Extended Data Fig. 6: Structural overview. | Nature Cardiovascular Research

Extended Data Fig. 6: Structural overview.

From: A bispecific antibody approach for the potential prophylactic treatment of inherited bleeding disorders

Extended Data Fig. 6

Crystal structures of Aa) anti-FVII Fab of HMB-001 bound to FVIIa:sTF complex, Bb) Addition of the predicted structure of the Gla domain of FVIIai (yellow colour) and FX/FXa (grey colour) based on an overlay of the crystal structure of FVIIai:sTF from:1DAN89 and a model of the FVIIa:sTF:FXa complex90, respectively and Cc) anti-TLT-1 Fab of HMB-001 bound to sTLT-1 stalk peptide. FVIIai, active-site inhibited FVIIa-desGLA; sTF, soluble fragment of tissue factor; Gla domain, N-terminal γ-carboxyglutamic domain; FXa, coagulation activated factor X; sTLT-1, soluble fragment of TREM-like transcript 1.

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