Extended Data Fig. 9: Chemical iNOS inhibition and antibody-mediated cell depletion of monocytes and neutrophils in vivo as well as treatment with the nitric oxide donor SNAP in vitro suggest a role for iNOS expressing myeloid cells in the control of established MHC-deficient and IFN-unresponsive melanomas. | Nature

Extended Data Fig. 9: Chemical iNOS inhibition and antibody-mediated cell depletion of monocytes and neutrophils in vivo as well as treatment with the nitric oxide donor SNAP in vitro suggest a role for iNOS expressing myeloid cells in the control of established MHC-deficient and IFN-unresponsive melanomas.

From: CD4+ T cell-induced inflammatory cell death controls immune-evasive tumours

Extended Data Fig. 9

a,b, Individual tumour growth curves of established HCmel12 Ciita-KO or HCmel12 Jak1-KO melanomas treated as indicated (L-NIL, iNOS-inhibitor). c, Experimental treatment protocol for antibody-mediated depletion of neutrophils and inflammatory monocytes. d, Individual tumour growth curves of established melanomas treated as indicated. e, Left: Representative gating strategy to evaluate the depletion of monocytes and neutrophils. Right: Flow cytometric percentages of monocytes and neutrophils in the blood 5 and 12 days post-CD4 ACT (mean ± SEM from 4-6 biologically independent samples). f, Experimental protocol to assess the ability of the inflammatory mediators TNF, IFNγ and the nitric oxide donor SNAP to induce melanoma cell death. g, h, Representative flow cytometric contour plots to assess cell death of mouse and human melanomas treated as indicated.

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