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Extended Data Fig. 6: Single trial visual responses in a cell population. | Nature Methods

Extended Data Fig. 6: Single trial visual responses in a cell population.

From: Fast optical recording of neuronal activity by three-dimensional custom-access serial holography

Extended Data Fig. 6

(a) 3D coordinates of cells in the dataset (same as in Fig. 5b–h). (b) GCaMP6f fluorescence images of all cells in the dataset. (c) False-color representation of GCaMP6f fluorescence responses to visual contrast grating stimuli (vertical dotted lines). Shown are the responses in trials no 1, 3, 6 and 19 of a total of 20 trials (trial average shown in Fig. 5b) together with the locomotion velocity as horizontal color bar. The orientation of stimulus gratings, same for all trials, are shown on the very top.

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