Extended Data Fig. 5: Extended analyses of neurotransmitter and neuropeptide usage across the brain. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 5: Extended analyses of neurotransmitter and neuropeptide usage across the brain.

From: The molecular cytoarchitecture of the adult mouse brain

Extended Data Fig. 5

a, Stacked bar plots of the number of cell types with confident map**s in each deep CCF region (conf. value > 0.3, Methods), sub-setted by neurotransmitter group. Deep CCF regions are coloured on the left by their corresponding major brain region. b, Representative sections showing the confident map**s of all cell types within three neurotransmitter groups (conf. value > 0.3, Methods). c, Violin plots of the number of neuropeptides expressed in each cluster, stratified by main brain region. d, Dot plot showing scaled Slide-seq counts per 10,000 of ligand-receptor pairs across main brain regions.

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