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Extended Data Fig. 7: GCaMP6f responses of V1 cells in the awake versus the anesthetized state. | Nature Methods

Extended Data Fig. 7: GCaMP6f responses of V1 cells in the awake versus the anesthetized state.

From: Fast optical recording of neuronal activity by three-dimensional custom-access serial holography

Extended Data Fig. 7

(a) Fluorescence images of 36 cells (L2/3; two experiments; one animal) that passed the test for significant tuning response in both states (p≤0.03, bootstrap test). Values below indicate the z position below pia. (b) Single-trial fluorescence responses of cell #31 to the preferred orientation (150°) in the awake state (left) and in the anesthetized state under 0.25 % isoflurane (right). Traces in the awake state are color-coded according the maximum speed of locomotion of the animal. (c) Single-trial fluorescence responses of 24 cells by choosing for each cell the stimulus trial of maximum integral response in the awake (left) and anesthetized (right) state, using the same color code as in (b). (d) Overlaid histograms of response amplitude for the best stimulus across all trials and all cells in the awake (red) and anesthetized (gray) state. Responses with amplitude above 0.15 have low counts and are omitted from the figure. The zero response bar was cropped at the top. (e) Measured cell-averaged response probability in single trials (mean; 10 repetitions; SD error). Trial responses to the best stimulus, as judged from the average response, were considered as positive when their amplitude was at least three times larger than baseline noise, otherwise as failures. Number of animals given in brackets. (f) Trail-averaged integral response amplitude for the best stimulus for all cells when recorded in the awake (red) and anesthetized (black) state. Connecting lines indicate data belonging to the same cell with red lines for cells featuring larger response in the awake state. (g) Standard Deviation (SD) of trial responses for the best stimulus normalized to the mean of the response for cells when recorded in the awake (red) and (black) anesthetized state. Lines connect data belonging to the same cell with red lines for cells showing increased variance under isoflurane.

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