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Extended Data Fig. 8: cTFH responses following immune recall. | Nature Immunology

Extended Data Fig. 8: cTFH responses following immune recall.

From: Establishment and recall of SARS-CoV-2 spike epitope-specific CD4+ T cell memory

Extended Data Fig. 8

(a) Representative staining of PD-1 expression on ICOS+CD38+ cTFH in a convalescent subject post-vaccination. (b) ICOS and PD-1 co-expression on TET751+ cTFH (blue) compared to total cTFH (grey) prior to and following vaccination. (c) Correlation between pre-vaccine TET751+ cTFH frequency and post-vaccine neutralising antibody titre for participants from the convalescent vaccine cohort (square) and 3rd dose naïve vaccine cohort (circle). Statistics assessed by Spearman correlation (n = 15).

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