Extended Data Fig. 3: Ejecta cone orientation. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 3: Ejecta cone orientation.

From: The Dimorphos ejecta plume properties revealed by LICIACube

Extended Data Fig. 3

The blue curve, obtained by matching the position angle of the ejecta cone in image ID1, corresponds to the solutions of the ejecta cone axis direction that are mathematically possible. The yellow dot indicates our solution of RA, DEC: 137°, + 19° constrained by comparing the simulated ejecta cones with the LUKE images in Extended Data Fig. 1 and its uncertainty region is illustrated by the transparent purple circle. DART incoming direction (just before the impact) of RA, DEC: 127°, + 18° and the impact point at RA, DEC: 143°, + 12° are given as references.

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