
The identification of isolated human tooth has always been a focus of the dental curriculum. Identification of tooth by its morphology is compulsory knowledge required for each dentistry students [1]. Tooth morphological identification is also important in almost all clinical procedures [2] and is essential throughout the whole dental career [3]. In addition, the identification of isolated human tooth has many applications in forensic odontology and archaeology. In many serious situations such as fire accidents, plane crashes, and natural disasters, or cases of corpse decomposition and disfigurement, traditional methods such as fingerprints and iris scans often fail to identify subjects because of their low resistance. In these cases, teeth that can tolerate high temperatures are considered the best candidates for human identification [4]. In the 2007 Thailand tsunami disaster in India, dental evidence was the primary source of identification in most of the cases, followed by fingerprints and DNA evidence. The identification rate of missing persons with dental records was significantly higher than those without [5]. Additionally, many of the existing researches which inferred age [6, 7], gender [8, 9] and ancestry [10] through teeth were based on one specific tooth. In anthropological and archaeological surveys, an isolated tooth also played important role in identification [11].

Recently, digital technologies have been wildly applied in dental clinical works, benefiting both dentists and patients. The application of digital scanners, cone beam tomography, and other technologies have been generating tremendous data, along with the rapid development of machine learning, accelerating the related researches in dentistry. Researches on artificial intelligence have been underway since the middle of the last century [12]. With the development of deep learning, machine learning models with vast amounts of hidden layers and massive training data can learn more complex features, significantly improving the accuracy of classification programs [13].

In the field of image recognition, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are usually ideal choices with existing methods having achieved over 80% Top-1 accuracy and over 95% Top-5 accuracy on ImageNet datasets [14], while also demonstrating excellent performance on medical image analysis [15]. Nowadays, the identification of objects in the image has been applied to a variety of aspects from daily photos to microscopic images [16, 17]. There were several researches that have applied deep learning to classify teeth categories based on images, the majority of which focused on the classification of teeth in an entire dentition, such as the segmentation and classification of teeth in Cone-beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) images [18]; Identifying teeth through tooth impression model images [19] or dental panoramic x-ray images [20]. On the other side, single tooth volume images from CBCT images can also be identified using CNNs [21, 22]. However, there is currently no research identifying isolated tooth specimens by photographs.

Identifying isolated tooth based on appearance can be challenging due to the anatomical similarities between categories, requiring a high level of expertise. This study aims to explore the possibility of using a deep learning model to classify isolated tooth by photographs. A dataset consisting of photographs from isolated human tooth specimens were collected for this study. A CNN model was trained and evaluated on this dataset, the model was developed to take input of a set of 6 images photographed from different directions of a single tooth, and automatically predicts its category. The trained model was assessed under different classification granularities and exhibited classification accuracy comparable to that of human experts. To our best knowledge, this is the first study that classifies isolated tooth through natural photographs.


Sample collection

A total of 850 teeth were collected from the Department of Anatomy, TaiKang Medical School of Wuhan University. The teeth included incisors, canines, premolars and molars of the maxilla and mandible. The collected teeth were photographed from six directions, specifically, occlusal, apical, buccal, lingual, mesial, and distal, respectively, as shown in Fig. 1 (Camera model: Canon Power Shot G12). Two well-trained observers, who have accomplished dental anatomy courses and have one year of clinical experience, classified the 850 teeth based on the tooth anatomy characteristics. The teeth were labeled into 16 categories, namely, maxillary 1–8 and mandibular 1–8 (according to FDI tooth classification, without distinguishing between left and right). To minimize data annotation errors, the following measures were taken: the two observers strictly compared the morphology of sample tooth to the standard, every tooth was identified by the two observers, separately. In the cases when they didn’t reach an agreement, a third observer was consulted. The third observer is an experienced teacher, who has more than 30 years of teaching experience on tooth anatomy. Data were valid only if the three observers reached an agreement.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Data acquisition schematic: the tooth was photographed from six directions


A total of 5,100 images from the 850 teeth were collected to serve as the database for this study. The photos were randomly divided into a training set of photographs from 650 teeth and a raw testing dataset (raw test set) of photographs from 200 teeth. The images from the training set were used to train the machine learning model with supervision from categories annotated by direct observation. To ensure the reliability of the labeling, the raw testing set was further refined using a voting strategy, as described in the following section, to minimize annotation error and accurately evaluate the model’s performance.

Voting-based test set refinement

In our practice, we observed that in many circumstances, the ground truth category of a tooth was unknown because of the non-standard anatomy. The observed category in essence was a maximum likelihood estimate of the ground truth category and was not guaranteed to be correct. A more accurate label in the testing dataset would be essential to accurately reflect the model’s classification accuracy.

To this end, we employed a voting strategy to filter out ambiguous data and generate labels with more confidence by seeking agreement between different observations. After image collection, an experienced teacher (the third observer) labeled the raw test set teeth by inspecting their images using an in-house developed software to generate his annotation (A1). And the two observers who collected the image labeled the raw test set again after one year of the data collection, using the same software and generated their annotation (A2 and A3). The labeling software was designed to allow users to freely explore the 6 photographs taken from different directions of one tooth and adjust contrast and brightness to have a comprehensive view of the image set. Together with the direct observation annotation by the two observers (A0), we voted to generate the resulting label with more confidence by giving A0-A3 different weighting scores. Specifically: we gave A0, A1, A2, and A3 weighting scores of 2, 2, 1, and 1, respectively. A tooth would be labeled as a category with the highest score only if the category got a score equal to or larger than 4, otherwise, the tooth would be removed from the raw test dataset. In this way, we filtered 71 ambiguous tooth data out of the raw test set and generated the test set with more confidence which constitutes images from 129 teeth. The resulting test set was used to evaluate the model’s performance, and the designated label for the test set was referred to as the “pseudo-ground-truth” (P-GT) in the following part of this article.

Deep learning

The proposed deep learning model took an image set of 6 photographs from a single tooth as the input on each forward pass, and generated the possibility of the image set being each category. The model topology is illustrated in Fig. 2, the model mainly consists of a feature extraction encoder to extract feature of each image and an attention encoder to fuse and correlate the generated features. We adopted the ConvNeXt-S [23] as the feature extraction backbone. These features are then processed by the attention encoder, which is the same as that in the Transformer [24], to fuses and correlates the features and generate a prediction about the category of the entire image set. Specifically, the six images share the same feature encoder weights, which reduces the computational complexity, while fully utilize the capacity of the feature extractor.

Fig. 2
figure 2

The proposed model: It consists of a feature extraction encoder and an attention encoder to generate the possibility of the image set being each category by taking an image set of 6 images from a single tooth as the input

To ensure that the input images are compatible with the model, they will be resized to a square shape with dimensions of 224 × 224 pixels. The resizing process will maintain the aspect ratio of the original image and pad any missing pixels on the shorter side with black color. This is important because the aspect ratio may serve and a valuable anatomical feature for teeth classification.

The model was trained using the Adam optimizer with default settings (alpha and beta parameters of 0.9 and 0.99), a weight decay factor of 0.5 was set for regularization. Additionally, run-time data augmentation by random rotations, dropout, perspective, and affine transformations were applied with probabilities of 0.5, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, respectively, to further regularize the model.

The model was trained with a batch size of 16 teeth (96 images) for 300 epochs using cross-entropy loss. Poly learning rate with a power of 1.5 and a warmup phase of 60 epochs were used to stable the training process. To address uncertainty in human annotations, a label smoothing factor of 0.1 was added to the loss calculation to reduce the teacher-forcing problem.

The experiment was conducted on a single Nvidia RTX 3090 GPU (Nvidia Corporation, Santa Clara, CA, United States), the training time took approximately 2.5 h to complete.

Model evaluation

Initially, the data were labeled into 16 categories during data collection phase. However, during the later stage of this study, we noticed that controversy often existed between different human observers regarding the tooth category in some images. The evaluation based on the uncertain label might be inappropriate. In addition to the voting-based test set refinement, we empirically grouped the teeth into 3 types of classifications with different granularity by merging similar sub-categories into a super-category:

  • 16-type classification: Maxillary 1–8 and mandibular 1–8 (according to FDI tooth classification). This is the same classification as the manual label. For easier illustration, we named them U1-U8 (upper jaw 1–8) and L1-L8 (lower jaw 1–8).

  • 6-type classification: Anterior teeth (1–3), premolar (4–5), molar (6–8), subcategorized into the upper and lower jaw. Namely: upper anterior teeth (UA), upper premolar (UP), upper molar (UM), lower anterior teeth (LA), lower premolar (LP), and lower molar (LM).

  • 3-type classification: Anterior teeth (1–3), pre-molar (4–5), molar (6–8), without distinguishing upper and lower jaw. Namely: anterior teeth (A), premolar (P), and molar (M).

More categories will better reflect the model’s ability in distinguishing subtle feature differences between sub-classes, but it will also downgrade the prestige of the P-GT. In the following parts of this paper, the evaluation results will be reported regarding these 3 types of classifications when applicable.


After the model was trained, it predicted the classification of each image set in the test set and compared it to the P-GT. Since the model predicts not only a class but instead the possibilities of being each class, the Top-k accuracy of the model was calculated and depicted to stress the model’s uncertain decisions. The top-k accuracy of the model was defined as the number of correctly predicted tooth classes divided by the total amount of the test set, where we treat a prediction as correct if the P-GT classification resides in the top k largest output units. Formally, let \(P\) be the set of predicted items, and \(G\) be the set of ground-truth items, with \({g}_{i}\in G\) being the ground truth label of the sample \(i\). The top-k accuracy can be defined as:

$$Accuracy@k= \frac{\sum _{i=0}^{N}\mathbb{I}(\text{r}\text{a}\text{n}\text{k}\left({g}_{i}, {P}_{i}\right)\le k)}{N},$$

where \(\text{r}\text{a}\text{n}\text{k}({G}_{i}, {P}_{i})\) is the rank of \({g}_{i}\) in the predicted set \({P}_{i}\), \(\mathbb{I}\) is the indicator function which is 1 if the condition is true (the item is within the top-k), and 0 otherwise, and \(N\) is the total number of samples.

To present a more comprehensive view of the model’s decision on each tooth image set, the confusion matrix was calculated to show the correlation between P-GT and model prediction of each class.

Per-class analysis

The average per-class sensitivity and specificity were calculated with the following definition:

$$\text{S}\text{e}\text{n}\text{s}\text{i}\text{t}\text{i}\text{v}\text{i}\text{t}\text{y}=\sum _{\text{c}=0}^{{\text{N}}_{\text{c}\text{l}\text{s}}}\frac{\text{T}{\text{P}}_{\text{c}}}{\text{T}{\text{P}}_{\text{c}}+\text{F}{\text{N}}_{\text{c}}}/{\text{N}}_{\text{c}\text{l}\text{s}}$$
$$\text{S}\text{p}\text{e}\text{c}\text{i}\text{f}\text{i}\text{c}\text{i}\text{t}\text{y}=\sum _{\text{c}=0}^{{\text{N}}_{\text{c}\text{l}\text{s}}}\frac{{\text{T}\text{N}}_{\text{c}}}{{\text{T}\text{N}}_{\text{c}}+{\text{F}\text{P}}_{\text{c}}}/{\text{N}}_{\text{c}\text{l}\text{s}}$$

Where c stands for class and \({N}_{cls}\) is the total number of the classes, TP, TN, FN and FP stands for True positive, True negative, False positive, and False negative, respectively.

In addition, the Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) curve for each class and their average were analyzed and plotted, with the Area Under the Curve (AUC) calculated for each ROC curve to give a more precise view of the prediction of each class.

Feature visualization

Besides, to further explore the relationship between different classes from model’s perspective, a feature visualization on the last layer before the output (the embedding layer, d = 512) was conducted by dimensionality reduction. The layer was chosen because it is an ensemble representation of the extracted features from 6 images in the final feature space. The t-SNE method [25] was used to map the higher dimensional feature vectors to 2 dimensional, and the 2-dimensional features were illustrated regarding the predicted class, which enables visualization of the model’s internal decision rule.

As supplementary to the feature domain visualization, we also plotted the feature responses across the spatial dimensions of the image by obtaining the output feature map of the encoder’s last layer. The heatmap is generated by overlap** the absolute value of the feature channels over the original image, which gives an indication of the magnitude and location of the feature responses. This visualization provides a spatial perspective on the model’s feature extraction process to provide a deeper understanding of the model’s behavior and decision-making process.

Statistical analysis

To evaluate the agreement between human observations, the Fleiss’ Kappa was calculated between A0-A3 on the raw test set (200 teeth). Considering the voting will filter out data where agreement could not be achieved, the Fleiss’ Kappa was also calculated between A0-A3 only on the test set data (129 teeth) to justify the proposed voting strategy.

In addition, to evaluate the consistency of two observers who collected the image, they labeled the raw test set again after two years of the data collection, using the same software and generated their annotation (B2 and B3), the Fleiss’ Kappa was calculated to evaluate the intra-agreement between the raters.

Moreover, the agreement between the P-GT and the model prediction was accessed using the Cohen’s Kappa.

All of the evaluation metrics were analyzed with Python programming language using mainly NumPy and Scikit-learn packages. The statistical analysis was processed using IBM®SPSS® Statistics 27.0 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA).


Data distribution

Table 1 provides a summary of the data distribution for each class as categorized in the initial direct observation (A0). The dataset contains 650 teeth in total, and is well-balanced across classes, with approximately 50 teeth per class for the 16-class classification.

Table 1 Class distribution of the dataset

Classification accuracies

The proposed model achieved a classification accuracy (Top-1 accuracy) of 60.47%, 87.60%, and 99.22% for the 16, 3, and 3-type classifications, respectively. The Top-1 to Top-3 accuracies are shown in Table 2. The classification accuracies increased with larger k, where the model achieved Top-3 accuracies of 90.70%, 97.67%, and 100% for the 3 types of classifications, indicating the model performs well to some degree. The average sensitivities and specificities for each class regarding different grou** types are described in Table 3. The model achieved average sensitivities of 58.30%, 87.66%, and 99.31% for the 16, 6, and 3-type classifications, with specificities of more than 95% in all 3 grou** types.

Table 2 Top-k accuracies
Table 3 Average sensitivity and specificity

Confusion matrix

The confusion matrices (Fig. 3) provide a more in-depth description of the model’s prediction, with the number in each cell representing the number of teeth that were being categorized into the corresponding classes. The more data reside in the diagonal line of the matrix, the better model’s prediction resembles P-GT. In our experiment, most of the data were located in the diagonal line of the 3 subfigures of Fig. 3. From Fig. 3, one can see that the outliner data typically resides in the adjacent tooth or its counterpart on the other jaw (e.g., U3 and L3). Furthermore, the number of outliner data decreased with larger classification granularity, i.e., 6-type and 3-type classifications.

Fig. 3
figure 3

The confusion matrices: it provides a more in-depth description of the model’s prediction, with the number in each cell representing the number of teeth that being categorized in to the corresponding classes

ROC curve and AUC

The ROC curves for each class as well as the average ROC curve are plotted in Fig. 4, with AUCs shown in figure legend. The model achieved an average AUC of 0.95 with most of the AUCs exceeding 0.9 for each class.

Fig. 4
figure 4

ROC curve and AUC. The ROC curves for each class were plotted in solid lines with different colors, the average ROC curve were plotted as dotted line. The AUCs for each curve were shown in the figure legend

Feature visualization

Figure 5 shows the feature visualization of the embedding layer by dimensionality reduction. A larger inter-class distance with a smaller intra-class distance indicates better performance of the model in feature representation by distinguishing different classes and grou** the same classes. In Fig. 5, different colors are given to different classes of the 16-type classification by the P-GT. To better illustrate the grou** of different super-categories, the anterior teeth (A), premolar (P), and molar (M) are given reddish, greenish, and bluish colors, respectively. In addition, the upper (U) and lower (L) teeth are accordingly plotted in circular and triangular shapes. The model did a good job in separating A, P, and M, it also performed decently in differentiating U and L, however, inaccuracies can be observed in teeth with similar anatomical features, such as L1 and L2.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Feature visualization of the last layer before the output by dimensionality reduction. Different colors were given to different classes on P-GT, of which, the anterior teeth, premolar and molar were given reddish, greenish and bluish colors, respective

In addition to visualizing the aggregated feature from 1-dimensional feature space, we also plot samples from feature maps of the encoder network in Fig. 6. The encoder model output features of hundreds of channels at its last layer, from which we plot only the first 15 for clarity. This visualization offers a spatial view of the feature representation and shows how the model processes information at the pixel level. By examining Fig. 6, we can identify which regions of the image are most important for the model’s decision-making process and to gain insights into the model’s feature extraction process. As shown in the figure, the model focusses primarily on anatomical structures such as root apices, cervical margin, and the cusps and fissures of the crown, with different channels focusing on different aspect of the image. Overall, this visualization provides valuable insights into the model’s feature extraction process and demonstrates its ability to effectively identify the tooth, rather than relying on irrelevant details or backgrounds.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Spatial view of the feature representation from the encoder’s last layer. The heatmap is generated by overlap** the absolute value of the first 15 feature channels over the original image. Reddish regions indicate high activation, while bluish regions indicate low activation

Kappa statistics

The results of the Fleiss’ Kappa between the A0 – A3 indexed by raw test set/test set are shown in Table 4. The value under 16-type classification was in 0.4–0.6 intervals indicating moderate agreement, and the value under 6 and 3-type classifications were under 0.6–0.8 and 0.8-1.0 intervals, indicating substantial and almost perfect agreement [26]. We found that all Fleiss’ Kappa in 3 types of classifications increased after filtering, indicating enhanced agreement, which reflects the rationality of the voting strategy.

Table 4 The agreement among A0, A1, A2, and A3 indexed by raw test set and resulting test set

In addition, the Fleiss’ Kappa between the A2 and B2, A3 and B3 indexed by raw test set are shown in supplementary Table ST4, the results are close to that of refined test set, indicating moderate to good intra-observer agreement, this consistency supports the reliability of the labeling process.

The Cohen’s Kappa between P-GT and model prediction are shown in Table 5. Kappa in 16-type is 0.577, indicating moderate agreement. Kappa in 6-type is 0.850 and Kappa in 3-type is 0.988, indicating almost perfect agreement [26].

Table 5 Agreement between P-GT and the model prediction using Cohen’s Kappa


In this study, we proposed a deep learning model to classify isolated tooth through natural images. Our model was able to accurately classify isolated tooth and performed well under three kinds of classification conditions, achieving accuracies of 60.47%, 87.60%, and 99.22% in 16, 6, and 3-type classifications, respectively.

The proposed deep learning model entailed the usage of ConvNeXt [Limitations

Our study has several limitations to be reported: First of all, the train and test sets were both labeled by experienced observers based on tooth anatomy, which was an estimation of the real category, especially when considering that the two observers have a lower expertise level than more experienced teachers or clinicians. Although the test set was later refined and selected to improve its validity, the P-GT is still a compromise to the unknown GT. To overcome these limitations, we took several measures to ensure data accuracy, and to minimize the risk of estimation errors, the strict comparison of the two observers results and the involvement of the third expert should largely improve the reliability of the label, and the P-GT can be seen as a reliable estimation, given that the variability of the tooth anatomy and lack of contextual information make it nearly impossible to accurately identify the tooth type for all instances. Secondly, even if we collected a total of 850 teeth, considering the teeth were classified into 16 categories, the data size for each category is still limited. The best machine learning model can only be trained out of a large number of high-fidelity data. Admittedly, the limitation of data size affects the generalizability and robustness of the model. The limited dataset for each category may further impact the accuracy of identification, especially for visually similar category. Furthermore, the fact that our dataset was prepared with a uniform background and lighting (refer to supplementary Figure SF1) may exacerbate the model’s sensitivity to image variations, robustness to noise, and potential biases. However, in clinical scenarios, it is both impractical and immoral to extract intact teeth except for some rare cases, and the extracted intact teeth are usually limited to the wisdom teeth and premolar, which makes it extremely difficult to collect such a large number of extracted intact teeth with all categories. Additionally, our model lacks external validation on an independent dataset, which is crucial for assessing the generalizability of the model beyond the dataset used for training and testing. It will be one of our future goals to further improve and evaluate this model when larger and more diverse datasets become available. In this study, the dataset was built by taking images of teaching specimens, which are in relatively large quantity, good quality, and have a balanced per-class data size (refer to Table 1). Although the teeth still suffered from non-standard anatomies such as abrasion and caries, it is the best data quality we can get for now, and we adopted several strategies to improve the reliability of the human annotation. We believe that our efforts have provided a reasonable level of confidence in the performance of our model.


In conclusion, our model is effective in classifying isolated human tooth through a set of images. This study is the first deep learning model that classifies human tooth specimens through natural images. It has the ability to classify isolated human tooth and can serve as an assistive tool for teeth identification teaching in the future. The proposed method has potential applicability in various fields such as teaching, forensic dentistry, and archaeology.