF delay

The observer pattern, mentioned as a problem for modeling with von Neumann languages on p. 35, can be easily implemented correctly in SDF (see Fig. 2.43). There is no risk of deadlocks. However, SDF does not allow adding new observers at run-time.

Fig. 2.43
figure 43

Observer pattern in SDF

The letter S in SDF initially was meant to stand for the term synchronous, since enabled nodes fire synchronously. However, the two schedules in Table 2.2 demonstrate that cases of firing all actors synchronously may indeed be very rare. Therefore, the “S” in SDF has also been reinterpreted to denote the term “static” instead of “synchronous.”

SDF models are determinate [206], but they are not appropriate for modeling control flow, such as branches, etc. Several extensions and variations of SDF models have been proposed (see, e.g., Stuijk [515]):

  • For example, we can have modes corresponding to states of an associated finite state machine. For each of the modes, a different SDF graph could be relevant. Certain events could then cause transitions between these modes. We could have modes for different video resolutions and could have a transition whenever we change the resolution.

  • Homogeneous synchronous data-flow (HSDF) graphs are a special case of SDF graphs. For HSDF graphs, the number of tokens consumed and produced per firing is always 1.

  • For cyclo-static data flow (CSDF), the number of tokens produced and consumed per firing can vary over time but has to be periodic.

Complex SUDs including control flow must be modeled using more general computational graph structures.

2.5.4 Simulink

Computational graph structures are also frequently used in control engineering. For this domain, the Simulink® toolbox of MATLAB® [529, 533] is very popular. MATLAB is a modeling and simulation tool based on mathematical models including, for example, partial differential equations. Figure 2.44 shows an example of a Simulink model [365].

Fig. 2.44
figure 44

Simulink model

The amplifier Gain6 and the saturation component Saturation on the right demonstrate the inclusion of analog modeling. In the general case, the “schematic” could contain symbols denoting analog components such as integrators and differentiators. The switch in the center indicates that Simulink also allows some control flow modeling.

The graphical representation is intuitive and allows control engineers to focus on the control function, without caring about the code necessary to implement the function. The graphical symbols suggest that analog circuits are used as traditional components in control designs. A key goal is to synthesize software from such models. This approach is typically associated with the term model-based design.

Semantics of Simulink models reflect the simulation on a digital computer, and the behavior may be similar to that of analog circuits, but possibly not quite the same. What is actually the semantics of a Simulink model? Marian and Ma [365] describe the semantics as follows: “Simulink uses an idealized timing model for block (node) execution and communication. Both happen infinitely fast at exact points in simulated time. Thereafter, simulated time is advanced by exact time steps. All values on edges are constant in between time steps.” This means that we execute the model time step after time step. For each step, we compute the function of the nodes (in zero time) and propagate the new values to connected inputs. This explanation does not specify the distance between time steps. Also, it does not immediately tell us how to implement the system in software, since even slowly varying outputs may be recomputed frequently.

This approach is appropriate for modeling physical systems such as cars or trains at a high level and then simulating the behavior of these systems. Also, digital signal processing systems can be conveniently modeled with MATLAB® and Simulink®. In order to generate implementations, MATLAB/Simulink models first must be translated into a language supported by software or hardware design systems, such as C or VHDL. This way of generating software can be considered a case of model-based design. Model-based design could be a way of avoiding time-consuming manual code generation, but this requires that the issues mentioned above do not block the applicability of this approach.

Components in Simulink models provide a special case of actors. We can assume that actors are waiting for input and perform their operation once all required inputs have arrived. SDF and KPNs are other cases of actor-based languages. In actor-based languages, there is no need to pass control to these actors, like in von Neumann languages. This has the advantage of providing freedom for scheduling of computations in software.

2.6 Petri Nets

2.6.1 Introduction

Very comprehensive descriptions of control flow are feasible with computational graphs known as Petri nets. Actually, Petri nets model only control and control dependencies. Modeling data as well requires extensions of Petri nets. Petri nets focus on the modeling of causal dependencies.

In 1962, Carl Adam Petri published his method for modeling causal dependencies, which became known as Petri nets [450]. Petri nets do not assume any global synchronization and are therefore especially suited for modeling distributed systems.

Conditions, events , and a flow relation are the key elements of Petri nets. Conditions are either satisfied or not satisfied. Events can happen. The flow relation describes the conditions that must be met before events can happen, and it also describes the conditions that become true if events happen. Graphical notations for Petri nets typically use circles to denote conditions and boxes to denote events. Arrows represent flow relations.

Example 2.23

Our first example, shown in Fig. 2.45, describes mutual exclusion for trains on a railroad track that must be used in both directions. A token is used to prevent collisions of trains going into opposite directions. In the Petri net, that token is symbolized by a condition in the center of the model. A partially filled circle (a circle containing a second, filled circle) denotes that a condition is met (this means the track is available). When a train wants to travel to the right (also denoted by a partially filled circle in Fig. 2.45), the two conditions that are necessary for the event “train entering track from the left” are met. We call these two conditions preconditions. If the preconditions of an event are met, it can happen.

Fig. 2.45
figure 45

Single-track railroad segment

As a result of that event happening, the token is no longer available, and there is no train waiting to enter the track. Hence, the preconditions are no longer met, and the partially filled circles disappear (see Fig. 2.46).

Fig. 2.46
figure 46

Using resource “track”

However, there is now a train going on that track from the left to the right, and thus the corresponding condition is met (see Fig. 2.46). A condition which is met after an event happened is called a postcondition. In general, an event can happen only if all its preconditions are true (or met). If it happens, the preconditions are no longer met, and the postconditions become valid. Arrows identify those conditions which are preconditions of an event and those that are postconditions of an event. Continuing with our example, we see that a train leaving the track will return the token to the condition at the center of the model (see Fig. 2.47).

Fig. 2.47
figure 47

Freeing resource “track”

Now, consider two trains competing for the single-track segment (see Fig. 2.48).

Fig. 2.48
figure 48

Conflict for resource “track”

Only one train can enter. In such situations, the next transition to be fired is non-deterministically chosen. Analyses of the net must consider all possible firing sequences. For Petri nets, we are intentionally modeling non-determinism. ∇

A key advantage of Petri nets is that they can be the basis for formal proofs about system properties and that there are standardized ways of generating such proofs. In order to enable such proofs, we need a more formal definition of Petri nets. We will consider three classes of Petri nets: condition/event nets, place/transitions nets, and predicate transition nets.

2.6.2 Condition/Event Nets

Condition/event nets are the first class of Petri nets that we will define more formally.

Definition 2.15

N = (C, E, F) is called a net iff the following holds:

  1. 1.

    C and E are disjoint sets.

  2. 2.

    F ⊆ (E × C) ∪ (C × E) is a binary relation, called flow relation.

The set C is called conditions and the set E is called events.

Definition 2.16

Let N be a net and let x ∈ (C ∪ E). x := {y|yFx, y ∈ (C ∪ E)} is called the pre-set of x. If x denotes an event, x is also called the set of preconditions of x.

Definition 2.17

Let N be a net and let x ∈ (C ∪ E). x  := {y|xFy, y ∈ (C ∪ E)} is called the post-set of x. If x denotes an event, x is also called the set of postconditions of x.

The terms preconditions and postconditions are preferred if these sets actually denote conditions ∈ C, that is, if x ∈ E.

Definition 2.18

Let (c, e) ∈ C × E. (c, e) is called a loop if cFe ∧ eFc.

Definition 2.19

Let (c, e) ∈ C × E. N is called pure if F does not contain any loops (see Fig. 2.49 (left)).

Fig. 2.49
figure 49

Nets which are not pure (left) and not simple (center and right)

Definition 2.20

A net is called simple if no two transitions t 1 and t 2 have the same set of pre- and postconditions (see Fig. 2.49 (center) and (right)).

Simple nets with no isolated elements meeting some additional restrictions are called condition/event nets. Condition/event nets are a special case of bipartite graphs (graphs with two disjoint sets of nodes). We will not discuss those additional restrictions in detail since we will consider more general classes of nets in the following.

2.6.3 Place/Transition Nets

For condition/event nets, there is at most one token per condition. For many applications, it is useful to remove this restriction and to allow more tokens per condition. Nets allowing more than one token per condition are called place/transition nets. Places correspond to what we so far called conditions, and transitions correspond to what we so far called events. The number of tokens per place is called a marking. Mathematically, a marking is a map** from the set of places to the set of natural numbers extended by a special symbol ω denoting infinity.

Let \(\mathbb {N}_0\) denote the natural numbers including 0. Then, formally speaking, place/transition nets can be defined as follows:

Definition 2.21

(P, T, F, K, W, M 0) is called a place/transition net ⇔

  1. 1.

    N = (P, T, F) is a net with places p ∈ P, transitions t ∈ T, and flow relation F.

  2. 2.

    Map** \(K : P \rightarrow (\mathbb {N}_0 \cup \{ \omega \}) \setminus \{ 0 \}\) denotes the capacity of places (ω symbolizes infinite capacity).

  3. 3.

    Map** \(W : F \rightarrow (\mathbb {N}_0 \setminus \{ 0\})\) denotes the weight of graph edges.

  4. 4.

    Map** \(M_0 : P \rightarrow \mathbb {N}_0 \cup \{ \omega \}\) represents the initial marking of places.

Edge weights affect the number of tokens that are required before transitions can happen and also identify the number of tokens that are generated if a certain transition takes place. Let M(p) denote a current marking of place p ∈ P, and let M′(p) denote a marking after some transition t ∈ T took place. The weight of edges belonging to preconditions represents the number of tokens that are removed from places in the pre-set. Accordingly, the weight of edges belonging to the postconditions represents the number of tokens that are added to the places in the post-set. Formally, marking M′ is computed as follows:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} M'(p) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} M(p)-W(p,t), & \mbox{if } p \in ~^{\bullet}t \setminus ~t^{\bullet} \\ M(p)+W(t,p), & \mbox{if } p \in ~t^{\bullet} \setminus ~^{\bullet}t \\ M(p)-W(p,t)+W(t,p), & \mbox{if } p \in ~^{\bullet}t \cap ~t^{\bullet} \\ M(p) & \mbox{otherwise } \\ \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$

Figure 2.50 demonstrates how transition t j affects the current marking. By default, unlabeled edges are considered to have a weight of 1, and unlabeled places are considered to have unlimited capacity ω.

Fig. 2.50
figure 50

Generation of a new marking

We now need to explain the two conditions that must be met before a transition t ∈ T can take place:

  • for all places p in the pre-set, the number of tokens must at least be equal to the weight of the edge from p to t and

  • for all places p in the post-set, the capacity must be large enough to accommodate the new tokens which t will generate.

Transitions meeting these two conditions are called M-activated. Formally, this can be defined as follows:

Definition 2.22

Transition t ∈ T is said to be M-activated ⇔

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} (\forall p \in ~^{\bullet}t : M(p) \geq W(p,t)) \wedge (\forall p' \in t^{\bullet} : M(p') + W(t,p') \leq K(p')) \end{aligned}$$

Activated transitions can happen, but they do not need to. If several transitions are activated, the sequence in which they happen is not deterministically defined.

The impact of a firing transition t on the number of tokens can be represented conveniently by a vector \( \underline {t}\) associated with t. \( \underline {t}\) is defined as follows:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \underline{t}(p) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} -W(p,t), & \mbox{if } p \in ~^{\bullet}t \setminus ~t^{\bullet} \\ +W(t,p), & \mbox{if } p \in ~t^{\bullet} \setminus ~^{\bullet}t \\ -W(p,t)+W(t,p), & \mbox{if } p \in ~^{\bullet}t \cap ~t^{\bullet} \\ 0 & \mbox{otherwise } \\ \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$

The new number M′ of tokens, resulting from the firing of transition t, can be computed for all places p as follows:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} M'(p) = M(p) + \underline{t}(p) \end{aligned}$$

Using “+ ” to denote vector addition, we can rewrite this equation as follows:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} M' = M + \underline{t} \end{aligned}$$

The set of all vectors \( \underline {t}\) forms an incidence matrix \( \underline {N}\). \( \underline {N}\) contains vectors \( \underline {t}\) as columns.

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \underline{N}: P \times T \rightarrow \mathbb{Z}; ~~~~~ \forall t \in T: \underline{N}(p,t)=\underline{t}(p) \end{aligned}$$

It is possible to formally prove system properties by using matrix \( \underline {N}\). For example, we are able to compute sets of places, for which firing transitions will not change the overall number of tokens [468]. Such sets are called place invariants. Let us initially consider a single transition t j in order to find such invariants. Let us search for sets R ⊆ P of places such that the total number of tokens does not change if t j fires. The following must hold for such sets:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \begin{array}{rcl} \sum_{p\in R} \underline{t}_j(p) = 0 & &\displaystyle {} \end{array} \end{aligned} $$

Figure 2.51 shows a transition for which the total number of tokens does not change if it fires.

Fig. 2.51
figure 51

Transition with a constant number of tokens

We are now introducing the characteristic vector \( \underline {c}_R\) of some set R of places:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \underline{c}_R(p) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1 & \mbox{iff } p \in R \\ 0 & \mbox{iff } p \not\in R \\ \end{array} \right. \end{aligned}$$

With this definition, we can rewrite Eq. (2.14) as

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \begin{array}{rcl} \sum_{p\in R} \underline{t}_j(p) = \sum_{p\in P} \underline{t}_j(p) \cdot \underline{c}_R(p) = \underline{t}_j \cdot \underline{c}_R =0 {} \end{array} \end{aligned} $$

⋅ denotes the scalar product. Now, we search for sets of places such that firings of any transition will not change the total number of tokens. This means that Eq. (2.15) must hold for all transitions t j:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \begin{array}{rcl} \underline{t}_1 \cdot \underline{c}_R =0 & &\displaystyle \\ \underline{t}_2 \cdot \underline{c}_R =0 & &\displaystyle {}\\ \ldots & &\displaystyle \\ \underline{t}_n \cdot \underline{c}_R =0 & &\displaystyle \end{array} \end{aligned} $$

Equations (2.16) can be combined into the following equation by using the transposed incidence matrix \( \underline {N}^T\):

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \begin{array}{rcl} \underline{N}^T \cdot \underline{c}_R = 0 {} \end{array} \end{aligned} $$

Equation (2.17) represents a system of linear, homogeneous equations. Matrix \( \underline {N}\) represents edge weights of our Petri nets. We are looking for solution vectors \( \underline {c}_R\) for this system of equations. Solutions must be characteristic vectors. Therefore, their components must be 1 or 0 (integer weights can be accepted if we use weighted sums of tokens). This is more complex than solving systems of linear equations with real-valued solution vectors. Nevertheless, it is possible to obtain information by solving Eq. (2.17). Using this proof technique, we can, for example, show that we are correctly implementing mutually exclusive access to shared resources.

Example 2.24

Let us now consider a larger example: We are again considering the synchronization of trains. In particular, we are trying to model high-speed Thalys trains traveling between Amsterdam, Cologne, Brussels, and Paris. Segments of the train run independently from Amsterdam and Cologne to Brussels. There, the segments get connected and then they run to Paris. On the way back from Paris, they get disconnected at Brussels again. We assume that Thalys trains must synchronize with some other train at Paris. The corresponding Petri net is shown in Fig. 2.52.

Fig. 2.52
figure 52

Model of Thalys trains running between Amsterdam, Cologne, Brussels, and Paris

Places 3 and 10 model trains waiting at Cologne and Amsterdam, respectively. Transitions 2 and 9 model trains driving from these cities to Brussels. After their arrival at Brussels, places 2 and 9 contain tokens. Transition 1 denotes connecting the two trains. Place 13 models the driver of one of the trains, who will have a break at Brussels while the other driver is continuing on to Paris. Transition 5 models synchronization with other trains at the Gare du Nord station of Paris. These other trains connect Gare du Nord with some other station (we have used Gare de Lyon as an example, even though the situation at Paris is somewhat more complex). Of course, Thalys trains do not use steam engines; they are just easier to visualize than modern high-speed trains. Table 2.3 shows matrix N T for this example.

Table 2.3 N T for the Thalys example

For example, row 2 indicates that firing t 2 will increase the number of tokens on p 2 by 1 and decrease the number of tokens on p 3 by 1. Using techniques from linear algebra, we are able to show that the following four vectors are solutions for this system of linear equations:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} c_{R,1} &= (1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)\\ c_{R,2} &= (1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,0,0)\\ c_{R,3} &= (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,1)\\ c_{R,4} &= (0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,0) \end{aligned} $$

These vectors correspond to the places along the track for trains from Cologne, to the places along the track for trains from Amsterdam, to the places along the path for drivers of trains from Amsterdam, and to the places along the track within Paris, respectively. Therefore, we are able to show that the number of trains and drivers along these tracks is constant (something which we actually expect). This example demonstrates that place invariants provide us with a standardized technique for proving properties about systems. ∇

2.6.4 Predicate/Transition Nets

Condition/event nets as well as place/transition nets can quickly become very large for large examples. A reduction of the size of the nets is frequently possible with predicate/transition nets.

Example 2.25

We will demonstrate this, using the so-called dining philosophers’ problem as an example. The problem is based on the assumption that a set of philosophers is dining at a round table. In front of each philosopher, there is a plate containing spaghetti (see Fig. 2.53). Between each of the plates, there is just one fork. Each philosopher is either eating or thinking. Eating philosophers need their two adjacent forks for that, so they can only eat if their neighbors are not eating.

Fig. 2.53
figure 53

The dining philosophers’ problem

This situation can be modeled as a condition/event net, as shown in Fig. 2.54. Conditions t j correspond to the thinking states, conditions e j correspond to the eating states, and conditions f j represent available forks. Considering the small size of the problem, this net is already very large. The size of this net can be reduced by using predicate/transition nets. Figure 2.55 is a model of the same problem as a predicate/transition net. With predicate/transition nets, tokens have an identity and can be distinguished from each other. Predicate/transition nets have also been called colored Petri nets (CPN). See Jensen [272] for a survey of applications of CPNs for modeling of ICT systems, including communication protocols. We use this in Fig. 2.55 in order to distinguish between the three different philosophers p 1 to p 3 and to identify fork f 3. Furthermore, edges can be labeled with variables and functions. In the example, we use variables to represent the identity of philosophers and functions l(x) and r(x) to denote the left and right forks of philosopher x, respectively. These two forks are required as a precondition for transition u and returned as a postcondition by transition v. This model can be easily extended to n > 3 philosophers. We just need to add more tokens. In contrast to the net in Fig. 2.54, the structure of the net does not have to be changed. ∇

Fig. 2.54
figure 54

Place/transition net model of the dining philosophers’ problem

Fig. 2.55
figure 55

Predicate/transition net model of the dining philosophers’ problem

2.6.5 Evaluation

The key advantage of Petri nets is their power for modeling causal dependencies. Standard Petri nets have no notion of time, and all decisions can be taken locally by just analyzing transitions and their pre- and postconditions. Therefore, they can be used for modeling geographically distributed systems. Furthermore, there is a strong theoretical foundation for Petri nets, simplifying formal proofs of system properties. Petri nets are not necessarily determinate: different firing sequences can lead to different results. The descriptive power of Petri nets encompasses that of other MoCs, including finite state machines.

In certain contexts, their strength is also their weakness. If time is to be modeled, standard Petri nets cannot be used. Furthermore, standard Petri nets have no notion of hierarchy and no programming language elements, let alone object-oriented features. In general, it is difficult to represent data.

There are extended versions of Petri nets avoiding the mentioned weaknesses. However, there is no universal extended version of Petri nets meeting all requirements mentioned at the beginning of this chapter. Nevertheless, due to the increasing amount of distributed computing, Petri nets became more popular.

UML includes extended Petri nets called activity diagrams. Extensions include symbols denoting decisions (like in ordinary flow charts). The placement of symbols is similar to SDL.

Example 2.26

Figure 2.56 shows an activity chart of the procedure to be followed during a standardization process. Forks and joins of control correspond to transitions in Petri nets, and they use the symbols (horizontal bars) that were initially used for Petri nets as well. The diamond at the bottom shows the symbol used for decisions. Activities can be organized into “swim lanes” (areas between vertical dotted lines) such that the different responsibilities and the documents exchanged can be visualized. ∇

Fig. 2.56
figure 56

Activity diagram [299]

Interestingly, Petri nets were initially not a mainstream technique. Decades after their invention, they have become a popular technique due to their inclusion in UML.

2.7 Discrete Event-Based Languages

2.7.1 Basic Discrete Event Simulation Cycle

The discrete event-based model of computation is based on simulating the generation of events and processing them over time. We use a queue of future events, and these are sorted by the time at which they should be processed. Semantics is defined by fetching the event at the head of the queue, performing the corresponding actions, and possibly entering new events into the queue. Time is advanced whenever no action exists which should be performed at the current time. This is the basic algorithm:

Hardware description languages (HDLs) are typically based on the discrete event model. We will use HDLs as a prominent example of discrete event modeling.

Example 2.27

We demonstrate the application of this general scheme to simulate an RS-latch (see Fig. 2.57). The latch consists of two cross-coupled NOR-gates. The corresponding code in a hardware description language, in this case VHDL, is included in Fig. 2.57 as well. A representative sequence of values at the inputs and outputs is shown in Table 2.4.

Fig. 2.57
figure 57

Two cross-connected NOR-gates forming an RS latch

Table 2.4 Sequence of values at inputs and outputs of RS latch

Let us assume that initially, the latch is set, and this state is maintained, i.e., output Q is ’ 1’ and R = S = ’ 0’. The operation of both NOR-gates is described by processes gate1 and gate2. These processes are initially inactive, waiting for some event on their inputs a or b. This waiting is expressed by the lists ( a,b) . gate1 and gate2 are said to be sensitive to the entries in that list.

Now, suppose that at time 0, input R, the reset input, is changed to ’ 1’. We expect the latch to be reset. In terms of events, this works as follows: The change at input R is an event, which is stored in the queue of future events.

This event is immediately processed, since it is the only event in the queue. This event will wake up gate2, since this gate is sensitive to changes on its input b. gate2 will compute the nor function, with a result of ’ 0’, and will then perform the assignment c <= ’ 0’. This notation indicates a signal assignment. This means that the new values will initially be stored only in the entries of future events. The actual assignment to the variable on the left becomes effective only when the time for processing this entry in the list of future events has been reached. In our example, an event requesting output c of gate2 to be set to ’ 0’ will be created and stored in the event queue.

This event will be immediately fetched, since it is the only event. The event will set output c to ’ 0’. This wakes up gate1, due to its sensitivity. gate1 will compute the nor function as well. This computation results in an event, requesting output c of gate1 to be set to ’ 1’. This event will also be stored in the queue

This event will also be immediately processed, setting the output as requested. This change will wake up gate2 again. gate2 will again compute an output of ’ 0’. Further details will depend somewhat on the mechanism which is used to detect stable situations not requiring further events to be generated.

We could have added delays in terms of real physical units to each of the signal assignments, which would have allowed us to keep track of elapsed time. Overall, this event-based simulation approximates the behavior of a real latch. ∇

2.7.2 Multi-Valued Logic

Which values could we use for the signals in the above example? In this book, we are restricting ourselves to embedded systems implemented with binary logic. Nevertheless, it may be advisable or necessary to use more than two values for modeling such systems. For example, our systems might contain electrical signals of different strengths. It may be necessary to compute the strength and the logic level resulting from a connection of two or more sources of electrical signals. In the following, we will therefore distinguish between the level and the strength of a signal. While the former is an abstraction of the signal voltage, the latter is an abstraction of the impedance (resistance) of the voltage source. We will be using discrete sets of signal values representing the signal level and the strength. Using discrete sets of strengths avoids the problems of having to solve Kirchhoff’s network equations and enables us to avoid analog models used in electrical engineering. We will also model unknown electrical signals by special signal values.

In practice, electronic design systems use a variety of value sets. Some systems allow only 2, while others allow 9 or 46. The overall goal of develo** discrete value sets is to avoid the problems of solving network equations and still model existing systems with sufficient precision.

In the following, we will present a systematic technique for building up value sets and relating these to each other. We will use the strength of electrical signals as the key parameter for distinguishing between various value sets. A systematic way of building up value sets, called CSA theory, was presented by Hayes [208]. CSA stands for “connector, switch, attenuator.” These three elements are key elements of this theory. We will later show how the standard value set used for most cases of VHDL-based modeling can be derived as a special case. One Signal Strength (Two Logic Values)

In the simplest case, we will start with just two logic values, called ’ 0’ and ’ 1’. These two values are considered to be of the same strength. This means if two wires connect values ’ 0’ and ’ 1’, we will not know anything about the resulting signal level.

A single signal strength may be sufficient if no two wires carrying values ’ 0’ and ’ 1’ are connected and no signals of different strength meet at a particular node of electronic circuits. Two Signal Strengths (Three and Four Logic Values)

In many circuits, there may be instances in which a certain electrical signal is not actively driven by any output. This may be the case, when a certain wire is not connected to ground, the supply voltage, or any circuit node. For example, systems may contain open-collector outputs (see Fig. 2.58 (left)).Footnote 16

Fig. 2.58
figure 58

Effectively disconnectable outputs: left, open collector output; right, tristate output

If the “pull-down” transistor PD is non-conducting, the output is effectively disconnected. For the tristate outputs (see Fig. 2.58 (right)), an enable signal of ’ 0’ will generate a ’ 0’ at the outputs of the AND-gates (denoted by &) and will make both transistors non-conducting. As a result, output A will be disconnected.Footnote 17 Hence, using appropriate input signals, such outputs can be effectively disconnected from a wire.

The signal strength of disconnected outputs is the smallest strength that we can think of. We will denote the value at disconnected outputs as ’ Z’. The signal strength of ’ Z’ is smaller than that of ’ 0’ and ’ 1’. Furthermore, the signal level of ’ Z’ is unknown. If a signal of value ’ Z’ is connected to another signal, that other signal will always dominate. For example, if two tristate outputs are connected to the same bus and if one output contributes a value of ’ Z’, the resulting value on the bus will always be the value contributed by the second output (see Fig. 2.59).

Fig. 2.59
figure 59

Right output dominates bus

In most cases, three-valued logic sets {’ 0’,’ 1’,’ Z’} are extended by a fourth value called ’ X’. ’ X’ represents an unknown signal level of the same strength as ’ 0’ or ’ 1’. More precisely, we are using ’ X’ to represent unknown values of signals that can be either ’ 0’ or ’ 1’ or some voltage representing neither ’ 0’ nor ’ 1’.Footnote 18

If multiple signals get connected, we have to compute the resulting value. This can be done easily if we make use of a partial order among the four signal values ’ 0’, ’ 1’, ’ Z’, and ’ X’. The partial order is depicted in the Hasse diagram in Fig. 2.60.

Fig. 2.60
figure 60

Partial order for value set {’ 0’,’ 1’,’ Z’, ’ X’}

Edges in this figure reflect the domination of signal values. Edges define a relation > . If a > b, then a dominates b. ’ 0’ and ’ 1’ dominate ’ Z’. ’ X’ dominates all other signal values. Based on the relation > , we define a relation ≥. a ≥ b holds iff a > b or a = b.

We define an operation sup on two signals, which returns the supremum of the two signal values.

Definition 2.23

Let a and b be two signal values from a partially ordered set (S, ≥). The supremum c ∈ S of the two values a and b is the smallest value for which c ≥ a and c ≥ b holds.

For example, sup (’ Z’, ’ 0’) = ’ 0’, sup(’ Z’,’ 1’) = ’ 1’, sup (’ 0’, ’ 1’) = ’ X’, etc.

Lemma 2.1

Let a and b be two signals having values from a partially ordered set, where the partial order has been selected as shown above. Then, the sup function computes resulting signal values if the two signals get connected.

The supremum corresponds to the connect element of the CSA theory. Three Signal Strengths (Seven Signal Values)

In many circuits, two signal strengths are not sufficient. A common case that requires more values is the use of depletion transistors (see Fig. 2.61).

Fig. 2.61
figure 61

Output using depletion transistor

The effect of the depletion transistor is similar to that of a resistor providing a low conductance path to the supply voltage VDD. The depletion transistor and the “pull-down transistor” PD act as drivers for node A of the circuit, and the signal value at node A can be computed using the supremum function. The pull-down transistor provides a driver value of ’ 0’ or ’ Z’, depending upon the input to PD. The depletion transistor provides a signal value, which is weaker than ’ 0’ and ’ 1’. Its signal level corresponds to the signal level of ’ 1’. We represent the value contributed by the depletion transistor by ’ H’, and we call it a “weak logic one.” Similarly, there can be weak logic zeros, represented by ’ L’. The value resulting from the possible connection between ’ H’ and ’ L’ is called a “weak logic undefined,” denoted as ’ W’. As a result, we have three signal strengths and seven logic values {’ 0’, ’ 1’, ’ L’, ’ H’, ’ W’, ’ X’, ’ Z’}. Computing the resulting signal value can again be based on a partial order among these seven values. The corresponding partial order is shown in Fig. 2.62.

Fig. 2.62
figure 62

Partial order for value set {’ 0’,’ 1’,’ L’, ’ H’,’ W’,’ X’,’ Z’}

sup is also defined for this partially ordered set. For example, sup(’ H’,’ 0’) = ’ 0’, sup(’ H’,’ Z’) = ’ H’; sup(’ H’; ’ L’) = ’ W’.

’ 0’ and ’ L’ represent the same signal levels but a different strength. The same holds for the pairs ’ 1’ and ’ H’. Devices increasing signal strengths are called amplifiers; devices reducing signal strengths are called attenuators. Four Signal Strengths (Ten Signal Values)

In some cases, three signal strengths are not sufficient. For example, there are circuits using charges stored on wires. Such wires are charged to levels corresponding to ’ 0’ or ’ 1’ during some phases of the operation of the electronic circuit. This stored charge can control the (high impedance) inputs of some transistors. However, if these wires get connected to even the weakest signal source (except ’ Z’), they lose their charge, and the signal value from that source dominates.

Example 2.28

In Fig. 2.63, we are driving a bus from a specialized output. The bus has a high capacitive load C. While function f is still ’ 0’, we set pre to ’ 1’, charging capacitor C. Then we set pre to ’ 0’. If the real value of function f becomes known and it turns out to be ’ 1’, we discharge the bus. ∇

Fig. 2.63
figure 63

Precharging a bus

The key reason for using precharging is that charging a bus using an output such as the one shown in Fig. 2.61 is a slow process, since the resistance of depletion transistors is large. Discharging through regular pull-down transistors PD is a much faster process.

In order to model such cases, we need signal values which are weaker than ’ H’ and ’ L’ but stronger than ’ Z’. We call such values “very weak signal values” and denote them by ’ h’ and ’ l’. The corresponding very weak unknown value is denoted by ’ w’. As a result, we obtain ten signal values {’ 0’, ’ 1’, ’ L’, ’ H’, ’ l’, ’ h’, ’ X’, ’ W’, ’ w’, ’ Z’}. Using signal strengths, we can again define a partial order among these values (see Fig. 2.64).

Fig. 2.64
figure 64

Partially ordered set {’ 0’,’ 1’, ’ Z’,’ X’,’ H’,’ L’, ’ W’,’ h’,’ l’,’ w’}

Note that precharging is not without risks. Once a precharged wire is discharged due to a transient signal, it cannot be recharged during the same clock period. Five Signal Strengths

So far, we have ignored power supply signals. These are stronger than the strongest signals we have considered so far. Signal value sets taking power supply signals into account have resulted in the definition of initially popular 46-valued value sets [106]. However, such models are hardly used anymore.

2.7.3 Transaction-Level Modeling (TLM)

Discrete event simulation allows us to keep track of simulated time. However, it is not obvious how precisely we will be modeling time. A very precise model reflecting detailed timing of hardware signals will require long simulation times. In particular, very long simulation times are needed when we model electrical circuits. Faster simulation is feasible with cycle-accurate models reflecting the number of clock cycles in a clocked (synchronous) system implementation. More simulation speed can be gained from more coarse-grained timing models. In particular, transaction-level modeling (TLM) has received much attention. TLM has been defined as follows:

Definition 2.24 ([191])

Transaction-level modeling (TLM) is a high-level approach to modeling digital systems where details of communication among modules are separated from the details of the implementation of functional units or of the communication architecture. Communication mechanisms such as buses or FIFOs are modeled as channels, and are presented to modules using SystemC interface classes. Transaction requests take place by calling interface functions of these channel models, which encapsulate low-level details of the information exchange. At the transaction level, the emphasis is more on the functionality of the data transfers — what data are transferred to and from what locations — and less on their actual implementation, that is, on the actual protocol used for data transfer. This approach makes it easier for the system-level designer to experiment, for example, with different bus architectures (all supporting a common abstract interface) without having to recode models that interact with any of the buses, provided these models interact with the bus through the common interface.”

A more detailed distinction between different timing models was described by Cai and Gajski [83]. They distinguish between timing models for communication and for computationFootnote 19, and they consider different cases of timing models, depending upon how precisely communication and computation are modeled. Six cases are shown in Fig. 2.65.

Fig. 2.65
figure 65

Distinction between different timing models

For communication as well as for computations, we distinguish between untimed, approximately timed, and cycle-timed models. In the diagram in Fig. 2.65, crosses mark three unbalanced combinations of timing models, which have not been considered by Cai and Gajski. As a result, we consider six remaining cases [83]:

  1. A

    Untimed models: In this case, we model only the functionality and do not consider timing at all. Such models are appropriate for early design phases. They can be called specification model.

  2. B

    In the specification model, we can replace pure functionality descriptions by descriptions of components using rough timing models. For example, we might know the WCET of some code running on a processor. We would still model communication by abstract communication primitives. As a result, we obtain node B in Fig. 2.65. Such a model can be called component assembly model.

  3. C

    In a model of type B, we could replace abstract communication primitives by communication models which are approximately timed. This means that we try to model access conflicts and their impact on the timing, but we do not model the impact of each and every signal, nor do we model any links to clock cycles. Such a model can be called bus arbitration model.

  4. D

    In a model of type C, we could replace rough communication timing models with cycle-timed models. This implies that we keep track of elapsed clock cycles in our simulation. We might even consider real, physical time. The resulting model, denoted as node D in Fig. 2.65, can be called a bus functional model [83].

  5. E

    In a model of type C, we could also replace rough computation timing models by cycle-accurate timing models of the computation. This allows us, for example, to capture memory references in detail. The resulting model can be called a cycle-accurate computation model.

  6. F

    The node labeled F is obtained when communication and computation are modeled in a cycle-accurate way. Such a model can be called an implementation model.

Design procedures need to traverse the diagram in Fig. 2.65 from A to F, from the bottom left to the top right.

2.7.4 SpecC

The SpecC language [173] provides us with a nice example for demonstrating TLMs and a clear separation between communication and computation. SpecC models systems as hierarchical networks of behaviors communicating through channels. SpecC descriptions consist of behaviors, channels, and interfaces. Behaviors include ports, locally instantiated components, private variables and functions, and a public main function. Channels encapsulate communication. They include variables and functions, which are used for the definition of a communication protocol. Interfaces are linking behaviors and channels together. They declare the communication protocols which are defined in a channel. SpecC can model hierarchies with nested behaviors.

Example 2.29

Figure 2.66 [173] shows a component G including sub-components g1 and g2 as leaves in the hierarchy. The channel can be changed without changing the interfaces or components.

Fig. 2.66
figure 66

Structural hierarchy of SpecC example

This structural hierarchy is described in the following SpecC model:

Concurrent execution of sub-components is denoted by the keyword par in line 18. As indicated in line 16, sub-components are communicating through integer h1 and through channel h2. Note that the interface protocol implemented in channel H (see line 03), consisting of methods for read and write operations (lines 05 and 06), can be changed without changing behaviors G1 and G2. For example, communication can be bit-serial or parallel, and the choice does not affect the models of G1 and G2. This is a necessary feature for reuse of hardware components or intellectual property (IP). The presented SpecC model does not include any timing information. Hence, it is a specification model (model of type A in Fig. 2.65). ∇

The design flow for SpecC was already shown in Fig. 1.9 on p. 23. The path in Fig. 2.65 is A, B, D, F [83]. At the specification level, SpecC can model any kind of communication and typically uses message passing. The communication model of SpecC has inspired the communication model in SystemC 2.0.

Note that SpecC is based on C and C+ + syntax. The reason for this is the following: There is the trend of implementing more and more functionality in software and using C for this purpose. For example, embedded systems implement standards such as MPEG 1/2/4 or decoders for mobile phone standards such as GSM, UMTS, or LTE. These standards are frequently available in the form of “reference implementations,” consisting of C programs not optimized for speed but providing the required functionality. The disadvantage of design methodologies based on special hardware description languages (like VHDL or Verilog, see below) is that these standards must be rewritten in order to generate systems. Furthermore, simulating hardware and software together requires interfacing software and hardware simulators. Typically, this involves a loss of simulation efficiency and inconsistent user interfaces. Also, designers would need to learn several languages.

Therefore, there has been a search for techniques for representing hardware structures in software languages. Some fundamental problems had to be solved before hardware could be modeled with software languages:

  • Concurrency, as it is found in hardware, has to be modeled in software.

  • There has to be a representation of simulated time.

  • Multiple-valued logic as described earlier must be supported.

  • Almost all useful hardware circuits should simulate deterministically.

For the SpecC language, as well as for other hardware description languages, these problems were solved.

2.7.5 SystemC

TLM modeling and the separation between communication and computation are also available in SystemC. SystemC (like SpecC) is based on C and C+ +. Similar to SpecC, SystemC provides channels, ports, and interfaces as abstract components for communication. The introduction of these mechanisms facilitates TLM.

SystemC [243, 521] is a C+ + class library. With SystemC, specifications can be written in C or C+ +, making appropriate references to the class library. SystemC comprises a notion of processes executed concurrently. Their execution is controlled by calls to wait primitives and sensitivity lists (lists of signals for which value changes start a re-execution of code). The sensitivity list concept includes dynamic sensitivity lists, i.e., the list of relevant signals can change during the execution.

SystemC includes a model of time. Earlier SystemC 1.0 used floating-point numbers to denote time. In the current standard, an integer model of time is preferred. SystemC also supports physical units such as nanoseconds and microseconds. SystemC data types include all common hardware types: four-valued logic (’ 0’, ’ 1’, ’ X’ and ’ Z’) and bitvectors of different lengths are supported. Writing digital signal processing applications is simplified due to available fixed-point data types.

Determinate behavior (see p. 30) of SystemC is not guaranteed in general, unless a certain modeling style is used. Using a command line option, the simulator can be directed to run processes in different orders. This way, the user can check if the simulation results depend on the sequence in which the processes are executed. However, for models of realistic complexity, only the presence of non-determinate behavior can be shown, not its absence.

Transaction-level modeling with SystemC has been described by Montoreano [401]. The paper distinguishes only between two types of TLM models:

  • Loosely timed models are described as follows [401]: “These models have a loose dependency between timing and data, and are able to provide timing information and the requested data at the point when a transaction is being initiated. These models do not depend on the advancement of time to be able to produce a response. Normally, resource contention and arbitration are not modeled using this style. Due to the limited dependencies and minimal context switches, these models can be made to run the fastest and are particularly useful for doing software development on a Virtual Platform.”

  • Approximately timed models are described as follows [401]: “These models can depend on internal/external events firing and/or time advancing before they can provide a response. Resource contention and arbitration can be modeled easily with this style. Since these models must synchronize/order the transactions before processing them, they are forced to trigger multiple context switches in the simulation, resulting in performance penalties.”

Hardware synthesis starting from SystemC has become available [215, 216]. A synthesizable subset of the language has been defined [8]. There are also commercial synthesis offerings. Commercial offerings are expected to support the synthesizable subset as a minimum. Methodology and applications for SystemC-based design are described in a book on that topic [407]. At the time of writing, the most recent version of SystemC is SystemC 2.3.1 [7].

2.7.6 VHDL Introduction

VHDL is another HDL which is based on the discrete event paradigm. Unfortunately, it does not support a clear distinction between communication and computation, and reusing components is more difficult. However, VHDL is supported by many industrial and academic tools and is in widespread use. Having presented an initial example of event-based modeling already on p. 59, we would like to delve deeper into VHDL.

VHDL uses processes for modeling concurrency. Each process models one component of the potentially concurrent hardware. For simple hardware components, a single process may be sufficient. More complex components may need several processes for modeling their operations. Processes communicate through signals. Signals roughly correspond to physical connections (wires).

The origin of VHDL can be traced back to the 1980s. At that time, most design systems used graphical HDLs. The most common building block was the gate. However, in addition to using graphical HDLs, we can also use textual HDLs. The strength of textual languages is that they can easily represent complex computations including variables, loops, function parameters, and recursion. Accordingly, when digital systems became more complex in the 1980s, textual HDLs almost completely replaced graphical HDLs. Textual HDLs were initially a research topic at universities. See Mermet et al. [392] for a survey of languages designed in Europe at that time. MIMOLA was one of these languages, and the author of this book contributed to its design and applications [373, 377]. Textual languages became popular when VHDL and its competitor Verilog (see p. 82) were introduced.

VHDL was designed in the context of the VHSIC program of the Department of Defense (DoD) in the USA. VHSIC stands for very high speed integrated circuits. Initially, the design of VHDL (VHSIC hardware description language) was done by three companies: IBM, Intermetrics, and Texas Instruments. A first version of VHDL was published in 1984. Later, VHDL became an IEEE standard, called IEEE 1076. The first IEEE version was standardized in 1987; updates were published in 1993, in 2000, in 2002, and in 2008 [237, 239,240,241,242]. VHDL-AMS [245] allows modeling analog and mixed-signal systems by including differential equations in the language. The design of VHDL used Ada (see p. 84) as the starting point, since both languages were designed for the DoD. Since Ada is based on PASCAL, VHDL has some of the syntactical flavor of PASCAL. However, the syntax of VHDL is much more complex, and it is necessary not to get distracted by the syntax. In the current book, we will just focus on some concepts of VHDL which are useful also in other languages. A full description of VHDL is beyond the scope of this book. The standard is available from IEEE (see, e.g., [242]). Entities and Architectures

VHDL, like all other HDLs, includes support for modeling concurrent operation of hardware components. Components are modeled by so-called design entities or VHDL entities. Entities contain processes used to model concurrency. According to the VHDL grammar, design entities are composed of two types of ingredients: an entity declaration and one or several architectures (see Fig. 2.67).

Fig. 2.67
figure 67

Entity consisting of an entity declaration and architectures

For each entity, the most recently analyzed architecture will be used by default. The use of other architectures can be specified. Architectures may contain several processes.

Example 2.30

We will discuss a full adder as an example. Full adders have three input ports and two output ports (see Fig. 2.68).

Fig. 2.68
figure 68

Full adder and its interface signals

An entity declaration corresponding to Fig. 2.68 is the following:

Two hyphens (--) are starting comments. They extend until the end of the line. ∇

Architectures consist of architecture headers and architectural bodies. We can distinguish between different styles of bodies, in particular between structural and behavioral bodies. We will show how the two are different using the full adder as an example. Behavioral bodies include just enough information to compute output signals from input signals and the local state (if any), including the timing behavior of the outputs.

Example 2.31

The following is an example of this:

VHDL-based simulators can display output signal waveforms resulting from stimuli applied to the inputs of the full adder described above.

In contrast, structural bodies describe the way entities are composed of simpler entities. For example, the full adder can be modeled as an entity consisting of three components (see Fig. 2.69). These components are called i1 to i3 and are of type half_adder or or_gate.

Fig. 2.69
figure 69

Schematic describing structural body of the full adder

In the 1987 version of VHDL, these components must be declared in a so-called component declaration. This declaration is very similar to (and it serves the same purpose) forward declarations in other languages. This declaration provides the necessary information about the component even if the full description of that component is not yet stored in the VHDL database (this may happen in the case of so-called top-down designs). From the 1993 version of VHDL onward, such declarations are not required if the relevant components are already stored in the component database.

Connections between local component and entity ports are described in port maps. The following VHDL code represents the structural body of Fig. 2.69: Assignments

Example 2.31 contains several assignments. Assignments are special cases of statements. In VHDL, there are two kinds of assignments:

  • Variable assignments: The syntax of variable assignments is

    Whenever control reaches such an assignment, the expression is computed and assigned to the variable. Such assignments behave like assignments in common programming languages.

  • Signal assignments: Signal assignments (as mentioned already on pages 60 and 73) are evaluated concurrently. Signals and signal assignments are introduced in an attempt to model electrical signals in real hardware systems. Signals associate values with instances in time. In VHDL, such a map** from time to values is represented by waveforms. Waveforms are computed from signal assignments. The syntax of signal assignments is

    Whenever control reaches such an assignment, the expression is computed and used to extend predicted future values of the waveform. In VHDL, each signal is associated with a so-called signal driver. Computing the value resulting from the contributions of multiple drivers to the same signal is called resolution, and resulting values are computed by functions called resolution functions. In this way, the sup function mentioned in the context of CSA theory is implemented if signals are connected.

    In order to compute future values, simulators are assumed to include a queue of events to happen later than the current simulated time. This queue is sorted by the time at which future events (e.g., updates of signals) should happen. Executing a signal assignment results in the creation of entries in this queue. Each entry contains a time for executing the event, the affected signal, and the value to be assigned. For signal assignments not containing any after clause (first syntactical form), the entry will contain the current simulation time as the time at which this assignment has to be performed. In this case, the change will take place after an infinitesimally small amount of time, called δ-delay (see below). This allows us to update signals without changing macroscopic time.

    For signal assignments containing a transport prefix (second syntactical form), the update of the signal will be delayed by the specified amount. This form of the assignment is following the so-called transport delay model. This model is based on the behavior of simple wires: wires are (as a first order of approximation) delaying signals. Even short pulses propagate along wires. The transport delay model can be used for logic circuits, even though its main application is to model wires.

    Example 2.32

    Suppose that we model a simple OR-gate using a transport delay signal assignment:

    Such a model would propagate even short pulses (see Fig. 2.70).

    Fig. 2.70
    figure 70

    Gate modeled with transport delay

    Output signal c includes a short pulse of 5 ns, which would be suppressed for an inertial delay model. ∇

    Transport delay signal assignments will delete all entries in the queue corresponding to the time of the computed update or later times (if we first execute an assignment with a rather large delay and then execute an assignment with a smaller delay, then the entry resulting from the first assignment will be deleted).

    For signal assignments containing an after clause, but no transport clause, inertial delay is assumed. The inertial delay model reflects the fact that real circuits come with some “inertia.” This means that short spikes will be suppressed. For the third syntactical form of the signal assignment, all signal changes which are shorter than the specified delay are suppressed. For the fourth form, all signal changes which are shorter than the indicated amount are removed from the predicted waveform. The subtle rules for removals are not repeated here.

    Example 2.33

    Suppose that we model a simple OR-gate using inertial delay:

    For such a model, short spikes would be suppressed (see Fig. 2.71).

    Fig. 2.71
    figure 71

    Gate modeled with inertial delay

    There is no short pulse of 5 ns at c, but the 15 ns pulse arrives at the output. ∇ VHDL Processes

Assignments are just a shorthand for VHDL processes. More control over signal evaluations is available with processes. The general syntax for processes is as follows:

In addition to assignments, processes may contain wait statements. Such statements can be used to explicitly suspend a process. These are the following kinds of wait statements:

As an alternative to explicit wait statements, a list of signals can be added to the process header. In that case, the process is activated whenever one of the signals in that list changes its value.

Example 2.34

The following model of an AND-gate will execute its body once and will restart from the beginning every time one of the inputs changes its value:

This model is equivalent to

where there is an explicit wait statement at the end. ∇ The VHDL Simulation Cycle

According to the original standards document [237], the execution of a VHDL model is described as follows:

The execution of a model consists of an initialization phase followed by the repetitive execution of process statements in the description of that model. Each such repetition is said to be a simulation cycle . In each cycle, the values of all signals in the description are computed. If as a result of this computation an event occurs on a given signal, process statements that are sensitive to that signal will resume and will be executed as part of the simulation cycle.

The initialization phase takes signal initializations into account and executes each process once. It is described in the standards as follows:Footnote 20

“At the beginning of initialization, the current time, T c is assumed to be 0ns. The initialization phase consists of the following steps: Footnote 21

  • The driving value and the effective value of each explicitly declared signal are computed, and the current value of the signal is set to the effective value. This value is assumed to have been the value of the signal for an infinite length of time prior to the start of the simulation. …

  • Each …process in the model is executed until it suspends. …

  • The time of the next simulation cycle (which in this case is the first simulation cycle), T n is calculated according to …step (e) of the simulation cycle, below.”

Each simulation cycle starts with setting the current time to the next time at which changes must be considered. This time T n was either computed during the initialization or during the last execution of the simulation cycle. Simulation terminates when the current time reaches its maximum, TIME′HIGH. The standard describes the simulation cycle as follows:

“A simulation cycle consists of the following steps:

  1. (a)

    The current time, T c is set equal to T n. Simulation is complete when T n = TIME′HIGH and there are no active drivers or process resumptions at T n.

  2. (b)

    Each active explicit signal in the model is updated. (Events may occur as a result.)”

    In the cycle preceding the current cycle, future values for some signals have been computed. If T c corresponds to the time at which these values become valid, they are now assigned. Values of newly computed signals are not assigned before the next simulation cycle, at the earliest. Signals that change their value generate events which, in turn, may release processes that are sensitive to that signal.

  3. (c)

    “For each process P, if P is currently sensitive to a signal S and if an event has occurred on S in this simulation cycle, then P resumes.

  4. (d)

    Each …process that has resumed in the current simulation cycle is executed until it suspends.

  5. (e)

    T n (the time of the next simulation cycle) is set to the earliest of

    1. 1.

      TIME’HIGH (this is the end of simulation time).

    2. 2.

      The next time at which a driver becomes active (this is the next instance in time, at which a driver specifies a new value), or

    3. 3.

      The next time at which a process resumes (as computed from wait for statements).

    If T n = T c, then the next simulation cycle (if any) will be a delta cycle.”

The iterative nature of simulation cycles is shown in Fig. 2.72.

Fig. 2.72
figure 72

VHDL simulation cycles

Delta (δ) simulation cycles have been the source of discussions. They introduce an infinitesimally small delay if the user did not specify any.

Example 2.35

Let us come back to our latch example and look more closely at timing. Figure 2.73 shows the latch again, this time using standard schematic symbols.

Fig. 2.73
figure 73

RS flipflop

The flipflop is modeled in VHDL as follows:

Ports Q and nQ must be of mode inout since they are also read internally, which would not be possible if they were of mode out. Table 2.5 shows the simulation times at which signals are updated for this model. During each cycle, updates are propagated through one of the gates. Simulation terminates after three δ cycles. The last cycle does not change anything, since Q is already ’ 0’. ∇

Table 2.5 δ cycles for RS flipflop

δ cycles correspond to an infinitesimally small unit of time, which will always exist in reality. δ cycles ensure that simulation respects causality.

The results do not depend on the order in which parts of the model are executed by the simulation. This feature is enabled by the separation between the computation of new values for signals and their actual assignment. In a model containing the lines

signals a and b will always be swapped. If the assignments were performed immediately, the result would depend on the order in which we execute the assignments (see also p. 29). VHDL models are therefore determinate. This is what we expect from the simulation of a real circuit with a fixed behavior.

There can be arbitrarily many δ cycles before the current time T c is advanced. This possibility of infinite loops can be confusing. One way of avoiding this possibility is to disallow zero delays, which we used in our model of the flipflop.

The propagation of values using signals also allows an easy implementation of the observer pattern (see p. 35). In contrast to SDF, the number of observers can vary, depending on the number of processes waiting for changes on a signal.

What is the communication model behind VHDL? The description of the semantics of VHDL relies heavily on a single, centralized queue of future events, storing values of all signals in the future. The purpose of this queue is not to implement asynchronous message passing. Rather, this queue is supposed to be accessed by the simulation kernel, one entry at a time, in a non-distributed fashion. Attempts to perform distributed VHDL simulations are typically suffering from a poor performance. All modeled components can access values of signals and variables which are in their scope without any message-based communication. Therefore, we tend toward associating VHDL with a shared memory-based implementation of the communication. However, FIFO-based message passing could be implemented in VHDL on top of the VHDL simulator as well. IEEE 1164

In VHDL, there is no predefined number of signal values, except for some basic support for two-valued logic. Instead, the used value sets can be defined in VHDL itself, and different VHDL models can use different value sets.

However, portability of models would suffer in a very severe manner if this capability of VHDL was applied in this way. In order to simplify exchanging VHDL models, a standard value set was defined and standardized by the IEEE. This standard is called IEEE 1164 and is employed in many system models. IEEE 1164 has nine values: {’ 0’, ’ 1’, ’ L’, ’ H’, ’ X’, ’ W’, ’ Z’, ’ U’, ’ -’}. The first seven values correspond to the seven signal values described in Sect. 2.7.2. ’ U’ denotes an uninitialized value. It is used by simulators for signals that have not been explicitly initialized.

’ -’ denotes the input don’t care. This value needs some explanation. Frequently, hardware description languages are used for describing Boolean functions. The VHDL select statement is a very convenient means for doing that. The select statement corresponds to switch and case statements found in other languages, and its meaning is different from the select statement in Ada (see p. 85).

Example 2.36

Suppose that we would like to represent the Boolean function:

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned}f(a,b,c)=a\overline{b}+bc\end{aligned}$$

Furthermore, suppose that f should be undefined for the case of a = b = c = ’ 0’. A very convenient way of specifying this function would be the following:

This way, functions given above could be easily translated into VHDL. Unfortunately, the select statement denotes something completely different. Since IEEE 1164 is just one of a large number of possible value sets, it does not include any knowledge about the “meaning” of ’ - ’. Whenever VHDL tools evaluate select statements such as the one above, they check if the selecting expression (a&b&c in the case above) is equal to the values in the when clauses. In particular, they check if, e.g., a&b&c is equal to ’10-’. In this context, ’ -’ behaves like any other value: VHDL systems check if c has a value of ’ - ’. Since ’ -’ is never assigned to any of the variables, these tests will never be true. ∇

Therefore, ’ -’ is of limited benefit. The non-availability of convenient input don’t care values is the price that one has to pay for the flexibility of defining value sets in VHDL itself.Footnote 22

The nice property of the general discussion on pages 61 to 65 is the following: it allows us to immediately draw conclusions about the modeling power of IEEE 1164. The IEEE standard is based on the seven-valued value set described on p. 63 and, therefore, is capable of modeling circuits containing depletion transistors. It is, however, not capable of modeling charge storage.Footnote 23

2.7.7 Verilog and SystemVerilog

Verilog [539] is another hardware description language. Initially it was a proprietary language, but it was later standardized as an IEEE standard 1364, with versions called IEEE standard 1364–1995 (Verilog version 1.0) and IEEE standard 1364–2001 (Verilog 2.0). Some features of Verilog are quite similar to VHDL. Just like in VHDL, designs are described as a set of connected design entities, and design entities can be described behaviorally. Also, processes are used to model concurrency of hardware components. Just like in VHDL, bitvectors and time units are supported. There are, however, some areas in which Verilog is less flexible and focuses more on comfortable built-in features. For example, standard Verilog does not include the flexible mechanisms for defining enumerated types such as the ones defined in the IEEE 1164 standard. However, support for four-valued logic is built into the Verilog language, and the standard IEEE 1364 also provides multiple-valued logic with eight different signal strengths. Multiple-valued logic is more tightly integrated into Verilog than into VHDL. The Verilog logic system also provides more features for transistor-level descriptions. However, VHDL is more flexible. For example, VHDL allows hardware entities to be instantiated in loops. This can be used to generate a structural description for, e.g., n-bit adders without having to specify n adders and their interconnections manually.

Verilog has a similar number of users as VHDL. While VHDL is more popular in Europe, Verilog is more popular in the USA.

Verilog versions 3.0 and 3.1 are also known as SystemVerilog. They include numerous extensions to Verilog 2.0. These extensions include [244, 517]:

  • additional language elements for modeling behavior,

  • C data types such as int and type definition facilities such as typedef and struct,

  • definition of interfaces of hardware components as separate entities,

  • standardized mechanism for calling C/C+ + functions and, to some extent, to call built-in Verilog functions from C,

  • significantly enhanced features for describing an environment (called test bench) for the hardware circuit under design (called CUD), and for using the test bench to validate the CUD by simulation,

  • classes known from object-oriented programming for use within test benches,

  • dynamic process creation,

  • standardized interprocess communication and synchronization, including semaphores,

  • automatic memory allocation and deallocation,

  • language features that provide a standardized interface to formal verification (see p. 239).

Due to the capability of interfacing with C and C+ +, interfacing to SystemC models is also possible. Improved facilities for simulation based and formal verification based design validation and the possible interfacing to SystemC create a good acceptance.

2.8 von Neumann Languages

The sequential execution and explicit control flow of von Neumann languages are their common characteristics. Also, such languages allow an almost unrestricted access to global variables, and we may need explicit communication and synchronization. Model-based design using CFSMs and computational graphs is very appropriate for embedded system design. Nevertheless, the use of standard von Neumann languages is still widespread. Therefore, we cannot ignore these languages. Also, the distinction between models like KPNs and properly restricted von Neumann languages is blurring. For KPNs, we do also have sequential execution of the code for each of the nodes. We are still kee** the distinction between KPN and von Neumann languages since the KPN style of modeling has its advantages like determinate execution.

For the first two languages covered next, communication is built into the languages. For the remaining languages, focus is on the computations, and communication can be replaced by selecting different libraries.

2.8.1 CSP

CSP (communicating sequential processes) [217] is one of the first languages comprising mechanisms for interprocess communication. Communication is based on channels.

Example 2.37

Consider input/output for channel c in this example:

Both processes will wait for the other process to arrive at the input or output statement. This is a case of rendezvous-based, blocking, or synchronous message passing. ∇

CSP is determinate, since it relies on the commitment to wait for input from a particular channel, like in Kahn process networks. CSP has laid the foundation for the OCCAM language that was proposed as a programming language of the transputer [435]. The focus on communication channels has been picked up again in the design of the XS1 processor [603].

2.8.2 Ada

During the 1980s, the Department of Defense (DoD) in the USA realized that the dependability and maintainability of the software in its military equipment could soon become a major source of problems, unless some strict policy was enforced. It was decided that all software should be written in the same real-time language. Requirements for such a language were formulated.

No existing language met the requirements, and, consequently, the design of a new one was started. The language which was finally accepted was based on PASCAL. It was called Ada (after Ada Lovelace, regarded as being the first (female) programmer). Ada’95 [80, 287] is an object-oriented extension of the original standard.

One of the interesting features of Ada is the ability to have nested declarations of processes (called tasks in Ada). Tasks are started whenever control passes into the scope in which they are declared.

Example 2.38

The following code has been adopted from Burns et al. [80]:

Tasks a and b will start before the first statement of the code of example1. ∇

The communication concept of Ada is another key concept. It is based on the synchronous rendezvous paradigm. Whenever two tasks want to exchange information, the task reaching the “meeting point” first has to wait until its partner has also reached a corresponding point of control. Syntactically, procedures are used for describing communication. Procedures which can be called from other tasks must be identified by the keyword entry.

Example 2.39

This code has also been adopted from Burns et al. [79]:

Task screen_out includes a procedure named call which can be called from other processes. Some other task can call this procedure by prefixing it with the name of the task:

The calling task has to wait until the called task has reached a point of control, at which it accepts calls from other tasks. This point of control is indicated by the keyword accept:

Obviously, task screen_out may be waiting for several calls at the same time. The Ada select statement provides this capability:

In this case, task screen_out will be waiting until either call_ch or call_int is called. ∇

Due to the presence of the select statement, Ada is not determinate. Ada has been the preferred language for military equipment produced in the Western hemisphere for some time. Information about Ada is available from a number of web sites (see, e.g., [288]).

2.8.3 Communication Libraries

Standard von Neumann languages do not come with built-in communication primitives. However, communication can be provided by libraries. There is a trend toward supporting communication within some local system as well as communication over longer distances. The use of Internet protocols is becoming more popular. MPI

Multi-core programming with imperative programs is possible with the message passing interface MPI. MPI is a very frequently used library, initially designed for high-performance computing. It allows a choice between synchronous and asynchronous message passing. For example, synchronous message passing is possible with the MPI_Send library function [395]:

MPI_Send( buffer,count,type,dest,tag,comm) where:

  • buffer is the address of data to be sent,

  • count is the number of data elements to be sent,

  • type is the data type of data to be sent (e.g., MPI_CHAR, MPI_SHORT, MPI_INT),

  • dest is the process id of the target process,

  • tag is a message id (for sorting incoming messages),

  • comm is the communication context (set of processes for which destination field is valid), and

  • function result indicates success.

The following is an asynchronous library function:

MPI_Isend( buffer,count,type,dest,tag,comm,request) where

  • buffer, count, type, dest, tag, comm are same as above, and

  • the system issues a unique “request number”. The programmer uses this system assigned “handle” later (in a WAIT type routine) to determine completion of the non-blocking operation.

For MPI, the partitioning of computations among various processors must be done explicitly, and the same is true for the communication and the distribution of data. Synchronization is implied by communication, but explicit synchronization is also possible. As a result, much of the management code is explicit and causes a major amount of work for the programmer. Also, it does not scale well when the number of processors is significantly changed [554].

In order to apply the MPI style of communication to real-time systems, a real-time version of MPI, called MPI/RT, has been defined [501]. MPI/RT does not cover issues such as thread creation and termination. MPI/RT is conceived as a potential layer between the operating system and standard (non-real-time) MPI.

MPI is available on a variety of platforms and also considered for multiple processors on a chip. However, it is based on the assumption that memory accesses are faster than communication operations. Also, MPI is mainly targeting at homogeneous multiprocessors. These assumptions are not true for multiple processors on a chip.

MPI has recently been extended to cover shared memory-based communication as well. OpenMP

OpenMP is a compiler-based solution for shared memory-based communication. For OpenMP, parallelism is mostly explicit, whereas computation partitioning, communication, synchronization, etc. are implicit. Parallelism is expressed with pragmas: for example, loops can be preceded by pragmas indicating that they should be parallelized.

Example 2.40

The following program demonstrates a small parallel loop [439]:

Note that a simple pragma is sufficient to indicate parallel programming. ∇

This means that OpenMP requires a relatively small amount of effort for parallelization for the user. However, this also means that the user cannot control partitioning [554]. There are some applications for MPSoCs (see, e.g., Marian et al. [366]).

More techniques for multi-core programming will be described in the section on system software (see p. 232).

2.8.4 Additional Languages

The Java language was not designed for embedded systems. There have been attempts to solve some of the resulting problems [12, 270]. However, Android and Java for smart cards are the only major applications of Java in small systems. At the time of writing, the JTRES workshop on “Java Technologies for Real-time and Embedded Systems” (siehe reflects the latest state of the art in using Java for such systems.

Pearl [127] was designed for industrial control applications. It does include a large repertoire of language elements for controlling processes and referring to time. It requires an underlying real-time operating system. Pearl has been very popular in Europe, and a large number of industrial control projects have been implemented in Pearl. Pearl supports semaphores which can be used to protect communication based on shared buffers.

Chill [592] was designed for telephone exchange stations. It was standardized by the CCITT and used in telecommunication equipment. Chill is a kind of extended PASCAL.

IEC 60848 [231] and STEP 7 [488] are specialized languages that are used in control applications. Both provide graphical elements for describing the system functionality.

2.9 Levels of Hardware Modeling

In practice, designers start design cycles at various levels of abstraction. In some cases, these are high levels describing the overall behavior of the system to be designed. In other cases, the design process starts with the specification of electrical circuits at lower levels of abstraction. For each of the levels, a variety of languages exists, and some languages cover various levels. In the following, we will describe a set of possible levels. Some lower-end levels are presented here for context reasons. Specifications should not start at those levels. The following is a list of frequently used names and attributes of levels:

  • System-level models: The term system level is not clearly defined. It is used here to denote the entire embedded system and the system into which information processing is embedded (“the product”) and possibly also the environment (the physical input to the system, reflecting, e.g., the roads and weather conditions). Obviously, such models include mechanical as well as information processing aspects, and it may be difficult to find appropriate simulators. Possible solutions include VHDL-AMS (the analog extension to VHDL), Verilog-AMS, SystemC , Modelica, COMSOL (see, or MATLAB/Simulink. MATLAB/Simulink and VHDL-AMS support modeling partial differential equations, which is a key requirement for modeling mechanical systems. It is a challenge to model information processing parts of the system in such a way that the simulation model can also be used for the synthesis of the embedded system. If this is not possible, error-prone manual translations between different models may be needed.

  • Algorithmic level: At this level, we are simulating the algorithms that we intend to use within the embedded system. For example, we might be simulating MPEG video encoding algorithms in order to evaluate the resulting video quality. For such simulations, no reference is made to processors or instruction sets.

    Data types may still allow a higher precision than the final implementation. For example, MPEG standards use double-precision floating-point numbers. The final embedded system will hardly include such data types. If data types have been selected such that every bit corresponds to exactly one bit in the final implementation, the model is said to be bit-true. Translating non-bit-true into bit-true models should be done with tool support (see p. 357).

    Models at this level may consist of single processes or of sets of cooperating processes.

  • Instruction set level: In this case, algorithms have already been compiled for the instruction set of the processor(s) to be used. Simulations at this level allow counting the executed number of instructions. There are several variations of the instruction set level:

    • In a coarse-grained model, only the effect of the instructions is simulated, and their timing is not considered. The information available in assembly reference manuals (instruction set architecture (ISA)) is sufficient for defining such models.

    • Transaction-level modeling: In transaction-level modeling (see also p. 66), transactions, such as bus reads and writes, and communication between different components are modeled. Transaction-level modeling includes fewer details than cycle-true modeling (see below), enabling significantly superior simulation speeds [105].

    • In a more fine-grained model, we might have cycle-true instruction set simulation. In this case, the exact number of clock cycles required to run an application can be computed. Defining cycle-true models requires a detailed knowledge about processor hardware in order to correctly model, for example, pipeline stalls, resource hazards, and memory wait cycles.

  • Register-transfer level (RTL): At this level, we model all the components at the register-transfer level, including arithmetic/logic units (ALUs), registers, memories, multiplexers, and decoders. Models at this level are always cycle-true. Automatic synthesis from such models is not a major challenge.

  • Gate-level models: In this case, models contain gates as the basic components. Gate-level models provide accurate information about signal transition probabilities and can therefore also be used for power estimations. Also delay calculations can be more precise than for the RTL. However, typically no information about the length of wires and hence no information about capacitances is available. Hence, delay and power consumption calculations are still estimates.

    The term “gate-level model” is sometimes also employed in situations in which gates are only used to denote Boolean functions. Gates in such a model do not necessarily represent physical gates; we are only considering the behavior of the gates, not the fact that they also represent physical components. More precisely, such models should be called “Boolean function models,”Footnote 24 but this term is not frequently used.

  • Switch-level models: Switch-level models use switches (transistors) as their basic components. Switch-level models use digital values models (refer to p. 60 for a description of possible value sets). In contrast to gate-level models, switch-level models are capable of reflecting bidirectional transfer of information. Switch-level models can be simulated with ternary simulation [72].

  • Circuit-level models: Circuit theory and its components (current and voltage sources, resistors, capacitances, inductances, and frequently possible macro-models of semiconductors) form the basis of simulations at this level. Simulations involve partial differential equations. These equations are linear if and only if the behavior of semiconductors is linearized (approximated). The most frequently used simulator at this level is SPICE [557] and its variants.

  • Layout models: Layout models reflect the actual circuit layout. Such models include geometric information. Layout models cannot be simulated directly, since the geometric information does not directly provide information about the behavior. Behavior can be deduced by correlating the layout model with a behavioral description at a higher level or by extracting circuits from the layout, using knowledge about the representation of circuit components at the layout level.

    In a typical design flow, the length of wires and the corresponding capacitances are extracted from the layout and back-annotated to descriptions at higher levels. This way, more precision can be gained for delay and power estimations. Also, layout information may be essential for thermal modeling.

  • Process and device models: At even lower levels, we can model fabrication processes. Using information from such models, we can compute parameters (gains, capacitances, etc) for devices (transistors). Due to a growing complexity of the fabrication process, these models are also becoming more complex.

2.10 Comparison of Models of Computation

2.10.1 Criteria

Models of computation can be compared according to several criteria. For example, Stuijk [515] compares MoCs according to the following criteria:

  • Expressiveness and succinctness indicate which systems can be modeled and how compact they are.

  • Analyzability relates to the availability of schedulability tests and scheduling algorithms. Also, analyzability is affected by the need for run-time support.

  • The implementation efficiency is influenced by the required scheduling policy and the code size.

Figure 2.74 classifies data-flow models according to these criteria.

Fig. 2.74
figure 74

Comparison between data-flow models

This figure reflects the fact that Kahn process networks are expressive: they are Turing-complete, meaning that any problem which can be computed on a Turing machine can also be computed in a KPN. Turing machines are used as the standard model of universal computers [214]. However, termination properties and upper bounds on buffer sizes of KPNs are difficult to analyze. While Kahn process networks are Turing-complete, cyclo-static data flow (CSDF, see p. 46) is not Turing-complete. Also, SDF graphs are not Turing-complete. The underlying reason is that they cannot model control flow. However, deadlock properties and upper bounds on buffer sizes of SDF graphs are easier to analyze. Homogeneous SDF (HSDF) graphs (graphs for which all rates are equal to one) are even less expressive but also easier to analyze.

We could compare MoCs also with respect to the type of processes supported:

  • The number of processes can be either static or dynamic. A static number of processes simplifies the implementation and is sufficient if each process models a piece of hardware and if we do not consider “hot-plugging” (dynamically changing the hardware architecture). Otherwise, dynamic process creation (and termination) should be supported.

  • Processes can either be statically nested or all declared at the same level. For example, StateCharts allows nested process declarations, while SDL (see p. 34) does not. Nesting provides encapsulation of concerns.

  • Different techniques for process creation exist. Process creation can result from an elaboration of the process declaration in the source code, through the fork and join mechanism (supported for example in Unix) and also through explicit process creation calls.

The expressiveness of different data flow-oriented models of computation is also shown in Fig. 2.75 [42]. MoCs not discussed in this book are indicated by dashed lines.

Fig. 2.75
figure 75

Expressiveness of data-flow models

None of the MoCs and languages presented so far meets all the requirements for specification languages for embedded systems. Table 2.6 presents an overview over some of the key properties of some of the languages.

Table 2.6 Language comparison

Interestingly, SpecC and SystemC meet all listed requirements. However, some other requirements (like a precise specification of deadlines, etc.) are not included. It is not very likely that a single MoC or language will ever meet all requirements, since some of the requirements are essentially conflicting. A language supporting hard real-time requirements may well be inconvenient to use for less strict real-time requirements. A language appropriate for distributed control-dominated applications may be poor for local data-flow-dominated applications. Hence, we can expect that we will have to live with compromises and possibly with mixed models.

Which compromises are actually used in practice? In practice, assembly language programming was very common in the early years of embedded systems programming. Programs were small enough to handle the complexity of problems in assembly languages. The next step was the use of C or derivatives of C. Due to the increasing complexity of embedded system software, higher-level languages are to follow the introduction of C. Object-oriented languages and SDL are languages which provide the next level of abstraction. Also, languages like UML are required to capture specifications at an early design stage. The trend is to move toward model-based designs [477]. In practice, languages can be used like shown in Fig. 2.76.

Fig. 2.76
figure 76

Using various languages in combination

According to Fig. 2.76, languages like SDL or StateCharts can be translated into C. These C descriptions are then compiled. Starting with SDL or StateCharts also opens the way to implementing the functionality in hardware, if translators from these languages to VHDL are provided. Both C and VHDL will certainly survive as intermediate languages for many years. Java does not need intermediate steps but does also benefit from good translation concepts to assembly languages. In a similar way, translations between various graphs are feasible. For example, SDF graphs can be translated into a subclass of Petri nets [515]. Also, they correspond to a subclass of the computation graph model proposed by Karp and Miller [282]. Linking the various models of computation is facilitated by formal techniques [95].

Several languages for embedded system design are covered in a book edited by M. Radetzki [464]. Popovici et al. [457] use a combination of Simulink and SystemC.

We have skipped the discussion of algebraic languages like LOTOS [256] and Z [504]. These languages enable precise specifications and formal proofs, but they are not executable.

2.10.2 Unified Modeling Language (UML)

UML is a language including diagrams reflecting several MoCs. Table 2.7 classifies the UML diagrams mentioned so far with respect to our table of MoCs.

Table 2.7 Models of computation available in UML

This figure shows how UML covers several models of computation, with a focus on early design phases. Semantics of communication is typically imprecisely defined. Therefore, our classification cannot be precise in this respect. In addition to the diagrams already mentioned, the following diagrams can be modeled:

  • Deployment diagrams: These diagrams are important for embedded systems. They describe the “execution architecture” of systems (hardware or software nodes).

  • Package diagrams: Package diagrams represent the partitioning of software into software packages. They are similar to module charts in StateMate.

  • Class diagrams: These diagrams describe inheritance relations of object classes.

  • Communication diagrams (called Collaboration diagrams in UML 1.x): These graphs represent classes, relations between classes, and messages that are exchanged between them.

  • Component diagrams: They represent the components used in applications or systems.

  • Object diagrams, interaction overview diagrams, composite structure diagrams: This list consists of three types of diagrams which are less frequently used. Some of them may actually be special cases of other types of diagrams.

Available tools provide some consistency checking between the different diagram types. Complete checking, however, seems to be impossible. One reason for this is that the semantics of UML initially was left undefined. It has been argued that this was done intentionally, since one does not like to bother about the precise semantics during the early phases of the design. As a consequence, precise, executable specifications can only be obtained if UML is combined with some other, executable language. Available design tools have combined UML with SDL [227] and C+ +. There are, however, also some first attempts to define the semantics of UML.

Version 1.4 of UML was not designed for embedded systems. Therefore, it lacks a number of features required for modeling embedded systems (see p. 1). In particular, the following features are missing [386]:

  • the partitioning of software into tasks and processes cannot be modeled,

  • timing behavior cannot be described at all,

  • the presence of essential hardware components cannot be described.

Due to the increasing amount of software in embedded systems, UML is gaining importance for embedded systems as well. Hence, several proposals for UML extensions to support real-time applications have been made [137, 386]. These extensions have been considered during the design of UML 2.0. UML 2.0 includes 13 diagram types (up from nine in UML 1.4) [13]. Special profiles are taking the requirements of real-time systems into account [368]. Profiles include class diagrams with constraints, icons, diagram symbols, and some (partial) semantics. There are UML profiles for [368]:

  • Schedulability, Performance, and Time Specification (SPT) [429],

  • Testing [431],

  • Quality of Service (QoS) and Fault Tolerance [431],

  • a Systems Modeling Language called SysML [434],

  • Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time Embedded Systems (MARTE), [430]

  • UML and SystemC interoperability [469],

  • the SPRINT profile for reuse of intellectual property (IP) [505].

Using such profiles, we can—for example—attach timing information to sequence charts. However, profiles may be incompatible. Also, UML has been designed for modeling and frequently leaves too many semantical issues open to allow automatic synthesis of implementations [368].

2.10.3 Ptolemy II

The Ptolemy project [460] focuses on modeling, simulation, and design of heterogeneous systems. Emphasis is on embedded systems that mix different technologies and, accordingly, also MoCs. For example, analog and digital electronics, hardware and software, and electrical and mechanical devices can be described. Ptolemy supports different types of applications, including signal processing, control applications, sequential decision-making, and user interfaces. Special attention is paid to the generation of embedded software. The idea is to generate this software from the MoC which is most appropriate for a certain application. Version 2 of Ptolemy (Ptolemy II) supports the following MoCs and corresponding domains (see also p. 12):

  1. 1.

    Communicating sequential processes (CSP).

  2. 2.

    Continuous time (CT): This model is appropriate for mechanical systems and analog circuits. Hence, this model supports differential equations. Tools include extensible differential equation solvers.

  3. 3.

    Discrete event model (DE): this is the model used by many simulators, e.g., VHDL simulators.

  4. 4.

    Distributed discrete events (DDE). Discrete event systems are difficult to simulate in parallel, due to the inherent centralized queue of future events. Attempts to distribute this data structure have not been very successful so far. Therefore, this special (experimental) domain is introduced. Semantics can be defined such that distributed simulation becomes more efficient than in the DE model.

  5. 5.

    Finite state machines (FSM) .

  6. 6.

    Process networks (PN), using Kahn process networks (see p. 41).

  7. 7.

    Synchronous data flow (SDF) .

  8. 8.

    Synchronous/reactive (SR) MoC: This model uses discrete time, but signals do not need to have a value at every clock tick. Esterel (see p. 33) is a language following this style of modeling.

This list shows the focus on different models of computation in the Ptolemy project.

2.11 Problems

We suggest solving the following problems at home or during a flipped classroom session:


What is a (design) model?


Prepare a list of up to six requirements for specification/modeling languages for embedded systems!


Why could our specification lead to deadlocks?


What is a “model of computation (MoC)”?


What is a “job” and how is it different from “tasks”?


Which are the two key techniques for communication in computers?


Which description techniques can be used for capturing initial ideas about the system to be designed?


Simulate trains between Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, and Cologne, using the levi simulation software [498]! Modify the examples included with the software such that two independent tracks exist between any two stations and demonstrate an (arbitrary) schedule involving ten trains!


Download the OpenModelica simulation software. Develop a simulation model for Newton’s cradle (see, e.g.,


Modify the answering machine of Example 2.8 such that the owner can intervene at any time during the playing of pre-corded text or the recording of the message.


Model your daily schedule with a timed automaton. Hours are reflected by a variable h, days by a variable d. d = 1 means Monday, d = 7 means Sunday. On a weekend (d = 6 or d = 7), you leave the slee** state between h = 10 and h = 11, spend 1–2 h getting yourself ready for the day, stay with your friend until some time in the range h = 20 to h = 21, and walk back home and enter the slee** state between h = 22 and h = 23. During the week (d = 1 or …or d = 5), you leave the slee** state between h = 7 and h = 8, spend 1–2 h getting yourself ready for the day, study until some time in the range h = 20 to h = 21, and walk back home and enter the slee** state between h = 22 and h = 23. Model your schedule! Do not forget to increase the day d at the end of each day.


Suppose the StateCharts model in Fig. 2.77 (left) model is given.

Fig. 2.77
figure 77

StateCharts example: left, graphical model; right, table of states

Also, suppose that we have the following sequence of input events: b c f h g h e a b c. In the diagram in Fig. 2.77 (right), mark all the states the StateCharts model will be in after a particular input has been applied! H denotes the history mechanism.


Are StateCharts determinate models if we follow the StateMate semantics? Please explain your answer!


Is SDL a determinate language? Please explain your answer!


Let us assume that you have been asked to help modeling the flow of visitors in the hypothetical Museum of Fine Future Information Nuggets (MUFFIN). We consider a steady state with no visitors entering or exiting the museum. The museum will have three exhibition halls. In front of each hall, there is space for a waiting line. The exit of this space is connected to the entry of the hall. Each of the hall exits is connected to each entry of the waiting spaces. Visitors leaving one of the halls are free to chose any of the other halls as their next one. We assume that each hall can be described as a process in a meaningful way, with some randomness of the time that a visitor stays in a hall. Assume that you would like to model this situation is SDL. Show a diagram with explicit processes and FIFO queues!


Download the levi simulation software for KPNs [496], and develop a KPN model computing Fibonacci numbers in a distributed fashion (i.e., just using a single KPN node is illegal).


Which three types of Petri nets did we discuss in this book?


One of the types of Petri nets allows several non-distinguishable tokens per place. Which components are used in a mathematical model of such nets? Hint: N=(P, ………. )


Draw the following condition/event system: N = (C, E, F), given

  • Conditions: \(C = \left \lbrace c _{1}, c _{2}, c _{3}, c _{4} \right \rbrace \),

  • Events: \(E = \left \lbrace e_{1}, e_{2}, e_{3} \right \rbrace \),

  • Relation: F = {(c 1, e 1), (c 1, e 2), (e 1, c 2), (e 1, c 3), (e 2, c 2), (e 2, c 3), (e 2, c 4), (c 2, e 3), (c 3, e 3), (c 4, e 3), (e 3, c 1), (e 3, c 4)}

Specifiy the precondition of e 3 as well as the postcondition of e 1. Is N simple or/and pure? Given it is not, which edge(s) need(s) to be removed in order to turn N into a pure net? Substantiate or prove your answers concisely.


What does a compact model of the dining philosopher’s problem look like?


CSA theory leads to 2, 3, and 4 logic strengths, corresponding to 4, 7, and 10 logic values. How many strengths and values are we using in IEEE 1164? Show the partial order among the values of IEEE 1164 in a diagram! Which of the values of IEEE 1164 are not included in the partial order, and what is the meaning of these?


Which of the following circuits can be modeled with IEEE 1164: complementary CMOS outputs, outputs with a depletion transistor, open collector outputs, tristate outputs, or precharging on buses (if depletion transistors are used as well)?


Suppose that a bus as shown in Fig. 2.78 is given. Rectangles containing an & sign denote AND-gates. Which of the IEEE 1164 values will be on the bus if both enable inputs are set to ’ 0’ (ena1 = ena2 = ’ 0’)? Which of the IEEE 1164 values will be on the bus if ena1=’ 0’, ena2 =’ 1’, and f2 =’ 1’?

Fig. 2.78
figure 78

Bus driven by tristate outputs


Which of the following languages use asynchronous message passing: StateCharts, SDL, VHDL, CSP, Petri nets, or MPI?


Which of the following languages use a broadcast mechanism for updating variables: StateCharts, SDL, or Petri nets?


Which of the following diagram types are supported by UML: sequence charts, record charts, Y-charts, use cases, activity diagrams, or circuit diagrams?


UML is a frequently used modeling technique. In the table below, enter models of computation for the components in the left column and for communication in the top row. Then enter as many UML diagram types as feasible into the remaining table cells.