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Extended Data Fig. 3: Expression of H3K36 KMTases and the role of H3K36me2 during male germline development. | Nature Genetics

Extended Data Fig. 3: Expression of H3K36 KMTases and the role of H3K36me2 during male germline development.

From: NSD1-deposited H3K36me2 directs de novo methylation in the mouse male germline and counteracts Polycomb-associated silencing

Extended Data Fig. 3

a, Dynamics of expression of H3K36 KMTases across prenatal male germ cell development. FPKM values were extracted from RNA-seq data from a previous study34. The window of global de novo DNAme is shaded in yellow. b, Breeding scheme to obtain germline-specific Nsd1 KO PSG and sorting strategy for PSG purification, as in Extended Data Fig. 1c. A microscopy image of GFP expression in E16.5 testis is shown (scale bar, 500 μm) as well as a representative FACS plot for control testis, with PSG representing 3.1% of total testis cells in this experiment. c, Tracks showing coverages and junctions of RNA-seq reads over the Nsd1 locus in Nsd1 HET and KO E16.5 PSG. Note that the exon between the two loxP sites (shaded in yellow) is efficiently excised (>99%) in the KO. d, Bar graph showing the % genomic coverage of H3K36me2 and H3K36me3 in Nsd1 HET versus KO E16.5 PSG. e, Scatterplot showing the correlation of H3K9me3 (RPKM) over 10-kb genomic bins in Nsd1 HET versus KO E16.5 PSG. f, Scatterplot showing H3K9me3 versus H3K36me2 enrichment (RPKM over 10-kb genomic bins) in Nsd1 KO E16.5 PSG.

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