Earth’s Crust and Upper Mantle, Dynamics of Solid–Liquid Systems in

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Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science
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The dynamics of solid‐liquid composite systems are of great relevance to many problems in the earth sciences, including how melts or aqueousfluids generated by partial melting or dehydration migrate through the mantle and crust toward the surface, how deformation and fracture in these regionsare influenced by the existence of fluids, and also how these fluids can be observed in the seismic tomographic images. The mechanical and transportproperties of the solid‐liquid composite systems strongly depend on liquid volume fraction and pore geometry, such as pore shape, pore size, anda detailed porosity distribution. Therefore, the microstructural processes that control pore geometry influence macroscopic dynamics, and viceversa. This article introduces a general continuum mechanical theory to treat the macroscopic dynamics of solid‐liquid composite systems witha special emphasis on how such interactions with pore geometry can be described. Although intensive...

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Partially molten rock:

The partially molten state is a thermodynamic state between solidus and liquidus temperatures, where both solid and liquid phases co‐exist. In the Earth's interior, partial melting of rocks occurs in the upper mantle and/or crust beneath volcanic areas.


Liquid phase in partially molten rocks or completely molten rock above the liquidus temperature is called melt. Density of melt is about 10% lower than solid. Hence, melt phase in the partially molten rocks tend to ascend toward the Earth's surface.

Aqueous fluid:

H2O‐rich fluid. In a subducting oceanic plate, at the depths of several tens of km, aqueous fluids are released by the dehydration of hydrated minerals. Aqueous fluids, having much lower density and viscosity than melts, tend to ascend due to the buoyancy force.

Seismic tomographic image:

A number of seismometer networks have been placed on the surface of the Earth to record the seismic wave propagation from seismic sources at depths to the surface. Using the traveltime data obtained from these observations, three‐dimensional seismic velocity structures in the Earth can be obtained, with a process called seismic tomographic imaging. By using P and S wave traveltimes, \( { V_\mathrm{P} } \) and \( { V_\mathrm{S} } \) structures,respectively, can be obtained.


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The original and more simplified form of this article was published inJapanese [43]. I especially thank Tokyo Geographical Society, for the permission to usea modified version of figures and limited text. I thank S. Nagumo for helpful discussions. I also thank B. K. Holtzman and B. Chouet for reading themanuscript and providing helpful comments.

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Takei, Y. (2009). Earth’s Crust and Upper Mantle, Dynamics of Solid–Liquid Systems in. In: Meyers, R. (eds) Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science. Springer, New York, NY.

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