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Extended Data Fig. 2: MAGUK and Gephyrin puncta numbers in OPCs increase during early development and exhibit small differences across CNS regions. | Nature Neuroscience

Extended Data Fig. 2: MAGUK and Gephyrin puncta numbers in OPCs increase during early development and exhibit small differences across CNS regions.

From: Synaptic input and Ca2+ activity in zebrafish oligodendrocyte precursor cells contribute to myelin sheath formation

Extended Data Fig. 2

(a) Quantification of MAGUK (green) and Gephyrin (magenta) puncta number per OPC in the spinal cord at different ages by IHC. From left, n = 20, 18, 8, 17, 24, and 8 cells from at least 6 fish per condition. (b) Quantification of MAGUK (green) and Gephyrin (magenta) puncta number per OPC at 3 dpf across different CNS regions. FB&MB, forebrain and midbrain; HB, hindbrain; SC, spinal cord. From left, n = 34, 59, 43, 34, 18, and 40 cells from at least 10 fish per condition. (c) Schematic model showing the neuron-rich (NR) and axon & synapse-rich (AR) regions and two representative images showing OPCs with soma localized to NR (top) and AR (bottom) regions in Tg(olig1:Kalta4,10xUAS:myrGFP) spinal cord. (d) Quantification of MAGUK (green) and Gephyrin (magenta) puncta number per OPCs in NR or AR regions at 2-3 dpf. From left, n = 14, 5, 15, and 10 cells from at least 5 fish per condition. All data are represented as mean ± SEM; N.S., not significant (exact p values are provided in Source Data); (a-b) Kruskal-Wallis test followed by Dunn’s multiple comparison test; (d) two-sided Mann-Whitney test; scale bar 5 μm.

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