1 Introduction

The KArlsruhe TRItium Neutrino (KATRIN) experiment aims to determine the effective electron anti-neutrino mass in a model-independent way by examining the kinematics of tritium \(\upbeta \)-decays. The observable \(m^2_\nu = \sum _{i}{ \left| U_{\mathrm {e}i}\right| ^2 m^2_{i}}\) is the squared incoherent sum of neutrino-mass eigenstates \(m_{i}\) weighted by their contribution \(U_{\mathrm {e}i}\) to the electron anti-neutrino. The target sensitivity for the neutrino-mass measurement in KATRIN is 0.2 eV/c\(^2\) (at 90% CL) with three live-years of data [2]. The \(5\sigma \) discovery potential is 0.35 eV/c\(^2\). This requires a precise control of all systematic effects. The experiment is designed for a high-precision spectral shape measurement of \(\hbox {T}_2\) \(\upbeta \)-decay electrons around the endpoint of 18.6 keV. An overview of the KATRIN experiment is shown in Fig. 1. The setup [Full size image

The pre- and main spectrometer are MAC-E type high-pass filters, which can only be traversed by electrons with longitudinal kinetic energy higher than the preset potential. The isotropically emitted \(\upbeta \)-electrons are adiabatically collimated to a longitudinal motion inside the spectrometer. This is achieved by a gradual decrease of the magnetic field strength B from the entrance of the spectrometer towards its center, conserving the magnitude of the \(\upbeta \)-electron’s magnetic moment in the cyclotron motion \(\mu =E_\perp /B\) [4], with \(E_\perp \) being the transverse component of the electron’s kinetic energy with respect to the magnetic field lines. Varying the electric potential of the spectrometer allows the energy region around the endpoint of the tritium \(\upbeta \)-decay to be scanned as an integral spectrum, i.e. the rate of electrons with kinetic energy above the set filter potential [1].

Electrons passing the main spectrometer are re-accelerated by the main spectrometer potential and a post-acceleration of 10 kV at the focal-plane detector (FPD) system and are then counted by a 148-pixel silicon PIN detector [10] shown at the far right in Fig. 1. An 18-keV-wide selection window (14 keV to 32 keV) around the 28-keV electron energy peak is chosen to minimize systematic effects in counting efficiencies [1].

The observable \(m_\nu ^2\) is determined by fitting the recorded integral spectrum with a model that comprises four parameters: the normalization, the endpoint energy, the background rate, and \(m_\nu ^2\) [11]. The model is constructed from the shape of the \(\upbeta \)-decay spectrum and the response of the experimental setup. The main components of the response are the transmission function of the main spectrometer and the energy loss of electrons from elastic and inelastic scatterings in the \(\hbox {T}_2\) source. The latter is the focus of this work.

At the nominal source density, approximately 60% of all electrons scatter inelastically and lose energies between \(\approx \,\)11 eV and 9.3 keV. The upper limit of this energy transfer arises due to the fact that the primary and secondary electrons from the ionization process are indistinguishable in the measurement and always the higher energetic electron is measured. Minuscule energy losses can result in electrons with energies close to the endpoint downgraded to lower energies in the spectrum fit window. Therefore, the energy-loss function needs to be known with high precision in order to meet the systematic uncertainty budget of \(\sigma (m_\nu ^2)< {7.5} \times {{10}^{-3}}{\hbox {eV}^{2}}\) [2] reserved for this individual systematic.

Theoretical differential cross sections for 18.6-keV electrons scattering off molecular tritium are not available at the required precision for the \(m_\nu ^2\) measurements. While data from energy-loss measurements for gaseous tritium or deuterium from the former neutrino mass experiments in Troitsk and Mainz [12, 13] exist, the precision is not sufficient to achieve the KATRIN design sensitivities. Other more precise experimental data on the energy losses of electrons with energies near the tritium \(\upbeta \)-decay endpoint energy are only available for molecular hydrogen as the target gas [13,14,15]. In this paper we report the results of the in-situ measurements of the energy-loss function in the KATRIN experiment.

We used a monoenergetic and angular-selective electron gun, of the type described in [16], mounted in the rear section (far left in Fig. 1), which allowed us to probe the response of the entire KATRIN setup, including the energy loss in tritium gas.

We begin this paper in Sect. 2 with a brief introduction to existing energy-loss function models and continue with the description of the novel semi-empirical parametrization developed in this work. In Sect. 3, the measurement approaches of the integral as well as the novel differential time-of-flight measurements are explained, including a description of the working principle of the electron gun used for these measurements. The analysis of the tritium data using a combined fit is presented in Sect. 4 including a detailed discussion of the systematic uncertainties of the measurements. Additional measurement results for the energy-loss function in deuterium gas are provided in Sect. 4.3. We conclude this paper in Sect. 5 by summarizing and discussing our results in the context of the neutrino-mass-sensitivity goal of KATRIN.