
Of the 123 patients included in our work [1], 44 were selected according to the following familial risk history criteria: early onset (less than 35 years of age); bilateral carcinoma; more than three cases of breast cancer and more than one case of ovarian cancer in the family; more than two first degree relatives involved; and male breast cancer. We regret that in the methods section of our manuscript [1], it was erroneously stated both that the number of patients with familial history was 45 and that the criteria used for their selection was: "had either more than three cases of breast cancer and more than one case of ovarian cancer in the family; or had more than two first-degree relatives with breast cancer; or had one case of male breast cancer" (only two out of these 44 patients would have fulfilled these criteria).

Fortunately, the information regarding the familial history of our breast cancer patients was added for descriptive reasons and was not a part of any results, statistical analysis or conclusions.