
Thyroid cancer is the most common endocrine neoplasm, accounting for 90% of all endocrine tumours. It ranks ninth in incidence among all cancers worldwide; in 2020, the incidence rates were 10.1 per 100,000 women and 3.1 per 100,000 men [1]. Risk factors include radiation exposure at a young age, excess body weight, hormonal exposures, certain environmental pollutants, and family history [2]. Based on their histopathological characteristics, thyroid malignancies are divided into the four main subtypes papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC), follicular thyroid carcinoma (FTC), medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC), and anaplastic thyroid carcinoma (ATC); very rare variants include primary thyroid lymphoma or sarcoma. Of the main subtypes, PTC is predominant and accounts for 80% of all thyroid carcinomas, followed by FTC, accounting for 10–20% of thyroid malignancies [3]. During the past 40 years, the incidence of thyroid cancer, particularly PTC, has risen, which has been attributed to improved imaging modalities and to increasing prevalence of certain risk factors [1, 4].

Whereas PTC and FTC can be successfully treated surgically and with radioiodine therapy, therapeutic options for advanced stage IV MTC and for ATC are limited, and 5-year survival rates are about 28% and 5–7%, respectively, despite improvements in therapy in recent years [51]. Furthermore, a no-template control and a human reference RNA (Agilent Technologies, Böblingen, Germany) were measured. Analyses were performed on an Mx3005P apparatus using the MxPro version 4.10d software (Agilent Technologies, Böblingen, Germany). After 40 cycles (50 min at 30 °C, 2 min at 95 °C [15 s at 95 °C, 45 s at 60 °C] × 40), a logarithmic analysis at a threshold of 50 was done. Data were normalised as follows: dCt (Norm) = 40 - ΔCt (Ct (receptor) - Ct (CALM2)). Finally, dCt values ≥19.00 were obtained, which were used for the subsequent calculations.

Statistical analysis

SPSS (IBM, Armonk, NY, USA) was used for statistical analysis. Because the data were not normally distributed (Kolmogorov-Smirnov-test), Kruskal-Wallis test, Mann-Whitney test, Chi-square test, Kendall’s τ-b test or Spearman’s rank correlation was performed. For survival analysis, the Kaplan-Meier method with a log-rank test was used. P values ≤0.05 were considered statistically significant.


Whole-block samples


Representative examples of the immunostainings for SSTs, CXCR4 and Ki-67 are depicted in Fig. 2. Overall, the antibodies against SSTs and CXCR4 produced distinct immunostaining of the plasma membrane but also of the cytoplasm of the tumour cells. Apart from (and independent of) staining in the tumour cells, strong expression of the receptors was found on the tumour capillaries in many cases (Fig. 2B, E, F).

Figure 3 shows the IRS values and the numbers of the thyroid cancer samples, subdivided according to the four entities, that were positive (IRS ≥3) for the different SSTs and CXCR4. For all receptors, but especially SST2, SST4, SST5, and CXCR4, expression levels varied considerably among the individual patients, which is reflected by the large number of outliers and the length of the boxes and whiskers depicted in Fig. 3A. However, SST and CXCR4 expression levels were generally very low in the thyroid cancer samples investigated. Overall, SST2 was the most prominently expressed receptor, followed by SST5, SST4, and CXCR4. SST2 was present in 38% of the samples overall (IRS ≥3), but the median IRS for SST2 across all four entities was only 2.0. Between the different entities, the median IRS varied between 1.5 (MTC) and 2.4 (ATC). SST5 was found in 5–20% of tumours, with a median IRS of 1.0 across all four entities; IRS for SST5 varied between 0.5 (FTC) and 2 (MTC). SST4 was expressed in 0–16% of the carcinoma samples. Here, the median IRS was 1.0 across all four entities and varied between 0 (FTC) and 1.5 (MTC, ATC). For SST1 and SST3, none of the tumour samples reached an IRS of 3, the cut-off value for receptor positivity. Accordingly, the median IRS for these receptors in each entity and across all entities was 0. CXCR4 was present in 12.5% of MTC and 25% of ATC samples. The median IRS for CXCR4 in ATC was 1.0 but for all other entities it was 0. Thus, across all tumours, the median IRS for CXCR4 was also 0. Significant differences between the four thyroid carcinoma entities with regard to receptor expression were only observed for SST4 and CXCR4. ATC displayed significantly higher SST4 IRS values than did FTC (Mann-Whitney test: p = 0.013) and significantly higher CXCR4 IRS values than did PTC (Mann-Whitney test: p = 0.034) or FTC (Mann-Whitney test: p = 0.041).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Expression profiles of the somatostatin receptor (SST) subtypes SST1, SST2, SST3, SST4, and SST5 and the chemokine receptor CXCR4 in whole-block thyroid cancer samples at the protein level, separated by the four tumour entities. (A): Box plots of the expression levels (Immunoreactivity Score [IRS] values) as determined by immunohistochemistry of the SSTs and CXCR4. Median values, upper and lower quartiles, minimum and maximum values, and outliers are depicted. The outliers are defined as follows: circles: mild outliers, 1.5–3 times more extreme than the upper or lower quartiles; asterisks: extreme outliers, > 3 times as extreme as the upper or lower quartiles. (B): Percentage of tumours positive for the different SSTs and CXCR4. Only tumours with an IRS ≥3 were considered positive

The median Ki-67 index (i.e., the percentage of Ki-67 positive nuclei out of all nuclei) for all samples examined was 10.87. Differences in expression of Ki-67 were observed between PTC and FTC on the one hand (median Ki-67 index of 6.2 and 5.7, respectively) and MTC and ATC on the other (median Ki-67 index of 20.7 and 36.9, respectively) (Fig. 4A). These differences were statistically significant (Kruskal-Wallis test: p < 0.001; pairwise Mann-Whitney tests: PTC vs. MTC: p = 0.013; PTC vs. ATC: p < 0.001; FTC vs. MTC: p = 0.008; FTC vs. ATC: p < 0.001).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Ki-67 expression at the protein level in whole-block thyroid cancer samples and influence of the level of Ki-67 expression on patient overall survival. A: Box plots of the of the Ki-67 index (%) as determined by immunohistochemistry, separated by the four tumour entities. Median values, upper and lower quartiles, minimum and maximum values, and outliers are depicted. The outliers are defined as follows: circles: mild outliers, 1.5–3 times more extreme than the upper or lower quartiles; asterisks: extreme outliers, > 3 times as extreme as the upper or lower quartiles. B: Overall survival of patients with thyroid carcinoma in dependence of the Ki-67 level of the tumour. The overall median Ki-67 value of 10.87% was set as the cut-off value between low and high Ki-67 expression. Log-rank test: p = 0.001; Breslow test: p = 0.002. “Censored”: in the Kaplan-Meier curves the small vertical ticks mark individual patients whose survival times have been “right censored”. These patients did not experience the event of interest (cancer-related death) for the duration of the study and were still alive at the end of the observation period

SST2 immunostaining was positively correlated with SST1 (rsp = 0.361, p = 0.006) and SST5 expression (rsp = 0.330, p = 0.013); and SST3 immunostaining with SST4 expression (rsp = 0.346, p = 0.009) (Table 5). Furthermore, SST3 (rsp = 0.351, p = 0.008), SST4 (rsp = 0.398, p = 0.002), SST5 (rsp = 0.277, p < 0.038), and CXCR4 expression (rsp = 0.298, p = 0.028) displayed a positive interrelationship with Ki-67 index (Table 5).

Table 5 Correlations between expression intensities of the different SSTs, CXCR4 and Ki-67 in the thyroid carcinoma cases investigated

Positive associations were observed between SST3 expression and patient age (rsp = 0.264, p = 0.003), tumour diameter (rsp = 0.358, p = 0.030) or T stage (τ = 0.371, p = 0.004), and between SST4 expression and patient age (rsp = 0.268, p = 0.030). A negative correlation was observed between SST5 expression and overall survival (rsp = − 0.293, p = 0.032). Patients who were still alive at the end of the observation period showed significantly lower SST4 IRS values than did those who had died (mean ± S.E.M.: alive: 0.79 ± 0.18; deceased: 1.67 ± 0.37; Mann-Whitney test: p = 0.017). In the respective Kaplan-Meier analyses, however, only a tendency towards a worse outcome in patients with SST4-positive tumours (IRS ≥ 3) was noted (Log-rank test: p = 0.135; Breslow test: p = 0.129). Similar results were obtained when using the median IRS value of 1.0 as cut-off (Log-rank test: p = 0.127; Breslow test: p = 0.118) or an IRS value of 0.415 determined by ROC analysis to represent the optimal threshold for discrimination between groups (Log-rank test: p = 0.103; Breslow test: p = 0.088). Furthermore, a positive interrelationship between CXCR4 expression and patient age was observed (rsp = 0.176, p = 0.050). Between Ki-67 expression and patient age (rsp = 0.343, p = 0.010), tumour diameter (rsp = 0.626, p < 0.001) or T stage (τ = 0.432; p < 0.001) a positive correlation was noted, but a negative association between Ki-67 index and patient overall survival (rsp = − 0.270, p = 0.050). The latter interrelationship was verified by a Kaplan-Meier analysis with the cut-off between high and low Ki-67 expression set at the overall median Ki-67 value of 10.87% (Fig. 4B; Log-rank test: p = 0.001; Breslow test: p = 0.002). Additionally, patients who presented with lymph node MTS at diagnosis had significantly higher Ki-67 values than did patients without lymph node MTS (mean ± S.E.M.: without lymph node MTS: 7.5% ± 1.8%; with lymph node MTS: 19.7% ± 5.2%; Mann-Whitney test: p = 0.030). No other associations between SST, CXCR4, or Ki-67 expression and clinical data were noted.

qRT-PCR analysis

At the mRNA level, CXCR4 was the most prominently expressed receptor (overall median dCT value: 35.8), followed by SST5 (overall median dCT value: 31.7), SST2 (overall median dCT value: 31.3), and SST4 (overall median dCT value: 24.6). For SST1 and SST3, the overall median dCT values were only 19, which represents the null value, corresponding to no expression (Fig. 5A). With a median dCT value of 23.5, MTC displayed a higher SST3 mRNA expression than the other three tumour entities with median dCT values of only 19 (pairwise Mann-Whitney tests: PTC vs. MTC: p = 0.045; FTC vs. MTC: p = 0.045; ATC vs. MTC: p = 0.072). With regard to SST4 mRNA expression, a significant difference was found between PTC (median dCT value: 27.8) and ATC (median dCT value: 19) (Mann-Whitney test: p = 0.039), and also for SST5, a significant difference in the dCT values was observed between PTC (median dCT value: 32.3) and ATC (median dCT value: 28.9) (Mann-Whitney test: p = 0.004). For SST1, SST2, and CXCR4, no difference in the mRNA expression levels between the four entities was noted.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Expression profiles of the somatostatin receptor (SST) subtypes SST1, SST2, SST3, SST4, and SST5 and the chemokine receptor CXCR4 and of the proliferation marker Ki-67 in whole-block thyroid cancer samples at the mRNA level, separated by the four tumour entities. A: Box plots of the expression levels (dCT values) as determined by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) of the SSTs and CXCR4. B: Box plots of the expression levels (dCT values) as determined by qRT-PCR of Ki-67. Median values, upper and lower quartiles, minimum and maximum values, and outliers are depicted. The outliers are defined as follows: circles: mild outliers, 1.5–3 times more extreme than the upper or lower quartiles; asterisks: extreme outliers, > 3 times as extreme as the upper or lower quartiles

The overall median dCT value for the proliferation marker Ki-67 was 32.1 (Fig. 5B). Whereas Ki-67 mRNA expression levels were similar for PTC (median dCT value: 31.9), FTC (median dCT value: 31.6), and MTC (median dCT value: 31.5), significantly higher values were observed for ATC (median dCT value: 35.4) (pairwise Mann-Whitney tests vs. ATC: p ≤ 0.001).

Significant correlations were observed between mRNA expression of SST1 and SST3 (rsp = 0.390, p = 0.014), SST4 and SST5 (rsp = 0.674, p < 0.001), and CXCR4 and Ki-67 (rsp = 0.398, p = 0.012).

No significant associations with the clinical data were noted for the dCT values of SSTs and CXCR4. Similar to the results obtained at the protein level, however, a significant positive interrelationship was found for the dCT values of Ki-67 with patient age (rsp = 0.337, p = 0.036), tumour diameter (rsp = 0.506, p = 0.008), and T stage (τ = 0.649, p < 0.001), and a negative correlation was found for Ki-67 dCT values with patient overall survival (rsp = − 0.374, p = 0.023). Ki-67 mRNA values were additionally higher for patients who presented with lymph node MTS at diagnosis than for those who did not (mean ± S.E.M.: without lymph node MTS: 28.7 ± 1.7; with lymph node MTS: 31.3 ± 2.1; Mann-Whitney test: p = 0.038). Furthermore, significantly higher Ki-67 dCT values were observed for patients who died during the observation period than for those who were still alive (mean ± S.E.M.: alive: 30.5 ± 0.8; dead: 32.7 ± 1.1; Mann-Whitney test: p = 0.012). This result was verified by a Kaplan-Meier analysis when taking the overall median Ki-67 dCT value of 32.1 as the cut-off value between low and high Ki-67 expression (Log-rank test: p < 0.001).

Due to their very low overall values, no correlation was observed between mRNA and protein levels for SSTs or CXCR4, but a significant interrelationship was found for Ki-67 (rsp = 0.483; p = 0.002).

Tissue Microarray analysis

The IRS values and the numbers of the MTC samples on the TMA that were positive (IRS ≥3) for SSTs and CXCR4 are depicted in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Expression profiles of the somatostatin receptor (SST) subtypes SST1, SST2, SST3, SST4, and SST5 and the chemokine receptor CXCR4 in the medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) samples on the tissue microarray (TMA) at the protein level. A: Box plots of the expression levels (Immunoreactivity Score [IRS] values) as determined by immunohistochemistry of the SSTs and CXCR4. Median values, upper and lower quartiles, minimum and maximum values, and outliers are depicted. The outliers are defined as follows: circles: mild outliers, 1.5–3 times more extreme than the upper or lower quartiles; asterisks: extreme outliers, > 3 times as extreme as the upper or lower quartiles. B: Percentage of MTC on the TMA positive for the different SSTs and CXCR4. Only tumours with an IRS ≥3 were considered positive

As in the whole-block MTC samples, the extent of SST and CXCR4 expression in the TMA tumour samples was very low overall. The median IRS for all receptors was 0. Consequently, for SST5, the IRS values determined for the TMA samples were significantly lower than those determined for the whole-block MTC samples (Mann-Whitney test: p = 0.011). The median IRS value for SST2 in the TMA samples was 0.25, which was also lower than that in the whole-block samples. However, this difference was not statistically significant (Mann-Whitney test: p = 0.304). Nonetheless, as in the MTC whole-block samples, SST2, SST4 and SST5 showed the highest overall expression also in TMA samples (Fig. 6A).

None of the TMA samples examined had an IRS ≥3 and thus positivity for SST1 or CXCR4. Among the receptors tested, SST2 was found in the most TMA samples (10.4%), followed by SST4 (6.1%), SST3 (4.2%) and SST5 (4.1%) (Fig. 6B).

The median Ki-67 index of the TMA samples was 2.8% (mean: 7.0%), the lowest value found was 0.2%, and the highest was 68.1%. Thus, the Ki-67 index in the TMA samples was overall significantly lower than that in the MTC whole-block samples (Mann-Whitney test: p < 0.001).

With the TMA samples, as with the whole-block samples, a significant positive correlation was determined between SST2 and SST4 (rsp = 0.300, p = 0.038), between SST2 and SST5 (rsp = 0.500, p < 0.001), between SST4 and SST5 (rsp = 0.343, p = 0.016), and between SST3 and Ki-67 expression (rsp = 0.330, p = 0.024). However, in the TMA samples, no other correlations between the receptors and Ki-67 were found.

As in the whole-block samples, a significant positive correlation between SST3 expression and patient age was noted in the TMA samples (rsp = 0.295, p = 0.042), but there were no correlations between Ki-67 expression and clinical data.


In contrast to the majority of the existing data for SSTs and CXCR4 (Tables 1 and 2), our investigations revealed low levels of SST and CXCR4 expression in thyroid carcinoma samples overall. One reason for this discrepancy may be that in the present study well-characterised monoclonal antibodies were used to measure expression levels, whereas in previous investigations a variety of poly- and monoclonal antibodies from various commercial and non-commercial sources was used, which might also explain the huge variability in the SST and CXCR4 expression levels among these studies. We used the IRS to evaluate the expression levels of the receptors in the cancer tissues, taking both the frequency and the intensity of expression into account. Only samples displaying an IRS ≥3 were considered positive for receptor expression. Some previous studies did not describe whether the staining frequency and intensity were both measured or which rating method was used. Because a given receptor must display at least moderately strong expression intensity (i.e., IRS ≥6) to be clinically useful as a target structure, our results indicate that very few patients with thyroid cancer would likely benefit from SST- or CXCR4-based diagnostics or therapy. In this regard, our results correspond well to previous reports that SST-based positron emission tomography (PET) or PET/computed tomography is suitable in only a selected group of thyroid cancer patients [52,53,54,55,56,57], that somatostatin analogues like octreotide show no beneficial effect in the treatment of thyroid carcinomas [52, 58], and that a very limited number of patients benefits from SST-based peptide receptor radionuclide therapy [23, 52,53,54,55]. CXCR4-based diagnostics and therapies have not yet been undertaken in thyroid carcinomas, which also indirectly supports our (largely negative) results.

Whereas no major differences in SST expression were noted between the four thyroid carcinoma entities, CXCR4 expression was significantly higher in highly malignant APC than in well-differentiated PTC and FTC. Additionally, a positive correlation between CXCR4 and Ki-67 expression data was noted. This correlation was expected because, according to the literature, CXCR4 is mainly expressed in highly malignant tumours and is associated with rapid tumour growth, early metastasis, and poor patient outcomes [9,10,11,12, 59, 60].

Independent of the presence or absence of expression in the tumour cells, SST and CXCR4 were often strongly expressed on the tumour capillaries. Similar observations have been described for many other tumour entities (e.g., [61,62,63,64,65,66,67]). Neo-angiogenesis plays an important role in the development, progression, and metastasis of many types of tumour, including thyroid carcinomas [68, 69]. Therefore, targeting of tumour microvessels using anti-SST or anti-CXCR4 therapies might represent a promising (additional) therapeutic strategy for thyroid carcinomas.

When comparing results from the TMA and the whole-block tumour samples for MTC, generally higher SST and CXCR4 expression rates were observed with the whole blocks. That discrepancy might be due to the high heterogeneity of SST and CXCR4 expression among individual tumours, which was visible in the whole-block tumour samples. Pronounced intra-individual variability in SST and CXCR4 expression is well documented in the literature for many tumour entities (e.g., [10, 11, 64, 66, 67, 70]) and has also been noted for thyroid cancer [17, 19,20,21]. This variability might have led to an underestimation of SST and CXCR4 expression in the TMA samples in our investigation. Similar observations for these receptors have been made in prostate cancer, although in that study three tissue cylinders were taken per tumour block to compensate for intraindividual heterogeneity of receptor expression [67].

The median Ki-67 index for all samples examined was 10.87, with a gradual increase from well-differentiated PTC and FTC (with a median Ki-67 index around 6) to MTC and eventually ATC (with a median Ki-67 index of about 37). These values correspond well to the data reported in the literature for the different thyroid carcinoma entities [16, 18, 71]. Furthermore, in the present study, a positive association between Ki-67 values and tumour stage and a negative correlation between Ki-67 index and patient outcomes was noted. Thus, as already proposed in the literature, Ki-67 may serve as a valuable prognostic marker in thyroid carcinomas [16, 71, 72].

The IRS values of the SST3, SST4 and SST5 positively correlated with Ki-67 values. For SST3 expression, an additional association with tumour diameter and, for SST4 and SST5 expression, a negative correlation with patient outcomes were observed. Therefore, SST expression may also serve as negative prognostic marker. This finding fits with some of the literature data on SST2 expression [19], but contrasts with others, in which either SST2 or SST5 were presented as positive predictive markers [16, 18, 21].

mRNA values in the present study showed a similar pattern to that seen at the protein level. SST2 and SST5 had the highest mRNA expression among SST subtypes, whereas very low to no mRNA expression was noted for SST1 and SST3. These findings are in concordance with the literature [14, 73, 74]. However, probably due to the low overall expression, no correlation was found for SSTs or CXCR4 between the protein and mRNA levels. By contrast, a clear-cut correlation between protein and mRNA levels was noted for Ki-67. Similar to protein levels, Ki-67 mRNA expression was highest in ATC, and there was a positive correlation between Ki-67 mRNA levels and tumour stage and a negative association between Ki-67 mRNA levels and patient outcomes. Therefore, as has been demonstrated already in the literature [72], both protein and mRNA levels of Ki-67 allow for a prognostic statement in thyroid carcinomas.


SST and CXCR4 expression levels are generally low in thyroid carcinomas. Therefore, SST- or CXCR4-based diagnostics or therapy in thyroid carcinomas should not be considered in general, although they might be feasible in single cases with high expression of these receptors. Ki-67 expression at both the protein and the mRNA levels represents a valuable prognostic marker in thyroid carcinomas.