
The reporting of estimands, i.e., effect estimates, in DNA methylation analysis is a challenge for scientists. In DNA methylation analysis with DNA microarray data, the scientist can decide between two kinds of reported outcomes of the statistical analysis: differences in Beta-values and differences in M-values [1]. Raw data come as methylated and unmethylated intensities per sample. The fraction of methylated to unmethylated probes for a given CpG site is defined by the Beta-values by describing the percentage of DNA methylation for a given CpG site across all DNA molecules in the sample. While Beta-values describe the frequency of DNA methylation at a given CpG site; the M-values are standardized Beta-values. The standardization corresponds to a “logit” transformation. Hence, Beta-values follow a beta distribution with the limits at 0 and 1, while M-values are theoretically normal distributed real values. Which of the two outcomes, Beta-values or M-values, should be analyzed with which method is controversial among bioinformaticians. However, the discussion is somehow hidden in the different bioinformatical analysis pipelines. Here, we want to openly discuss the limitations and inconsistencies. Beta- and M-values are often associated with illumina microarray data; however, percentage of methylation and the corresponding “logit”-transformation can also be generated from bisulfite sequencing data.

We assume that the reader is familiar with clinical epigenetics and its potential as a biomarker and importance in heredity. If not, Berdasco and Esteller [2] demonstrate the importance of clinical epigenetics in translation, and Herrel et al. [3] provide a broader perspective of epigenetics in ecology and evolution. Discussing the differences between bisulfite sequencing and DNA methylation microarrays is beyond the scope of this work. We refer to Heiss et al. [4] to track this “battle of epigenetic proportions”.

DNA methylation analysis often focuses on the generation of p value sorted lists of CpG sites. Often these lists are adjusted for multiplicity to prevent an inflation of the type I error. These lists have their purpose in downstream pathway analysis. In contrast, Betensky [5] and Wasserstein et al. [6] state that p values cannot be interpreted in isolation and must be seen in the context of the design and application including meaningful effect measures. In this work, therefore, we aim to shed light on how meaningful effect estimates for DNA methylation analysis can be achieved. If the research question is focused on p value sorted lists of CpG sites, we recommend Van Rooij et al. [7] as a complement to our work.

The proper choice of estimands, i.e., effect estimates, is embedded into a more general discussion on reproducibility. So far, the focus of the estimand discussion is driven by drug development and clinical trials [8]. Akacha et al. [9] state that specific choices in the statistical analysis may blur the scientific question in parts or completely. Hence, there is a need for estimands that properly answer the scientific question. However, the choice of the right estimand in DNA methylation analysis is disputable. We can see the statistical method of estimation as “estimator” and the target of the estimation as “estimand”. The interest reader might consider Mallinckrodt et al. [10] for a deep discussion of estimands, estimators and sensitivity analysis in clinical trials.

Leuchs et al. [11] provide a process chart for the decision of a valid estimand in a clinical trial considering the primary endpoint, the clinical trial design, and the method of analysis. Therefore, it is paramount to discuss the choice of the estimand carefully. The authors do not discuss the topic in the context of genetics, but their considerations are applicable here as well.

In general, any genetic analysis is done in a pipeline-like fashion. This is also true for the analysis of DNA methylation data. Different statistical methods are run in a sequential pattern. For the detection of differentially methylated CpG sites, M-values are predominantly used due to their asymptotically normal distributed values and therefore better statistical properties. This is a theoretical statistical argument, which is valid; see Du et al. [1] for a more comprehensive explanation. The analysis of M-values and the resulting p values is not problematic. But p values should be reported together with effect estimates so that clinical relevance can be assessed. The coefficients from the differential analysis are differences in M-values. Unfortunately, these differences are not possible to interpret biologically. Thus, if effect estimates are needed, differences in Beta-values—as difference of DNA methylation frequency—could be more sensible as effect measures.

Among others, Du et al. [1] and Maksimovic et al. [12] recommend to use M-values for the analysis of differential DNA methylation and Beta-values statistics for reporting to investigators. At first glance, this advice seems reasonable, as it yields significance lists combined with interpretable differences in DNA methylation percentage. But this is only the case, if no confounding is present. Often the analysis on M-values is adjusted for batch effects and confounders. However, the raw Beta-values statistics are not adjusted for these effects. Running the analysis on M-values and reporting changes as differences in Beta-values implicitly assumes that the data include no confounder effects.

In the past, different approaches were applied in order to circumvent the problem of biologically non-informative effect measures. A beta regression can be calculated on the Beta-values without transforming them to M-values [13]. Beta regression delivers directly interpretable effect estimates. This method, however, has severe heteroscedasticity for highly unmethylated or methylated (hypo- and hypermethylated) CpG sites [1]. This method has been applied in different studies [14, 15], with different link functions [16] or with the reporting of both linear and beta regression coefficients [15]. A comprehensive overview and introduction can be found in Douma et al. [17]. Others use the Gaussian linear regression on Beta-values and discuss the p values and the false-/true-positive rates [18].

Finally, **e et al. [19] present different approaches to overcome the problem of biologically non-interpretable estimands as differences in M-values \(\Delta _{M}\). They propose different algorithms of transforming the \(\Delta _{M}\) directly into differences in Beta-values \(\Delta _{Beta}\). However, the work lacks a comprehensive comparison of different possible models and a usable implementation.

The aim of the paper is to provide guidance to scientists in the field of DNA methylation analysis. To date, specific guidance for the use of estimands in differential DNA methylation analysis is lacking. The decision to use an estimand may be driven by the bioinformatics analysis pipeline or by the requirement of the research question. We aim to raise awareness of the difficulties that can arise when the two views are not connected. Therefore, we present four “intuitive” approaches and discuss the impact of the choice on the results. Thus, our goal is to facilitate the choice of statistical models and algorithms to integrate statistical significance and biologically informative effect sizes in DNA methylation analysis. Furthermore, we found that the most problematic CpG sites are the hyper- or hypomethylated ones. These sites show DNA methylation levels close to zero and one. This numerical property must be taken into account if the interpretation of the estimates should not become misleading. We illustrate this problem with experimental data and a simulation study. We present the intercept method for a valid transformation of differences in M-values into differences in Beta-values [19]. Finally, we demonstrate the problem on two freely available human genome-wide DNA methylation data. The corresponding R code is available on GitHub.


In the choice of Beta-values or M-values for bioinformatical analysis, one must consider two aspects. First, one wants interpretable estimands based on the research question, so that biologically meaningful effect estimates can be reported. Second, one wants statistical packages, which are available to obtain the required estimates from the data to address the research question. In the following, we will therefore look at the problem of the reporting of effect estimates from two different angles: (1) the biologists’ research question and (2) the analytical bioinformatical view using a pipeline of different tools.

We frequently use terms like “beta” in different contexts, which might be confusing for the reader [20]. Therefore, we have defined the used terms and the statistical meaning in Table 3 in the "Methods" section. In addition, a difference between the technology must be made. There are two technologies available: the Illumina DNA methylation assay and bisulfite sequencing. Both types deliver intensities of DNA methylation. The wording differs slightly. The outcome of Illumina DNA methylation assay is called “Beta-values” and the outcome in bisulfite sequencing “methylation levels”: a ratio of methylation on a given CpG site.

Estimand decision based on research question

Beside the bioinformatics view, the research question should be the main focus of analysis. We focus our work on the unbiased estimand question. Which means that, we do not want to have a sorted p value list, but want to obtain a good estimand for each CpG site answering the research question. Typically, the scientist is interested in the effect of some treatment on the DNA methylation at a certain CpG site, i.e., the average difference between two treatment groups per CpG site. The differences in M-values do not have any biological meaning. The Beta-values describe the percentage of DNA methylation at a given CpG site. There are now four possible approaches for the generation of meaningful estimands in DNA methylation analysis:

  1. (1)

    Gaussian linear regression on Beta-values,

  2. (2)

    Beta regression on Beta-values,

  3. (3)

    M-values for significance, Beta-values for estimands and,

  4. (4)

    Transformation of differences in M-values to differences in Beta-values.

To compare these approaches, we performed a simulation with a simple model of a differential DNA methylation analysis, consisting of two treatment levels placebo and verum. First, we use a model without confounders and then a more complex model including two confounders age and sex. We run the simulation in a high sample size setting, with each treatment group containing 500 patients. The simulation is described in more detail in the "Methods" section. We also verify the results using experimental data obtained from primary samples.

Approach 1: Gaussian linear regression on Beta-values

The approach (1) means simply feeding Beta-values into the standard bioinformatical pipeline. We switch from the asymptotically normal distributed but biologically meaningless M-values to the Beta-values. Then, we run the pipeline using minfi (i.e., limma) on Beta-values. Therefore, we generated normal distributed M-values and transformed them to Beta-values by Eq. 3. Further information is supplied in the "Methods" section. However, this approach may yield predicted values below 0 or larger than 1, especially when adjustment for continuous variables is performed. Further, since Beta-values are beta-distributed, they tend to show severe heteroscedasticity, violating the assumption of the regression model. On the other hand, linear regression yields estimates for the mean difference in percentage points between groups, which may be an interpretable measure of change in DNA methylation. Depending on the strength of the effect, the p values can be significant. However, p values should be jointly discussed with an appropriate unbiased effect estimate [6]. Potential effects should be investigated after the initial differential analysis. We repeated the simulation in a mid- and large sample size setting. The overall pattern is the same; the effect estimates from a Gaussian linear regression on Beta-values might be biased, if CpG sites with Beta-values close to 0 and 1 are analyzed. The scientist must verify that the estimands are trustworthy.

Approach 2: Beta regression on Beta-values

Approach (2) is calculating a Beta regression on the Beta-values. In this case, the distribution of the Beta-value is taken into account, and the correct regression model is used. This avoids the above-mentioned problems: Beta regression yields predictions in the range of 0 to 1 and has no heteroscedasticity problems. The R package betareg [21] offers a practical implementation. The resulting coefficients must be back-transformed by an inverse logit transformation \(\exp (x)/(1+\exp (x))\). The result of the beta regression is then similar to an odds ratio and must be interpreted accordingly, not as a difference in percentage points of DNA methylation, but as the ratio of DNA methylation odds.

Betareg, however, shows severe convergence problems at the borders of the beta distribution. Supplementary figure 1 shows the convergence rates for different \(\beta _0\) as mean of the Placebo group and an effect to the Treatments group of \(\beta _1 = 0.1\). Nearly all models will converge, if at least the mean of the Placebo group \(\beta _0\) is 0.1. Smaller simulated Beta-values tend to result in no-model fit and thus no estimates. If the Beta-values are large enough \(>0.1\), the model will produce unbiased effect estimates. Due to symmetry of the Beta distribution, this will be also the case for Beta-values \(>0.9\). Hence, the approach (2) is only feasible, if the DNA methylation sites are not mainly hypo- or hypermethylated. Therefore, a filtering step might be a solution in which only CpG sites between a DNA methylation of 0.1 and 0.9 are modeled. Triche et al. [22] show the application of the Beta regression on genome-wide DNA methylation association studies. They showed as a result of enhanced power, and therefore, greater sensitivity to detect changes in DNA methylation can be observed in the simulation studies.

Approach 3: M-values for significance, Beta-values for estimands

The advice to use the approach (3) is not uncommon [1, 12]. M-values are used for calculating p values. Beta-values are then used for reporting estimands as differences in Beta-value means. However, reporting raw mean differences not accounting for confounders will result in confounded effect estimates. In the following, we want to answer the question how strong the bias between the estimated effect \(\hat{\Delta }_{Beta}\) to the predefined \(\Delta _{Beta}\) would be, if we used the mean difference in Beta-values as estimand. Therefore, we run two additional simulation studies (both included in Fig. 1) and check whether we could recover the original effect by simply taking the mean between the two treatment groups. We hypothesize that if a simple model does not deliver satisfying results, the more complex ones (i.e., with a more complex variance structure) will also have problems. Therefore, the most simple model would be a model with one treatment factor and two levels Placebo and Treatments (Eq. 4), the classical differential analysis setting. Further, we examined a more complex model with two confounders Age and Sex (Eq. 5).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Simulation of the effects estimation influenced by none or two confounder effects. On the y-axis, the percentage deviation from the predefined \(\Delta _{Beta}\) to estimated \(\hat{\Delta }_{Beta}\) and on the x-axis the raw mean difference of the Beta-values between treatment groups. The first subplot shows the 0% confounder effect. The other two subplot the confounder effects of 10% and 20%. Simulated data with two treatment levels. The deviation is not symmetrical, because the confounder effects were always simulated in the same direction. 5000 simulations with \(n=1000\) each

Approach 3.1: Differential analysis without confounder We first run a simple simulation study without any confounder effects. The data consist only of one treatment factor with two levels Placebo and Treatments (Eq. 4), where each group consists of 500 observations. Further, we let the mean of the placebo group (Grp\(_{Placebo}\)) run from 0.1 to 0.9 by 0.2 and the effect \(\Delta _{Beta}\), i.e., the difference between Grp\(_{Placebo}\) and Grp\(_{Treatments}\), from 0.005 to 0.3 with different distances. Figure 1 left panel shows the results of the simulation: If no confounders influence the effect of the Treatments group, the mean of the raw Beta-values can be used as an estimand for the report of the effects. However, if confounding is present, the simulation shows considerable deviations from the predefined effect.

Approach 3.2: Differential analysis with two confounders

The above setting is quite unrealistic. Usually, confounder effects are present. The confounder effects can be caused by different sources like cell composition effect [23, 24]. Further, confounder effects might be chip effects [25] or in general batch effects [26]. A well written overview on confounder adjustment and inference in epidemiology delivers Vanderweele [27]. DNA methylation analysis in particular demands adjustment for batch effects, cell composition, and gender or age effects. These confounding effects might be quite drastic. The more complex model now extends the above model by two confounders, Age and Sex. We choose Age and Sex as naming, because both are easy to capture. Both confounders add up to 10% or 20% of the overall effect. Hence, if the confounders have 20% influence, only 80% of the effect is driven by the Treatments treatment (Eq. 5). Figure 1 shows the results of the percentual effect confounding by calculating the mean difference of the Beta-values of both treatment levels. If no confounder effect is present, the bias is the same as in Fig. 1. With a combined confounder effect of 10%, the percentage bias will increase to 100% if the predefined mean differences become larger. The effect is more drastic, if the combined confounder effect becomes larger at 20%.

The results in Fig. 1 indicate that the mean Beta-value method is valid only if no confounder effects are present. If the scientist must assume a slight confounder effect, the deviation increases drastically. We cannot recommend using M-values for significance and mean differences of “raw” Beta-values for reporting and visualization. A 10% confounder effect will bias the results at high cost of reproducibility.

Approach 4: Transformation of differences in M-values (\(\Delta _M\)) to differences in Beta-values (\(\Delta _{Beta}\))

Single Beta-values can be transformed into a single M-value with a simple formula and vice versa. No bijective dependency, however, exists between differences of M values and that of Beta-values. Therefore, coefficients from the M values linear regression cannot be directly transformed into Beta-value effects. In fact, any single M-value difference can map to a range of Beta-value differences, as visible in Fig. 5.

**. BMC Bioinformatics. 2019;20(1):1–11." href="/article/10.1186/s13148-021-01083-9#ref-CR45" id="ref-link-section-d94676301e4383">45] provide an overview of a DNA methylation pipeline with bisulfite sequencing. Interestingly, bisulfite sequencing data are often called DNA methylation levels or proportion, which can be named Beta-values. The different naming makes sense, because of the different context of read counts and signal intensities.

In addition to discussing the proper estimation of effects in clinical trials, we also discuss the influence of normalization methods on final results. So, do we model the noise caused by preprocessing (e.g., normalization and filtering) or the biological effect? Or is the noise effect more important than the choice of statistical model? Hancock et al. [46] discussed the issue in a broader sense and Qin et al. [47] with emphasizes to omics data. In particular, for DNA methylation analyses, the confounder effect of cell composition must be considered [48, 49]. Other confounding factors that should be considered are batch effects [50]. Depending on the study type and the patient collective study, specific confounders might be needed. Finally, Mishra et al. [51] discuss the global goals of data preprocessing. The work of Mishra et al. (2020) is in the context of chemometric models, but provides a comprehensive overview of the general selection process strategies of preprocessing methods. We decided to use confounder effects which make effects. Finally, we chose confounder effects that clearly led to differences in the simulation study. These effects may be too high or too low. However, this evaluation of confounder effects also depends on the experiment conducted, design, and tissue used. Researchers should know the effect of confounders on the effect estimators and consider them in the interpretation [7, 35, 52].

If the research question is based on a “p value” ranked CpG site list, we recommend the work of Van Rooij et al. [7] as a complement to our work. For error rates, Van Rooij et al. [7] evaluated different statistical models and methylation values as well as the effects of confounding. In addition, they discuss the results in the context of RNAseq. Van Rooij et al. [7] found that no methylation value transformation has a large impact on the ranking by error rates. They recommend beta-3IQR values, i.e., Beta-values without extreme values. Van Rooij et al. [7] do not discuss effect estimates because they are not within the scope of their work.

In terms of the research question, the researcher could focus on specific CpG sites. It might be possible to focus on CpG sites with Beta-values close to 0 and 1 and dichotomize the CpG sites into a binary indicator. After dichotomization, a Fisher exact test would be possible. Again, the estimate of an exact Fisher test is an odds ratio and the definition of the binary indicator must meet the requirements of the scientist. This approach may be of interest as our analysis of E-GEOD-68379 may serve as an example.

We cannot cover all issues connected with biased reported estimands. We consider the combination of different clinical studies in a meta analysis as one of them. Therefore, the highest value of evidence can be reached with meta analysis and systematic reviews. If a meta analysis should be run, two settings must be distinguished: (1) all data of the studies are available and can be reanalyzed or (2) only the publication is available and effect estimates should be combined. It is very important to distinguish between DNA methylation measurements as outcome [53, 54] or as risk factor [55]. In our work, we concentrate on DNA methylation measurements as outcome. While single studies might have a lack of reproducibility, the combination of different single studies can be an impossible challenge due to differences in processing pipelines and statistical models. As an example, Morris et al. [56] discuss the epigenetic landscape of renal cancer. There are no estimands reported for the DNA methylation part. Instead, more a general scheme of up- and down regulation by CpG islands connected to promotor regions. Kerr et al. [57] stated, in their recent review on rare renal diseases, that the methodical rigor was weak in all thirteen considered studies. The information on the DNA methylation measurement method is reported for each study, but this does not help to judge the estimands in each study as a lack of accounting for confounding factors can be found in all case–control studies even if the factors are mentioned. They conclude that “future studies would benefit from standardization of the detection and analysis of methylation, [...] and a comprehensive, transparent reporting structure”. A template might be the STREGA statement, which provides the scientific community with a checklist for the performance of genome-wide association studies to enhance the transparency of its reporting, regardless of choices made during design, conduct, or analysis [58]. With this work, we aim to facilitate the choice of correct estimands for specific DNA methylation analyses and therefore add to more standardized analysis workflows, enhancing comparability and reproducibility across different studies.


Many bioinformatical DNA methylation analysis pipelines demand the usage of an asymptotically normal distributed outcome. The outcome should be asymptotically normal because commonly used R packages are based on the R package limma and therefore have the inherent assumption of normally distributed outcome. So far, methodically benchmarks are done on false discovery rates, which might not be affected by the use of Beta-values analyzed by Gaussian linear regression analysis. This might be the reason of a low number of CpG sites close to 0 and 1 or the usage of robust methods. Nevertheless, the question remains, if the estimands are unbaised. However, we show that confounder effects will bias the effect estimates. In addition, the usage of the technology might also influence the choice of the appropriate estimand. With our study, we come to the following recommendations. M-values should be used if significance is a filter for post hoc analysis like pathway analysis or the detection of interesting CpG sites. In a next step, we recommend the usage of Beta-values in a Beta regression to estimate the effects of the CpG sites scrutinized, where the estimand has to be interpreted as an odds ratio. In this context, it has to be emphasized that the Beta regression has problems of modeling values at the borders of the 0 and 1 distribution, i.e., if a CpG site has mostly high methylation or no methylation. In this case, estimating the effect in terms of differences in Beta-values may also be achieved by using the intercept method.

Therefore, depending on the experimental setting and the connected research question, M-values or Beta-values can be used as outcome. In no case should M-values be used for determination of the significance and raw Beta-value differences as effect measure. The estimands on Beta-values will be biased, if even a small confounder effect is present. We want to encourage scientist to choose the estimand, which fits best to the research question and the biological model. We see similar mathematical symbols and statistical word usage in DNA methylation for different concepts, which can lead to unnecessary confusion. With our work, we hope to facilitate the collaboration and planning of further clinical trials.


Statistical wording in DNA methylation analysis

Some statistical wording in DNA methylation analysis is special, because one of the measured outcomes is called “beta”. Therefore, in our article we will frequently use statistical terms like “beta” in a different context which might be confusing for the reader [20]. Therefore, we have defined the used terms and the statistical meaning in Table 3. A DNA methylation analysis can consist of hundreds of thousands of CpG sites. Each i\(^{th}\) CpG site has a single Beta\(_i\) value. Each of the single Beta-values can be transformed into M-values. In general, the Beta- and M-values are the outcome of the DNA methylation analysis. In our article, we concentrate on the differences between M-values and Beta-values defined as \(\Delta _M\) and \(\Delta _{Beta}\), respectively. We call these differences in Beta- and M-values estimands, because the differences are “what is to be estimated” [9]. Further, a linear regression will produce estimates for the intercept \(\beta _0\) and the effect estimate \(\beta _1\) for the treatment effect, i.e., the difference between the Placebo and Treatment.

Table 3 Table of used terms, their statistical meaning, and description

Transformation of M-values and Beta-values

In the following, we briefly describe Beta-values, M-values and the differences in them as estimands, respectively. We recommend as introduction to the topic of Beta- and M-values the work of Du et al. [1]. Maksimovic et al. [12] can be recommended for a deeper discussion of potential bioinformatical analysis pipeline.

In an analysis of Illumina Infinium DNA methylation arrays methylated and unmethylated intensities are produced. The fraction of methylated to unmethylated probes for a given CpG site is defined by the Beta-values. The Beta-values describe the percentage of DNA methylation for a given CpG site. The Beta-values can be calculated as follows.

$$\begin{aligned} \hbox {Beta}_i = \frac{\max (methylated, 0)}{\max (methylated, 0) + \max (unmethylated, 0) + 100} \end{aligned}$$

The Beta-values are a probability and therefore limited to a range of 0 to 1. Consequently, they are Beta-distributed. The Beta-values can be standardized to M-values as follows.

$$\begin{aligned} \hbox {M}_i = \log _2\left( \frac{\hbox {Beta}_i}{1 - \hbox {Beta}_i}\right) \end{aligned}$$

The M-values are asymptotically normal distributed after the \(\log _2\)-transformation. The M-values can be back-transformed.

$$\begin{aligned} \hbox {Beta}_i = \frac{2^{\hbox {M}_i}}{1 + 2^{\hbox {M}_i}} \end{aligned}$$

Counterintuitively, the differences in Beta-values cannot be transformed into differences in M-values and vice versa. First, we have examined the theoretical distribution of the \(\Delta _{M}\) of a linear regression analysis to the corresponding possible \(\Delta _{Beta}\). We demonstrate in Fig. 5 the mustache-like plot of the theoretical distribution. A direct translation of \(\Delta _{M}\) to \(\Delta _{Beta}\) is not possible. The difference of \(\Delta _{M} = 5\) can be represented by a \(\Delta _{Beta}\) from 0.0009 to 0.6996. Due to the fact that the mustache plot is symmetrical we will concentrate on the positive differences of the \(\Delta _{M}\) values.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Mustache plot of the theoretical relation of differences in M-values to differences in Beta-values. On the left side, the difference in M-values (\(\Delta _{M}\)) is mapped to all possible corresponding differences in Beta-values (\(\Delta _{Beta}\)). A difference of \(\Delta _{M} = 5\), for example, can be mapped to a \(\Delta _{Beta}\) from 0.0009 to 0.6996

Table 4 shows the numeric dependencies between the Beta- and M-values as well as the differences. The \(\Delta _{Beta}\) is always 0.1 between the Placebo and Treatment group of the treatment. The \(\Delta _{M}\) value depends on the Beta-value of the Placebo and the Treatment. Therefore, single \(\Delta _{M}\) values cannot be matched to single \(\Delta _{Beta}\) values. In the last column, the respective regression model on M-values is shown. As **e et al. [19] are pointing out, the best way to achieve the differences of Beta-values out of a Gaussian linear regression on M-values is to back transform the estimates of the regression. As an example, the regression formula on M-values with \(-3.15 + 1.16 \cdot Grp_{Treatment}\) has a \(\beta _0 = -3.15\), the mean of the Placebo group, and \(\beta _1 = 1.16\) the difference between the mean of the Placebo and Treatment group. Hence, the mean of the Treatment group would be \(-3.15 + 1.16 = -1.99\) as shown in the table. Now, the mean of the Placebo group of \(-3.15\) can be back-transformed to 0.101 and the mean of the Treatment group of \(-1.99\) to 0.201, respectively. Then, it is possible to calculate the differences in Beta-values of 0.1.

Table 4 Table of example for the transformation of Beta-Values to M-values and the differences, respectively. The Beta-value difference between the Placebo group and the Treatments group is constant at 10%. Due to the transformation, the M-values differ and the differences in M-values can not be mapped to the differences in Beta-values

Used simulation models

In the following, we describe the simulation approach mathematically, for those who have a better access via programming code the simulation R code is available on We used two different simulation models for the comparison of the predefined and estimated effects. First, a simple model on which we can discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the approach. The results can be seen in Fig. 1 on the left panel.

$$\begin{aligned} Outcome = \beta _0 + \beta _1 \cdot Grp + \epsilon \end{aligned}$$


  • Outcome represents the measured M-values or Beta-values for one CpG site

  • \(\beta _0\) is the intercept of the regression model and the mean of the Placebo group

  • \(\beta _1\) is the effect estimate, i.e., estimand, of the Treatment group representing the mean difference between Placebo and Treatment.

The regression model (4) is very simple and can also be seen as a t-test. However, standard bioinformatical pipelines often use the Gaussian linear regression with variance correction for the differential analysis [34]. The reason is that regression models can be adjusted for confounders like age and sex. The confounder effects are normally not of interest and are discarded.

$$\begin{aligned} \hbox {Outcome} = \beta _0 + \beta _1 \cdot Grp + \beta _3 \cdot Age + \beta _4 \cdot Sex + \epsilon \end{aligned}$$


  • Outcome represents the measured M-values or Beta-values for one CpG site

  • \(\beta _0\) is the intercept of the regression model and the mean of the Placebo group

  • \(\beta _1\) is the effect estimate, i.e., estimand, of the Treatment group representing the mean difference between Placebo and Treatment (\(\Delta _{M}\))

  • \(\beta _3\) and \(\beta _4\) are the effect estimates of the confounder, i.e., Age and Sex.

The approaches (1) to (4) are tested on both models, and the implications were discussed. The overall data generating was done in the environment of the R package simstudy ( We used the simstudy setup for the data generation. First, the Outcome has been generated as normally distributed (dist = normal). If Beta-values were needed, the normally distributed M-values were transformed to Beta-values using Eq. 3. In the case of the analysis of the convergence rate of the Beta regression, betareg(), we generated a Beta distributed Outcome (dist = beta).

Table 4 shows the data generation setting for an effect \(\Delta _{Beta}\) of 0.1 between Grp\(_{Placebo}\) and Grp\(_{Treatment}\). In the next step, we generated the Beta-values for the placebo group and added the effect to achieve the Beta-value for the case group. The difference is always 0.1 as the predefined effect. We use the M-values to generate the regression formula and the normal distributed outcome as pictured in Table 4. The regression formula represents the difference of Beta-values of 0.1 in the space of the M-values. We are then able to back transform the Outcome to Beta-values and use them as outcome. The effect \(\Delta _{Beta}\) is varied in the simulation study. Further, we generated a confounder effect matrix Eq. 6. The confounder effects are positive defined. Therefore, if we ignore the confounder effects, our estimates should have a negative deviation, which can be seen in Fig. 1.


Depending on the confounder effect, the treatment effect is reduced by the portion shown in Eq. 6. We decided to use a categorical and continuous variable as possible confounders. Figure 1 shows the simulation results of the different confounder effects.