Extended Data Fig. 7: Extended analyses of heritability enrichment in murine brain cell types. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 7: Extended analyses of heritability enrichment in murine brain cell types.

From: The molecular cytoarchitecture of the adult mouse brain

Extended Data Fig. 7

a, Correlation plot of p-value enrichment scores (one-sided MC test from scDRS, FDR-corrected, Methods) for each cell type across different scDRS settings: A) default parameters (Methods) B) MAGMA gene z-score > 2.5, C) control gene set size of 2,000, D) control gene set size of 500, E) input expression dataset at the single-cell level (versus pseudocells), F) adjust for cell type proportions. b, FDR-adjusted -log10 p-value enrichment scores for each cell type, grouped and coloured by main region, for an extended set of GWAS-measured traits. Squares and triangles denote excitatory and inhibitory clusters, respectively; glia are shown in grey on the far right of each plot. P-values computed by scDRS using a one-sided MC test. c, Dot plot of the expression of key cortical pyramidal cell type markers within the eight isocortical clusters that were significantly enriched (p-value < 0.05, computed by scDRS using one-sided MC test, FDR-corrected) for schizophrenia heritability.

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