
Because of the high sensitivity, mass spectrometry has been widely used for protein identification and characterization in proteome researches within the past decade[1, 2]. Shotgun proteome approach, which is based on analysis using liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), can be applied to analyze complex protein mixtures directly even without any prior purification step. Large-scale proteome profiling using multidimensional LC-MS/MS has become increasingly applied for the analysis of many biological samples, including various mammalian tissues, cell lines, and serum/plasma [38]. In shotgun proteomics, complex protein mixtures are first digested by the enzyme (e.g. trypsin) to produce peptide mixtures. Then the peptide mixtures are subjected to extensive separations such as strong cation exchange chromatography (SCX) coupling with on-line or off-line reversed-phase capillary LC (RPLC). Peptides eluting from the reversed phase capillary LC column are sprayed into tandem mass spectrometer to produce MS/MS spectra. And then peptide sequences are assigned to experimental MS/MS spectra by database searching algorithm.

SEQUEST[9], Mascot[10] and other database searching algorithms match experimental spectra with theoretical spectra which are generated from peptide sequences in silico, and then calculate scores to evaluate how well they match. These scores help discriminating between correct and incorrect peptide assignments. One of the major issues in database search for proteome analysis is to determine the false-discovery rate (FDR) of the identifications. FDR is the rate at which significant identifications are actually null[11]. A variety of methods were developed to determine FDR for peptide identifications. Some efforts have been made on establishing statistical analysis methods [1117] to determine the possibility of positive identifications, e.g. PeptideProphet[12]. Complicated statistical algorithms are often needed in these methods. Another simpler way to evaluate FDR is using decoy proteome approach which was introduced by Peng et al[18]. Determination of FDR in this method is based on the database searching using a composite database including original protein database and its reversed version. Statistically, the probability that a peptide is identified incorrectly from reversed database is expected to be same as the probability that it is identified incorrectly from original protein database as the sizes of reversed database and original database are the same [1921]. Therefore, FDR can be calculated using the following equation:

FDR = 2*n(rev)/(n(rev)+n(forw)), (1)

where n(forw) and n(rev) are the number of peptides identified in proteins with forward (original) and reversed sequences, respectively[18, 22]. The database searching strategy using composite database is also known as reversed database searching strategy. Because of the simple usage, it has been widely used in the evaluation of proteomic search results[18, 2226] including post-translation modification (PTM) researches[19, 27, 28].

SEQUEST[9] is one of the commonly used database searching algorithms. It first counts the peaks which are common in experimental and theoretical spectra, and computes a preliminary score (Sp). Then it selects a proportion of top candidate peptides based on the rank of preliminary score (Rsp) for cross-correlation analysis. So, for each candidate peptide identification, several scores and rankings are determined. To distinguish correct identifications from incorrect identifications, filters using a set of database searching scores are applied, including two commonly used scores, Xcorr and ΔCn. In order to evaluate FDR of the identifications, reversed database searching could be performed and the FDR could be determined by Equation (1). To control FDR, many research groups usually use fixed Xcorr values and manually increase ΔCn to get peptide identifications with specific FDR[3638]. And the corresponding FDR were determined as 0.75% and 1.13% for these two datasets by employing reversed database searching strategy. There were 29,951 and 14,101 peptides identified by PeptideProphet for liver tissue sample and plasma sample, respectively. Compared with PeptideProphet, the numbers of peptides identified for the two human proteome samples by SFOER were nearly the same (29,934 vs 29,951 for liver tissue sample and 14,218 vs 14,101 for plasma sample). There was 91.2% overlap of the peptide identifications between PeptideProphet and SFOER, which means majority of the identified peptides were same for both approaches (Figure 4). Detail comparison of the performances on human liver lysate between conventional criteria, PeptideProphet and SFOER is shown in Table 1. The total numbers of identified proteins are also given in Table 1. Because of the increase of peptide identifications, the protein identifications also increased obviously when SFOER was used.

Figure 4
figure 4

Overlap of peptides identified by SFOER and PeptideProphet for human liver tissue lysate. The numbers of peptide identifications by one or both algorithms are indicated, e.g., 27,272 peptides are identified by both algorithms (intersection).

Compared with the conventional approach, the numbers of identified peptides increased significantly when the filtering criteria optimized by SFOER were applied. A concern for this is that whether the increased peptide identifications are true identifications. For datasets from human liver tissue sample, 5,588 extra peptide identifications were achieved when the filtering criteria optimized by SFOER were applied. It is impossible to manually validate all of these peptide identifications. A practical way is to randomly select small portion of the increased peptide identifications and manually check with their spectra. Thus 300 out of from 5,588 extra peptides identifications were randomly selected. Each of these spectra was assessed for acceptable signal-to-noise ratio and the presence of at least three consecutive b or y ion fragments[39]. Finally 98.3% (295 out of 300) of these peptides were true positive and the false-discovery rate was very close to the overall predicted FDR. It was found that 84% (4,693 out of 5,588) of the increased peptides can also be detected by PeptideProphet at a probability cutoff of 0.9 for which the empirical error rate was 1.1%. Above results clearly demonstrated that the additional peptide identifications obtained by SFOER were quite confident. (MS/MS spectra of the increased peptide identifications using our optimized criteria can be downloaded from our website[40]).

Classification performance of SFOER was further validated by standard protein mixture. Tryptic digest of seven standard proteins was selected as the sample. And the acquired MS/MS spectra were searched against a composite database containing both forward and reversed sequences of all control proteins (including trypsin) as well as forward and reversed protein sequences from yeast, chosen for its low homology with readily available control proteins. Because the proteins present in the sample were known, correct and incorrect peptide assignments can be easily distinguished by the rule whether it is from known standard proteins. Thus actual FDR, i.e. the observed FDR, can be determined by the percentage of peptide identifications not from standard proteins among all peptide identifications, while predicted FDR was determined by Equation (1). If not otherwise stated, FDR refers to the predicted FDR. The classification performance of SFOER could be evaluated by comparing the actual and predicted FDR.

LC-MS/MS analyses of 7 standard protein mixture digest resulted in a collection of 105,000 spectra. Performance of SFOER was also compared with that of PeptideProphet using this standard protein dataset. A series sets of filtering criteria were optimized by SFOER with FDR increased from 0.005 to 0.32. Then peptide identifications with different confidence levels were generated by utilizing these optimized criteria. For PeptideProphet, manual adjustment of the probability threshold was used to generate peptide identifications with different FDR. The number of correct peptide identifications (peptide from standard proteins) and the number of incorrect peptide identifications (peptide from forward protein sequences in yeast database) are shown in Figure 5A. With the increase of FDR, SFOER showed nearly same performance with PeptideProphet except a slight improvement in the number of correct peptide identifications. And PeptideProphet showed a small increase of power in trading-off incorrect peptide identifications. Plot in Figure 5B are the observed FDR as function of the predicted FDR. It can be seen that the observed and predicted FDR matched very well for both SFOER and PeptideProphet. However, small increases of observed FDR were found for both cases. This probably because that our evaluation method didn't take commonly contaminants such as keratins into account. On the basis of above results, reversed database searching algorithm essentially provided a reasonable estimation of the actual error. The optimization by SFOER based on reversed database strategy was reasonable and FDR of peptide identifications evaluated by reversed database strategy can essentially reflect the actual FDR.

Figure 5
figure 5

Evaluation of the classification performances of SFOER and PeptideProphet with standard protein mixture. A) Number of correct and incorrect peptide identifications by SFOER and PeptideProphet under different FDR, where incorrect peptide identification indicates peptide assignment from forward yeast database while correct one is from known standard proteins and trypsin. B) Predicated and observed FDRs. Observed FDR is calculated as the number of peptide identifications not from standard proteins over total peptide identifications, while predicated FDR is calculated using equation (1). Observed FDR for SFOER are presented by open circles, while observed FDR for PeptideProphet are represented by filled circles.

GA is a very efficient algorithm and is widely used in searching for optimal or near optimal solutions. Thus, SFOER which employing GA should inherit this advantage. Approximately 277,000 spectra (12 LC-MS/MS runs) were processed by PeptideProphet and SFOER on a Pentium 4 (3.0 GHz) computer separately. The optimization procedure using SFOER took less than 4 min (10 s for 1+, 100 s for 2+ and 99 s for 3+), while the procedure for calculation of probability by PeptideProphet took about 38 min. And the IO procedures (for PeptideProphet, it consisted of assembling peptides from out files to html files and the conversion of files from html format to xml format, while for SFOER it only included the assembling of peptides from out files to plain text files) took about 40 min and 28 min for PeptideProphet and SFOER, respectively. Evidently, SFOER was much faster than PeptideProphet for which only 1/10 of time was needed for the searching of optimal criteria (without consideration of IO procedures).

For model based algorithm like PeptideProphet, accuracy relies on the fitness between the empirical model and obtained datasets. If the model accurately reflects the physical processes by which the data are generated, it can work well even for a small amount of training data. On the other hand if the data distributes in a significant way, classification errors proportional to the degree of divergence result. However, SFOER is less risky for that it does not rely on model. The pre-knowledge on the property of the dataset or making assumptions about the dataset is not required. Therefore, this approach is equally applicable to many datasets with different characteristics. However, there is one requirement for application of SFOER. As FDR for peptide identification is required during the optimization, SFOER can only process database search results performed with decoy database.

SFOER can also be easily extended to some special applications by slightly revision. Currently, SFOER only takes several SEQUEST scores such as Xcorr, ΔCn, Sp and Rsp as its weights. It was reported that some peptide properties obtained from the experiments of proteome analysis could be used to increase the confidence of peptide identifications. These properties including the pI values obtained from the isoelectric focusing (IEF)[41], hydrophobicity or elution times obtained from reversed phase LC separation (NET)[24], high accurate masses obtained from using of FT mass spectrometer[42] and so on. In principle, these properties as well as SEQUEST scores can be optimized simultaneously for filtering criteria by this software suite. And significant improvement in proteome coverage for proteome analysis is expected. Though SFOER was developed to optimize filtering criteria for SEQUEST database search, after slightly revision it should also be easily applied to the optimization of filtering criteria for other database search engines such as Mascot as long as the decoy database search strategy is applied.


A software suite, named as SFOER, was developed using predictive genetic algorithm (GA) to optimize filtering criterion for SEQUEST database searching. The optimization was based on reversed database search where FDR can be easily determined. It was demonstrated that SFOER was able to maximize the number of identified peptides without increase of FDR. Compared with statistical approach – PeptideProphet, SFOER has nearly the same classification performance but cost much less processing time. Moreover, as it did not rely on possibly unfounded assumptions about the data, SFOER can create tailored criteria for datasets which are obtained from different samples, generated from different mass spectrometers, even searched with different database searching algorithms (weights need to be altered).


Materials and reagents

Magic C18AQ (5 μm, 100 Å pore size) was purchased from Michrom BioResources (Auburn, CA, USA), and Polysulfoethyl Aspartamide (5 μm, 200Å pore) was from PolyLC Inc (Columbia, MD, USA). PEEK tubing, sleeves, microtee and microcross were obtained from Upchurch Scientific (Oak Harbor, WA, USA). Fused-silica capillaries (50, 75 and 100 μm I.D.) were purchased from Polymicro Technologies (Phoenix, AZ, USA). All the water used in the experiment was purified using a Mill-Q system (Millipore, Bedford, MA, USA). Dithiothreitol (DTT), iodoacetamide were all purchased from Sino-American Biotechnology Corporation (Bei**g, China). Urea, ammonium acetate, ammonium bicarbonate and acetic acid were obtained from Sigma (St. Louis, MO, USA). Trypsin was from Promega (Madison, WI, USA). Tris was from Amersco (Solon, Ohio, USA). Formic acid was obtained from Fluka (Buches, Germany). Acetonitrile (ACN, HPLC grade) was from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany). Protease inhibitor cocktail tablets (Complete Mini) were purchased from Roche.

Sample preparation

Human blood plasma was obtained from one healthy male donor (age 37, O type), provided by Zhuanghe Blood Center (Dalian, China). An initial protein concentration of ~95 mg/mL was determined in plasma using Bardford method. Human liver tissue was homogenized in lysis buffer (40 mM Tris, 6 M guanidine HCl, 65 mM DTT, 310 mM NaF, 3.45 mM NaVO3, protease inhibitor cocktail) and then sonicated for 180 s followed by centrifugation at 25,000 g for 1 h. The supernatant was collected as protein sample and the concentration was determined by Braford assay.

The human plasma sample and human liver tissue lysate were reduced by DTT and alkylated by iodoacetamide. Then the solutions were diluted to 1 M guanidine-HCl, and pH values were adjusted to 8.1. Finally, trypsin was added (trypsin:protein, 1:50) and the protein samples were incubated at 37°C for 20 h. Tryptic digests were desalted with a C18 solid – phase cartridge.

Tryptic digests of standard proteins were prepared by digesting of 500 pmol reduced, iodoacetamide alkylated bovine serum albumin, horse myoglobin, horse cytochrome c, chick ovalbumin, human hemoglobin, bovine β-casein and bovine α-casein. Bovine serum albumin was purchased from Roche and all other standard proteins were from Sigma-Aldrich. These digests were pooled to prepare seven protein digest mixture. The final concentrations of these proteins were ranged from 16 to 300 fmol per microliter.

LC-MS/MS analysis and database search

The configurations for 1D and 2D LC-MS/MS analysis were set as reported previously[34]. Therein, a Finnigan LTQ linear ion trap mass spectrometer (Thermo, San Jose, CA) was coupled with capillary reversed phase LC for collection of MS/MS spectra. The tryptic digest of 7 standard proteins was analyzed by 1D LC-MS/MS with 7 replicate runs and the Human sample digests were analyzed by 2D LC-MS/MS.

The acquired MS/MS spectra were searched using Turbo SEQUEST in BioWorks 3.2 software suite (Thermo Finnigan, San Jose, CA). For 7 standard proteins, database was the composite of protein sequences from yeast (9,492 entries) in forward and reverse orient as well as the forward and reversed sequences of all control proteins with trypsin and α-s2-casein (for the impurity of α-casein). The database used for two human proteome samples was a composite of normal IPI human database (v3.04, 49,078 entries) from European Bioinformatics Institute with reversed version of the same database attached in the end. MS/MS spectra were searched using fully tryptic cleavage constraints and up to two missed cleavage sites were allowed. Cysteine residues were set as static modification of +57.0215 Da and methionine residues were set as variable modification of +15.9949 Da. Mass tolerances were 2 Da for peptide and 1 Da for fragment. FDR was determined by Equation (1).

Development of software suite SFOER using GA

A Java software suite named SFOER was developed to optimize filtering criteria using GA[29]. In GA, genes (SEQUEST scores for the criteria in this study) are generally encoded into binary character strings including only 0 and 1. Chromosome is composed of a single binary string where encoded genes are assembled one by one. Each chromosome in a generation is called an individual. For our GA, four cutoff values including Xcorr, ΔCn, Sp and Rsp were encoded into binary strings respectively. And chromosome which indicated filtering criterion was encoded into a 30-bit-long string. Details are shown in Table 4.

Table 4 Parameter settings for the genetic algorithm

Definition of a fitness function for evaluating individual members of a population is perhaps the most crucial step in designing genetic algorithm. The goal in this study was to derive optimized filtering criteria that achieved maximal separation between correct and incorrect peptide identifications and generated maximum sensitivity for true positive peptide identifications under specified confidence level (e.g. >99%). However, in most proteome researches, numbers of total positive peptides were commonly unknown. Thus, we utilized the following fitness function:

F(p) = n(p), (2)

where F(p) was the fitness value for a given filtering criterion which was consisted of several cutoff values for different scores, n(p) would be the number of overall positive peptide identifications passed this filtering criterion. And when FDR of peptide identifications filtered by a criterion was higher than specification, fitness of this criterion was set to zero. This function indicates the sensitivity of a specific criterion.

The genetic algorithm makes an optimization within a cycle of several stages. It includes creation of a population of individuals (criteria), evaluation of these individuals, selection of individuals and breeding aided by genetic manipulation to create offspring population (schematic shown in Figure 6):

Figure 6
figure 6

Flowchart of the optimization procedure using genetic algorithm. It starts with the initialization phase, which randomly generates the initial population P0. Population in the next generation Pi+1 is obtained by applying genetic operators on current population Pi. Fitness for each individual (criterion) is evaluated as the number of filtered peptides. Evolution continues until a terminating condition is reached. The selection, mutation and cross-over operator are used in genetic algorithm.

  1. 1.

    Creation of the starting population: The starting point in genetic algorithm of the initial population was randomly generated. One complete chromosome was assembled of a certain number of different SEQUEST scores and the population size was set as 100.

  2. 2.

    Selection: Roulette wheel selection pattern was chosen for the determination of each individual's probability for reproduction and breeding, concerning the policy that the better a chromosome of a parent was the more descendants with the same chromosomes were reproduced. When the fitness of an individual became zero, this individual was selected as death, and replaced by a new initial individual.

  3. 3.

    Genetic manipulation: Two new breed chromosomes were then performed by a single-point cross-over, whereas genes were randomly altered along the length of a chromosome at one point according to a natural occurring cross-over. The cross-over rate was set to 0.2 and the rate of a subsequently performed point mutation, thus a binary character was changed from 1 to 0 or vice versa, was set to 0.01.

Steps 2, 3 were repeated until termination of the optimization. A stop criterion was not pre-defined, owing to limited data known about the search space. In this study, we used specific generations which can be set manually to terminate optimizations.

All database search results were processed by SFOER to generate optimized criteria on different confidence levels, and then peptide identifications were filtered by these sets of criteria. PeptideProphet which was downloaded as part of Trans-Proteomics Pipeline (TPP)[43] from The Seattle Proteome Center was also used to process these datasets. All peptides assigned from database searching were parsed by PeptideProphet to generate PeptideProphet-probability using default parameters. Manual adjustment of peptide probability threshold was used to generate peptide identifications with different confidence levels.

Availability and requirements

The SFOER is developed using Java 2 Platform Standard Edition (J2SE) Development Kit 5.0 (Sun Microsystems, Inc) and is platform independent. Java Runtime Environment 1.5.0 or higher is required. It is distributed under a GNU General Public License (GPL) and is available at