The swimming crab, Portunus trituberculatus, is one of the important economic crabs in the Chinese marine fisheries and mariculture industry. It has a wide distribution in the coastal areas of South-East Asia and has been farmed for more than 30 years1,2,3. Over the past few decades, the consumption of swimming crab has gradually increased due to the delicious taste and versatile nutrients4. Among the main producers, China ranked first with an annual production of 559,796 tons according to the China Fisheries Statistical Yearbook (2022) published by the Ministry of Agriculture, China. However, with the development of intensive farming and marine fishing industry in recent years, germplasm resources of P. trituberculatus have dramatically declined due to over-exploitation and environmental deterioration5,6. In addition, the heavy demand for wild parents from artificial propagation resulted in the decline of the genetic diversity of the natural populations7. Such episodes emphasize the vital nature of monitoring the genetic diversity of P. trituberculatus populations to protect germplasm resources and facilitate molecular marker-assisted breeding (MAS).

Investigating the genetic diversity of species is a prerequisite for the effective exploration and utilization of germplasms8. A high level of genetic diversity indicates strong biological survivability and environmental adaptation, which is required for sustained genetic improvement and stable inheritance of desirable traits9. Conversely, low genetic diversity can lead to reduced adaptability and viability, and ultimately to the degradation of species10. In aquaculture, genetic diversity constitutes a fundamental resource to improve the quality of stock11. However, for breeding populations of P. trituberculatus, long-term artificial directional selection eventually leads to a decline in genetic diversity12. Moreover, it is difficult to recover the declining genetic diversity caused by overfishing13. To formulate an effective conservation strategy, it is necessary to evaluate the genetic diversity and population structure of P. trituberculatus. In our previous study, SNP markers determined by genoty**-by-sequencing (GBS) revealed a low level of genetic diversity in P. trituberculatus along the coastal waters of China14. To evaluate the impact of the massive releases on natural populations, the researchers monitored the temporal variations in genetic diversity and structure in Pan** and Yingkou using microsatellite markers, which suggested that the large-scale stock enhancement of P. trituberculatus presented potential genetic risks to wild populations15,16. However, hatchery stock enhancements resulted in no reduction in genetic diversity for wild populations of P. trituberculatus in the Yangtze Estuary33. Principal component analysis (PCA) was carried out using Canoco 4.5 to elucidate genetic relationships within and among P. trituberculatus populations. Based on the 40 polymorphic SSR loci, Bayesian model-based population genetic structure was inferred using STRUCTURE version 2.3.434. The putative number of populations (K) was set from 1 to 10 with 3 replicate simulations for each K value using 100,000 MCMC (Markov Chain Monte Carlo) iterations after an initial 100,000 burn-in period. With the log probability of data (LnP(D)) and an ad hoc statistic ΔK based on the rate of change in LnP(D) between successive K-values, the structure output was entered into Structure Harvester35,36 to determine the optimum K value. The best K value was analyzed by CLUMPP37 and visualized with Distruct 1.1 software38.