Extended Data Fig. 9: Duration of wasting episodes by child age and region. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 9: Duration of wasting episodes by child age and region.

From: Child wasting and concurrent stunting in low- and middle-income countries

Extended Data Fig. 9

Duration of wasting episodes that began in each age category, overall (n = 787–1,940 episodes per age category) and stratified by region (Africa: 377–916 episodes, Latin America: n = 11–25 episodes, South Asia: n = 410–1,146 episodes). The ‘Birth’ age category includes measurements in the first 7 days of life and the ‘0–3’ age category includes ages from 8 days up to 3 months. Estimates were pooled across cohorts using the median of medians method60. Vertical bars indicate 95% CI around the pooled estimates, and grey points indicate cohort-specific estimates. Episodes are assumed to start halfway between non-wasted and wasted measurements, and end halfway between the last wasted measurement and first recovered estimate. Birth episodes start at birth, so episodes at birth are generally shorter that post-birth episodes with the same number of wasted measurements.

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