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Extended Data Fig. 6: Additional data related to Fig. 4. | Nature Immunology

Extended Data Fig. 6: Additional data related to Fig. 4.

From: X-CHIME enables combinatorial, inducible, lineage-specific and sequential knockout of genes in the immune system

Extended Data Fig. 6

(a) Heat map of genes used to annotate UMAP clusters of 10x scRNA-seq from bone marrow samples of BMCs (as in Fig. 4f). Note values added to the heat map represent the intensity of saturated values that exceed the intensity scale. (b) UMAP clustering of 10x scRNA-seq from spleen samples of BMCs (as in Fig. 4a). (c) Heat map of genes used to annotate UMAP clusters of 10x scRNA-seq from spleen samples of BMCs (as in Extended Data Fig. 6b). (d, e) Quantification of cell cluster proportions from the spleen within each cluster (d) or within each BMC group (e). Data are representative of one experiment with nā€‰=ā€‰3 mice per group.

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