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Extended Data Fig. 2: Doxycycline promotes cell survival through attenuation of mitochondrial translation. | Nature Metabolism

Extended Data Fig. 2: Doxycycline promotes cell survival through attenuation of mitochondrial translation.

From: Tetracyclines promote survival and fitness in mitochondrial disease models

Extended Data Fig. 2

a, Mitochondrial protein synthesis (%DMSO) versus antibiotic concentration based on band quantification relative to DMSO from Fig. 2b (n = 2 experiments). b, 35S-labelled cysteine and methionine pulse in cybrid cells treated with doxycycline at 1 μM or 10 μM with a 48 hour pre-treatment and 1 hour pulse (n = 2 experiments). c, Western blot of MRPL4 in sgMRPL4 ND1 cybrid cells. d, Western blot of GFM2 in sgGFM2 ND1 cybrid cells.

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