Spin-Wave Excitations in Finite Rectangular Elements

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Spin Dynamics in Confined Magnetic Structures III


A review on recent Brillouin light scattering work on spin-wave modes in arrays of micrometer-size magnetic Ni80Fe20 stripes and rectangular elements is given. Several effects caused by the lateral confinement in the stripes are reviewed: 1. lateral quantization of dipole-dominated Damon–Eshbach spin-wave modes in a longitudinally magnetized stripe due to its finite width, 2. localization of exchange-dominated spin-wave modes near the edges and dipole-dominated spin-wave modes near the center of a transversely magnetized long magnetic stripe due to the inhomogeneity of its internal magnetic field, 3. combination of quantization and localization effects for the spin-wave modes in rectangular elements. The observed effects are analyzed using an analytical approach and numerical simulations.

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Burkard Hillebrands André Thiaville

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Bayer, C. et al. Spin-Wave Excitations in Finite Rectangular Elements. In: Hillebrands, B., Thiaville, A. (eds) Spin Dynamics in Confined Magnetic Structures III. Topics in Applied Physics, vol 101. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg . https://doi.org/10.1007/10938171_2

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