Extended Data Fig. 2: Relative change in P uptake. | Nature Sustainability

Extended Data Fig. 2: Relative change in P uptake.

From: Phosphorus for Sustainable Development Goal target of doubling smallholder productivity

Extended Data Fig. 2

P uptake in 2030, relative to 2015 values, expressed as ratio, for the BASE and SDG2 scenarios. Note that for the SDG2 P uptake, doubling (factor 2) was the target, imposed on the model. While the results are aggregated for regions, the calculations were performed on a country basis. Where (the agricultural area) of a country was newly added or removed in the model calculation between 2015 and 2030, this caused slight deviations from factor 2. Acronym description: SSA: Sub-Saharan Africa, SEA: South East Asia, MENA: Middle East and North Africa, CSA: Central and South Asia.

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