Extended Data Fig. 4: Effect of HMB-001 on normal platelet aggregation. | Nature Cardiovascular Research

Extended Data Fig. 4: Effect of HMB-001 on normal platelet aggregation.

From: A bispecific antibody approach for the potential prophylactic treatment of inherited bleeding disorders

Extended Data Fig. 4

Platelet rich plasma from healthy donors (n = 3) was incubated with 0 or 100 nM HMB-001 and activated with different activators while stirring at 900 rpm at 37 °C. Subsequent platelet aggregation was monitored with light transmission for 15 min. Shown are representative light transmission aggregometry traces in a single donor when activated with a) 5 µM ADP, b) 5 µM Epinephrine, c) 4 µg/mL Collagen, or d) 10 µM PAR-1 AP.

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