Extended Data Fig. 2: Cell line engineering scheme in MB231 and HEK293 cells, and flow cytometry quantitation of inducible expression in selected HEK293 clones. | Nature Chemical Biology

Extended Data Fig. 2: Cell line engineering scheme in MB231 and HEK293 cells, and flow cytometry quantitation of inducible expression in selected HEK293 clones.

From: Nonmonotone invasion landscape by noise-aware control of metastasis activator levels

Extended Data Fig. 2

(a) Cell line engineering steps and corresponding annotations for different sets of engineered cells, indicating the chosen parental LP clones and corresponding mNF clones. Low- and high-noise clones of both mNF-GFP and mNF-BACH1 clones were labelled GL, GH and BL, BH, respectively. (b) Representative dose-responses of fluorescence intensity histograms from low-noise mNF-GFP (GL), mNF-BACH1 (BL) and high-noise mNF-GFP (GH), mNF-BACH1 (BH) 293 clones measured at 0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 100 ng ml1 Dox levels, respectively. (c) Dose-responses of mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) for low-noise mNF-GFP (GL), mNF-BACH1 (BL) and high-noise mNF-GFP (GH), mNF-BACH1 (BH) 293 clones (n = 3). (d) Dose-responses of coefficient of variation (CV) from low-noise mNF-GFP (GL), mNF-BACH1 (BL) and high-noise mNF-GFP (GH), mNF-BACH1 (BH) 293 clones (n = 3).

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